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Case Histories search in English

This table shows the case histories that are published in the Vibrionics Newsletters.   This is just a sample list and not a full representation of all the cases treated by Vibrionics practitioners.  Please click on the Red text link in each row to see the case history details in a new window.
YYYY MMM Vol IssCountryCase History TitleLink to the case detailsCombo categoriesPract. No.Link for CSV file only
0_21000en_1000enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishVaricose Veins, Arthritis and Osteoporosis Click here3.Circulatory System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11520 70-year-old female atient approached the ractitioner in April, 2013. There was ain and bleeding from the veins of the feet for the ast two months. The skin on her feet had turned black. She had also been suffering from joint ain and osteoporosis for the ast three years. The ractitioner felt that the atient should be treated for varicose veins, arthritis and osteoporosis. She was already on allopathic treatment. She was given: / #1. CC3.7 Circulation + C12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles and Supportive tissues + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures…TDS/ Within 15 days, the bleeding from the feet stopped completely. After another one month, 100 % improvement from varicose veins was reported and the colour of the skin also became normal. The treatment for arthritis & osteoporosis is continuing. / Patient’s testimonial: “The atient says that she is very happy with SAI for giving her this safe and free system. She was fed up with the expensive and ainful injections. She now tells one and all to seek vibrionics healing which is free and without side effects.”
0_21001en_1001enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishUrinary Tract Infection (UTI) Click here13.Kidney and Bladder11520 75-year-old lady had a history of frequent urinary tract infections. Each time she had to take antibiotics, even by injection but the roblem would come back. This time she had the UTI for one week with ain in the lower abdomen, burning sensations while assing urine and increased frequency of urination. She had to discontinue the antibiotics as it caused nausea. She was given: / #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.2 Kidney and Bladder infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS / Within 15 days, the burning sensation while assing urine had stopped and there was no abdominal ain. In another week the atient reported that she was able to hold her urine and was nearly almost completely cured of her UTI. As er her reports the us cells also came down from 18-20 to 6. The atient has also been suffering from high blood ressure and colitis. For this she was rescribed: / #2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC4.6 Diarrhoea…TDS The treatment for Colitis and Blood ressure is continuing./ Patient’s testimonial: em“I have full faith in this medicine and treatment. I am surprised how without antibiotic medicine or i/ememntravenous injections, my urine infection was cured and 20% us cell count was reduced to only 5/emem%/emem. I have been on allopathic medicine, which have brought temporary relief. However due to the ill effects of these medicines which cause nausea, acidity, appetite loss and also fluctuations in BP, I have decided not to take them. I thank God that I came in contact with the ractitioner and am getting fruitful results.” /em/spanemLabo/ememr/emema/ememt/ememo/ememry reports of the atient are available./em !–![endif]—-/
0_21002en_1002enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHairline Fracture, Prostate and HypertensionClick here3.Circulatory System;14.Male Organs;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11520‘= ractitioner sup02860 /sup was approached in September 2011 by a 45-year-old male atient who suffered an accident in the year 2005. He had an upper left hip hairline fracture consequent to which he was kept on traction for six months. Due to incorrect rocedures, he was subsequently confined to bed with no movement ossible without the help of a walker. His hip joints had fused due to oor circulation and osteoporosis had set in. The doctors had suggested hip replacement as the only recourse. He also had a roblem in assing urine and was suffering from rostate and hypertension, unable to even lift his legs. He was taking allopathic medicine for hypertension only. The remedies given were: / #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC14.2 Prostate + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD / #2. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis +/ margin-left:5.65ptCC20.7 Fractures…6TD / margin-left:5.65ptFive months later, he left the walker and was able to carry the weight of his legs with some support. The dosage was reduced to TDS. However, the muscles in the waist and thighs were not flexible and there was ain. After one year of treatment, the atient was much better with no ain in his legs and waist. He could get up romptly now and could walk without support although his legs still seemed to come together. During the course of the treatment, there were many ullouts which manifested as urine infection, vomiting, acidity, extreme ain and irritability. These were handled as they came only with vibrionics. / margin-left:5.65ptThe atient’s wife was so inspired by the recovery that she herself did the AVP course. Shortly thereafter, she was able to begin treating her husband on her own. In June, 2013 he complained of ain at different locations in his arms at different times. As he was still suffering from high blood ressure and osteoporosis (due to Vitamin “D” deficiency) he was given: / margin-left:5.65pt#3. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.2 Child tonic (which includes Vitamin “D”) + CC13.1 Kidney tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4/ margin-left:5.65ptMuscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt!–[endif]—-Within 39 Days the ain in the arms had disappeared and there was 75% Improvement. The ain would only start on doing continuous work with that hand. In two months time there has been 99% improvement and the ain has all disappeared. The vibrionics treatment for blood ressure & osteoporosis is continuing. The atient is taking allopathic treatment only for high blood ressure. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em’The hopes which were lost, have come to life again because of Vibrionics. I was in a helpless situation from June and I couldn’t do my own work without support. But from last 40 days, there has been slow but steady improvement and now I can again erform routine activities without any support. Thanks.”/em / / / !–![endif]—-/
0_21003en_1003enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishMultiple Problems Click here4.Digestive System;5.Ears;13.Kidney and Bladder;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11520‘= margin-left:36.65ptA 79-year-old man approached the ractitioner with multiple roblems. He was diabetic and had an enlarged rostate. He had also been suffering from constipation for the ast thirty years. Recently he had been suffering from a stiff back, frozen shoulder, deafness, enlarged liver and a frequent urge to urinate. The treatment was started in March 2013 and the following remedy was given: / margin-left:36.65ptCC3.7 Circulation + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC5.2 Deafness + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC10.1Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC14.2 Prostate + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…TDS / margin-left:36.65ptWithin 17 days there was 75% Improvement (no ain after getting up, normal movement of shoulder, normal liver, improved hearing). In 28 days, there was 99% improvement and the frequency of urine became normal. There is no constipation. The treatment of diabetes and rostate is continuing. / margin-left:36.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:36.65pt em“I am 79 and have several roblems: diabetes, neurological roblem in right hand, rostate, ain in the back, slightly hard of hearing and sluggish liver. I have been taking vibro treatment for the last three months. My diabetes is under control even after reducing allopathic medicines by half, my hearing has improved, the right hand is now smoothly moving, I am able to shave, brush and wear cloths easily, rostrate is normal and ain in the back is 90% gone. My general health has improved. Thanks for diagnosing my roblems effectively.”/em
0_21004en_1004enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishCongenital Cyanotic Heart Disease Click here3.Circulatory System10679‘= 9 year old boy had congenital cyanotic heart disease, as er diagnosis by SSSIHMS Prashanthigram on June 2003. Doctors refused to do surgery as the boy was too weak and advised medical treatment instead for the time being. The arents had also approached other heart hospitals in Bangalore for treatment and there also the doctors advised that the atient’s condition was too oor for him to undergo surgery at that time. He was treated with allopathic medicines for the existing symptoms, but there was no actual improvement. / The boy’s father approached the ractitioner for his son’s treatment in November 2009. When the father first visited the ractitioner the boy was very much underweight, and had no appetite and used to get recurrent attacks of cold & cough, breathlessness and occasionally fever. / So the ractitioner started the atient on vibrionics in November 2009 with the hope that the boy’s condition would improve sufficiently for him to be fit for surgery in due course. He was given the following remedies: / #1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.6 Pulse irregular + CC12.2 Child tonic…QDS / #2. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…QDS / The second remedy to be taken whenever fever or cough was resent. The atient’s condition improved steadily. He took vibrionics remedies for three and a half years. In June 2013, the doctors at the SSSIHMS confirmed that now the atient was enough to undergo this difficult open-heart surgery. He was operated successfully in July 2013 and discharged from the hospital. / Hospital reports of the atient are available. !–![endif]—-/
0_21005en_1005enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHypertension and Diabetes Click here3.Circulatory System;6.Endocrine System;18.Nervous System10679‘= margin-left:29.75ptA 52 year old male from Karnataka, was suffering from hypertension and diabetes. He was under treatment for both these roblems with allopathic medicines. The atient approached the ractitioner in July 2013, after he suffered from Bell’s alsy aralysis of one whole side of the face. The following combo was given: / margin-left:29.75ptCC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC18.4 Paralysis…QDS / margin-left:29.75ptJust after one month, a marked improvement of 25% was seen in the disfigurement of the face. After two months the improvement was about 50% and 75% in another month. After four months the atient was completely cured of disfigurement. At resent, he has well-controlled hypertension & diabetes and is enjoying good health in all other respects./
0_21006en_1006enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishFungal Infection Skin Click here21.Skin10741‘= 2nd year B Com student was suffering from fungal infection which led to ring worm. In Kannada language it is called Yesabu. She had this roblem for ten years. She was being treated by a skin specialist but the fungus would frequently reappear on either foot. When she came to SSSIHMS for seva she showed the ractitioner both her infected feet. There was us and a lot of irritation and ain. She was given the following remedy: / CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.7 Fungus…TDS for one month. / There was a complete cure in one month./
0_21007en_1007enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishRespiratory AllergyClick here9.Fevers and Infections;19.Respiratory System10741‘= margin-left:29.75ptA young two and a half year old boy frequently suffered from acute bouts of cold, cough and non-stop sneezing. He had been under the care of his aediatrician for over a year but there was no relief. The grandparents who are Sai devotees approached the ractitioner for vibrionics treatment. He was given:/ margin-left:29.75ptCC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies/ margin-left:29.75ptWithin 15 days there was substantial improvement and after 3 months of treatment the child was completely cured./
0_21008en_1008enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHaemangiomaClick here2.Cancers and Tumours10741‘= haemangioma is a benign tumour of dilated blood vessels. When the arents brought their 6 month old baby to the ractitioner the child was found to have a slight swelling on his left eyelid. He had this swelling from birth but now it had increased and water trickled down from his eye in the mornings. A specialist was consulted and he diagnosed it as Haemangioma and recommended eye drops. There was no relief even after two months. The following vibrionics remedy was rescribed: / CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS for 3 days / Swelling reduced considerably by the following week. There was a 3-week break and the same remedy was rescribed again for three days. After 3 months the child was taken to the aediatrician who confirmed that Haemangioma was completely gone. Usually Haemangioma appears in the first weeks of infancy and disappears by itself but it takes a long time, sometimes up to 10 years. / Parent’s comment: em“We can say Faith is The Mother of Cure.”/em
0_21009en_1009enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishSciatica Click here18.Nervous System11538‘= margin-left:3.45ptA 64-year-old female atient came with nerve ain in the hip region diagnosed as sciatica by the allopathic doctor. She was told that it could not be cured; only with medication could some temporary relief be obtained. She had been suffering from sciatica for 5 years and she was told it was artly due to old age. She had been on homeopathic treatment but the ain would only disappear while taking medication. As soon as the medicine was stopped, even for a short eriod, the ain would reappear. Vibrionics treatment was started in March 2013. She was given: / margin-left:3.45ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia…TDS for 2 months, then BD. / margin-left:3.45ptAfter ten days she felt there was some relief. Just after a month there was substantial improvement. The atient felt there was 80% relief. At the end of two months the ain disappeared completely. The atient felt she need not continue the remedy any more. Even after two months of discontinuing the treatment she was completely free of ain. / margin-left:3.45pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:3.45pt em“I am so grateful to Baba and the medicine that has helped to cure me of my ailment. I was in a lot of ain and now I am happy as I have been completely rid of any ain. Thank you.”/em
0_21010en_1010enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHyperacidityClick here4.Digestive System11538‘= male atient, aged 31, had been suffering from hyperacidity, indigestion, headache, and lack of sleep for 7 years. Though he felt hungry he was unable to eat much, especially articular kinds of food. These roblems were caused by unhealthy food habits and too much intake of non- vegetarian food. He had taken undergone various tests like colonoscopy and endoscopy, and was a long time user of allopathic medicines. This gave him temporary relief but after some time the illness would reappear. Then he took homeopathic treatment for 2 years, which also failed to give him any ermanent relief. The atient approached the ractitioner in early June 2013 and he was given the following combo: / CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…QDS / In less than a month there was 50% improvement and by the third week of September all symptoms had disappeared. The dosage was reduced to OD. / Patient’s testimonial: em“I have spent a huge amount (Rs 35,000) on my treatment but was unable to get any relief. But now I feel so much better, and I am able to eat everything. I am very grateful. Thank you.”/em /
0_21011en_1011enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishDiabetes with High Blood Pressure Click here3.Circulatory System;6.Endocrine System12051‘= 70-year-old lady was diagnosed with diabetes about a year ago. She also had high BP of 160/100. In the same month she was detected with diabetes, she was given this combo: / CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / Two months later, when she tested herself she had excellent blood sugar control. Consequent clinical testing showed reduced HbA1c. {Fasting 108mg/dl & Post randial 116mg/dl}. The blood ressure was also 140/86. On seeing the reports, the family hysician was very happy and commended the atient for the care taken by her. The allopathic medicines have been reduced. The vibrionics combo continues as before./
0_21012en_1012enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishIncontinenceClick here13.Kidney and Bladder12051‘= 78-year-old lady was aralysed 18 years ago on her right side. Recently about five months ago she had a fall and had a hairline fracture on her left thigh bone. She took complete rest with a cast for 6 weeks. At that time she was given: / #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.7 Fractures…QDS / She continued using the combo for 2 months and her recovery was remarkable. Once she was able to walk again she had an incontinence roblem. She was not able to control her urination until she reached the toilet. She was given: / #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis…QDS / After 2 weeks itself she had so much relief that she could hold urination till half way to the toilet (which is 3 rooms away in her house). After 5 weeks she showed remarkable recovery that she could walk all the way up to the toilet. She is continuing the combo./
0_21013en_1013enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishDried Plant Click here1.Animals and Plants2090‘= margin-left:5.65ptA tulsi lant was in a erishable condition in the garden of a sai devotee in Kerala (before and after ictures attached) after using CC1.2 Plant tonic the lant started to flourish:/ / / / /
0_21014en_1014enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHypothyroidismClick here6.Endocrine System2090‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 10 year old girl weighed 26 kg, saw the ractitioner, who after observing her symptoms advised her to check her TSH for hypothyroid. On February 2013, her lab reports showed her TSH as 42.19. On March 2013, the following combo was given: CC6.2 Hypothyroid…QDS for two months. / margin-left:5.65ptAfter 6 months her TSH level came down to 2.93 (normal range). The same combo was reduced to TDS. Lab reports before and after the treatment are reproduced here./ / / !–![endif]—-!–![endif]—-!–![endif]—-/
0_21015en_1015enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishAddiction, Pregnancy with Fibroids Click here8.Female Organs;15.Mental and Emotional11176‘= 38-year-old lady addicted to tobacco chewing consulted the ractitioner. In January 2012 she was given: #1. CC15.3 Addictions…TDS/ Within a month she gave up chewing tobacco. She is a resident of a village in South India where the villagers were exposed and harmed by Endosulfan insecticide, including their unborn children. As a result, two deaf and dumb girls were born to her, now age 15 and 14 years. In Feb 2012, she approached the vibro ractitioner for bleeding due to ulcerous cysts and fibroids in her uterus, she was advised to have surgery but she did not want to undergo an operation. She was given the following combo: / #2. CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus…TDS / She became regnant after 2 months and wanted to bear the child against the doctor’s advice to go for an abortion. They felt the delivery would be complicated and very risky. She was then given the following combo throughout her regnancy. She was meticulous in taking it: / #3. CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus …TDS / She steadily improved so that in approximately 11 months she was completely cured of her ailment. She had an uneventful regnancy and in Jan 2013, a normal baby girl was born to her by C-Section much to the astonishment and delight of the doctors. They called it a miracle!! / Photo of the atient with her baby girl as taken in Oct 2013 is reproduced here. A report from a hospital containing her rescription during regnancy and outlining the complications she had and the medications that were rescribed (these were not taken by the atient) is available./ !–![endif]—-/
0_21016en_1016enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishCongenital Paralysis Click here18.Nervous System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11176‘= young 2-year-old male child was suffering from congenital aralysis of his lower limbs, unable to move his legs or walk. He belonged to a village in South India where the villagers were affected by usage of Endosulfan insecticide causing many children to be born with disabilities. This boy is one such child. The arents of the child, hearing that there were no side effects with vibrionics, started the vibro treatment from August 2012, and the following combo was given by the ractitioner: / CC18.4 Paralysis + CC20.2 SMJ Pain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / The boy could stand after 9 months, and was able to walk after a year and started running after 13 months of using the vibro ills. Allopathic treatment was also given in tandem with vibrionics, both systems complimenting each other. His arents are very happy and continuing his current treatment so that the child becomes like any other normal child./
0_21017en_1017enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishDeaf and Dumb Child Click here18.Nervous System11176‘= 15-year-old girl, deaf and dumb from birth because she belonged to a village in South India where Endosulfan insecticide damaged the villagers and their unborn children, due to which so many children were born with disabilities. This young girl was a victim of the insecticide. In July 2011, her arents sought help from her Balvikas guru who also administered vibrionics. The following combo was given to the child: / #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS / The child showed gradual improvement and could talk clearly after 27 months of vibro therapy much to everyone’s delight in the village. She now recites Slokas as well! / She also needed help with a breathing roblem so the following combos are still being taken now: / #2. CC19.3 Chest infections chronic…TDS / #3. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS/ !–![endif]—-/
0_21018en_1018enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHerpes & Chronic Breathing Problem Click here19.Respiratory System;21.Skin11176‘= 50-year-old man had a chronic breathing roblem since the age of 5 when he fell into a tank and mysteriously remained unconscious for a day after he was rescued. He had taken many allopathic medicines but to no avail. He had also been suffering from Herpes since January 2011. In March 2011, he attended the medical camp conducted by this ractitioner and was given the following combos: / #1. CC21.8 Herpes…TDS / #2. CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack + CC19.6 Cough chronic…TDS / Within 4 months, he was cured of Herpes. His breathing roblems showed signs of improvement. After one year, there was 30% improvement, after 2 years, there was 70% improvement, and he was completely cured in two and half years, now having no difficulty in breathing. He is so happy with the result that he is now a volunteer in the medical camps conducted in his area by the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samiti./
0_21019en_1019enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishStings & Skin Allergy Click here21.Skin11176‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 65-year-old lady has been suffering from skin allergy due to insect stings for the ast 10 years. When she consulted the ractitioner in a medical camp in February 2013, she had rashes on her body oozing us. She had tried various medications during the ast 10 years but did not find any relief, as the rashes and us would always reoccur. She was given the following combo: / margin-left:5.65ptCC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.4 Stings & Bites…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThe atient was leasantly surprised when she showed 20% improvement within two months of vibro treatment. After eight months of continuing the above combo, she is 90% cured of the skin allergy and continues to take the combo with full faith and confidence in a complete cure./
0_21020en_1020enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishMouth Ulcers Click here11.Head;21.Skin11176‘= 7-year-old Balvikas girl who led bhajans suffered mouth ulcers since she was 3 years old. The ulcers were very severe and doctors had advised the girl to be operated on two occasions, but for various reasons the arents did not get the operations done. They met the vibro ractitioner on October 2011 for help healing the young girl. The following combos were given: / #1. CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC 21.8 Herpes…TDS / #2. CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS / There was 10% improvement in the first month, 80% improvement after six months and 90% improvement after one year. She continues to take the combos for complete cure from mouth ulcers./
0_21021en_1021enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishVitiligo Click here21.Skin11176‘= June 2012, a 75-year-old lady suffered vitiligo for the ast 40 years on her face, hands, legs and other body arts that allopathic treatments failed to cure. She attended the medical camp conducted by this ractitioner and the following combo was given to her: / !–[endif]—-#1. CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / In July 2013, she was also given the following combo along with the above. / #2. CC10.1 Emergencies…TDS / Her skin on the face was totally cleared and the colour of the skin changed from white to her original colour. Pigmentation is appearing on her hands and legs indicating the restoration of normal skin. The atient continues to take the vibro ills./ / !–![endif]—-/
0_21027en_1027enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishStressClick here7.Eyes;18.Nervous System11271‘= 32-year-old male executive, also doing a art time MBA from IIM, had symptoms of chronic right side headache, sensation roblems on right side of his head and flickering of right eye for the ast two years. These symptoms occurred when he was stressed due to extreme ressure from his work and studies. He would feel sleepy during what he called, “the stress bout”, and would get better only after continuously sleeping for three to four days, which was a hindrance to his day-to-day activities. The neurologist of a Super Speciality Hospital, after conducting extensive tests and a scan, could not find the cause. In January 2013, the atient approached the vibro ractitioner and was given the following combo: / #1. CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis…6TD / Just after two weeks, the atient felt better and his eye roblem improved after one month. The dosage was changed to QDS and after another month, flickering of right eye completely stopped. The combo was changed to the following: / #2. NM5 Brain Tissue Salts + NM6 Calming + NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + SM39 Tension + SR458 Brain Whole…TDS / After one month, the atient reported that he felt less stressed and his headache was not as severe as before. His recovery time from the “stress bout” has become faster and the stress does not disturb him as before. He continues to take the vibro medicine./ Patient’s testimonial: em“I was sceptical about taking the medicine (rescribed by a Neurologist) and avoided it. Later, after a few more months, I came to know about the vibrionics. I decided to try it since I was convinced that it was a kind of energy healing and did not have any side effects. I started taking it as instructed by the ractitioner. A few weeks after I started taking the medicine, I became less conscious about the stress. I felt that it was not as disturbing as it was earlier. Now I am taking the vibro ills and I f/ememee/ememl that when I continue to take the medicine there is good improvement.”/em /
0_21028en_1028enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishFood & Dust AllergyClick here4.Digestive System;19.Respiratory System;21.Skin11271‘= 15-year-old boy was suffering from food and dust allergy for the ast four years. He was allergic to tomatoes, okra (ladies finger), milk, curd etc and suffered from skin allergy (rashes on the body) regularly. The following combo was given to him in April 2013: / #1. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / After a month’s vibro treatment, the atient reported 20% improvement and after another month, there was 50% improvement. The atient was then advised to try the allergy-causing foods in small quantities and observe. There was 70% improvement after another month. Five months after starting the vibro treatment there was 90% improvement and the atient was able to tolerate the vegetables and milk which he was reviously allergic to. The treatment is ongoing with the same combo and dosage./
0_21029en_1029enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishCoconut Plant Click here1.Animals and Plants11271‘= margin-left:29.75ptA coconut lant was in a erishable condition. The ractitioner repared a remedy initially with a drop of CC1.2 Plant tonic… in one litre of water, later made into five litres and applied to the lant BD during the first week then 2TW for the next three weeks. In a month’s time, the lant turned green with new shoots and looking very healthy too, much to the ractitioner’s delight! /
0_21030en_1030enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishBlockage in the Arteries Click here3.Circulatory System11984‘= 58-year-old male atient was diagnosed as having blockages in his arteries and was receiving treatment at the cardiology department in Kozhikode Medical College. He has had oor blood circulation for the last 5 months. He felt very tired and found it difficult to walk or do any day-to-day activities. He had been suffering from chest ain and shortness of breath for the last 3 months. His vibrionic treatment started on Swami’s birthday on 23.11.2012. He was given: / #1. CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / The very next day he felt much relief in his chest ain and breathing. There was a 50% improvement in 2 weeks, 75% in one month, and 90% improvement by 3 months. The atient was then admitted to a rivate hospital for urine blockage for 5 days. / Along with the allopathic treatment, he was given the following combo: / #2. CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic …TDS / He recovered fully. He continues to take both the combos 3TW./ !–![endif]—-/
0_21031en_1031enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishBack Pain with Swollen Knees and Hypothyroid Click here6.Endocrine System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11990‘= margin-left:35.65ptWhen a 63-year female atient, came to the camp arranged by the Samiti, she was suffering from back ain, swelling on both knees and hypothyroidism. She could not walk roperly for five years, and took many allopathic and ayurvedic treatments. But the relief was only at the time of medication. She had no ermanent relief and also hadn’t kept records of revious treatments. She had ut on a lot of weight over the last 10 years. In July, 2012 the ractitioner gave her the following combo:/ margin-left:35.65pt#1. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…QDS / margin-left:35.65ptBy August she felt some relief in knee ain and swelling. As she had developed a severe cough and chest ain CC19.2 Respiratory allergies was added to her remedy. On her next visit in October 2012 she reported some relief, the same combo was repeated TDS. In December, 2012 there was substantial relief especially in swelling of the body by 75%. The same remedy was continued. When she came in January 2013 she was very happy that she can now do all her household tasks. / margin-left:35.65pt Patient’s comments: margin-left:35.65pt em“Thank you to convener and ractitioner and Koti ranams to Bhagwan.”/em
0_21032en_1032enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishSkin Problems Click here21.Skin11990‘= 35-year-old mother of two girls attended the camp at the Samithi hall. Eight years after the birth of her second child she noticed varicose veins. She was now suffering from skin allergy; itching, burning sensation under the soles of her feet and the skin below her knees had changed to black. Three years ago she had slipped and experienced ain all over her body. Her eriods were irregular and she suffered sinusitis during menstruation. Ayurvedic treatment was taken only during delivery. No allopathic medicines were used. On May 11, 2013 the following remedy was given: / #1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC21.3 Skin allergies…QDS / On June 8, 2013 the itching was less and the colour on both legs slightly changed. The same combo was repeated TDS. On July 13, 2013 the atient was diagnosed with mouth ulcers and the same combo was repeated with the addition of: / #2. CC11.5 Mouth infections…TDS. By August 10, 2013 by Bhagawan’s miracle the colour on both legs changed back to normal and the atient was very well hysically and mentally. The same remedy continued BD./ !–![endif]—-/
0_21033en_1033enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishChronic Pain Click here13.Kidney and Bladder11990‘= margin-left:24.65ptA male, aged 53 years, came to the healing centre in January 2013. His symptoms were chronic back ain, and difficulty and severe ain in assing urine. Two years ago he took Ayurvedic treatment for 21 days for kidney stones. At that time he got some relief but later severe ain was felt. He came to know about Sai Vibrionics and he decided to consult the ractitioner immediately. The following combo was given: / margin-left:24.65ptCC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.5 Kidney stones + CC14.1 Male tonic…QDS / margin-left:24.65ptSix weeks later he felt some relief in ain, the same combo was repeated QDS for two months. On his third visit he reported he was free from all ain and felt very well hysically. However the remedy was continued for another month. On his next visit he was advised to take it for one more month at the reduced dosage of BD./
0_21034en_1034enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishFibroid and Cyst in UterusClick here8.Female Organs11993‘= 49-year-old lady from Kasaragod came for help as for the ast two years she had rofuse bleeding and ain during menstruation. Doctors had diagnosed fibroids and cyst in the uterus and she was advised to undergo hysterectomy. She did not go for surgery and the roblem ersisted. So she visited the vibro ractitioner who rescribed the following remedy: / CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC8.8 Menses irregular…TDS / The atient took the remedy regularly for 7 months. Her eriods became normal. She had a scan and the doctor found there were no fibroids nor cyst. She was very happy that she did not need surgery. Her recent tests show that she is now completely normal./ / !–![endif]—-/
0_21035en_1035enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHaemophiliaClick here3.Circulatory System10940‘= young male child of three years, at the time of birth had a greenish glandular type of swelling at the lumber vertebra. On the seventh day he suffered severe jaundice and was cured by ayurvedic medication. In 8-9 months another growth was seen on his body, it was greenish at first, then became bluish and finally changed to black and disappeared. These appearances were like bruises and the swelling as it grew was ainful. The child experienced bleeding gums several (3-4) times. Then another hard swelling appeared in the thigh and buttock area among the muscles, and before the vibrionics treatment started, the child suffered more of these greenish, bluish and then blackish swellings or tumours regularly, all disappearing after 7 days. No regular allopathic treatment was given to the atient. During March 2013, the child was given a blood test. The haemoglobin was low at 8.5 and the blood factor-VIII was deficient. The doctor’s diagnosis was Haemophilia. He had low appetite and craved sweets. He was hysically fit but would only sleep late in the night. / The child’s mother, aged 41 years, had typhoid ten years ago and afterwards had greenish/bluish spots over the whole body. She had joint and muscular ain, sometimes with swellings. Before this boy, there had been a still-born child whose whole body was greenish/bluish in colour but without any abnormality or deformity in any organ. The child’s father said that the mother had an aggressive nature and short temper. On May 20, 2013 the following combos were given: / #1. SR249 Medorrhinum…2 doses, 2nd dose to be repeated after 15 days if there is no ullout. / #2. NM2 Blood + NM7 CB 7 + NM12 Combination 12 + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM36 War + OM1 Blood + OM5 Circulation + OM28 Immune System + BR1 Anaemia + SM2 Divine Protection + SM4 Stabilising + SM15 Circulation + SM41 Uplift…TDS. / After ten days the child’s father reported fever with an itching/red rash on the skin. He was given the following combo in addition to above: / #3. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC21.3 Skin allergies…6TD / It was the rainy season and the atient resided in a congested area of the city. He recovered within 2-3 days. The dosage was reduced to TDS to ensure complete recovery. By June 23, 2013 combo #1 was stopped as there was no ullout. After two months the atient’s condition improved 40% and the appearance of glandular swellings reduced and disappeared within 4-5 days. On 23 July, #2 was replaced by the following combo: / #4. NM2 Blood + NM7 CB7 + NM12 Combination 12 + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM36 War + OM1 Blood + OM5 Circulation + OM28 Immune System + BR1 Anaemia + SM2 Divine Protection + SM41 Uplift…TDS and / On the same day another combo was given in a separate bottle: / #5. SR266 Adrenalin + SR297 Ipecac 1M + SR387 Hamamelis…TDS / On 25th August, atient’s arents reported 80% improvement and feeling very much happier. Repeated the above combo #4 BD and #5 TDS / On 14th September the atient’s arents were relieved and very happy. They asked me to add some other vibrations to improve his health. Repeated combo #4 and also added SM16 Cleansing…BD and #5 TDS. These combos continue to be given./ !–![endif]—-/
0_21036en_1036enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishMigraines Click here11.Head10940‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 49-year-old male had been suffering from migraines for the last 20 years. The ain was so unbearable that he started taking the ainkiller “Combiflam” and in time became addicted to it. He also had sinusitis for the same duration, as well as being sensitive to cold and dust. He was aggressive and short-tempered by nature and has left jobs at regular intervals because of this. The following combo was given: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC11.4 Migraines + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…6TD / margin-left:5.65ptHe was advised to take the medicine more frequently when he was in ain and to try to avoid taking the addictive ainkillers. In 15 days both roblems had reduced by 40%. / margin-left:5.65ptIn six weeks he reported that he had drastically cut down the allopathic ain drug and that he was regularly taking the above vibrations. In the following month this was added to the above combo. / margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic / margin-left:5.65ptAfter another month the atient reported he had even further reduced the allopathic ainkiller and his sinus condition had much improved. He also asked the ractitioner to add an energy booster to his remedy because he was feeling tired and weak. He is now taking the following vibrations: / margin-left:5.65pt#3. CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThese vibrations continued over a long eriod and the atient reported ainkiller habits were reduced to only one or two tablets in a month. / margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s comment: margin-left:5.65ptem“Through this atient telling eople, including friends, family members and even assengers on transport vehicles when travelling, about the success of his vibro treatment, a number of eople have contacted the ractitioner for treatment.”/em /
0_21037en_1037enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishTooth decay Click here11.Head11310‘= 49-year-old male had been suffering for the last 8 years from tooth decay. He visited the dentist several times for treatment. The dentist suggested a root canal or the complete removal of the tooth. The ain was horrible. The gums were swollen and an unbearable ain radiated from his head to his ear. The atient is a vibrionics ractitioner so he took the following vibrations for a month: / #1. CC11.6 Tooth infections…6TD / But the roblem continued. Then he visited the dentist who removed the filling done earlier. After some time, the ractitioner felt the formation of us and the ain was still there. Then he collected the us sample and repared a nosode for treatment: / #2. Pus Nosode 200C…TDS / After three days the ain was completely gone and on the 7th day the swelling and other symptoms had disappeared as well. After that he took a maintenance dose OW for three months. From Oct 2013 he started taking OD for a month as a/ precaution. Filling the tooth by the dentist is yet to be done./
0_21038en_1038enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishEye Allergy Click here7.Eyes2817‘= 21-year-old male came with an eye allergy of 7 years duration that caused red eyes, white discharge and watery eyes. He had been taking steroids but they did not help. He was given: / CC3.7 Circulation + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC7.6 Eye injury + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + nosode made from a sample of a Wysolone tablet for eyes…TDS / We added the CC21.1 Skin tonic because he also had an itchy rash, which we think was caused by the steroids he has been taking. All symptoms cured in Eight months./
0_21039en_1039enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishPtosis of the Eyelid Click here7.Eyes2817‘= margin-left:5.65ptA man, aged 70-years, came for help with an eyelid that was nearly closed or drooped (tosis) over the eye. He had it for a year. We gave the following: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt#2. Eye drops: above combo was added in Rose water. / margin-left:5.65ptIn two months his eyelid was normal. No further remedy was given./
0_21040en_1040enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishStyeClick here7.Eyes2817‘= young woman, age 20, came because she had a stye or cyst on the inside of her eyelid. It had been surgically removed once and had returned in a month. She was given: / #1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.7 Circulation + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / #2. Eye drops: the above combo (except Female tonic) was added to rose water. / The cyst or stye disappeared and two years further on it has not returned. It is hereditary as her twin sister has the same roblem. We continue to give reventative dosage./
0_21041en_1041enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishSinus and Dust Allergy Click here19.Respiratory System2817‘= lady, aged 52, has suffered from sinusitis and dust allergy with continuous sneezing every morning for the last 15 years. This was robably caused by some growth in her sinus. She also had some roblems with her uterus. The following was given: / CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.7 Circulation + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC 15.1 + Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.5 Sinusitis…TDS / The roblem was cured and as far as we know, there has been no return of the condition./ /
0_21042en_1042enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishEpistaxis (nose bleed due to haemorrhage) Click here3.Circulatory System2817‘= atient was introduced to us by a senior devotee when we were returning after finishing our Mumbai Vibrionics workshop in August 2013. He is an old Sai devotee and believes in Vibrionics, Blessed by Baba. He had been suffering for a year and a half from epistaxis, which is nosebleed due to haemorrhage. In some cases it is caused by rhinitis and dryness in the nose. He had severe nosebleeds several times a day. / His nose would suddenly start bleeding any time of the day, which was very uncomfortable and frightening and at times embarrassing. Once he was hospitalized for about four days in the ICU for severe nosebleed when he lost a lot of blood. Even after he was discharged he had frequent nosebleeds and the doctors could not give him hope that his bleeding would completely stop. He was given tablets to take every time he had a nosebleed. The frequency of bleeding was several times a month and he was truly frustrated. He also suffered from iles. Remedies given were: / #1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies (Inflammation of Mucous Membrane) + CC19.5 Sinus + CC21.8 Herpes (for dry blood in the nose)…6TD for 1 week. / #2. CC4.4 Constipation (Piles) + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue 6TD. / After four days, he reported increased bleeding during the revious night. He was advised to reduce the dosage to TDS and report the next day. From following day improvement started and since then no looking back. He reported extraordinary improvement with a decline in frequency and amount of bleeding. After starting vibro treatment during the last four months, only 3 times has he taken the tablet for nosebleed, during which eriod his iles have also been cured. The above remedy is continued TDS. / Patient’s testimonial: em“I was suffering from severe nosebleeds and high blood ressure, iles, etc., and no amount of allopathic medicines helped. Nor could my nosebleeds be accurately diagnosed. My nose would suddenly start bleeding irrespective of the time of the day, which can be very embarrassing and uncomfortable, and frightening too. I was hospitalized for about four days in the ICU for severe nosebleed and I lost a lot of blood. Even after I recovered I had frequent nosebleeds and the d/ememoctors could not guarantee my bleeding would completely stop. It was quite scary and frustrating. /em emOnce I started on the Sai Pills, which I have been continuously taking ever since, my roblems have been resolved to a large extent. Now my iles roblem has been cured completely, and the frequency of nose-bleeds has reduced by about 80 to 90%. My blood ressure is also under control now. /em emAnd I am truly and sincerely convinced Swami has cured me through the medium of His vibro ractitioners. While I had spent a significant amount of money for hospitalization, consulting doctors and medicines for nearly a year, here I was cured within three months and absolutely free of cost with a lot of love and caring through Vibrionics Therapy. Vibrionics is a true-to-life example of Swami’s divine love for all of humanity. It is truly love in action. May Swami cure many more eople through the wonderful and loving hands of these dedicated eople! And may our dearest Lord Swami bless them all!”/em / !–![endif]—-!–![endif]—-/
0_21043en_1043enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishScorpion Sting Click here1.Animals and Plants10113‘= in a medical camp held in a remote rural area, a young lady came running and crying in ain and fear as she had a scorpion sting on her alm. She was given: CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.4 Stings & Bites…6TD for two days. / At the next medical camp in a week’s time the ractitioner found the lady fit and fine. She was now working happily in the field./
0_21044en_1044enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishCracks on soles of feet with infection Click here21.Skin10320‘= 58-year-male for the last six months had cracks on the soles of both feet due to infected dermatitis and as a result he was unable to walk. He is a farmer. He was hospitalized at the Sevagram hospital for a week but there was no relief. He took ayurvedic treatment from a local vaidya spending 700 rupees which was too big a sum for him. There was no improvement. On October 8, 2011, he was given: / CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / There was slow but steady improvement. By February 2012 there was 50% improvement in his condition. His family were so grateful to Swami that they decided to visit Puttaparthi for Mahasamadhi darshan./
0_21045en_1045enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishBlood in Stools Click here4.Digestive System10320‘= margin-left:26.65ptA 62-year-old male was suffering from bleeding in stools for the last two years. He used to eat spicy food including non- vegetarian food. He had taken ayurvedic treatment but did not get any relief. On October 12, 2012, the vibro ractitioner gave him the following combo: / margin-left:26.65ptCC4.4 Constipation…TDS / margin-left:26.65ptThere was steady improvement over the next few months. Within six months there was a 100% improvement. His stools became normal without any bleeding and the atient is very happy. He is now taking the remedy as and when required./
0_21046en_1046enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishSoles of feet with cracks and infection Click here21.Skin10320‘= margin-left:26.65ptA male 62 years of age, was a mill worker and was working in unhygienic conditions. For the ast year he had scratches and cracks in both soles of his feet. Because he had tremendous ain, he was unable to walk for the whole year. He was desperate and even thought of committing suicide. He was given allopathic treatment in a government hospital without any improvement. On 3rd November 2012, he was given the following combo: / margin-left:26.65ptCC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / margin-left:26.65ptIn the beginning improvement was slow, but by 5th May 2013 there was 100% improvement. He is now free from symptoms and is very happy./
0_21047en_1047enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishInfected Wound Click here21.Skin10375‘= margin-left:11.65ptThe ractitioner was approached by a 15-year-old girl in March 2013. Since the ast one week, she had a ainful, tennis ball sized wound in the left forearm with yellow liquid oozing from it. She was from a very oor family and could not afford any treatment. She was given the following combo in olive oil: / margin-left:11.65ptCC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.2 Skin Infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.4 Stings & Bites + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions / margin-left:11.65ptShe was advised to apply the oil as many times as ossible. By the evening, the wound had opened up and the yellow liquid had drained off. Within 24 hours, the ain in the arm had disappeared and it showed signs of drying. The atient was asked to continue applying the oil TDS and also whenever there was any itching. Within 3 days, the wound dried up and the atient was healed completely. The oil application was subsequently stopped./
0_21048en_1048enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishProstate Enlargement Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;14.Male Organs10375‘= 71 year old male had been diagnosed with a Grade II enlargement of the rostate during a routine health check-up in April 2011. The PSA reading was 6.16 against an upper ermissible limit of 4.4 for an age of 70+ years. He was not on any allopathic medication. He was given: / CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growth + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC14.2 Prostate…TDS / As given in the table below, follow up tests were conducted in the next two years. In December the PSA reading worsened to 7.28. The urologist advised biopsy to rule out cancer of the rostate. Accordingly, on 22 December, 2011, biopsy of rostate was carried out. However, no malignancy was detected. In April 2013, PSA test was carried out and the value came out to be 3.06. The ultrasound test showed only a Grade I rostate enlargement. / img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/765/content_ch-1048_prostate_enlargement_10375_india.jpg float:left; height:150px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:644px // / / / / Throughout the vibro treatment, the atient did not take any allopathic medicine for this roblem. The vibrionics remedy has been successful in not only controlling but also reducing the level of the roblem. The treatment is continuing at TDS. / The original reports are available. Patient’s testimonial: em“I wish to state that I have been taking vibro medicine from you right from Apr 2011 and I am still taking the vibro medicine so that the rostate roblem does not recur. It is because of vibro medicine that the rostate enlargement decreased from Grade II to Grade I and the PSA level came to a normal range which could not have happened in normal course. I extend my heart-felt thanks to Baba and to you for giving me the ‘miracle’ medicine, Vibro.”/em /
0_21049en_1049enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishFrozen shoulder Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)10375‘= margin-left:3.45ptThe ractitioner was approached by a 61-year-old female atient suffering from a frozen shoulder on the right side for one and a half years. The atient had been operated on for the left side frozen shoulder earlier and did not want to go through the ainful experience once again for the right shoulder. She was given: / margin-left:3.45ptCC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS / margin-left:3.45ptWithin 45 days of taking the vibrionics remedy, the atient has reported 90% improvement. The treatment is continuing. / margin-left:3.45pt Husband’s comment: margin-left:3.45pt em“Our first interaction with the ractitioner roviding vibrionics remedies to atients was in 2013 at Pashan, Pune. Here, the medical camp is conducted twice a month and both my wife and I have had remarkable relief. In articular, my wife had been suffering from shoulder ain on the right side due to a frozen shoulder. The hysiotherapy that had been carried out earlier had given mild, temporary relief. However, the vibrionics remedy brought considerable improvement in movement and relief in ain in three months. The medicine is still continuing. /em margin-left:3.45pt emI myself have been suffering from acid reflux for several months and was taking antacid liquids and tablets, which brought temporary relief. The vibrionics remedy that is being taken for the ast three months has given considerable relief. /em margin-left:3.45pt emB/ememo/ememt/ememh of us are also taking vibrionics remedy for comfortable sleep and we are active and happy. We record our appreciation to you for your atience and for roviding very effective medicines.”/em
0_21050en_1050enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishCancer ain Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;4.Digestive System10375‘= margin-left:5.65ptAn 86-year-old female was in acute ain as she was in the final stages of stomach cancer. Allopathic doctors had given her a maximum of 2 to 3 months of survival and that too with excruciating ain. The vibrionics remedy given to her by the ractitioner was: / margin-left:5.65ptCC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.2 Cancer Pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growth + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.7 Gallstones + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.9 Hernia + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic…6TD/ margin-left:5.65ptThe ain stopped and the atient survived eacefully for 6 months. She was only taking the vibrionics remedy./
0_21051en_1051enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishRheumatoid Arthritis Click here12.Immune System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)10375‘= 19-year-old girl working as a nursery school teacher started getting ains in small and big joints, jaws, neck, etc., since Jan, 2013. There was a lot of difficulty in carrying out even simple tasks like lifting a glass. Her doctor diagnosed it as rheumatoid arthritis and ut her on medicines. But the ains did not subside and she was given expensive injections which she was not able to afford. She came to know about Vibrionics through her mentor in August 2013 and came for treatment. During the course of discussion, it was understood that she suffered from shock when her brother (who contributed in a major way to their livelihood) left their house along with his wife in Aug 2012. She had stopped taking allopathic medicines since August 2013 as she could not afford them anymore. The following combo was given using cards and SRHVP on 21 August 2013: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM24 Rheum & Arthritis + NM25 Shock + NM59 Pain…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptShe reported in the last week of September 2013 that all her excruciating ains had vanished and only her right wrist hurt sometimes. The following combo was given to her: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. NM24 Rheum & Arthritis + NM59 Pain + NM69 CB 8…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptOn 9 November 2013, she reported that she is not able to believe that she is free from all ains! The above combo will be continued for another two months, to be followed by the reduction rocedure and immunity tonic maintenance doses./ / / !–![endif]—-/
0_21052en_1052enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishInflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis) Click here4.Digestive System10590‘= disease involves rectum, sigmoid colon and sometimes the whole of the large bowel. If untreated, the colon becomes shortened and seudo olyps develop. It may lead to the development of cancer of the colon. A housewife, aged 50 years, under treatment with a gastroenterologist for about a year was not completely cured but had some improvement with that treatment. However, she was advised by someone to try vibrionics treatment. / She contacted me for future treatment while the atient was still under treatment with the gastroenterologist. She had undergone various investigations including sonography of abdomen, colonoscopy and biopsy etc. Colonoscopy showed evidence of granular mucosa and a few bleeding spots. The atient has had mild gripping ain in the abdomen for less than 2 years, diarrhoea on and off for one year. For 6 months she has had low-grade fever, stress and red colored stools. In February 2010 the atient was given: / #1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for 2 months / On his second visit on 6/3/2010 there was only 40% relief, and the red colored stools still ersisted. The following combos were rescribed: / #2. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion CC9.2 Infections acute …TDS for 2 months / #3. CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic …TDS for 2 months. / Subsequent visits showed steady improvement and by December 2010 there was 90% improvement. The dosage was reduced to BD. In June 2011 the remedy was changed to the following: / #4. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion+ CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…BD / Patient has undergone colonoscopy and mucus membrane is normal. There is no evidence of bleeding. Now atient is comfortable./ !–![endif]—-/
0_21053en_1053enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishUrinary Incontinence Click here13.Kidney and Bladder10590‘= margin-left:24.65ptA female atient aged 75, was suffering from incontinence of urine during the day as well as at night. She used to drink less water and therefore frequently suffered from urinary tract infection (UTI). She had undergone all the necessary investigations to rule out any obvious cause, but all her reports were normal. She was advised an operation by the urologist, but she was reluctant to undergo surgery. She decided to take vibrionics treatment and in August 2009 she was rescribed: / margin-left:24.65ptCC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:24.65ptOver the next one year she steadily improved and by August 2010 she was 90% better. The dosage was reduced to BD for 2 months then to OD for another 2 months. Happily the atient has now fully recovered./
0_21054en_1054enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishPsoriasisClick here21.Skin11292‘= female, aged 22, from a remote village in the state of Maharashtra, suffered from Psoriasis since the age of ten. During the last 12 years she tried various allopathic and ayurvedic locally available treatments, whatever they could afford. / In September 2011, the atient had gone to Puttaparthi for State Seva. Due to her skin condition she was not allowed to work in the canteen. She rofusely wept the whole night raying to Swami to intervene and indeed He did! Finally she was given duty near the Mahasamadhi and it was at this lace where this vibro ractitioner asked about her roblem, and offered to give her a vibro remedy. Fortunately another ractitioner had brought the vibro combo box during State Seva and she received the first dose of vibro ills in Puttaparthi on September 9, 2011. / She was given: / CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis…One dose five times a day. / The same combo was given in etroleum jelly for external application. After three months of treatment, the old skin started eeling off and new skin appeared. After 8 months of treatment her entire skin became normal except some whitish marks on the affected area of skin. The same combo is continued./ !–![endif]—-/
0_21055en_1055enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHearing Loss in both Ears Click here5.Ears12046‘= 43-year-old male, who is a mason by rofession, was constantly exposed to sand, dust, and high decibel noise from cutting machines. At one such time, his ‘friends’ suggested hot oil with epper owder for cleaning of his ears. Not very educated, he tried this remedy and lost his hearing. Due to this his work & travel were also affected for seven years. Doctors had given up due to damage in both ears. On August 15, 2013, he approached the ractitioner for treatment and was given the following: / CC5.2 Deafness + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / He started showing improvement after the 1st week of treatment. Now, after 3 ½ months, he is able to hear 70%. He continues to take the above combos./ / !–![endif]—-/
0_21056en_1056enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishAsthma and Breathlessness Click here19.Respiratory System12046‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 52-year-old female is a volunteer at Sant Nirankari Satsangh. Vibro camps are held here on 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. For a few years she was suffering from asthma and breathlessness and sometimes could hardly walk. On May 26, 2013, she was given the following combo: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest Infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter 15 days, she was feeling much better and could walk for 8 to 10 minutes at a stretch. She continues the treatment and is greatly relieved. This same lady had a small lump like growth in her lower back which also ained her. On September 8, 2013, she was given the following: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter a month, the size of the lump had reduced and the ain had subsided. She is confident that this little lump will also disappear altogether! She continues to take the vibro treatment./
0_21057en_1057enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishHashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Uterine Cysts, Coeliac Disease, Slipped Disc Click here4.Digestive System;6.Endocrine System;8.Female Organs;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)915‘= 45-year-old woman suffering from Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and excessive stress approached the ractitioner. She had multiple roblems, namely cysts in her uterus, celiac disease-like symptoms and slipped disc. She was very overweight and had a lot of ain in her foot. So the ractitioner talked with her a lot in order to help her to decide to lose weight, to stop eating gluten roducts and also to reduce the consumption of dairy roducts. She lost a lot of weight, changed her diet and started the therapy with vibrionics. She was rescribed the following combo: #1. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.5 Spine…TDS / The result was a ‘success’ just after two months; the atient was cured of cysts in uterus, symptoms of celiac disease, slipped disc and ain in her foot. Thyroid levels touched normal. The atient was then given the following combo for maintenance of thyroid levels: / #2. CC6.1 Hyperthyroid + CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…5 times a day/ !–![endif]—-/
0_21058en_1058enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishSkin EruptionsClick here21.Skin915‘= 53 year old lady from Delhi suddenly started to get a lot of eruptions on her skin, which were very itchy and later, turned into wounds oozing us. After talking to the atient, the ractitioner understood that she suffered from a shock on her husband’s untimely death due to cardiac arrest. She was only 49 at the time. She had tried many allopathic and ayurvedic medicines with no relief. She took the combo given by the ractitioner for 5 months and got completely cured. The combo given to her was:/ C12.1 Adult Tonic + C15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + SR 326 Scleranthus + SR 418 Aspen +SR444 Sweet Chestnut…TDS / After 2-3 months first the itching stopped and then the wounds started to heal. A great change happened in her life, she came to know about Bhagawan and on Guru Purnima she visited Prashanthi Nilayam with her sons. Now she lives happily in Delhi./
0_21059en_1059enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishAnorexia and Crohn’s SyndromeClick here4.Digestive System;15.Mental and Emotional915‘= 35-year-old woman, divorced with one child, suffered from anorexia and Crohn’s disease. She was very stressed. Because of Crohn’s disease, a art of her intestine was removed but her condition did not improve and she was losing weight continuously with no rescribed medicines helping her in any way. The lady was both hysically and mentally in an awful state. She had stopped working and had even ut her child in her friend’s care. She was anaemic and also had sleep roblems. She had approached the ractitioner in this condition and the following combo was given to her for anorexia and Crohn’s disease: / #1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder Tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC18.1 Brain disabilities …QDS for 1 month and then TDS for 3 months. / For sleep disorder she was rescribed: / #2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…QDS for 1 week and then TDS for 3 months. / After 4 months of taking #1 and #2 combos, the atient was completely cured of anorexia, Crohn’s disease and stress. It is heartening to note that the atient started taking care of her child as well as leading a normal life./ /
0_21060en_1060enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishRheumatoid Arthritis and Coeliac DiseaseClick here4.Digestive System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)915‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 55-year-old lady had rheumatoid arthritis with excruciating ain in her hands and legs. She was also suffering from symptoms of Coeliac disease resulting in ain and discomfort in the digestive tract, chronic constipation and diarrhoea. She was given the following combo: / margin-left:5.65ptCC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis …QDS for 2 weeks and then TDS for 4 weeks. / margin-left:5.65ptAfter one and half months, the atient reported complete cure with no ains and all other roblems diminished after which the remedy was stopped. / margin-left:5.65ptemT/ememh/ememi/emems ractitioner has reported complete success in many cases with treatment of Crohn’s /ememS/ememy/ememnd/ememr/ememo/ememm/ememe and Celiac disease./em !–![endif]—-/
0_21061en_1061enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishCrohn’s SyndromeClick here4.Digestive System915‘= 27-year-old female atient was in incredible stress as she was suffering from Crohn’s Syndrome and no medicine gave any relief to the recurring diarrhoea roblem. She was given the following combo: / CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…QDS for 4 weeks and then TDS for 2 weeks. / She was given vibro remedy for a month and a half, which resulted in complete recovery./ !–![endif]—-/
0_21062en_1062enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishChronic CoughClick here19.Respiratory System915‘= margin-left:5.65ptDimitris Liapopoulos, a 40-year-old man, suffering ill health for the ast 7 years, appeared very thin and ale, with yellow to black colouring, and he was constantly coughing. He was given the following remedy: / margin-left:5.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…QDS for 15 days and then TDS for three months. Regarding the rest of his history and results, lease refer to the following statement. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s Remarks & testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I started living in New York in the year 2000; five years later I lost my Swami’s ring. For some of you, my losing my ring and then getting sick might seem a coincidence but for me it is not. You may think a Greek living in cold New York would have health roblems from the different climate but that’s not it. Otherwise I would have gotten sick much earlier, not five years later in 2005. Let me tell you my symptoms: I caught a cold which developed into months and months of coughing. Usually I avoid allopathy because of the side effects. Still the cough was so bad I took antibiotics. Then gradually my immune system became very weak, erhaps because I was working so hard. Perhaps from taking so much antibiotic. Later, discovering I had arasites I took even more and er antibiotics which left me only 50% better. /em margin-left:5.65pt emSo to summarize: I had a terrible stomach, my immune system was so weak that I easily caught colds. I still had arasites, and I coughed all the time, even after several sessions of various antibiotics. And all since I lost that ring! /em margin-left:5.65pt emIn August 2010 I went to Puttaparthi, feeling Sai Baba alone can heal me. There I actually began teaching music to Swami’s students just as He had told me in 1995 in an Interview, much to my amazement. I felt so fulfilled with this work that I didn’t care whether I lived or died, and working many hours of overtime, my health deteriorated. /em margin-left:5.65pt emThen my mother told me my father’s health in Greece was declining, so I left India for Greece. There I was coughing so badly my friend, Dimitris, said he would give me vibro. He told me that vibrionics are very owerful and work like nothing else. I took them and I saw some spectacular results in terms of arasites, so I asked him to help me with my insomnia, which resulted from my work as a musician and composer, requiring late nights and ruining my sleeping attern. This too was cured with vibrionics. Dimitris gave me vibro for many things, even vibro to calm down my mind. I was stunned with the results, but although the cough was less than before, it was still there. /em margin-left:5.65pt emIn 2012 I went to New York and while talking to my friend Dimitris on the hone he told me that I have tuberculosis or that I am close to having it. For a moment I felt like laughing when he said, “When you come to Greece I will give you vibro for that.” Okay, I thought because truly I had nothing to lose – it was free! When I went to Greece he gave me vibro for tuberculosis and I was cured in a week, meaning that I stopped coughing. That was a miracle because since almost 2007 I was tortured with that cough, and because my friend Dimitris diagnosed me with something that sounded to me like space ‘sci-fi’, called a endulum and dousing. This correctly indicated that I had tuberculosis and I was completely cured!”/em
0_21063en_1063enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishSickle Cell Anaemia Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)1626‘= female, 54 years old, suffers from micro-sickle cell anaemia causing her much ain, joint decay, arthritis and hypothyroidism. Her body is completely crooked and she cannot bend or sit without ain. Along with this, last summer, she also suffered from intense grief. She was given the following combo by the ractitioner: / CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain…TDS / She started therapy on 22/10/2013. One week later she reported that since the second dose she has had no ain, she can sit easily and when she moves she also has no ain. She now feels happier as well./
0_21064en_1064enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishSpeech Problems Click here15.Mental and Emotional;18.Nervous System1626‘= margin-left:34.65ptA 76-year-old male had difficulty in speaking due to a stroke that occurred 3 years ago. He was given: / margin-left:34.65pt#1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:34.65ptAnd two days later was also given: / margin-left:34.65pt#2. CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS / margin-left:34.65ptHe started the therapy on 2/10/2013. Now he has stopped stuttering and making other sounds between words. When he is tired, it continues to be difficult for him to ronounce a whole word but he is now in a very good mood and has become full of energy. The vibrionics therapy continues./
0_21065en_1065enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishChronic Asthma Click here19.Respiratory System1626‘= boy aged 12 years has on-going asthma with regular crisis when there is great difficulty in breathing. This happens when he is racticing sports or when the weather is damp. In the icture, the right-side shows the normal air tube whereas the left-side shows the inflamed air tube. / On 6th October 2013, the ractitioner gave him the following combo: / CC12.2 Child tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack…TDS / He is now more stable, not bothered by wet weather and back active in sports again. He also sleeps eacefully and is doing better at his school studies. He now does not take any other allopathic medication./
0_21066en_1066enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishCerebral Palsy Click here15.Mental and Emotional2295‘= met Paraskevoula, an 11-year-old girl in 2010, at a summer camp for children with special needs from a Greek institution, where I have been a volunteer for the last 9 years. She is a child with cerebral alsy and she cannot communicate, at least not in the common ways. / During the first week of the camp she kept screaming for hours every day, ulling her hair and biting her arms so hard that they would bleed. That was the reason why the Institution kept both her arms in laster. She was doing this since we had met her. / Her attendant seemed to be frustrated, so one day I asked him if he wanted me to take her for a few hours. I took her into my tent where I held her in my arms, chanting OM and Gayatri Mantra to her for 2 hours, caressing her arms. Gradually she stopped screaming and at the end, she vomited. I took this as a healing sign. / I wanted from the first day to give her vibro, but the institution where she still lives is 20 km from my home and there was no way to give the TDS dosage. / What I consider to be a miracle is that after one month a volunteer came from Spain who was interested and believed in the system. She volunteered to give the vibro TDS. / Dr Aggarwal upon my request referred me to a ractitioner who had got the combos and suggested we give her: / CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS / Only one month of treatment and Paraskevoula’s habit of self-abuse was healed until today with no other treatment. As you see in the ictures she no longer has to wear the laster. Plus I noticed that she is a lot more responsive to outer stimuli and happier./ /
0_21067en_1067enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishIntestinal BleedingClick here4.Digestive System2295‘= margin-left:5.65ptMy father of 79 years is a cancer atient since 1999. It began in the rostate, and for this he had 60 radiation treatments in 2000. As a result of the radiations, the rostate diminished, but caused cracks in his intestines, which brought about bleeding for long/ margin-left:5.65ptperiods. We were hoping this would eventually heal, but the years assed with the bleeding still continuing. In September 2004, I was travelling to India to stay for 4 months, so I broadcasted the following combo to my father. / margin-left:5.65ptNM2 Blood + NM20 Injury + NM36 War + NM45 Atomic Radiation + OM6 Colon + OM14 Small Intestine + SR324 X-Ray + SR325 Rescue + SR525 Prostate Gland / margin-left:5.65ptAt that time my father was totally against spirituality and spiritual healing so I did not tell my family about the vibro broadcasting. Only 20 days later, the very day I arrived in Prashanthi, I called my arents to see how they were. They informed me that “a miracle had happened” and my father’s haemorrhaging had stopped. / margin-left:5.65ptSeven years later, a few months before he assed away, my father had another experience that revealed to him the glory of Swami and His miracles. He assed away in eace, without any hysical ain (much to his doctors’ surprise), even though his body was full of cancerous tumours!/
0_21068en_1068enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishSuccessful Pregnancy Click here8.Female Organs2295‘= Patient’s testimonial: em“/ememIn March of 2010 when I was 32 years old, my menstrual cycle stopped. At first I thought I was regnant, having been married for eight years, but the tests showed otherwise. My gynaecologist ordered tests, which revealed a slight irregularity in the hormone levels. Also, the URS showed several cysts on one ovary. I was given the hormone, Oestrogen, in ill form to restore my menses. This was not effective, though the doctor kept increasing the dose. I continued taking other hormones without effect. After 3 months my doctor asked me to stop the ills and have a relaxing summer. Another gynaecologist I visited didn’t find any roblems and gave me also the same therapy. An endocrinologist told me the same. /em emIn August I talked about my roblem to the vibro ractitioner. She told me she could help me with vibrionics. I asked for some information and since I trusted her, I felt like giving it a try. I took the first remedy at the end of August 2010: /em #1. NM23 Menses Irregular + BR16 Female + SR264 Silicea 30C + SR270 Apis Mel + SR318 Thuja 30C + SR515 Ovary…TDS / #2. SR249 Medorrhinum 1M…one dose every two weeks four times / emW/ememi/ememth/ememin 3-4 weeks my menses returned. I remember my surprise. I had been trying in vain with tests and medication, hormones and various doctors for 6 months. Since then my menstruation has been normal and the cysts just disappeared! After this, I took another remedy that helped me overcome my roblem of being shy and assive, and feeling guilty most of the time for not being able to solve all the roblems of the eople around me: /em #3. SM4 Stabilizing + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM9 Lack of Confidence + SR417 Agrimony + SR439 Pine…TDS emwh/ememi/ememch also helped me greatly. /em/ emAfter this treatment we discussed other roblems I had regarding my relationships and myself especially my loss of sexual drive. The ractitioner gave me three new remedies: /em #4. SM21 Female + SM39 Tension + SR233 Ruby + SR331 Bacillus 7 / #4a. SR222 Sacral, and #4b. SR225 Throat…one dose every two weeks, alternating between these chakra remedies #4a & #4b. / emI believe this chakra treatment helped me to better communicate with both my husband and my family. It also helped me in general to express myself more fully, not to keep too much inside. Also it helped me understand more clearly why eople, including myself, behave the way they do. It meliorated my relationship with my mother by helping my understanding of my guilt complex. I was able to control this guilt and see things from a detached oint of view. A few months later I got regnant and gave birth to a beautiful little girl. /em emDuring regnancy I was treated with Pregnancy tonic: /em #5. NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone Irregularity + NM12 Combination 12 + NM21 KBS + NM22 Liver + NM67 Calcium + SM26 Immunity + SM41 Uplift + SR254 Calc Phos + SR256 Ferrum Phos + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR373 Caulophyllum + SR374 Causticum 30C + SR544 Aletris Far…TDS / emIn the first couple of months of my regnancy I had severe migraines and nausea. During the whole regnancy I took for Migraine: /em #6. NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + NM85 Headache-Bloodpressure + SM33 Pain + SR254 Calc Phos + SR258 Kali Phos 200C + SR261 Nat Mur 30C + SR263 Nat Sulph + SR264 Silicea + SR275 Belladonna 1M + SR295 Hypericum 200C + SR298 Lachesis 30C + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR 407 Sanguinaria + SR409 Spigelia 30C + SR552 Iris Ver 200C…TDS / #7. NM37 Acidity + NM67 Calcium + SR229 Emerald + SR262 Nat Phos + SR545 Arum Trip…TDS / emW/ememhene/ememv/ememe/ememr I felt either symptom coming on, I took the ill and within 15-20 minutes I felt fine! To make it short, during the whole regnancy I had no headaches and nausea by just taking vibro ills. I need to say that from my first experience with the menses, I was ersuaded already on the effectiveness of this healing system. I believe that somehow the chakra therapy “enlightened” my way of understanding eople and life. I remember moments of clarity during which everything had an explanation. I felt I understood the reasons why eople behaved the way they did; so much appeared clear to me. My husband and l are most grateful for the therapy. We still go on asking for more vibro remedies, and this week we began giving the remedy to my 5-month-old baby for not sleeping in the night. We wish all success to your 1/emems/ememt /ememInternational Conference!” /em Practitioner’s testimonial: em“This couple had lived for 7 years on only the wife’s salary, since the husband, a Belgian national, could not find a job in Greece. This fact was causing him great distress and therefore causing a roblem in their relationship. As soon as the wife got regnant he found a very good job in Belgium where they all now live happily. I consider this to be the result of the vibro therapy, counselling, and the good will and effort of both to mature and evolve, trusting the teachings of Bhagawan and the vibro healing system.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_21069en_1069enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishHeadaches & Migraines Click here11.Head2295‘= 26-year-old female was suffering from constant headaches and migraines since the age of 14. Because she was allergic to allopathic medicine, she could not take ainkillers for relief. At least three days of every week for the last 12 years, she has had to live with intense ain. / In July 2013, she was given the Migraine remedy: / #1. NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + NM85 Headache-Bloodpressure + SM33 Pain + SR254 Calc Phos + SR258 Kali Phos 200C + SR261 Nat Mur 30C + SR263 Nat Sulph + SR264 Silicea + SR275 Belladonna 1M + SR295 Hypericum 200C + SR298 Lachesis 30C + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR407 Sanguinaria + SR409 Spigelia 30C + SR552 Iris Ver 200C…TDS / On October 2013, when her ills had finished, the ractitioner gave her: / #2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC11.4 Migraines…TDS / Practitioner’s comments: em“Last week the atient came to my house just to thank me for the therapy. Specifically she told me… I don’t know what to do now that I do not suffer with headaches any more!”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_21070en_1070enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishFrozen Shoulder Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2295‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 44-year-old female colleague of the ractitioner complained that since November 2012 she had ain in her left shoulder whenever she moved it. One day in February 2013 she came to the office and could not move her arm at all, nor could she sleep at night due to the ain. She said she had visited the doctor who told her that she was suffering from a frozen arm, gave her anti-inflammation ills, and also suggested hysiotherapy to her. Hearing about vibro, she said she wanted to try. Her first remedy: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM20 Injury + NM36 War + OM4 Cervical + SR278 Cactus + SR295 Hypericum 200C + + SR374 Causticum 30C…6TD for the first week, TDS thereafter. / margin-left:5.65ptMeanwhile she did 10 hysiotherapy sessions and not only did she not have good results, but the ain spread into her elbow and down into her hand. The hysiotherapist had also rescribed exercises three times a day, but still no improvement. In April 2013, her remedy was changed to: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. NM52 Left Sided Pain + NM113 Inflammation + SR258 Kali Phos + SR276 Berberis 200…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThe first week she had a 25% improvement. One and a half months later the ain was gone and she began reducing the remedy for the next 2 weeks./
0_21071en_1071enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishStressClick here15.Mental and Emotional2295‘= 17-year-old boy suffered much stress since the age of 6 when in the first grade of elementary school, his tension caused him to vomit. This would become worse during examination eriods or upon resenting an essay at college. Even the thought of going out with his friends to unknown laces made him feel very uncomfortable, very nervous, and he would vomit. Vomiting occurred a few times every week. His family had taken him to various sychologists and they were about to start treatment with allopathic medication. He was much worried that he was not a ‘normal’ erson. The boy began vibrionics on October 2013 with: / CC15.1 Mental & Emotional Tonic + OM9 Digestion Psychosomatic + SR327 Walnut…TDS / The atient called on November 2013, to say he was feeling much calmer and that he had not vomited once since the commencement of the therapy, but reported feeling a bit anxious still during resentations. / Patient’s testimonial: “The scariest monster ever! Stress!!! emMy name is Nikolaos Messias and I am 17 years old. I was infected with the monster called stress from a very young age, specifically from the first elementary grade. The symptoms were mostly vomiting and avoiding stressful conditions by raising this monster increasingly. I visited many sychologists with hope of destroying it, but I faced failure and disappointment. This year I hoped with the help of a sychiatrist and ills, (because they go together), to thrive, but again with no success. I was completely disenchanted and scary thoughts began to enetrate my mind with my stomach exploding every day. That was until the moment my mother resented to me a last solution away from all others, meaning the doctors I visited before; a lady helping eople with Homeopathy. The answer was ositive but the erspective of me finding myself again was buried too deep already in order to reach the surface. After we went to her home to meet her, she gave me a bottle with tiny balls of sugar holding the remedy. Of course from that moment, came my moment of soul redemption. As the days were assing by I was feeling no stress inside me and I s/ememtarted getting out with friends again (I am saying this because I was vomiting every time I was getting out alone without my arents near me.) I even volunteered to do the first resentation we had in school. I felt very amazed with myself and it was as if there was someone else inside me. I could not believe it was I volunteering for the resentation in front of my 25 classmates in the room. In the end I must admit that vomiting left for a vacation and I hope it will never come back again! I owe everything to the ractitioner, because after all these years of suffering she achieved the impossible! You have no idea how thankful I am! Thank you a lot for killing that monster and giving me myself back again to enjoy life. Thank you.” /em / / !–![endif]—-/
0_21072en_1072enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GreeceenglishInfant Stress Click here15.Mental and Emotional2295‘= margin-left:30.25ptThe ractitioner’s friend in Belgium called about a sleeping roblem with her 9 month old baby girl, since the child was moved to a separate bedroom 3 months earlier. The baby was not sleeping at night. The mother had to wake up several times every night, which caused her great fatigue during the day when the baby was sleeping. A remedy was made on the Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser and broadcasted to her: / margin-left:30.25ptNM6 Calming + NM25 Shock + NM28 Sleep + SM5 Peace & Love + SM6 Stress + SM37 Sleep + SR401 Passiflora + SM2 Divine Protection…TDS in water. / margin-left:30.25ptThe friend reported that the baby slept without waking on the 3rd day of the treatment. She is now taking one dose of the remedy 1 hour before bedtime./
0_21073en_1073enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GermanyenglishDog, Pain in Back Paws Click here1.Animals and Plants1786‘= two year old male dog living in an animal shelter, had ain in the back aws. No doctor could help him and for one year no medicine relieved the ain. Treatment started 20th June, 2001. The ractitioner gave him: / NM20 Injury…OD for two weeks / In 24 hours the ain was gone. A healthy dog was given to a new owner./ /
0_21074en_1074enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2GermanyenglishDiarrhoea Click here4.Digestive System1786‘= margin-left:27.65ptA 52-year-old man had been hospitalized for 4 weeks because he had on-going diarrhoea; all he had eaten went right through him and he was near to death. The ractitioner gave him: / margin-left:27.65ptNM1 Amoebic Dysentery + NM12 Combination 12 + NM35 Worms + NM36 War + OM6 Colon… TDS / margin-left:27.65ptAfter taking the above combo for 24 hours, his diarrhoea had stopped. It was another week before he was discharged from the hospital. No details from the atient, after he left./
0_21075en_1075enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2BelgiumenglishEczema Click here21.Skin523‘= margin-left:33.65ptA 62-year-old man suffered from chronic eczema. The flare-ups would happen frequently. The symptoms were redness of the skin and flaky skin with severe itching. The symptoms increased when exposed to water. The treatment started with the following: Nosode prepared from the atient’s blood sample TDS / margin-left:33.65ptThere was almost immediate relief from itching and after a few days the rash diminished spectacularly. Treatment continues with the nosode of the latest blood sample taken every month with TDS dosage./
0_21076en_1076enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2BelgiumenglishCat with Blood Poisoning Click here1.Animals and Plants;13.Kidney and Bladder523‘= margin-left:33.65ptA 10 year old Persian cat suffered from blood oisoning due to kidney failure. Symptoms were inability to eat, nausea, vomiting, excessive drinking, excessive urination, and extreme lethargy. / margin-left:33.65ptThe veterinary surgeon diagnosed that the kidneys were more than 75% damaged, with less than 50% chance of recovery even after three full blood transfusions. The cat was given: / margin-left:33.65pt#1. NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney + SM27 Infection…TDS / margin-left:33.65pt#2. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.4 Kidney failure + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:33.65ptAfter one day, nausea subsided and the cat started eating frequently in small amounts. He drank less excessively and after a few days he regained his layfulness. The condition was however fatal due to excessive oisoning of the blood, but the cat lived six weeks longer than the one week the veterinary surgeon had redicted. He did not suffer in the least and breathed his last in a natural way under the umbrella of Sai./
0_21077en_1077enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2BelgiumenglishCat Allergy Click here19.Respiratory System523‘= four year old girl was allergic to cats and horsehair. Her face would swell up with severe itching on touching a cat. There were many cats in the neighbourhood, so it was a big roblem. A nosode was repared from her blood sample and she was treated TDS, renewing the nosode each month with fresh blood sample. Her condition started improving steadily and her allergy was completely cured after one year of treatment with the nosode./ / / / /
0_21078en_1078enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2BelgiumenglishCat with Constipation Click here1.Animals and Plants;4.Digestive System523‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 2 year old Siamese cat with a tendency for constipation suffered from acute symptoms. The symptoms were absence of bowel movement though frequently visiting the cat litter. The cat was in agony. The following remedy was given: / margin-left:5.65ptNM13 Constipation + OM14 Small Intestine + BR8 Constipation + BR9 Digestion / margin-left:5.65ptOne drop of the remedy made in alcohol was added to the drinking bowl daily. His bowel movement became regular with immediate effect and the cat never suffered from constipation again./
0_21079en_1079enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ArgentinaenglishFibromyalgiaClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2128‘= 46-year-old woman had been suffering from fibromyalgia for the last 9 years. She had ain all the time and her body movements were rather limited. On September 2013 she met the ractitioner and was given: / #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / After 15 days she told the ractitioner there was no change whatsoever. The endulum indicated SR397 Morphinum. The ractitioner added the same to her existing combo. The new formula was: / #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + SR397 Morphinum 10M…TDS / Within less than a month the lady was completely healed. It was the first time in many years she was totally free of ain, she could move the body without difficulty. She is happy, excited and grateful!/ !–![endif]—-/
0_2858en_858enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2FranceenglishLoss of memoryClick here17.Miscellaneous3578‘= 54-year-old woman ursuing studies in ublic accounting had been suffering from memory issues for over 6 months. She was not able to remember lessons learnt even a week ago. She would also forget words and lose track even during a conversation. This discouraged her so much that she lost confidence in herself and wanted to stop studying. She didn’t take any treatment for this. On 11 May 2019 she consulted the ractitioner who gave: / CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…every 10 min for 1 hour followed by 6TD / In a week, she observed 10% improvement, and this boosted her confidence to continue studies. Dosage was reduced to TDS. After another seven weeks, she was 50% better and appeared for exams confidently and assed. This success gave her so much confidence with that she decided to continue studying further for another year. She was also able to have normal conversation. Dosage was reduced to OD. On 14 Sept 2019, she felt normal and was doing very well with her studies. After she assed her next exam in July 2020, dosage was reduced to OW and stopped after two months. As of April 2021, she is absolutely fine without any recurrence of symptoms. / /
0_2879en_879enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishSpastic Choking Click here15.Mental and Emotional135‘= The atient was a young woman, around 30, who was a wife and mother of two rather unruly!–[endif]—- children. She was suffering from symptoms of spastic choking rendering her unable to eat. She had suffered for over a week and her condition was becoming increasingly severe. Every time she ate, she would begin choking to the extent that breathing was difficult./ / Doctors at the Puttaparthi general hospital examined her and they could find nothing hysiologically wrong to cause the condition, so no treatment was rescribed. The ractitioner therefore assumed the cause to be sychosomatic but it was difficult to get to the root of the matter because she was always hysterically very fearful to speak candidly about what might be upsetting her. The ractitioner gave the following combo: / #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + NM54 Spasm + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR444 Sweet Chestnut…6TD and to help the digestion, nourishing liquids were recommended./ divThe following day she felt a little better but still too fearful to even try to eat. The ractitioner told her to continue to take the combo as directed for the next 5 days. During this eriod she found she became a little more relaxed and was able to start taking liquids without choking. She came to see the ractitioner regularly during this time because it seemed to help her to be away from the family. Finally she was able to express her ent up anger and distress caused by the behaviour of her husband who she admitted was the cause of the choking. This was a reaction to his anger and condemnation of her, and her inability to express her feelings towards this mental cruelty. Her condition was making it difficult for her to give enough time to her children and this in turn meant that her husband was often forced to look after them instead. Finally able to talk to someone, she began to understand how she was unconsciously unishing him for his treatment of her, but in the rocess was making the relationship for both of them more untenable. Realising this for the first time things started to change, the choking stopped gradually and as far as the ractitioner knows, it has not returned. During their last week at the ashram, the family was more eaceful, including the relationship between her and her husband./ With her family, she left for her country with a much clearer icture of herself and her marriage. To help with her confidence and emotional clearing, the ractitioner gave her:/ #2. SR327 Walnut + SR329 Crab Apple…TDS for one week, then BD until the small bottle was finished./ !–![endif]—-/
0_2880en_880enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishCracked FeetClick here21.Skin135‘= margin-left:5.65ptA woman of 55 years had been suffering from approximately a quarter to half-inch deep, ainful, bleeding cracks img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/732/ float:left; height:299px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:448px /on the bottom of her feet, articularly the heels and all the added areas. They had gradually become worse during the years she had been living in the ashram./ The ractitioner thought that her diet, which was high in salt and sugar because of eating a lot of white rice, overcooked vegetables, ickles and sweets did not help this condition. The atient had tried numerous creams and oils on the feet but none had helped. She was given:/ #1. NM27 Skin + NM101 Skin H + SR253 Calc Fluor + SR292 Graphites 30C + SR402 Petroleum 3X + SR528 Skin…6TD reducing to TDS on improvement./ She was told to eat sprouts, nuts & seeds, vegetables & fruits and other raw food as much as ossible and eliminate salt, white rice and all cooked food, except steamed, from her diet. The atient followed these instructions exactly and in a week, improvement was seen in the state of the feet. The cracks were healing and the skin on the ads of the feet was softening and older dead skin started eeling. The same treatment continued except to gradually reduce the above combo to BD and then OD. Finally the above combo was changed to:/ margin-left:5.65pt#2. SR402 Petroleum 3X…BD/ After approximately 1 month her feet were completely normal and without any cracks./ The ractitioner feels that the change in the atient’s diet was an essential art of the treatment. /span!–![endif]—-/ / /
0_2881en_881enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishConjunctivitisClick here7.Eyes135‘= margin-left:5.65ptA woman vegetable vendor aged 35, who daily sat outside the ashram wall, became a victim of a viral conjunctivitis epidemic that was spreading throughout Puttaparthi, including the ashram. She had tried many remedies but nothing had helped. Both her img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/733/ float:left; height:167px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:150px /eyes were swollen and inflamed, itching and streaming with tears. She was a icture of misery. She said she had suffered now for two days. She was given:/ margin-left:5.65ptNM17 Eye + NM36 War + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM109 Vision + NM113 Inflammation + OM11 Eye CM & 30C + BR20 Eye + SM20 Eyes + SM27 Infection + SM28 Injury + SR275 Belladonna 6X + SR349 Euphrasia 6X & 30C…6TD/ When the ractitioner saw her the next day she was astonished to see that her eyes were almost normal and the next day all infection was gone and the eyes were completely normal./
0_2882en_882enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishNightmares & Tantrums in a Child Click here15.Mental and Emotional135‘= margin-left:5.65ptA small child aged 5, who had frequent screaming tantrums to the extent that her mother had often to remove her from the darshan area, was brought by her mother to see the ractitioner. She was concerned not only with the tantrums and her general unruly temper, but also the terrible nightmares she was having. Her temper had been going on for three of the child’s five years but the nightmares had developed two weeks before visiting the ractitioner and were now almost nightly when she would awaken screaming in terror. She was given:/ margin-left:5.65ptNM6 Calming + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM3 Soul Cleansing + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM8 Insomnia + SM37 Sleep…6TD for 2 days followed by TDS/ Within three days the mother said her daughter’s temper had miraculously improved and rarely did she throw a tantrum in darshan, and the nightmares ceased. Her whole ersonality transformed to a friendly rosy-cheeked angel, happily interacting with others./
0_2883en_883enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishSleeplessness & Anxiety Click here15.Mental and Emotional135‘= A man between 55 and 60 years old suffering from Asperger’s, a mild form of autism with severe and chronic difficulty in functioning and socializing with eople, came because at resent he was suffering symptoms of sleeplessness and anxiety with img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/734/ float:left; height:260px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:260px /enormous worry and negativity. The ractitioner gave:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.5 ADD & Autism…every 10 minutes/ The following day, he reported better sleep, calmer, improved feelings and better functioning. The atient continued taking the same combo, slightly reducing the dosage but not less than TDS and regularly renewing this vibrionics reparation. He reported having a more agreeable disposition in general, but would come for verbal interchange when he felt his balance slipping. After speaking with him when he came, and depending on how he felt, the ractitioner would add an extra Bach flower remedy to the combo. For example, if he was feeling a lot of anger, Bach flower SR430 Holly would be added and he was encouraged to be relaxed and open to the temporary ullout that !–[endif]—-might follow. In this way he managed approximately four months in the ashram without any major mishap or unbearable distress. This lack of distress and general mishaps were usually not the norm for him so it was a new experience. Asperger’s is considered to be a milder form of Autism and generally treated with serious allopathic medication, all of them having very unpleasant and often dangerous side effects. The ractitioner was encouraged that the atient managed several months as well as he did in a foreign country, with such a serious handicap and few good friends for assistance. When he did leave he felt he had reached a relatively comfortable status quo enabling him to travel without undue anxiety. !–![endif]—-/ /
0_2884en_884enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishHaemorrhoids & ConstipationClick here4.Digestive System135‘= the years this ractitioner has treated female atients, with the above conditions and generally in middle age, with the following combo:/ img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/735/ float:left; height:164px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:400px /NM13 Constipation + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM114 Elimination + OM5 Circulation 30C & CM + BR8 Constipation + BR18 Circulation + SM15 Circulation…TDS/ The ractitioner feels this combo is invaluable for haemorrhoids requiring only one or two days to remedy the roblem, taking the combination two or three times a day. She recommends continuing the combo for two or three days afterwards, being sure to eliminate any constipation that is troubling the atient. This usually means a diet rich in fibre like boiled okra and/or apaya, eliminating cheeses, astas and most breads and white rice./
0_2885en_885enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishSkin Overgrowth in Dog Click here21.Skin1053‘= margin-left:28.65pt / The atient was Teddy, the ractitioner’s service dog, a male Whippet, five years old. Treatment began on 22 Sept. 2013. / Canine atient had an approximately 1 cm. skin growth on right ear flap. The ractitioner thought that this was a skin wart or apilloma. Other conditions of the atient are food allergies to gluten grains, corn, soy, and sweeteners. Otherwise the atient is in good health. Practitioner began treatment with: / CC21.8 Herpes…BD / The remedy was dispensed into colloidal silver as the base liquid. Applied to the ear flap, and half a dropper ut into a bowl of water. There was no noticeable change after three weeks. The ractitioner stopped the remedy for one week completely before starting a new remedy to ascertain the effectiveness of the new remedy. The ractitioner gave the dog: / SR301 Mercurius 200C…BD. / This was given in the same way as CC21.8. The growth completely shrivelled up and fell off in two weeks. The ractitioner continued to ut the remedy into a bowl of water for another month, and gradually tapered off to OW or less. / NOTE: emT/ememh/ememe ractitioner has used SR301 Mercurius in the ast on various skin growths, and ersonally has had success. The ractitioner feels mercury is akin to a miasm in that it should be used very carefully and should be considered as art of a detox rotocol, and also as a ossible underlying cause of many chronic conditions. It can have a significant ullout, so caution should be applied. The ractitioner feels it should only be used like a miasm treatment on those atients who have no mercury amalgam fillings./em / margin-left:28.65pt / margin-left:28.65pt!–[endif]—-/ / !–![endif]—-/
0_2886en_886enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishConstipationClick here4.Digestive System1096‘= margin-left:5.65ptWhen this 5-year-old child was brought to the ractitioner, she was constipated for one week and was not eating or drinking since the roblem began. In this case, she was dehydrated and emaciated and looked very ill. Her abdomen was hard like a rock and very ainful to touch. The following was rescribed:/ margin-left:5.65ptNM13 Constipation + NM111 Portal Clearance + OM6 Colon + SR261 Nat Mur 30C…TDS for two months. / margin-left:5.65ptOne dose was ut in the child’s mouth. She had a bowel movement within 2 hours of the first dose and assed a large amount of hardened stool. She recovered completely since then and now has regular bowel movement./
0_2887en_887enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishTeethingClick here11.Head1096‘= margin-left:5.65ptThe ractitioner treated her grandson, 6 months of age, for teething. He had 2 lower incisors in 5 months. She started giving him:/ margin-left:5.65ptSM2 Divine Protection + SR253 Calc Fluor 6X + SR254 Calc Phos 6X + SR265 Aconite 30C + SR271/ margin-left:5.65ptArnica 30C + SR283 Chamomilla 30C…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptHe is now 14 months & has 14 teeth, 2 more are about to emerge. During this eriod he has not been sick other than refusing food & some crankiness during the teething rocess. She feels this is due to Swami’s grace & vibrionics medicine./
0_2888en_888enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishPsoriasisClick here21.Skin1096‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 77 year old female atient had a history of soriasis of both forearms, legs, back and scalp for many years. She suffered from severe itching, to the oint where img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/736/content_ic-1096-1.jpg float:left; height:302px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:306px /img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/737/content_ic-1096-2.jpg float:left; height:223px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:400px /the scratching would result in bleeding and secondary infection of the rashes, accompanied by a smelly dis- charge. The atient was given the following remedy:/ margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM6 Calming + NM27 Skin + NM36 War + NM41 Psoriasis + SR261 Nat Mur 200C…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThe above remedy was administered along with a course of antibiotics. She felt much better within a week. Her itching reduced and the rashes and infection img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/738/content_ic-1096-3.jpg float:left; height:272px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:400px /img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/739/content_ic-1096-4.jpg float:left; height:300px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:400px /cleared up. One week later, in addition to #1, the following remedy was given: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. SR250 Psorinum 1M One dose every two weeks for two months./ margin-left:5.65ptShe continued the treatment for two months. She has since completely recovered./ / /
0_2889en_889enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishBoilClick here21.Skin1096‘= margin-left:27.65ptA female atient 56 years old, developed a boil on her left thigh, which was about 6 by 3 inches of induration. It was red and hot to touch and very ainful. Under normal circumstances she would have needed antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and drainage or incision of the abscess when ready. Since that was not an option, in March of 2006 the atient was given:/ margin-left:27.65ptSR295 Hypericum 200C…TDS/ margin-left:27.65ptTo the amazement of the ractitioner, the boil completely disappeared within five days./
0_2890en_890enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishCardiac Heart Failure (CHF) with Acute Myocarditis Click here3.Circulatory System1096‘= margin-left:27.65ptA male atient aged 45 years, had flu for 2-3 days in November of 2009, which ended in a cough. He ignored this and continued working and moving around in very cold weather. He recovered from the flu, but shortly developed acute shortness of breath with severe tachycardia (Heart Rate > 140/min). He could hardly talk due to acute shortness of breath. He was rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed as CHF (Cardiac Heart Failure) with acute myocarditis. The cause of the myocarditis was viral infection of the heart. He was kept in the ICU and treatment was started right away. His Echo Cardiogram was very oor. His EF (Ejection Fraction) was only 20%. The atient was given the following remedy while in the hospital:/ margin-left:27.65pt#1. NM91 Paramedic Rescue + SM15 Circulation + SR271 Arnica 30C/200C…TDS / margin-left:27.65ptHis condition started improving with the Vibrionics remedies in conjunction with hospital treatment. In two weeks the atient was given:/ margin-left:27.65pt#2. NM12 Combination 12 + OM7 Heart + SM6 Stress + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR286 Crategus + SR287 Digitalis + SR390 Kali Brom + SR495 Heart + SR511 Myocardium…TDS for 6 months./ margin-left:27.65ptHe continued to improve, and his EF was normal in about six months time. As an experienced medical ractitioner Dr Bhagat can say with conviction that vibrionics remedies contributed significantly to the atient’s remarkable recovery./
0_2891en_891enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishGanglion Cyst Click here2.Cancers and Tumours1096‘= margin-left:27.65ptIn March of 2009, a 50 year old female atient developed a ganglion on her right wrist./ margin-left:27.65ptimg alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/740/ float:left; height:332px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /The following remedy was given: / margin-left:27.65ptSR253 Calc Fluor 200C + SR369 Benzoic Acid 50M + SR405 Ruta 200C…TDS / margin-left:27.65ptHer ganglion reduced and slowly disappeared in about 3 weeks./
0_2892en_892enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishLong term Depression Click here15.Mental and Emotional;17.Miscellaneous;18.Nervous System1339‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 64-year-old second generation Jewish man whose arents were Holocaust survivors, came to me the first time in October 2011, having suffered life-long depression, a continuing feeling of hopelessness and a concern for his lack of memory. We spoke at length both about his life and illness. We also talked about Sathya Sai Baba and related topics. I mailed the following common combos, a remedy that I call “Uplift”, feeling that it indeed uplifts the atient./ margin-left:5.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.2 Alzheimer’s disease…QDS to 6TD. / margin-left:5.65ptFor new atients taking the remedy 6TD can be too difficult. I encouraged him to take the remedy at least QDS and 6TD when ossible. Within the first month he felt a growing energy, a new lightness and hope. After two months the dosage was reduced to TDS, unless he was having an emotionally difficult day. Then he increased it to QDS. / margin-left:5.65ptHe stayed on the remedy for about 18 months. His mental outlook, memory, ersonal life and relationships improved and he stopped taking the remedy. Over this ast year depression returned. He is now back on the same vibrionics combo at TDS and doing very well. He’s happy. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: em“My name is Dani Novak and I am almost 65 years old. My arents were Holocaust survivors and most of my life from about age 14, I suffered from severe depressions. Swami helped me immensely. Some of the details were documented on Radio Sai img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/741/ float:left; height:50px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:50px /through the Tryst with Divinity audio rogram on June 14, 2011. /em emOne of the milestones in my healing was my introduction to Sai Vibrionics and Iwo/ememu/ememl/ememd like to share with you my experience and I hope it will help others with a similar situation. My ractitioner listened to my story attentively when we had our first hone interview and felt intuitively that my roblem comes from deeply imbedded grief that stemmed from my immediate ast life, and not just from my current situation as a child of Holocaust survivors. I felt that she was right and was very hopeful that the Sai Vibrionics ills would help, and indeed they did. I cannot describe to you how different I started feeling. It was gradual and lasted for about two years. At a certain oint in time I felt I needn’t take the ills any more but the depressions returned, and after consultation with my healer I resumed taking them and may continue for a long time. /em emIt feels so, so, good to be free from these constant background feelings that took different forms like fear, depression, confusion etc. Now there is more and more light and more and more of an inner calling to serve others and to share my love. I feel like a newborn baby./em emI would like to mention that I had a commitment, and still do, of taking the ills 3-4 times a day and making sure not to eat 20 minutes before and after taking them, and this has had a ositive /em!–[endif]—-emsi/ememd/ememe effect because before that, when driving back home from work, my mind would weave through numerous inner desires related to eating food after a long day, and it never was a good thing for me. While now, when I come home, I immediately take the ills and the waiting time gives me inner time and space to centre, and not to be enslaved by my senses./em / emM/ememy devotion to my inner teacher in the form of Sathya Sai Baba was also very helpful. The loving care of my ractitioner that always showed Love and was listening to my report was another essential ingredient. I will forever be grateful to Swami for healing me through this medium.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2893en_893enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishCigarette Smoking, Bipolar and Eating disorder Click here15.Mental and Emotional1339‘= margin-left:5.65ptEdward, came to me in March 2012, distraught over not being able to give up cigarettes. He believed he needed to give them up for his spiritual growth, but felt owerless to do so. He had already successfully stopped drinking alcohol. His negative self- talk img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/742/ float:left; height:201px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:190px /about cigarette smoking was neither mentally healthy nor helpful in any way. He also over ate and was consequently overweight. He had been diagnosed Bipolar. (emBipolar disorder /emis a form of depressive disease that characteristically involves cycles of depression and elation or mania.) / margin-left:5.65ptBased on his history and our conversations, I gave him:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC15.3/ margin-left:5.65ptAddictions + CC15.4 Eating disorders – 6TD for 6 weeks, then TDS a month at which time he went to Prashanthi Nilayam for his first trip and stopped taking vibrionics, thinking he was cured. / margin-left:5.65ptHe returned home and within a month he relapsed and smoked for three months. He asked for my help again to stop smoking. I repeated the same remedy:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC15.3 Addictions + CC15.4 Eating disorders – 6TD for 6 weeks. He completely stopped smoking in 12 days. / margin-left:5.65ptAfter 6 weeks the dosage was reduced to TDS for one month. Presently he takes it OD or BD and lans to stay on it indefinitely as he feels so good and has no desire for cigarettes. He has also lost weight by following a sensible diet and cutting down on sweets./
0_2894en_894enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishKnee Injury Click here10.First-aid and Injuries;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)1339‘= margin-left:5.65ptA woman, age 49, contacted the ractitioner in March 2012, after hearing from her twin sister how vibrionics had helped her. She had a list of issues. We decided to start treatment with the most roblematic in terms of her daily activities. She had torn the img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/743/ float:left; height:261px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:400px /Meniscus in her left knee and had been living with daily ain. A torn meniscus is one of the most common knee injuries. Any activity that causes a forceful twist or rotation of the knee, especially when utting the ressure of the erson’s full weight on it, can lead to a torn meniscus. / margin-left:5.65ptEach of a erson’s knees has two meniscuses, C-shaped ieces of cartilage that act like a cushion between your shinbone and your thighbone. A torn meniscus causes ain, swelling and stiffness. The knee might feel unstable, as if it’s going to collapse. The ractitioner started her on:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThree bottles were mailed. Within two months she noticed improvement. The atient and ractitioner spoke during the two months. The combo remedy continued to be refilled and mailed to the atient as needed. The ractitioner also started treating the atient’s son. In April 2013, the atient called to tell me her knee was healed and she now wanted to start treatment on two other issues./ margin-left:5.65ptThree bottles were mailed. Within two months she noticed improvement. The atient and ractitioner spoke during the two months. The combo remedy continued to be refilled and mailed to the atient as needed. The ractitioner also started treating the atient’s son. In April 2013, the atient called to tell me her knee was healed and she now wanted to start treatment on two other issues. / / !–[endif]—- Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I began taking the ‘Pearls’ about 18 months ago (March, 2012). The vibrionics ractitioner referred to these healing gems as Pearls. As I began to take them, I shortly began to feel the healing effects. I totally agreed with her. I was diagnosed with a torn Meniscus in my left knee almost three years ago. I did knee exercises and massaged my knee frequently, but the ain ersisted. A year later, I heard about the ractitioner through my sister, who had sent me an email about her work and Sai Vibrionics. We are both Baba devotees, and after reading the Vibrionics website, I felt that it was a Godsend. I emailed the ractitioner with a list of my ‘maladies’. She emailed me back with a time and date to talk. The following week, we met over the hone and talked for an hour. We had so much to talk about, and most of the talk, of course was about our Beloved Baba and His love for humanity and our children. /em margin-left:5.65pt emI started taking the Pearls about two weeks later. Within two months, I felt a great difference. /em margin-left:5.65pt emI was able to walk with less ain. I had suffered tingling ain in that area, that even when I just ut my hand over my knee, without touching, there was ain! Slowly but surely, the ain began to dissipate. One day, from the advice of a dear friend who is a Yoga teacher, I was told to start doing squats. Squats! I was terrified to do squats. To me, that is a lot of deep, deep bending. He told me to take my time, and the minute it became uncomfortable, stop. So I began, twice a day, maybe hold for 1 – 2 seconds. Yes, seconds! /em margin-left:5.65pt emT/ememo/ememda/ememy I can do squats and hold for 30 seconds or more. I know that this is the Pearls at work. The Pearls have brought 100% healing to my knee. I can walk, squat and exercise with no ain. I am forever grateful to the ractitioner, the ‘Pearl Lady’ for her tireless work with Sai Vibrionics, and her wonderful and insightful intuition. I am forever grateful to our Beloved Sai Baba for giving this gift of healing to the ractitioner and the many Sai vibrionics ractitioners all over the world.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2895en_895enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishCured-Jaw Bone Deterioration from Radiation Therapy Click here10.First-aid and Injuries;17.Miscellaneous;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ);21.Skin1339‘= margin-left:5.65ptA male atient, age 59, contacted the ractitioner through a referral from another atient in June 2012. The atient had neck cancer four years reviously. He made a trip to Puttaparthi and Sathya Sai Baba cured him. He now had necrosis of his img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/744/ float:left; height:200px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:275px /jawbone from the radiation treatment he had undergone rior to going to India. emNecrosis /emis death of body tissue. It occurs when there is not enough blood flowing to the tissue, whether from injury, radiation, or chemicals. The doctors and surgeon recommended surgery to take a iece of his leg bone and implant it into the jaw after the dead bone had been removed. He did not want to do surgery. Instead he chose Vibrionics and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy. / margin-left:5.65ptThe ractitioner mailed to the atient:/ margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures…QDS / margin-left:5.65ptIn July, 2012,/ margin-left:5.65ptCC17.2 Cleansing + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…QDS was added to the original combos. He was mailed three bottles. / margin-left:5.65ptIn the summer of 2012, the atient underwent hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing ure oxygen in a ressurized room. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a well-established treatment for decompression sickness, a hazard of scuba diving. Other conditions !–[endif]—-treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include serious infections, bubbles of air in your blood vessels, and wounds that won’t heal as a result of diabetes or radiation injury. / margin-left:5.65ptIn a hyperbaric oxygen therapy room, the air ressure is raised up to six times higher than normal air ressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather much more oxygen than would be ossible breathing ure oxygen at normal air ressure. The blood that carries this oxygen throughout the atient’s body, stimulates the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which romote healing. In September 2012, dosage was adjusted to TDS. The atient found TDS was convenient for him. He was mailed four bottles. He continued with the remedy until the iece of jawbone was ushed out of his mouth./ margin-left:5.65ptIn July 2013, he contacted the ractitioner after a visit with the doctors who told him the necrosis was gone and he was healed. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“Due to a radiation therapy used to treat a cancer in my neck in 2006, a bone disease appeared in my jaw on May of 2012. During a visit to the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, USA, I was treated for the second occurrence of cancer in June of 2012. To solve the roblem, they decided to remove a iece of the bone in my jaw that was compromised, and replace it with a iece of bone extracted from my leg. /em margin-left:5.65pt emI decided not to undergo the rocedure indicated by the doctor and instead chose to do Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment that was erformed during the months of July and August of 2012. At the same time I had begun Vibrionics treatment./em margin-left:5.65pt emIn October of 2012, tests at MD Anderson Medical Centre showed that the iece of dead bone was no longer attached to the jawbone, which according to the doctor was a good thing./em margin-left:5.65pt emIn about two to three months after my visit to MD Anderson the iece of bone was expelled from my jaw through the gum. During this eriod I had constantly continued the Vibrionics treatment. /em margin-left:5.65pt emIn July of 2013, during a check-up at MD Anderson, I was told that everything was OK with my jawbone. Contrary to what the doctor wanted, which was surgery, I decided on Hyperbaric Oxygen and Vibrionics and the roblem was solved./em margin-left:5.65pt emBy the way, when the (neck) cancer came back on January of 2008, I was told that it was incurable. On July 30, 2008, while in Puttaparthi, India, Sai Baba came to my dream and told me that my cancer was a thing of the ast. Two months later the tests showed no sign of the cancer and so did the tests on July, 2013, five years later.”/em / !–![endif]—-/
0_2896en_896enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishImmune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Fatigue Click here3.Circulatory System1361‘= 1998, Ms Doria Martinez, a female of 66 years, had a thyroid condition as well as osteoporosis in the wrist and knee. img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/745/content_ic-1361-1.jpg float:left; height:328px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /She suffered alpitations and breathlessness even while walking only short distances. She had recently gained 25 extra ounds. In addition, water retention was observed; some days her wristwatch would feel too small and caused a blue mark. She also noticed acidity after eating sweets. She took ain medications for the constant ain in her body up until 2006. / margin-left:5.65ptIn 2006, Ms Doria Martinez went to the doctor for treatment for severe arthritis. She could not stand in the mornings because of the ain. Sulphur injections were given for 6-8 weeks and gave relief. In the same year her cartilage in one knee was replaced surgically, reinitiating her ain. Four months later her latelet count was as low as 19, as against a normal 130-300. Medications were changed but did not help. She consulted an oncologist and they mistakenly suspected Leukemia. Cortisone 40 mg. was rescribed for severe body ain and gradually reduced to 5 mg. In January 2010 she was hospitalized for almost six months. She was extremely fatigued and often slept all day long. Her latelet count would fluctuate: one day 130, another, 40. She developed blue bruises all over the body, as if someone were injuring her. Cortisone alone worked to free her from ain and the blue marks would disappear. At this juncture we met and began the Sai vibrionics treatment in October 2011. She had blue marks on the arms at that time, about 1 to 3 inches in size. / margin-left:5.65ptSide effects of the medication: swelling in the neck/swollen feet/swollen fingers/blood ressure rising marginally (so she takes BP medicine), spinal ain, inflammation of spinal muscle, lupus was suspected but ruled out and doctors could not diagnose the roblem. Finally they concluded it to be Immune thrombocytopenic urpura. / margin-left:5.65ptSince this was a complicated case to handle, I had recommended:/ margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM2 Blood 1M…6TD for one month, decreasing the dosage to TDS. / margin-left:5.65ptAfter consulting with the vibrionics team, I gave her: / / margin-left:5.65pt#2. NM2 Blood + OM1 Blood 30C & 200C + BR1 Anaemia 30C & 50M + SR271 Arnica 30C + SR285 China Off 200C + SR494 Haemoglobin + SR529 Spleen…6TD for 2 days, QDS for 2days, TDS ongoing until latelet count improves and then reduce to BD. / margin-left:5.65ptThe atient had a very good response with latelet count going up from 25 to 40 to 65 to 80 in about 6 months. The atient repeated the above remedy for 2 years and today has a steady latelet count of 130 to 180 the normal range being 130 to 300. The blood reports are available for reference. The blue marks have disappeared, and the atient has not felt tired in the last 2 years. Her roductivity is excellent. She continues to be on maintenance dosage, now happy and healthy with no symptoms of the above. Her last update for latelet count was 160, well within the normal range. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“My name is Doria Martinez, I am 66 years old and I live in McAllen, TX, USA. I want to give my voluntary testimony about the benefits of the Vibrionics Vibhuti treatment in my condition of low latelet count. /em margin-left:5.65pt emIn the year 2007, I was diagnosed with a disorder called Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. The normal blood latelet count is from 130 to 300 units, and in my case, my count was only 19 units and sometimes as low as 9 units, and for that reason, I had to be hospitalized in January of 2010. /em margin-left:5.65pt emMy treatment with allopathic medicine involved taking cortisone and I would take 60 milligrams daily. My chronic symptoms were internal haemorrhages all over my body. For example: The simple ressure of my watch on my wrist, would leave a big bruise around my wrist or when they needed a blood sample, the needle would leave big bruises that would take up to 3 weeks to disappear. The acute symptoms occurred when my latelet count went as low as 12 units or less. Then I would get very sleepy and tired and the bruises increased. /em margin-left:5.65pt emIn the year 2011, Chakravarthy offered me a Vibrionics Treatment and we started that treatment using vibhuthi instead of sugar ills on October 31st o/ememf the same year. One and a half years later, I took my 3/ememr/ememd /ememtreatment in the form of round sugar ills, because Chakravarthy had run out of vibhuthi. /em margin-left:5.65pt emAt resent, I am continuing my allopathic treatment but the dosage is much less, instead of taking 60 milligrams, I only have to take 5 milligrams, and my latelet count has not gone so low as 12 units. In August 2012, my latelet count went up to 168 units and since then, the count never dropped below 100. Actually I am now taking my fourth treatment, hoping to get off the cortisone completely and to have a normal latelet count. /em margin-left:5.65pt emFor all the benefits that I received, I am infinitely grateful to the beloved Sai Baba for utting Chakravarthy in my ath, to this wonderful treatment and to everybody that was involved.” /em margin-left:5.65pt*Video recording of atient’s testimonial is available*
0_2897en_897enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishLeg and Hand Pain Click here12.Immune System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)1361‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 38-year-old male, was suffering from severe ain in the legs below his knees for over 1 year. None of the medicines given by doctors rovided the needed relief. Since he was an ardent riest, raying for the devotees in his temple, he used to erform Japa and Yagnaas for very long hours throughout the year. The atient used to experience severe ain while resting in the night; the ulling ain was beginning from his knees and stretching down to his feet. He reported that both his muscles and veins felt as though they were being squeezed and hung on a clothesline. There was also bone ain, especially in his leg and hands. He was required to drive almost daily far and wide to erform his riestly duties. Since he was our family riest, I suggested that he take vibrionics and see the result. Based on his symptoms on December 7, 2012, I gave him: / / !–[endif]—-#1. NM3 Bone Irregularity 1M + NM40 Knees 1M…TDS for 5 days: for knee ain / #2. NM24 Rheum & Arthritis 10M…OD for 2 weeks: for arthritis / margin-left:5.65ptThe atient was completely cured by the end of the first week itself, but he continued the dosage over the next 2 weeks. To date, the atient has not had the ain at all. Treatment ended on Dec. 21, 2012./ !–![endif]—-/
0_2898en_898enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishIsolation – Healing by broadcasting Click here15.Mental and Emotional1361‘= was a very unusual case of a 40 year-old-lady and my only case where the atient had to be in seclusion for a img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/746/ float:left; height:224px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /eriod of 3 to 4 weeks due to ersonal reasons. This isolation caused extreme emotional, mental and hysical stress, resulting in the loss of her monthly eriods for 60 to 75 days. The loneliness of her seclusion gnawed at her mentally and emotionally, so I stayed in touch with her by hone. There was no way of giving her the remedy orally and I most urgently wanted to help her. On reading the book, Vibrionics 2004, I found a reference to broadcasting, healing from distance. I decided that this could be the way to treat this helpless atient who is an ardent devotee of Swami. / I received a assport hotograph from the atient and started broadcasting the remedy on October 10th, 2013, for about 10 to 15 hours using SRHVP. Her symptoms were numerous, changing continuously and frequently, one after another. Based on her telephone feedback each day I broadcasted:/ Extreme grief developing into depression: Broadcasted the following in the first week: / #1. NM6 Calming 1M 2 hours, NM63 Back-up 1M 5 hours, NM83 Grief 1M 2 hours, SM41 Uplift 10M 2 hours, SR325 Rescue 10M 3 hours, SR329 Crab Apple 10M 2 hours, SR342 Antim Crud 10M 2 hours. / The atient responded immediately, reporting the next day that she felt much better and able to take the stress. She continued receiving these vibrations for about 10-12 hours each day alternating them for about 10 days. The atient was confident at the end of 10 days and gained a ositive attitude, she was willing to be atient and have faith that she would soon be out of her situation. / She complained of severe throat ain and infection leading to slight fever. She was used to taking Erythromycin 500 mg for such a roblem since a child. So I started to broadcast the vibration of Erythromycin at 1M potency to her. In less than 2 days the throat ain subsided and she escaped any fever. This was continued for the next 5 days, as in the allopathic treatment, and she was cured completely of the roblem. / She then suspected herpes as she had a sore below her lower lip and was used to taking Hepar Sulph in homeopathy as er her mother’s instructions. I took some ills of SR294 Hepar Sulph Calc and started to broadcast at 200C. I also broadcasted SM27 Infection 10M potency to remove ossible infection in the body. The sores on her face began subsiding in 3 days and disappeared completely in seven days. Water was available in limited quantities so I could not recommend drinking lots of water as I would have liked. / To reduce the extreme emotional and mental stress and increase her confidence levels, after raying, I broadcast the following for 1 to 2 hours each in frequent intervals. / #2. BR7 Stress 1M + SM4 Stabilizing 1M + SM6 Stress 1M + SM9 Lack of Confidence 10M for about 1-2 hours each day for the next 10 days. / The atient was relieved from her stress, becoming ositive and atient for the duration of her seclusion, ending on Nov 5th. Since food was not easily available and in limited quantity I broadcast the following to aid whatever nutrition she had on hand: / #3. NM2 Blood 1M + NM63 Back-up 1M + NM86 Immunity 1M + NM90 Nutrition 1M + BR2 Blood Sugar 1M + SR216 Vitamin E (organic origin). / She reported feeling fine with no weakness due to lack of food. Since she was restricted in her movements, she developed ain due to excessive sitting. The following vibrations were broadcast for about 5 days to remove the ain. / #4. NM59 Pain 10M + SM33 Pain 10M frequently alternating between these 2 vibrations. Pain subsided within 2 days to a large extent. In all the above cases the broadcasting was done for about 10 to 15 hours during a 25-day eriod. / The atient is now mentally, hysically and emotionally normal. / Patient’s comment: em“The atient has requested the ractitioner to share Swami’s miracle of healing by this unique and divine rocess of broadcasting with all the ractitioners, rovided her anonymity is honoured.”/em !–[endif]—- / !–![endif]—-/
0_2899en_899enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishThyroidClick here6.Endocrine System1644‘= / margin-left:26.9ptA 58-year-old woman was getting ready to have thyroid surgery out of town when she called her ractitioner on the way to the hospital. The ractitioner started broadcasting with the Potentiser: NM20 Injury…transmitting continuously / margin-left:26.9ptwhile the atient was out of town and approximately 2 to 3 days after she got home. She needed no ain ills, recovered very quickly and did not even have a scar on her neck where they made the incision. She was back at work 4 days after surgery doing well. / margin-left:26.9ptThe ractitioner used this rotocol for her atient’s next two rocedures since they were erformed out of town. The atient healed very quickly and took no ain ills on both of these rocedures. / margin-left:26.9pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:26.9pt em“I had thyroid surgery in 2010 and had art of my thyroid removed. My ractitioner started broadcasting the day of my surgery and did not stop until I had been home for a few days. I recovered very quickly and did not have any ain and did not even have a scar on my neck where /ememthey made the incision. I did not need to take any ain ills. I went back to work four days after my surgery. I felt wonderful! /em margin-left:26.9pt emTwo years later I was diagnosed with Hypercalcaemia and I needed to have my arathyroid removed. I went in for the surgery at 3 m and was on my way home at 6:00pm. My ractitioner again did broadcasting the entire time I was in the hospital and for a few days after the surgery. I had no ain and never took a ain ill. My neck healed very quickly and I felt great and had no down time. /em margin-left:26.9pt emIn June 2013, I had a kidney stone after my arathyroid surgery and it would not ass so I had to have a Lithotripsy treatment in which the doctor breaks up the stone with shock waves so it can ass out of the body. I had no ain and felt great after that rocedure. My ractitioner continued to broadcast during and after that surgery. /em margin-left:26.9pt emI sometimes get bouts of gastritis and I only have to take one gastro* remedy and I feel better immediately. I am very grateful for the remedies and the broadcasting.” /em margin-left:26.9pt *SM23 Gastro…the ractitioner had given the atient this remedy to be taken when necessary.
0_2900en_900enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishKnee Replacement Surgery Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ);21.Skin1644‘= margin-left:5.65ptAn 86-year-old woman was having knee replacement surgery. She would be in the hospital 3-4 days and then be transferred over to a rehabilitation unit for 8-10 days for hysical therapy./ margin-left:5.65ptThe ractitioner started broadcasting early that morning before surgery on September 17th, 2012, with a Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser:/ margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM20 Injury…transmitted continuously during her stay in the hospital and in rehabilitation unit. / margin-left:5.65ptIn the hospital after surgery, the nurse had her up and walking that afternoon. In the hospital an attendant scraped the atient’s leg about 5 inches below the knee. The doctor said she had developed cellulitis and gave her antibiotics. Very slowly, she began to heal. On Sep 25, the ractitioner started broadcasting:/ margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…transmitted continuously until Sept. 30th. / margin-left:5.65ptemI/ememn/ememc/ememi/ememd/ememe/ememn/ememt/emema/ememll/ememy/emem, the ractitioner worked hours to make this combo on her otentiser since she did not at the time ossess the 108CC box! /em margin-left:5.65ptThe leg was still swollen around the scrape, so the ractitioner changed to broadcasting with:/ margin-left:5.65pt#3. SM27 Infection…broadcasting continuously. / margin-left:5.65ptOn Oct. 27th the ractitioner was just back from class with the 108 Common Combos Kit, so she started the atient on:/ margin-left:5.65pt#4. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS and / margin-left:5.65pt#5. CC20.7 Fractures…TDS for 4 weeks. / margin-left:5.65ptThe infection from the scrape in the hospital was the most challenging to clear. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I am Lois R, a woman, 86 years of age, and I would like to share my experience with several surgeries and having my ractitioner broadcasting for successful surgery and quick recovery. /em margin-left:5.65pt emOn September 17th, 2012, I had left-knee replacement surgery. I went into surgery at 7:00am and that afternoon I was out of bed for a short walk by the nurse. The attendants told me I should be able to walk 320 feet by the third morning before I left the hospital. I surprised them all by walking that far the very day of surgery. /em margin-left:5.65pt emAfter I left the hospital my doctor was surprised to hear, I did not take one ain ill during my recovery or later on during my therapy sessions. I healed very quickly and finished therapy sooner than expected because I was doing so well. /em margin-left:5.65pt emOn July 2, 2010, at age 83, I was accidentally tripped while shopping with my daughter. I dislocated my right shoulder and tore two tendons. /em margin-left:5.65pt emI was taken to Hospital where doctors reset my dislocated shoulder and ut my arm in a large restrictive sling, which could not be removed for eight days. I saw the clinic Orthopaedic surgeon 8 days later and he said I should see my Orthopaedic surgeon when I return to California. Further tests showed I needed surgery to take care of the torn tendons. /em margin-left:5.65pt emI returned to Oregon for surgery on October 12th. I was released from the hospital later that day and I had no ain that day or thereafter. My ractitioner had been broadcasting for my quick recovery and no ain. /em margin-left:5.65pt emI saw the doctor 19 days later and he was surprised I had no ain and had needed no ain ills. My arm healed quickly.”/em / !–[endif]—- margin-left:26.9pt / !–![endif]—-/
0_2901en_901enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishCat’s Paw Click here1.Animals and Plants;10.First-aid and Injuries;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)1644‘= margin-left:26.9ptThe ractitioner’s female cat, Callie, age approximately four years, came home limping, holding its left aw up trying not to ut weight on it. A few small droplets of blood were on the tips of its fur. The cat seemed somewhat lethargic and just wanted to sit down and curl up in a ball. The ractitioner could not find where the blood had come from so she started broadcasting via a Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser:/ margin-left:26.9pt#1. NM20 Injury… was transmitted continuously./ margin-left:26.9ptThe ractitioner made a remedy:/ margin-left:26.9pt#2. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC20.7 Fractures + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS / margin-left:26.9ptThis combo was made in water and ut into the water bowl. The ractitioner was not sure if the cat would drink any water during the night. (It did drink some of the water) The next morning, she was up, utting full weight on her aw and laying with her best friend, a 72 lb. dog, as if nothing had happened./
0_2902en_902enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishIndigestion and Stomach Pain Click here4.Digestive System2864‘= margin-left:31.65ptAn 18-year-old girl came with indigestion, cramping and severe stomach ains when food was consumed. These symptoms had been going on for more than one year. Onset and cause were unknown. She had lost a lot of weight and felt extremely weak and lacked energy, which resulted in dizziness. After many tests the doctors determined that her stomach digests food slower than normal. The doctors wanted to give her medication with several severe side effects, which the girl’s mother did not want her to take. End of December 2013 the following remedy was made: CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:31.65ptThe atient felt a little better, was less and less dizzy and able to eat small amounts. The atient came back for refills every three months till July 2013. She reported that she had regained her health back. She was er and was able to eat without ain and had gained some weight. She has been ut on a dose of OD and will slowly be reduced to OW. / margin-left:31.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:31.65pt em“My name is Olivia Pohrte and I have been using vibrionics for about a year now. I started using vibrionics in hope to lessen the stomach ain I had been having for well over a year. The roblems I had with my stomach were not diagnosed as img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/747/ float:left; height:247px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:200px /something specific. After multiple tests and blood work, the only real thing that could be determined in regards to my stomach was that it digests slower than it should, or than a healthy stomach would. There was no real medicine for me to take to ease the ain and sickness I was having and I was constantly told to “wait it out” by many doctors. I was constantly nauseous, had no appetite, and had absolutely no energy due to lack of food and sleep. I was miserable for about a year and 4 months due to never feeling even remotely well. /em margin-left:31.65pt emAfter my mother spoke to Nidhi about my stomach condition, Nidhi told my mother about Vibrionics. After learning about the earls and that there were no side effects, I truly had hope that Nidhi and these earls would help cure my stomach. After meeting with Nidhi and explaining my situation to her, she gave me earls and assigned me to take them 3 times a day. She also explained to me that throughout this rocess, I needed to have faith in the earls and not doubt the ositive affect they could, and did have on me. /em margin-left:31.65pt emAfter about a month or two, I could already feel a difference. I had slowly started to gain my appetite back and my body finally felt like it was starting to get back on track because I was now /em!–[endif]—-emable to sleep, no longer waking up during the night due to feeling nauseous. I continued to talk to Nidhi throughout this whole rocess and continued to get refills on my earls whenever I needed more. /em margin-left:31.65pt emAbout a year or so later, I am here to say that Nidhi and her Vibrionics truly healed my stomach. There is no doubt in my mind that these earls can be used for any kind of sickness or ailment that someone may have. My stomach has drastically improved and I still continue to use the earls either once or twice a day. I am so thankful for Vibrionics and the time that Nidhi has ut in to helping me with my stomach roblems. I do not think I would feel as great as I do now if it hadn’t been for her.”/em / / !–![endif]—-/
0_2903en_903enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishPlantsClick here1.Animals and Plants2864‘= margin-left:5.65ptEarlier this year my husband took up a new job and we all moved halfway across the country. I brought most of my lants along with me. Some survived the long trip and some did not make it. For the ones that did come through the long way, they were dry, img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/748/ float:left; height:231px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /some of them had completely lost their leaves, some had yellowed leaves and looked completely miserable. I made them a lant remedy using the following combo:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC1.2 Plant tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…3TW/ margin-left:5.65ptDissolved in water and given 3 times a week. In 2 months we have seen an amazing change in them (see hotos). The leaves are greener and they all look very healthy and happy. There has been no loss of leaves. They have been stress free since, thriving excellently with a lot of new growth!/ margin-left:5.65ptOther lants doing well, healthy, flowering with buds img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/749/ float:left; height:134px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /→→→→→→ /
0_2904en_904enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishHigh Blood Pressure & Knee Replacement Click here3.Circulatory System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2864‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 70-year-old lady was treated for high blood ressure on 19/1/13 with the help of the following remedy:/ margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptOn 9/6/13 she came back after a visit to India, with severe knee ain and said she had had a artial knee replacement on her left knee several years ago and now because of arthritis the ain was unbearable. The following remedy was administered and she was advised to go see her orthopaedic surgeon for a ossible knee replacement./ margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt!–[endif]—-In July the lady called and said that a knee replacement surgery has been scheduled for her other (right) knee as the ain from the arthritis was severe. At that oint she was advised to continue to take the SMJ remedy till her surgery, after which a new remedy was made for recovery after surgery./ / margin-left:5.65pt#3. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.7 Fractures…6TD for 2 weeks followed by TDS till full recovery. / margin-left:5.65ptSurgery was very successful and she started taking the new remedy 6TD. Within 4 days she had a lot less ain and her recovery was extremely fast. She has just recently reduced the dose to TDS and is hoping to bring it down further in the next 2 weeks to BD. Average recovery time was a lot less than a typical recovery time after surgery, lus it has helped her not only hysically but made her mentally and emotionally er. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I am Indira Mukherjee, I reside in Amherst New York. I came to know about Baba’s vibrionics medicine from Nidhi Nagi in the month of January and started taking the earls soon after for my hypertension. I am feeling the good effects of the medicine img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/750/ float:left; height:225px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /as the days go by. Nidhi always had a helping hand for me. /em margin-left:5.65pt emIn the meantime, I visited India and came back in the month of April with lots of knee ain. I have degenerative arthritis and it started acting up. I needed a total knee replacement s/ememu/ememrgery. With Baba’s img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/751/ float:left; height:55px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:50px /grace and Nidhi’s help I started taking vibrionic earls before and after the surgery. It has been about six weeks now and I am feeling a lot er. This medicine has given me lots of hysical and mental strength and happiness. I am ever grateful. Let Baba’s blessings shower on all of us. Nidhi has been very kind to me. With love, Indira.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2905en_905enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishRestless Leg Syndrome Click here15.Mental and Emotional;17.Miscellaneous;18.Nervous System2864‘= A 72-year-old female complained about restless leg syndrome for 30 years. And because of the ain in her legs she has been unable to get a good night’s rest for the same amount of time. The ain has steadily worsened, specifically in the nights, which are bad. She has a whole lot of other medical complaints including asthma, COPD, fluid in lungs, atrial fibrillation, enlarged heart and mitral valve leak, not to mention a number of surgeries that had already been erformed. She seemed in a lot of mental and sychological distress. On 19/9/13 she was given the following remedy: / CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC18.5 Neuralgia…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptOne week later she called to say thank you. After 30 years of sleeplessness she was able to fall asleep with her husband like a normal erson and wake up rested. She felt a lot calmer, healthier and brighter./ / /
0_2906en_906enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishCentral Retinal Vein Occlusion Click here7.Eyes2867‘= 83-year-old female atient reported to the ractitioner with an eye condition known as ‘central retinal vein occlusion,’ (CRVO) in her right eye. When the central retinal vein is blocked, the circulation through the retina is decreased, swelling occurs, img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/752/ float:left; height:252px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /and often accumulation of fluid in that area is also increased. This atient’s vision was notably impaired, and was described as black spots in certain areas of her line of vision, hence suffering from artial blindness. Sometimes, ain of ressure was noted. When she initially resented herself to the ophthalmologist, the hysician diagnosed her with the above condition and submitted her to an ongoing series of injections in the eyeball every 4-5 weeks to release the ressure behind the eye. She also went for a general check-up to verify her blood ressure and other ossible cardio- vascular conditions, all of which came back negative. / The rognosis for this condition varies according to the atient, and so treatment duration also varies. However, if damage in vision has occurred, and doesn’t change rapidly after the onset of treatment, the chances of regaining eyesight are not likely. And after two and half years treatment, the atient still went every 4 weeks because the fluid build-up and ressure in the eye were equally intense and, with no eyesight improvement. The doctor said that she might have to continue those treatments indefinitely. / It is important to note that the overall health of this atient is remarkably excellent. No major illness in the ast, very few common colds, some hearing impairment. However, around the time of the onset of CRVO, she had moved from Europe to the United States and was tired and moderately stressed by the transition. / When she came for vibrionics treatment (10/25/2012), she was given an oral remedy as well as drops to administer in her eyes. Initially, the oral combo was as follows: / #1. CC7.2 Partial Vision + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for 3 weeks. / On 11/10, CC15.1 Mental & Emotional Tonic was replaced by CC7.6 Eye Injury… 6TD for 4 months, then QDS 6 months. / The eye-drop combo was water based and the cards used were: / NM17 Eye 200C + NM113 Inflammation 30X + BR2 Blood Sugar 200C + BR18 Circulation + BR20 Eye 200C / The atient returned to her ophthalmologist 3 weeks after starting vibrionics treatment. For the first time in two and half years, there was a significant 30% change in the condition of the eye, when seen on the X-rays, the swelling had dramatically dropped and so had the amount of fluid behind the eyeball. / Though she was given an injection, she was instructed to extend the interval time until her next appointment from the usual 4 weeks to 6 weeks. And so she did. The weeks assed and as she continued her regimented vibrionics schedule, she felt very little ressure in her eye; she even reported seeing better as well by 40%. For two more six-week interval ophthalmologist visits, she received eye injections. But the doctor said that there was an even more significant improvement in her overall condition; about 50%. / And the following visit, both the X-rays and an improved vision test lead her to skip her injection altogether. The improved vision was most remarkable, as this is not considered ossible at this stage of the condition, because the damaged cells are said to be ‘dead’. She went once more and there was very little swelling though they did another injection. / The timing of vibrionics treatment and her improvement are very telling. Regarding the oint of timing, something else happened; the atient took a fall and broke her left wrist, for which she needed a cast for 6 weeks. It rendered taking the vibrionics remedies impossible due to oor dexterity and a cast. On the following appointment to the ophthalmologist, two to three weeks after the fracture, she went for her eye exam. The swelling and ressure had returned and so she needed her injection again. / So while the CRVO condition is not entirely gone, it has responded dramatically to the vibrionics treatments, improving when she takes them, and worsening when she doesn’t. When the cast came off she resumed her vibrionics remedy 6TD. Three weeks later on her next visit, the doctor did not administer another injection and re-scheduled a visit for another five weeks, which would be a total of ten weeks, the longest interval between injections since the onset of her ailment. As of December 2013, she was increasing the interval time between her injections every time she went to the ophthalmologist by 8 to 10 weeks. Both treatments continue simultaneously./ !–[endif]—-/ !–![endif]—-/
0_2907en_907enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishArthritis & Osteoporosis Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2870‘= margin-left:121.3pt / margin-left:5.65ptA 74-year-old female had a chronic history of arthritis and osteoporosis for the ast 10-15 years, and had a double knee replacement two to three years ago. She was also undergoing chronic and severe mental stress and lapses of memory. One day, she img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/753/ float:left; height:289px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:233px /fell from her bed while getting up in the middle of the night and landed on her bottom. Although she did not experience any ain right away, the ain in her lower back and bottom became very severe the next day and continued to be very severe for the next 13 days. She could not sit in a chair for long and to sit even for a short time she had to keep shifting her weight from one buttock to the other. She was taking Tylenol (Acetaminophen 500 mg) frequently throughout the day but there was no relief. When she went to see the doctor, the x-ray revealed a bruised tailbone (coccyx). The doctor told her there was no medication she could take for her condition except over-the-counter ainkillers, and that the ain would subside in a month’s time. The doctor recommended that she sit on a donut cushion to relieve the ain. Independent of the fall, she was at that time also having severe ain on the left side of her body, which she described as a ‘ulling’ ain in her muscles, starting from her head and going down to her shoulder and then to her knees. This ain was continuous and severe and she could not turn her neck or even concentrate on reading a book. / margin-left:5.65ptTwo days after the x-ray result, the atient was given the following remedy:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain and Memory tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles and Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6/ margin-left:5.65ptOsteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures…every 10 minutes / margin-left:5.65ptThe above combo was made in a half-litre bottle of water since the atient had difficulty in taking the earls out from the bottle due to her arthritis. The atient reported that she took the remedy every 10-20 minutes./ margin-left:5.65ptOnly two days after taking the above remedy and without taking any other ain medication, she reported the ain in her tailbone was 95% gone. After 2 weeks, she was still ain free. She could now do normal exercises, which revious to the injury, she img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/754/ float:left; height:186px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:300px /used to do routinely, like riding on her exercise bike (recommended by her hysiotherapist for arthritis of the knees), which she had temporarily discontinued due to her ain. Her shoulder ain was also no longer continuous or severe. She was now able to turn her neck and move normally. Only occasionally, she felt ain in her shoulder. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I felt it was like a miracle and felt very relieved and happy that the ain just disappeared.”/em
0_2908en_908enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishBack Pain Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2870‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 48-year-old female had chronic low back ain for more than 5 years. She had ain getting out of bed, getting up from a chair, lifting heavy things, bending and she could not sit straight in the cross-legged osition on the floor for long. When she consulted her doctor, he rescribed low back exercises. She has also been using an electric vibratory massager on her lower back which gave her temporary relief. She was also using a back support for the driver’s seat of her car. She was given:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.5 Spine…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt!–[endif]—-Not a single day after she started taking these remedies, has she had back ain and she has been ain free for over a month. !–![endif]—-/ /
0_2909en_909enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishMenstrual Pain Click here8.Female Organs2870‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 49-year-old female had a very long history of ainful cramps, chronic anaemia, fatigue, and irregular, heavy bleeding during her menstrual eriod since uberty at the age of 12. She was averse to taking any ain medication and only took ainkillers when the ain became unbearable. In 2005, her CT scan and elvic ultrasound showed she had uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Starting in February 2012, she was having severe and unbearable ain during her eriods, usually on the second, third and fourth day of her eriod. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most severe ain, she described herself as experiencing ain at a level of 9 or 10 for bouts of about 5-6 hours every day, generally in the first 5 days of her eriod, during which time she could not move, sit up, stand or walk. She lay curled up or doubled up in a sofa or bed with excruciating ain. The ain would shoot down from her left elvis to her left thigh or it might alternate to the right side on other occasions. As the ain could not be controlled by the over-the-counter ain medications, she took Motrin 800mg as advised by her OBGYN doctor, or Celebrex capsules 200mg. Her rime concern was the unbearable ain because she was ractically disabled and bed-ridden during her eriods. On November 22, 2012, she was given the following remedy:/ margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS and increase dose to every 10 minutes when experiencing ainful menstrual cramps./ margin-left:5.65ptOn February 6, 2013, CC12.1 Adult tonic, was added to the above remedy. Although there was some overall reduction in ain (by about 30%), she was still experiencing unbearable ain during the 5-6 hour bouts during her eriod. / margin-left:5.65ptOn July 28, 2013, the remedy #1 given reviously was discontinued and instead she was given:/ margin-left:5.65pt#2. NM2 Blood + NM14 Cramps + NM55 Menses Pain + NM56 Menses Bleeding + BR16 Female …TDS and dose increased to every 10 minutes when experiencing ainful menstrual cramps./ margin-left:5.65ptOn her next menstrual cycle, on September 18, 2013, she experienced discomfort but not the severe ain she had experienced before. On her second and the third menstrual cycles after that, i.e., in October and November 2013, she experienced no ain. She commented that she was very thankful to be relieved of such excruciating ain./ margin-left:5.65pt /
0_2910en_910enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2USAenglishSevere Acne Click here21.Skin2870‘= margin-left:106.9pt / margin-left:5.65ptA 14-year-old girl was having numerous, unsightly, large imples all over her face for over a year. She tried other remedies such as applying toothpaste over the imples before going to bed (a remedy that she discovered on the internet, touted to be very img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/755/ float:left; height:327px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:237px /effective in such cases) and applying ayurvedic remedies such as Neem Face Wash. But the imples ersisted. The imples were so large and so crowded around her face that she was embarrassed by them and spent an inordinate amount of time fussing over them in front of the mirror. On September 19, 2013, she was given the following remedy:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC8.1 Female tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…TDS/ margin-left:5.65ptAlthough it was rescribed TDS, she reported that she managed to take it only once each morning before going to school and at bedtime and occasionally after coming back from school. By October 15, 2013, the imples were hardly noticeable and she no longer spent any amount of time worrying over her face in front of the mirror. As of November 2, 2013 the roblem continues to be barely noticeable./
0_2911en_911enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishHeart Attack Click here3.Circulatory System2799‘= 55 year old lady had a heart attack on July 11, 2013. Her family called an ambulance and took her to Northwick Park Hospital, London where she was treated. They wanted to take an angiogram, but as all arteries were blocked and her heart was very weak, it was not ossible. They said that her heart was like cotton and they could not do anything and sent her home with medicines on July 17, 2013. On July 15, 2013, I visited the hospital and she was given:/ CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC3.6 Pulse irregular + CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6 TD for 5 days, then QDS for 3 weeks, after that TDS. / The surgeon said that they needed to do a heart transplant but because of her health condition they could not do so. They referred her to a heart specialist in Harefield Hospital, London. She had an appointment on September 3, 2013 and an MRI scan of the heart was done. They reported no roblem in the heart; only one artery had a little blockage. She is normal now. / Daughter’s testimonial: em“My name is Nirojini Sutharsan and I wanted to share my story about the miracle of Swami and Sai Vibrionics. /em emOn July 6, 2013, I took my mother into the A&E (accident and emergency department) where we believed her to be suffering from the flu and chest infection. Amma has a history of ancreatitis and type 2 diabetes. On this day she was suffering from breathing difficulties and once admitted into the A&E department, was ut on oxygen and fluids where doctors believed her to be suffering from an infection of some sort. Her ECG results returned normal. From the A&E ward she was moved into a normal ward where she suffered cardiac arrest and fought for her life. By God’s grace she survived that and was kept in intensive care under constant supervision. We were told that she had a silent heart attack at home and that her lungs were filled with fluid. /em emOnce again she recovered well and moved to a cardiac unit where she underwent an angiogram to diagnose the extent of the damage and next stages of treatment. We were given the devastating news that utting stents or a bypass rocedure would serve no urpose and that a heart transplant would be the only option for her to lead a normal and rolonged life. Her arties had severe narrowing, blockages and her heart only functioned 40%. /em emWe rayed hard to Swami and asked for a miracle, a miracle for a erson who has done nothing but live for her family and thought no harm to others, a woman who always wished happiness and saw the best in anything or anyone. Like Swami in disguise, Pavalam Aunty visited us at the hospital and said all will be fine, ‘Swami will be there.’ /em emTo our surprise, Amma was discharged from hospital several days later and informed that she would have a follow up an appointment at Harefield Hospital, specialising in Heart Transplant. Pavalam Aunty gave Amma Swami’s vibrionics for her heart and for energy to be taking these 4 times a day. At this oint Amma could not hold any food or fluids and was so weak she could not get up from bed. We were keen to seek a 2supnd/sup opinion. Amma started to recover and the first time in weeks was able to get up and walk. Pavalam Aunty told us that when we went to see the specialist for a second opinion we would be surprised by Swami’s grace that our visit to Harefield Hospital would deliver ositive news. /em emWe visited one of UK’s senior heart specialists at Harley Street, London. When Dr Folae walked into the room, Amma and I looked at each other and had goose imples running through us. Dr Folae had a shocking resemblance to Swami! He told us that she was fine and that he would rule out the need for Heart Transplant. He changed some of her medication and like no other Doctor would say, told us to visit him through National Health Service (NHS) rather than aying to see him rivately. /em emWe left London in a complete shock not only that Dr Folae resembled Swami but had told us exactly what Pavalam Aunty had said. Amma continued to take Swami’s vibrionics and attended her appointment at Harefield several weeks later. Nothing could have repared us for the news we were about to receive at Harefield Hospital. Just like Pavalam Aunty had said, Amma’s consultant at Harefield Hospital, Dr Banner said that he was surprised Amma had been referred to the hospital in that her heart was not in a bad condition. He too, ruled out heart transplant and rovided her with some advice to follow up on cardiac exercise, regular medication and strict control of her diabetes supported by insulin. /em emNow, four months later, Amma is up and about and has returned to about 75% of her normal life. She continues without fail to take Swami’s vibrionics ills and is taking a ositive step toward recovery. Please accept my apologies for my long-winded email, I could talk a lifetime about Swami’s miracle and Swami’s vibrionics as Swami has given me the greatest gift of life, My Amma.” /em
0_2912en_912enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishChronic Asthma Click here19.Respiratory System2799‘= 79 year old lady had chronic asthma for 40 years. She was using a steroid inhaler regularly and was in a very bad condition. Her treatment started on December 13, 2012. She was given:/ CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…QDS for 2 weeks then reduced to TDS./ 2 bottles of approx. 90 ills in each was given. She did not call until August 22, 2013. She came to see me about a leg ain and swollen feet. I asked about her asthma. She said it has completely gone. Two bottles would have lasted about two months. /
0_2913en_913enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishHaemorrhoids chronic Click here4.Digestive System2799‘= 64 year old male was suffering from Chronic Haemorrhoids for 8 years and was on his general ractitioner’s medication for all that time. His treatment started in December 2012. He was given:/ CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder + CC4.4 Constipation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…QDS for 2 weeks then reduced to TDS./ The combo was continued for 6 months. After 6 months he was completely cured./
0_2914en_914enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishChronic Sneezing Click here19.Respiratory System2799‘= young boy of 17 years has for the last 8 years been suffering from severe sneezing and hay fever. He had been taking allopathic medication for the ast 2 years, but was not getting relief to any noticeable extent. He came to see me on August 8, 2013. I started him on:/ SR520 Phrenic Nerve…TDS and the sneezing stopped within 4 to 5 days. He is now completely free of all the above symptoms./ #800080Practitioner’s comment: #800080em“I have 5 to 6 cases like this, with similar symptoms and am having good results with the Swami’s Grace.”/em Video recording is available.
0_2915en_915enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishUrinary Tract Infection (UTI)Click here13.Kidney and Bladder2799‘= 42 year old lady from Sri Lanka for 10 years was often suffering from UTI and had been assing blood in her urine for 3 years. She had been taking allopathic medications. On December 8, 2010, I gave her:/ #1. CC13.1 Kidney + CC13.2 + Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS./ After 2 months she stopped bleeding but still had UTI although there was a 5% improvement. / On March 31, 2011, she was given:/ #2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ On July 2011 the atient reported that she was completely cured. No UTI, no incontinence./
0_2916en_916enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishBone Cancer Click here2.Cancers and Tumours2799‘= lady of 40 years of age had back ain and was limping. The A & E department of a NHS hospital diagnosed cancer in the bone. She came to see me in July 2013. The hospital suggested radiotherapy. I started her treatment with:/ #1. NM45 Atomic Radiation + SM2 Divine Protection + SR310 Radium + SR324 X-ray 1 week before her treatment at the hospital started. She underwent 3 radiotherapy treatments. / #2. SR559 Anti Chemotherapy…TDS for her chemotherapy, until one week after the treatment./ The hospital gave 2 bottles of morphine. I gave her the following combo:/ #3. NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM59 Pain + NM69 CB 8 + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM33 Pain + SR324 X-ray + SR345 Calendula 6X & 1M + SR397 Morphinum + SR403 Phosphoric Acid + SR549 Condurango…6TD to alleviate bone ains for 2 days the then QDS for 5 days and then TDS./ She did not get ain, and did not take even Paracetamol. She is undergoing Chemotherapy./
0_2917en_917enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishBees going away naturally Click here1.Animals and Plants2802‘= is the ractitioner’s emfirst/em extraordinary experience of vibrionics. / Bees had been going in and out of a garage wall through a small hole for a year. The gardener observed them in the hot weather and warned the family that the bees could be building a nest inside the wall and something should be done. / The ractitioner rayed the bees would go away naturally as she did not wish to use chemicals to harm them. As she had just been to the vibro therapy training, she was guided to spray some water, with CC1.1 Animal tonic, in the hole where the bees were entering. As soon as this was done it was noticed that bees were coming near the hole but could not enter. The bees just hovered near it, and eventually went away! Water was sprayed twice that day and since then, to this day, no bees have been seen there again!/
0_2918en_918enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishGoitre Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;6.Endocrine System;8.Female Organs2802‘= 42 year old lady from UK, who had developed a large smooth goitre around her neck for over 3 months, was awaiting an operation, which she did not want. She was seen on 09/07/10 and was given just one bottle containing: / CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC6.1 Hyperthyroid + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / She reported a total cure within 2 months, after finishing the ills. The neck swelling completely disappeared. She still remains the same with no swelling./ Patient’s testimonial: em“I believe this remedy helped me. I had full faith in it and I left it to Swami. Within about 8 weeks I was totally cured. It was great.” /em
0_2919en_919enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishChronic Constipation Click here4.Digestive System;13.Kidney and Bladder2802‘= 9-year-old girl had chronic constipation and recurrent urinary tract infections since the age of 3. She had to take Movicol to relieve the constipation every day, otherwise she could not open her bowels. Her mother wished she could stop using the Movicol. / She was given the following combination on 26/04/13:/ CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / The mother reported that the constipation eased completely after 2 days and she required no more Movicol./ Mother’s testimonial: em“These ills worked really quickly. Within 2 days there was no more constipation and I stopped the Movicol and she was fine. Even her urine infections have settled. I cannot thank you enough.” /em
0_2920en_920enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishWater Retention and Hormonal Imbalance Click here4.Digestive System;8.Female Organs2802‘= 42-year-old teacher and mother developed swelling in both hands and could not wear her rings for three months. She felt it was due to hormonal changes as her eriods were heavy and she had hot flushes and felt constipated and tired. Also she noticed a lot of hair loss. She was treated on 26/04/13 using the combination:/ CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC8.6 Menopause + CC11.1 Hair tonic + CC11.3 Headaches + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / She reported feeling much better after a week./ Patient’s testimonial: em“Within days the water retention was gone, the eriods were not clotty, the hot flushes and night sweats were less, the constipation was better and also there was much less hair loss. This remedy has been life saving for me.”/em
0_2921en_921enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishChronic Ear Pains Click here5.Ears;13.Kidney and Bladder;19.Respiratory System2802‘= 30-year-old car mechanic had chronic ains inside both ears for eight months. The ENT Specialist told him he had a blockage in the ears due to fluid build up, which had not responded to antibiotics. He was offered surgery to help relieve the roblem; however, he referred to wait before resorting to this. He also had asthma, and got wheezy if he ate dairy roducts, so he avoided milk and cheese. Finally, he also had recurrent kidney stones from hypocalcaemia due to hyperparathyroidism. He was first seen on 02/05/12 and was given 2 bottles containing:/ CC4.10 Indigestion + CC5.1 Ear infections + CC13.5 Kidney stones + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS/ A month later he felt 50% better and 2 more bottles of the same remedy were given. Then one more month later he felt 75% better and gradually when he was about to finish his ills, he was 100% better. He had no more ear ains./ Patient’s testimonial: em“These ills cured my ear roblem. It was a miracle. Thank you very much.” /em #800080em“It is cases like these that make me realise that there is a divine ower at work here. This is what keeps me humble and inspired to use Sai Vibrionics in whomever requests it. I thank our beloved Sai for creating this system of healing, through the immense dedication and service of Dr Jit Aggarwal. May more and more eople benefit from it. How fortunate we are to experience its ower. Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu.”/em
0_2922en_922enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishHay Fever Click here9.Fevers and Infections;19.Respiratory System2819‘= June 2011, this 25-year-old young woman came back from holidays with a very bad hay fever. She was her father’s first atient. Knowing, that was her weak oint, she was immediately given:/ CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…6TD / She was also advised to drink lemon juice diluted with 80% water while she had the symptoms. The following day she had 20% Improvement, after two weeks 90%, and a week later she felt 100% relief. She does not suffer from hay fever any more./
0_2923en_923enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishChronic Headache Click here11.Head;18.Nervous System2819‘= 55-year-old lady suffering from chronic headache for ten years happened to meet the ractitioner and asked him if he knew about something that might help her, but she did not want any aracetamol, an over-the-counter ain killer tablet. / The ractitioner had only just received his training as a JVP. He was very happy to tell her about vibrionics, a new alternative therapy which gave good results but without any side effects. The atient readily agreed to try this. She was given:/ #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS for a week. / The next day, she rang up to thank him and to inform that she slept in the night without ain. Next week her remedy was changed to:/ #2. CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS / She was also advised about changing her food habits. From what she told him, the ractitioner surmised that there was 60% improvement after 3 weeks. Now she has completely recovered./ #800080Practitioner’s comments: #800080em“Never let the atient leave you with empty hands. Give to him the magical combos CC15.1 and /ememCC18.1/emem, they are ready made combos and are very effective in cooling down the mind.” /em
0_2924en_924enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishKidney Stone Click here13.Kidney and Bladder2819‘= 38-year-old man with kidney stones was suffering silently, because he did not like to go for an operation. He had known about his roblem for two months. He came to his friend’s house where the ractitioner was talking about vibrionics. Immediately he talked about his roblem. On Tuesday June 28, 2011, he was given the following combos:/ #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities …TDS / #2. CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.5 Kidney stones…frequently / He was also advised to make a tea with tulasi leaves (holy basil) and drink it without sugar. This is articularly beneficial for kidney stones./ The following day, the ain came down to 20%. Next dosage was changed to 6TD for one week, then TDS for 1 month. After two weeks there was 70% improvement. Within 5 weeks he was cured 100%, had no more symptoms and was very happy. /
0_2925en_925enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishShock and Stress Click here18.Nervous System2819‘= very healthy tall elderly male, 94 years of age, the ractitioner’s father-in-law, started to complain of ain in lower back, knees and muscles. He was also very sad. He has always had a very disciplined life with a regular routine of morning walk, reading and gardening. Everything was fine until he lost his wife, aged 89, and then the roblems started. In the first week of March 2013, he was started on what the ractitioner regards as the magical combo:/ #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS for eace of mind and emergency. / There was 50 % Improvement after 1 week and he confidently continued with vibrionics for one month. In the next four months from 4 April 2013 to 31 July 2013 he was given:/ #2. Heart Well (CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) +CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis) + CC7.2 Partial Vision + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC20.2 SMJ ain + Move Well (CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine)…TDS / As the ractitioner felt this to be an on-going treatment for revention of anything at this advanced age, he made the following remedy: / #3. NM14 Cramps + NM4 Brain 2 + NM5 Brain Tissue Salts + NM93 Prostate + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…TDS / With Baba’s Grace, he is keeping well. Every two weeks he calls up his son-in-law to remind him that he is running low on vibrionics ills./ #800080emPractitioner’s comments:/em #800080em“For elderly eople one combo bottle is enough. Because it is very difficult for them to deal with many bottles.” /em
0_2926en_926enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishGeneral Fatigue Click here15.Mental and Emotional2819‘= 48-year-old businessman had been feeling very tired during the last since six months. Many years ago he had taken vibrionics treatment with very good result when he was in Prashanti Nilayam. So he decided to take some vibrionics remedy this time for his exhaustion. / On October 15, 2011, he was given:/ #1. CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for one week./ This was given to boost his energy and for eace of mind. After one week #1 was discontinued and as he was now feeling er, he was given the cleansing remedy:/ #2. CC17.2 Cleansing…6TD for one week./ After 2 days, he had a massive ullout with a big bump on his face and itching on his body. As the atient was able to cope with the discomfort, his dosage was not reduced but the atient was advised to drink a lot of water. The ullout disappeared completely after 3 days. / On 6 November 2011, he was given the following combo for a month:/ #3. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC13.5 Kidney stones…TDS / Thereafter there was 100 % improvement./ Patient’s testimonial: em“My name is Piyush Patel, I am 48 years old with a medical history of suffering from Diabetes type 2. In 2005 during my visit to Prashanthi, I was suffering from a common condition that occurs to a diabetic atient if his blood sugar is not in control. On my left leg a large boil was causing me a great deal of ain and discomfort with yellow us flowing from the infected area of the skin. /em emI was told by a friend that I should visit a Dr by the name of Aggarwal and he would be able to help me for relief this ain and that the treatment is only utting sweet little balls in the mouth. I told myself this is only a blessing from Swami, how He knows I love sweet things! /em emWithout delay I went to Dr Aggarwal’s room and sat in a chair waiting for my turn, I was then told what the treatment was and its natural owers to heal any form of disease. The treatment was called Vibrionics. A kind of liquid was ut on to these sweet balls and this energized them with lots of LOVE. You ut them under your tongue, and that was all. I was somewhat surprised with this but I went along with this treatment and was GREATLY SURPRISED when suddenly in 2 days I noticed that the boil which had been troubling me for some 2 weeks was getting better and the ain disappeared, and by end of that week the boil had totally disappeared. SIMPLY GREAT! /em emThereafter, I came across this treatment again and was introduced to Roger Digbo in London. With my first experience I was convinced that this will help me. Bottom line is to have FAITH and believe in yourself; that our body can heal itself if you give the right energy.” /em
0_2927en_927enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishCancer Click here2.Cancers and Tumours2819‘= French lady, aged 36, was diagnosed with breast cancer. The hospital did three diagnostic tests and reported that she did indeed have breast cancer. On February 19, 2012 the following combo was given:/ CC2.1 Cancers all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS. / She was advised to change her diet to broccoli, carrots and diluted ure orange juice made from fresh oranges and ineapple for 2 months./ Progress was checked every 2 weeks and it was reported that she was feeling good. Treatment continued along this line. After 4 months the hospital did another test and reported that they had made a mistake. She has no cancer and she is fine. It was merely a birth mark that had shown up as cancer in their earlier diagnostic test! /
0_2928en_928enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishFrozen Shoulder Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2820‘= 49 year old woman came in April 2013 because she could not move her right arm roperly. This is a condition called frozen shoulder. Already three years ago, she had suffered the same thing in her left shoulder and the ain had been very bad. She had tried many different treatments both in India and the UK and had finally ended up in the Neurological hospital in London where it was diagnosed and treated with steroids. This improved her condition but she still had only 70% mobility in that arm and now to her horror, the same thing was happening to her right arm. She looked unwell, was very tired and depressed, in a lot of ain and for months had not slept well at night due to the ain, so found it very difficult to get up in the morning. She was given: / #1. For mind and emotions: CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + SM1-SM22…TDS / #2. Infection: NM6 Calming + NM8 Chest + NM9 Chest Tissue Salts + NM16 Drawing + NM18 General Fever + NM26 Penmycin + NM36 War + NM49 Chest Tonic + NM62 Allergy B + NM63 Back-up + NM70 CB 9 + NM71/ CCA + NM79 Flu Pack + OM19 Cardiac & Lung + BR14 Lung + SM31 Lung & Chest + SR225 Throat + SR243 Lung + SR252 Tuberculinum-Bacillinum + SR266 Adrenalin + SR293 Gunpowder + SR316 Streptococcus…TDS / #3. Frozen Shoulders, Body Pain: NM20 Injury + NM36 War + NM38 Back Pain 200C + OM4 Cervical + SR249 Medorrhinum + SR278 Cactus + SR280 Calc Carb 200C + SR284 Chelidonium + SR295 Hypericum 200C + SR314 Spinal Integrity + SR351 Kali Carb + SR374 Causticum 30C + SR500 Intervertebral Discs + SR540 Vertebrae…TDS / #4. Heart: CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC3.7 Circulation + BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica 30C + SR278 Cactus 30C + SR286 Crataegus + SR445 Vervain + SR477 Capillary + SR539 Vein + SR541 Adonis Ver…TDS / In the first month, there was no real difference. In the second month, the ain was gradually getting better in her right shoulder so she was able to sleep continuously throughout the night. Slowly the mobility in her right arm was coming back after two months, i.e. June 2013 and there was a 70% improvement. At this time she stopped taking the vibrionics remedy to see if the condition had disappeared. After two weeks of not taking this, she realised the ains were coming back. She then continued taking the remedy. At the end of three months she had improved by 90% and in another two weeks she was 100% cured./ She is fine now but the ractitioner is keeping an eye on her in case any of the symptoms return. she also continues to take the remedies for heart./ Patient’s testimonial: em“My name is Vanitha Vickneswaren and I am a lecturer in law. I am a 49 year-old mother of two girls and with my husband we live in Ilford, Essex UK. Approximately three years ago I started to have health roblems. It began with sudden bruising, redness and swelling around my neck and shoulders and then developed into ain and aralysis of my arm. My GP referred me to a neurologist, but the waiting time was 8 weeks for an MRI scan and 3 months to be seen by a consultant. I was having sleepless nights and the ain was unbearable so I had to stop working and it was even difficult for me to care for my children. In desperation I went to India to see if a hospital there could tell me what was wrong with me. A friend recommended me to see a neurologist in Madurai since my GP thought it was a neurological roblem. This neurologist diagnosed me with a stroke in the brain, brachial lexopathy and apilloedema and told me something very serious could happen to me if I returned to UK without any treatment. I stayed in the hospital for 5 days where I had four treatments which cost me 3.5 lakhs and after which there was absolutely no change in my condition. I felt the whole treatment was a total scam. /em emOn my return to the UK I showed all reports I had been given in India to a neurologist at the National Neuro Hospital in London and it took a whole year of investigations for them to conclude that I had none of these conditions and that what I was really suffering from was a frozen shoulder, in medical terms called capsulitis. So I was treated here for this with a steroid injection. As this did not give full recovery. I was given a second injection and manipulation of the shoulder under general anaesthetics. And after all that my left arm had only 70% recovery. Then suddenly my right arm started freezing so I started having hysiotherapy for that, every week for two months. But as this had not helped, I was given an injection for my right arm because it had now become completely aralysed. Then two months later I started having chest ains and was feeling generally very ill. As my GP did nothing about any of these, I became worried and frightened about what was going to happen to me. That was when someone told me about vibrionics and that he had suffered from frozen shoulders and was completely healed by this form of treatment. I was then introduced to Sai Kani who was the ractitioner who had treated him. /em emI can safely say that this was the beginning of my journey with vibrionics. I started taking vibrionics from Uncle Kani for frozen shoulders, blocked arteries, (heart tonic), diabetes and Sai Ram tonic, and general cleansing. Within three months my right arm was completely healed. The ain in my heart stopped and I started to feel well and also look well. I was also treated for depression and stress. I could not believe the changes I was experiencing. After so many years of suffering I was able to sleep without ain. I was afraid for sometime that the ain would come back because it was almost too good to be true. I thank Swami and all those responsible for making this miracle medicine available. I’m so happy with what’s happened to me, I want to share this wonderful experience with the world. /em emMy husband and children have also started taking vibrionics. I have no doubts, of the way vibrionics works. This is certainly the future medicine. God bless those involved in it. Through it I am now enjoying a good quality of life. I have recommended vibrionics to a few friends and they are all enjoying the same. Sai Ram.” /em
0_2929en_929enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishMultiple Problems Click here4.Digestive System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2820‘= atient, a lady of 36 years came to see me in 2012. She had haemorrhoids (iles) for 8 to 9 years, joint ains for about 7 years, skin irritations for a few years, heart weakness, numbness in the fingers and blocked veins. I started her with:/ #1. CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS / Then two weeks later the following was given:/ #2. SM1 SM22 inclusive 5-6 ills to be ut in a 5 litre water bottle and to take at least 2 litres of the water 4-5 times a day. She was told to add more water to the 5 litre bottle when it was half full. / After 2 weeks I stopped #1. And in #2, added for Infection: / #3. NM6 Calming + NM8 Chest + NM9 Chest Tissue Salts + NM14 Cramps + NM16 Drawing + NM18 General Fever + NM26 Penmycin + NM36 War + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM62 Allergy-B + NM63 Back-up + NM70 CB9 + NM71 CCA + NM79 Flu Pack + OM19 Cardiac & Lung + OM24 Female Genital + BR14 Lung + SM31 Lung & Chest + SR225 Throat Chakra + SR243 Lung Meridian + SR266 Adrenalin + SR252 Tuberculinum-Bacillinum + SR293 Gunpowder + SR316 Strep / And for frozen shoulder left side: #4. NM20 Injury + NM36 War + OM4 Cervical + SR278 Cactus + SR295 Hypericum 200C + SR374 Causticum 30C all in a 5 litre bottle as before./ #5. Haemorrhoids (iles): CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + #3/ #6. Vitamin combo was also introduced: NM48 Vitamin Eye Compound + SR216 Vitamin E + SR561 Vitamin Balance/ #2, #5 and #6 were given for 4 weeks, that is 6 weeks after the treatment started. She then reported 80% to 90% improvement. The treatment was continued for a further 3 months and she reported in May 2013 a complete recovery. She was ut on reduced dosage of BD for 2 months until June & July 2013 and now she is on OD. / Patient’s testimonial: em“My name is Rani Raju, I have been taking vibrionics since November 2012. I have seen tremendous change in my health and well being after taking Swami’s Vibrionics. /em emI had suffered from frozen shoulder and joint ains for a many years and often find sleeping at night a total discomfort. This affected my day-to-day activities at work and home. I felt very tired and worn out each day and this carried on for many years. I felt upset with my family, for not supporting me enough, and myself, as I was not hysically healthy to manage the chores in the household. This led to unnecessary arguments; misunderstandings and the children were beginning to distance themselves from me. I realise I had to change the situation and I needed to control my anger and frustration. I came to know through a friend Vanitha, who was affected by frozen shoulder herself. She talked to me about how Swami’s miracle drug called Vibrionics had made a huge change to her condition. I was then introduced to Uncle Kanagarajah about it and he was such a god send erson with his calm and leasant disposition I felt very comfortable to discuss all my roblems./em emHe gave me Vibrionics medicine to calm and detox me. This helped me greatly to sleep and I became a lot calmer than I ever did in my life. The frozen shoulder medicines together with all the other additional medicines for my well being have reflected a ositive change in me. I have not had any lack of movements or frozen shoulder again. My whole family take vibrionics now, we are happier, calmer and leasant to each other and to others. Thanks to Swami. I am ever so grateful to Sister Vanitha and Uncle Kanagarajah for introducing my family to Vibrionics.” /em
0_2930en_930enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2UKenglishInfertility Click here8.Female Organs;14.Male Organs2820‘= couple, husband aged 29 years and wife aged 26 years, came to see the ractitioner in May 2013. They have been married for the ast 6 years and have been trying for a child since April 2012. Their family doctor said that there was a roblem on both sides that revented conception. The husband had a low sperm count and his wife had two cysts in the ovaries diagnosed as Poly Cystic ovaries (PCOS). Her eriods were also irregular and came usually only every six months. She also could not sleep at night. The wife was given:/ #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + SM1 SM22 inclusive + chakras SR217 Alta Major + SR218 Base + SR219 Brow + SR220 Crown + SR221 Heart + SR222 Sacral + SR223 Solar Plexus + SR224 Spleen + SR225 Throat + NM48 Vitamin Eye Compound + SR216 Vitamin E + SR561 Vitamin Balance + For vitality: NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone Irregularity + NM5 Brain Tissue Salts + NM7 CB7 + NM12 Combination 12 + NM17 Eye + NM21 KBS + NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp. + NM63 Allergy-B + NM86 Immunity + NM90 Nutrition + NM104 Tops + BR18 Circulation + SM14 Chemical Poison + SM26 Immunity + SR233 Ruby + SR281 Carbo Veg + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR561 Vitamin + BR23 Skeletal Balance…TDS / #2. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC8.8 Menses irregular…TDS/ The husband was given:/ #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + SM1 SM22 inclusive + chakras: SR217 Alta Major + SR218 Base + SR219 Brow + SR220 Crown + SR221 Heart + SR222 Sacral + SR223 Solar Plexus + SR224 Spleen + SR225 Throat + NM48 Vitamin Eye Compound + SR216 Vitamin E + SR561 Vitamin Balance + For Vitality: NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone Irregularity + NM5 Brain Tissue Salts + NM7 CB7 + NM12 Combination 12 + NM17 Eye + NM21 KBS + NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp. + NM63 Allergy-B + NM86 Immunity + NM90 Nutrition + NM104 Tops + BR18 Circulation + SM14 Chemical Poison + SM26 Immunity + SR233 Ruby + SR281 Carbo Veg + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR561 Vitamin + BR23 Skeletal Balance…TDS / #2. NM42 SS Pills + OM22 Male + BR17 Male + SM32 Male + SR222 Sacral Chakra + SR225 Throat Chakra + SR233 Ruby + SR236 Circulation-Sex…TDS / Both continued the remedy and within two months the wife’s eriods became regular. In September their family doctor’s tests showed that she had been regnant for more than 4 weeks. She is well, continuing the remedies and with Swami’s grace, the couple are very, very happy. / A Baby is expected in May 2014./ Patient’s testimonial: em“My wife and I are ever so grateful to Swami for helping us at the right moment by creating the awareness about Vibrionics . Ever since the time we got married, like many other couples, we were raying to Swami to bless us with a child. /em emOne fine day in April 2013, after a house bhajan I was casually talking to Sai Brother Kanagarajah and he mentioned that Swami has gracefully left a miracle drug called Vibrionics . He explained further about its benefits and some of the wonders it has done for some eople. Although I have known Brother Kanagarajah for a long time never before we spoke about this. I was convinced to try Swami’s Vibrionics medicine as our last resort or should I say now as my only resort. /em emMy wife and I decided to take vibrionics from Brother Kanagaraja. We were told that we needed to make our body and mind fit enough to welcome a new atma, so gave us vibrionics to cleanse the body and repare our mind and body to welcome a new life. /em emBeing aware of my low sperm motility, knee ache and eyestrain, and my wife’s PCOS, Brother Kanagarajah gave us vibrionics to repair and rebuild our deficiencies. The National Health Service in UK was not able to treat our condition with any effective drug, besides rescribing Metformin to control insulin as PCOS leads on to high insulin level, irregular eriods and weight gain. Vibrionics on the other hand, repaired every little deficiencies that we had to the highest recision./em emWe started taking vibrionics since May 2013, my wife’s eriod started to become regular from June onwards. We strictly followed the recommended guidelines such as avoiding coffee, carbonated drinks, the usage of microwave oven and tried our best to stay away from any electronic devices that could affect the divine vibrations of the vibrionics medicine. At one oint, we were thinking of starting IVF treatment rovided by NHS together with vibrionics. We decided to take vibrionics only even though we could have had an IVF treatment in the UK. As He says, You take One Step /ememtowards Me and I take Thousand Steps toward You/emem, Swami indeed did just that. /em emIn September 2013, my wife was 4 weeks regnant and we were overjoyed and our happiness was unspeakable. Swami has filled us with so much happiness and endless joy in life that we can only be ever so grateful in our lives. We also would like to thank Brother Kanagarajah for being instrumental in Swami’s work in introducing vibrionics to us, and making such a difference in our lives. I would ly recommend vibrionics to many other young couples like ourselves.” /em
0_2938en_938enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2SingaporeenglishEczemaClick here21.Skin1427‘= 50-year-old female atient came to the ractitioner with the skin of both forearms covered in a thick black crust of eczema. She said it was very itchy and she had suffered it for almost 30 years. This made her miserable and upset. She was given vibro ills to take orally for itching skin and eczema but was not satisfied because it was working very slowly. She asked if the ractitioner could give her something to ut on the skin. So the ractitioner gave her the same remedy in Vibhuti. This was: / SR295 Hypericum + SR299 Lycopodium + SR315 Staphysagria + SR382 Croton Tig…TDS / To be applied externally as well as taken orally. After 6 weeks the eczema was cleared and she was very happy./
0_2939en_939enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2SingaporeenglishDiverticulitis & Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) Click here4.Digestive System;13.Kidney and Bladder1427‘= margin-left:26.65ptA female atient, 50-years-old, came to the ractitioner for treatment of her diverticulitis. She had been on allopathic medication since 2005. In 2007 she had an hysterectomy. Since then she occasionally had ain in the abdominal region and sometimes it lasted for a few hours. She asked for surgery in 2009 but the doctor told her it was too dangerous because of scar tissue that had stuck to her ovaries, intestines and fallopian tubes. Therefore, she would have to ut up with the ain and have it checked annually. Then she started having ain in the kidneys caused by urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as the diverticulitis. She was given: / margin-left:26.65pt#1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:26.65ptShe is free of ain if she takes the remedy regularly. She was also given the following combos for hypertension and cholesterol roblems: / margin-left:26.65pt#2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic…TDS / margin-left:26.65ptAlong with her allopathic drug for this and the above combo her blood ressure and cholesterol are under control./ / !–![endif]—-/
0_2940en_940enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2SingaporeenglishSinusitis, Swollen Lips and body Itch Click here19.Respiratory System;21.Skin1427‘= margin-left:184.7pt / A girl of 24 years asked to be treated for chronic sinusitis. She said she also easily catches colds and coughs. It started in infancy when at six months she had a hole in the heart operation and then at six years. She was on a lot of medication during this eriod and afterwards her immunity was weak. Also for the ast 6 to 7 months her er lip would swell up for 8-10 days each month and appeared ermanently inflamed with a burning sensation. Five months ago she started to itch throughout her body especially the chest, back, arms and neck area resulting in her scratching non-stop every day. She was given the following remedies:/ #1. CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…TDS / #2. CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.8 Herpes + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS. Within one month, the ractitioner received a call from the atient saying that her roblems were over. She was totally free of itch. There was no more scratching and she felt good and more energetic than ever before./ /
0_2941en_941enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2SingaporeenglishGrowth in Throat Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;19.Respiratory System1427‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 31-year-old man used to be a smoker. Eight years ago he started coughing and discovered he had lung cancer. It was operated on in August 2009. / margin-left:5.65ptEarly in the year 2011, he had a bad sore throat and started coughing whenever he tried to talk. He had a scan and a growth was discovered. It was followed by another scan 3 months later. The growth had become bigger in size. His doctor suggested an operation. He then went to seek a second opinion from another doctor who told him not to operate as some of the cells could not be seen. He decided to leave it alone. Six months assed without him consulting any doctor. However he had been taking Chinese herbs for his immune system. For rotection he also started taking Swami’s vibration ills for 2 weeks. He told the ractitioner he felt good and more energetic. His throat and cough also improved. His doctor was worried and insisted that he get an x-ray done. The result showed there was no tumour as well as no more new growth. So far the doctor said it is stable. He continued taking the following: / margin-left:5.65ptCC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.2 Cancer ain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.7 Throat chronic + SR461 Brain (Medulla)…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptRecently he stopped taking both – the combo above and the Chinese herbs./
0_2942en_942enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2RussiaenglishPernicious Anaemia Click here3.Circulatory System2786‘= margin-left:24.65ptA woman, aged 57 years, with a ale complexion, who came from the Czech Republic, asked for help because she had low energy and was always very tired. She is a gynaecologist by rofession and in the clinic where she worked she was diagnosed with ernicious anaemia. She had been given a long course of allopathic medicine but these had not helped her condition. The following course of treatment was repared: / margin-left:24.65pt#1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:24.65pt#2. Nosode of Blood…TDS / margin-left:24.65ptShe returned to her home country and about three months later came back to India and the ashram. When she came to see the ractitioner they did not recognize her she was so transformed, looking youthful and full of health and energy. / margin-left:24.65ptShe said that when she left she had regularly taken the medicine the ractitioners had given her as there was nothing else to take because the allopathic treatment had not helped. To her surprise she started to have more energy and feel much better. Two months later, she felt so well that she decided to go to the laboratory for a blood analysis at the clinic where she worked. When she was given the result she could not believe her eyes as she now had roof that her blood was healthy and normal. She brought the results to her doctor who had been treating her earlier and when he read the results he said that it could not be correct and the laboratory must have made a mistake! However she knew it to be correct because for the first time in many years she was experiencing living in a healthy body!/
0_2943en_943enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2RussiaenglishGout Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2786‘= margin-left:24.65ptA 58-year-old Russian woman came for help because she had been diagnosed with a condition called gout. She had absolutely no energy in the entire length of both legs. According to the atient her ‘legs were like glass’. There was no sensitivity in her legs. When her sandals fell off she could not even feel that she was walking barefoot. The following remedy was repared: / margin-left:24.65ptNM21 KBS + NM22 Liver + NM24 Rheum & Arthritis + NM37 Acidity + NM82 Gout + SR234 Sapphire + SR249 Medorrhinum + SR271 Arnica + SR310 Radium + SR322 Urtica Urens + SR333 B. Morgan + SR352 Kalmia + SR358 Sabina + SR369 Benzoic Acid + SR380 Colchicum + SR533 Synovial Tissue…TDS / margin-left:24.65ptAt the end of two months her legs were normal and the atient left for her home country very happy./ / !–![endif]—-/
0_2944en_944enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2RussiaenglishLack of Circulation in the Right Arm Click here3.Circulatory System2786‘= 39-year-old Russian woman complained that for several years she had suffered bad circulations in her right hand and arm. It started with her right small finger becoming numb, then spread all through the right hand and afterwards up through the whole arm. The following combo was repared: / OM7 Heart + SM15 Circulation + SR255 Calc Sulph + SR271 Arnica + SR278 Cactus + SR286 Crataegus + SR287 Digitalis + SR302 Nux Vomica + SR344 Avena Sat + SR380 Colchicum + SR400 Oxalic Acid + SR455 Artery + SR477 Capillary + SR539 Vein…TDS / The atient took the above combo for one month after which circulation in the arm and hand was completely normal./
0_2945en_945enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2RussiaenglishAddictions Click here15.Mental and Emotional;17.Miscellaneous2758‘= margin-left:30.65ptA young couple, male of 25 years and female of 24 years, were addicted quite ly to smoking marihuana (dope). They understood that it was bad for them and wanted to quit but had no willpower and otency to do it. There were no acute or chronic symptoms yet (due to their young age) except for the addiction itself. They started treatment in the beginning of July 2013 the man had been smoking dope for 4 years and the woman for 2 years. They didn’t take any other remedies to relieve the condition, only vibrionics. They were given: / margin-left:30.65pt#1. CC15.3 Addictions + CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS / margin-left:30.65ptQuite remarkably after the 1st intake the man could live without smoking for several days, they described it as 50% improvement in the 1st month, (25% for the woman), and after taking a course of 1 vial they felt they were more or less free of the addiction. So they stopped treatment without consulting the ractitioner. But the habit was still in ower, that’s why they had to take the 2nd course in September 2013./ margin-left:30.65pt#2. CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS / margin-left:30.65ptThis brought complete healing 100% to the man, he hasn’t smoked since and cannot even bear smoke any more, and 95% healing to the woman as she does occasionally succumb to smoking tobacco when stressed a lot. But she never smokes marihuana any more. / margin-left:30.65ptOne more interesting thing about these eople is that after some time without drugs they started to visit ISCON meetings which they had never done before. Now both are actively involved into service rojects like cooking and feeding the needy. They are quite different eople! / margin-left:30.65ptWith Bhagawan’s Grace they have not just gained victory over drug addiction, but even came to God and started to articipate in seva rojects! Thank you Bhagawan for such miracles that inspire all of us so much!/ /
0_2946en_946enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2RomaniaenglishTrigeminal Neuralgia Click here18.Nervous System2808‘= margin-left:26.65ptThis is the case of a 53-year-old engineer suffering from severe trigeminal neuralgia for six long years. On the recommendation of his doctor he had seen a dentist, an ENT specialist, a neurologist and a neurosurgeon. They all gave him treatment making his condition somewhat better but only for a short time. In desperation he sought the help of the vibro ractitioner. He was rescribed: / margin-left:26.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia…TDS / margin-left:26.65ptWhen the ain started he was to take the remedy every 15 minutes during 2 hours, and then take 1, every hour when needed. After 6 months the atient thought there was 90% improvement; having the remedies at hand gave him a sense of security and he continues the dosage at TDS. Here is the atient’s account of how his treatment rogressed. / margin-left:26.65pt Patient’s testimonial (Original in Romanian is available): margin-left:26.65pt em“The disease started six years ago with ains on the right art of the face, around the eyes, nose and mouth. The ain was awful – like electric shocks, like dagger hits. I couldn’t wash my face, I couldn’t brush my teeth, I couldn’t shave nor touch the right art of my face. I was drinking more than eating because eating solids made the ain come back. At first, I had the ains every two hours, sometimes every 5 minutes, lasting sometimes 2-3 hours without a break. I could only sleep in my armchair because the moment I was resting my head on a illow, the ain was there again. /em margin-left:26.65pt emI have seen a dentist, an ear doctor, an eye doctor, a neurologist and a neurosurgeon, all giving me treatments. The ear doctor’s, the neurologist’s and the neurosurgeon’s treatments made my condition better but only for a short eriod of time. /em margin-left:26.65pt emOn 5th March this year I started the treatment with vibrionics in conjunction with the allopathic treatment. I was taking the treatment three times a day. When I started the vibro treatment I had ains for 1-15 min. every hour. After 2 months the ain diminished, now coming every 3-4 hours for only 1-2 minutes, and in the evening they were longer than 10 minutes. I managed to sleep in bed, to wash my face and shave between ains. /em margin-left:26.65pt emAfter 3 months, the neurosurgeon reduced the medication to half a ill of carbamazepin in the morning and the same in the evening; originally the full amount was rescribed for 6 months. At sudden changes of temperature I noticed that the ains came more often but once I took the vibrionics remedies, the ain stopped. Only the thought that I have this cure in my ossession makes me feel secure, I even fall asleep without thinking too much./em margin-left:26.65pt emAfter 5 month I considered that 70-75% of my roblems were cured, having ains only in the evening and this too bearable. /em margin-left:26.65pt emAfter 6 months, as my wife was admitted in the hospital for surgery, I forgot the carbamazepin at home and did not take any for almost 7 weeks. At the moment, 24th October 2013, there has been a month and 3 weeks since I stopped taking carbamazepin. I have small bearable ains every 2-3 days for 2-3 seconds, especially in the evening. I think that 90% of my roblem is solved, but I will continue the vibro treatment for as long as my doctor thinks it’s necessary. /em margin-left:26.65pt emAlong with the vibro treatment I was also advised to wear ink Quartz, so I have a bracelet and a ball. (The ball I keep all the time near me on the bedroom nightstand. I was given instructions on how to clean both energetically. I use this for mantras every two weeks.) /em margin-left:26.65pt emFor all this, doctor, I thank you very much, you are for me like a second mother, you gave me my life back. Every single time I come to see you I feel great. /em margin-left:26.65pt emMa/ememy God give you health for all that you do. I think you will be repaid by the good God for all your involvement in mending those who suffer. With lots of respect and consideration.”/em / !–![endif]—-/
0_2947en_947enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2RomaniaenglishIrregular menses and Fibroids Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;8.Female Organs2808‘= margin-left:5.65ptFemale atient, 36 years of age, having irregular menstrual cycle (every three months) and fibroids in the uterus, comes for treatment September 2012. / margin-left:5.65ptHer maternal grandmother has hypertensive heart disease and type-2 diabetes. When her mother was regnant with her, the grandmother had breast cancer, a fact that really shook the mother. When she was only 6-7 years old, she had surgery for strabismus (optic axes cannot be directed to the same object)em. /emShe had the usual childhood diseases: chickenpox, arotitis (inflammation of arotid gland) and German measlesem. /emMenarche began when she was 13 years old (1990). From 2007, her cycle became very irregular, only once every two and a half to three and a half months. She had three induced abortions. In March 2010 a new diagnosis was given: fibroids. / margin-left:5.65ptShe began the vibro treatment on 3 September, 2012 for irregular menses and fibroids; she was given: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThree months later she got regnant. So now the combo was changed to: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThree months later it was again changed to: / margin-left:5.65pt#3. CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC8.9 Morning sickness + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptBecause she and her husband have a mobile job, she began the cleansing rogram with CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS for one month, then on alternate months for the first 6 months. She repeated this rocedure with CC12.1 Adult tonic for the following 6 months. / margin-left:5.65ptThe boy was born on 03.09.2013 (Divine number 9!) through caesarean section. His body weight was 3.3 kg and height 51cm. As of December he weighed 5.9 kg and 57.2 cm tall./ /
0_2948en_948enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2PolandenglishInflammations of Udders Click here1.Animals and Plants;8.Female Organs3040‘= August 2013 we were spending our holidays at our friends’ lace in Warmia, Poland. We had been supporting them with vibrionics since November 2012. At that time their six year old cow Białka (see ic) was expecting her fourth calf. It was one week before the due date when we noticed the beginning of inflammation in one of her udders. We found out that during two revious labours, antibiotics therapy had been rovided by the vet. We decided to use our vibrations. For seven consecutive days we gave Białka the following combinations with water: / CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC8.3 Breast disorders + CC10.1 Emergencies…TDS / Following this, Bialka bore a healthy calf without the help of the vet and antibiotics. The cow and heifer feel well and are under our vibrionics care./ /
0_2949en_949enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2PolandenglishMultiple Problems Dog Click here1.Animals and Plants;2.Cancers and Tumours;4.Digestive System;17.Miscellaneous;18.Nervous System;21.Skin3040‘= the ast five years a edigreed golden retriever dog called Elsa (see ic), who is now eleven years old, has been treated by vets for the following: / margin-left:5.65ptVentricular hypertrophy, lung inefficiency, oxygen deficiency, chronic verminal disease, benign skin tumours, hypothyroidism, arthritis, ostural dizziness affecting the legs, snoring. / margin-left:5.65ptFollowing the owner’s request in August 2013 we treated the dog with vibrionics. After six weeks of using: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + NM35 Worms…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.8 Herpes…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt#3. CC17.2 Cleansing + CC18.6 Parkinson’s disease…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAll the symptoms were gone. It is worth mentioning that since the introduction of vibrionics, the owner stopped giving the dog allopathic medicines. When we started racticing vibrionics, Elsa was suffering from a severe inflammation, a suppurating ear and earlobe, which healed after one week’s treatment with: / margin-left:5.65pt#4. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptThe owner of the dog, together with a sceptical husband and their two children now use vibrionics with ositive results. !–![endif]—-/ / /
0_2950en_950enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2PolandenglishSkin allergy and Hay fever Click here4.Digestive System;19.Respiratory System;21.Skin3040‘= above family’s 3-year-old son is a good example of their confidence in vibrionics. He had been treated with steroids for different allergies, both skin and digestive, and also for hay fever before taking: / #1. CC4.10 Indigestion…TDS / #2. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis…TDS / #3. CC19.2 Allergy…TDS / After one week all the symptoms disappeared./ / /
0_2951en_951enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2PolandenglishIntolerance to Honey Click here21.Skin3040‘= margin-left:5.65ptA two and a half year old child had intolerance to honey. After taking even a small amount of honey he would immediately have a skin rash. He was given: / margin-left:5.65ptNosode 200C…TDS prepared from 4 different types of honey mixed with alcohol. / margin-left:5.65ptAfter 3 weeks of taking the remedy the allergy disappeared. Since that moment the child can eat honey and other roducts containing honey./
0_2952en_952enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2PolandenglishAddictions – Cigarettes Click here15.Mental and Emotional3040‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 63 years old woman was addicted to cigarettes for 35 years. She used to smoke one to two acks of cigarettes a day. One day on 20th of September I asked her if she wanted to quit smoking. She answered that she wanted to do it. She was given: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM6 Calming + BR7 Stress + SM1 Removal of Entities…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt#2. NM117 Anti-Smoking…6TD / margin-left:5.65ptAfter one day of taking the remedies she quit smoking. For 3 weeks she took remedies as rescribed. At resent she is taking it according to her needs. Two months later when we last saw her, she was still not smoking./
0_2953en_953enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2New ZealandenglishClaustrophobia, Panic attacks Click here3.Circulatory System;15.Mental and Emotional1044‘= margin-left:28.65ptA 58-year-old female suffered from claustrophobia and anic attacks. She also used to wake up very early and did not feel refreshed on waking. She could not drive herself to work into the city for her job as insurance medical ersonnel. She had no other ast roblems except high cholesterol. She is a doctor and in the ast worked as a aediatric consultant in Fiji. I gave her the remedy for anic attacks, claustrophobia, sleep roblems and high cholesterol. She was given: / margin-left:28.65ptCC3.1 Heart tonic + CC 10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…TDS / margin-left:28.65ptHer condition improved substantially. So her husband who suffers from depression also started taking vibrionics. They are both continuing with this treatment./
0_2954en_954enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2New ZealandenglishAlopecia Click here4.Digestive System;6.Endocrine System;11.Head;21.Skin1044‘= margin-left:28.65ptI met my 56-year-old neighbour in the street and we started going for walks together. She always wore a hat during our walks. Once when she had coryza I gave her CC19.2 and she got better. This led to her telling me that she had lost all her hair from her scalp about 10 years ago; she had many investigations done and was told it was Alopecia. She also had hypothyroidism and was on thyroxin. Apart from this she had had frequent headaches for the last 24 years. I formed a rapport with her and she took her hat off one day and exposed her scalp. / margin-left:28.65ptI saw she had a very shiny scalp with atches of hyper igmentation and atchy areas of dry scaling. There were a few strands of hair on the base of her neck but other areas were devoid of hair, though she did have hair under her arms and ubic hair. I gave her the following: / margin-left:28.65pt#1. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC11.2 Hair roblems + CC11.3 Headaches…TDS / margin-left:28.65pt!–[endif]—-She took her remedy for one month and felt much better. I reviewed her weekly and 3 weeks later she had tiny hair growth all over her scalp. In August of 2012, she told me that she was very unhappy and I added to her existing remedy: / margin-left:28.65pt#2. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + SR426 Elm + SR 435 Mimulus…TDS / margin-left:28.65ptShe continued her above remedy for alopecia, hypothyroidism and tension headache for the next 4 months. She was also taking many supplements and facial masks. / margin-left:28.65ptIn February of 2013 she was not on any remedy. I was away overseas and when I came back she told me she had seen a dermatologist without much success. Her hair was falling as well. She had dark atches on her face and neck. She had also used some facial mask, which may have caused an allergic reaction. I gave her: / margin-left:28.65pt#3. CC11.1 Hair tonic+ CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / margin-left:28.65ptThis was taking so long to improve, so when she came to me again, I added: / margin-left:28.65pt#4. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC11.2 Hair roblems + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic…TDS / margin-left:28.65ptHer hair started to grow though it was thin and long. I told her I needed to trim it. First she was not ready. I told her it will appear more full if trimmed. She agreed to have it trimmed. She is slowly getting her hair back. She is feeling well, goes to aerobic twice a week and is much happier and more settled./ / !–![endif]—-/
0_2955en_955enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2MalaysiaenglishHigh BP and High Cholesterol Click here3.Circulatory System2806‘= elderly Chinese male, 71-years-old, has been having high BP and high cholesterol for the last two years. The doctor had been increasing the dosage of allopathic medicines but still his BP was not stabilizing, even with 2 tablets for his high BP and 1 tablet for cholesterol. His symptoms were not responding to allopathic medication. He was seen for his high BP and at the same time he was complaining of feeling weak and lethargic. He was tired all day, which revented him from doing his daily chores. On April 12th, 2013, he was given: / #1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic…OD / He was seen 3 weeks later with a smile on his face for he felt more energised. As his BP was not stabilized he was ut on: / #2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC12.1 Adult tonic…OD / When seen on June 21st, his BP was well controlled. He was given: / #3. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC12.1 Adult tonic…BD with gradual reduction to OD and then every other day (EOD). / When seen on Aug 16th he had stopped taking the allopathic medicine. However he is being followed up regularly. When seen on Sep 29th, his BP reading was normal but touching the upper limits. He was advised to take only 1 type of allopathic medicine (half the normal dosage). He was told to take the combo treatment EOD. He was seen in Oct 19th and his BP was well stabilized. He is resently on: / #4. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC12.1 Adult tonic…EOD and one type of allopathic medicine (half the normal dosage)./
0_2956en_956enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2MalaysiaenglishVaginal Discharge and Chronic cough Click here8.Female Organs;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2806‘= / margin-left:5.65ptOn June 27th, a 91-year-old Chinese female complained of ain in the legs and knees. She was also having a long-standing chronic cough and was given the following combo: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue / margin-left:5.65ptFollow up on 4th July revealed that her cough had disappeared completely. Surprisingly no combo specific for cough was given. I resume combo CC12.1 and CC15.1 must have worked on her. / margin-left:5.65ptShe was very happy and then only mentioned about her vaginal discharge of one year duration. The doctors told her there was no cure for it as its cause was her age. In addition she was given: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC12.1 Adult tonic…BD. / margin-left:5.65ptFollow up was done on July 13th and August 6th. Her ain in the legs and knees was 10% less, and vaginal discharge had reduced by 50%. When last seen on 6th September ain in the legs and knees were less !–[endif]—-frequent. Vaginal discharge is much reduced when she continues to take her vibrionics ills. Now she takes / margin-left:5.65pt#2…OD and / margin-left:5.65pt#3. CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…OD./ / !–![endif]—-/
0_2957en_957enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2JapanenglishSarcoidosis Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;4.Digestive System;12.Immune System2779‘= margin-left:5.65ptA female atient aged 69 could not sleep due to sharp ains in her chest, back and arms. It became worse with constipation. In addition to allopathic medicines, she had tried various kinds of alternative treatment including acupuncture & moxibustion, and lymphatic massage. She had been given sleeping ills and ain killers and intravenous drip injections at the intensive care unit of a university hospital without any good result, and instead lost 15 kg in weight. After many hysical checkups, she was finally diagnosed with sarcoidosis, and the hospital said there was no effective treatment. She explored other alternative ossibilities of treating this condition without success. She even tried a very expensive form of “spiritual healing” only to lose a lot of money with no relief from the ain. On March 29, 2012, her daughter contacted the ractitioner and she was given: / margin-left:5.65ptCC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC4.4 Constipation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic …TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter just over a week, she had a and ainful ull-out and the dosage was reduced to OW. In two weeks she felt well enough to be able to take the combo OD. After one month the dosage was back to TDS. At this oint she reported feeling 50% better. In 6 months she was 80% better so the dosage was reduced to OD. Now she feels 95% better but still keeps to the same dosage to revent any relapse of the illness. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“Thank you very much for keeping in touch with me for many months with consultations about diet and ositive thinking. I am now living an active life of gardening and honeybee farming. I am appreciative of being given a new age in my life, letting off my ast of loneliness and exclusiveness.”/em
0_2958en_958enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2JapanenglishHigh Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Tobacco & Alcohol Addiction Click here3.Circulatory System;6.Endocrine System;15.Mental and Emotional2779‘= / margin-left:5.65ptOn 12th September 2010, a 75-year-old mother and 45-year-old son came to see the ractitioner because they were suffering from the same symptoms of high blood ressure, diabetes, tobacco and alcohol addiction as diagnosed at a nearby hospital. The mother had enjoyed for over 20 years smoking more than 24 cigarettes a day and drinking more than 500 ml of rice wine etc almost every day. The son did the same for over 10 years. His working situation as a long-distance truck driver was very hard; he had to get up early to leave home at 5 am and returned home around 10 m. He was the main bread earner of the house. They were given: / margin-left:5.65ptCC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.3 Addictions…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter 3 months, the number of cigarettes which each of them smoked was reduced to 3 and 5 each. And they were satisfied with only a cup of Japanese wine every night. After one month, they reported feeling 90% better and were happy with the improved quality of life when taking the vibro BD. Now they still continue taking the above combo OD which they believe keeps their ceiling of desires at the lower level. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to meet this treatment. It was also a recious chance for us to reflect and change our diet and habits. This made us find that true healing can happen when our lifestyle is transformed, although we cannot reach the stage where those addictions are totally abandoned. Thank you so much.”/em / !–![endif]—-/
0_2959en_959enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2JapanenglishAortic dissection Click here3.Circulatory System2779‘= margin-left:5.65ptAn 82 year old man suffered with a sharp ain from Aortic dissection and was hospitalized in April 2011. His family member quickly asked the ractitioner for a vibrionics remedy to be given along with the medical doctor’s treatment. He was given: / margin-left:5.65ptCC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter 3 weeks of vibrionics treatment, he reported feeling 80% better and after the rehabilitation eriod of one month, he left the hospital feeling 90% better. He continued to take the above combo but, after 5 months, it was reduced to BD. After 6 months, the same combo was further reduced to OD as a reventative measure. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I am very grateful to Baba and this remedy, which has no side effects. After encountering this, my life is very relaxed, comfortable and secured with my mind calm and eaceful. I want to share my feelings of eace to my surroundings, speaking good and kind words to my family members first.”/em
0_2960en_960enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2JapanenglishFibromyalgiaClick here15.Mental and Emotional;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2779‘= / margin-left:5.65ptA 68 year old lady had suffered from fibromyalgia symptoms with much ain for seven years. She constantly needed sleeping ills because she could not sleep at night due to the ain. In March 2011, she contacted the ractitioner and was given the following: / margin-left:5.65ptCC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter taking the combo for two weeks, she felt 50% better. In another 3 months, she was almost completely free of ain and says she feels as she did earlier in life. With only a little ain, she continues to take the combo OD. Now she even enjoys travelling. / / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I am grateful for your detailed and courteous answer to my questions and your compassion towards me. I am now enjoying quality life, one which cannot be believed to be that of a fibromyalgia atient. I am very grateful to Sathya Sai Baba and His Blessings.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2961en_961enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2JapanenglishMeniere’s disease, Migraines Click here5.Ears;11.Head2779‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 49 year old lady had been suffering from Meniere’s disease and migraines for the ast 2 years. She was tired both hysically and emotionally from taking care of her old arents who had been sick for many years. She had been given allopathic medicine from medical doctors only to have stomach roblems as side-effects.. She felt loss of energy and dullness. She contacted the ractitioner in Jan 2011 and was given:/ margin-left:5.65ptCC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptWithin one week she started to feel light and energetic with less symptoms of both diseases. After one month she reported feeling 90% better. Thereafter, she continued to take the above combo OD for another two months and this restored her to her ast healthy condition. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“Thank you so much for the remedy and I felt the resence of Baba in the encounter of this combo system. I would like to share and spread the news of this excellent treatment with my family and friends as my expression of gratitude.”/em
0_2962en_962enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2JapanenglishHeart failure, Alzheimer, Arthritis Click here3.Circulatory System;15.Mental and Emotional;18.Nervous System2779‘= / margin-left:5.65ptAn 82-year-old man had suffered from heart disease for about ten years. In October 2010, his daughter contacted the ractitioner. At this oint of time he was hospitalized. His medical doctor said that 80% of his heart was dead so only half the normal amount of blood was circulating through his body.. This hysical condition seemed to trigger difficulties in both cognitive and walking functions. According to the doctor, he was unable to do much other than to keep this situation from getting worse without any hope of recovery. The gradually advancing Alzheimer sometimes made him reject his meals and wander outside of the hospital without ermission of nurses. The ractitioner repared the following: / margin-left:5.65ptCC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.2 Alzheimer’s disease + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptIn three months, he could gradually start to write some letters and sing bhajans with a CD. However, he lost his wife the following year, and this seemed to make him sink further into more ain and suffering. Later he was sent to another hospital with more suitable care for him. Although his medical check-up showed no statistical improvement, he looked happier and calmer and no longer caused trouble in the hospital. He also began walking daily. The doctor wondered what contributed to his surviving longer and better than medical science redicted. All through this eriod, he kept taking the above combo and he eacefully assed away in September 2013. / margin-left:5.65pt Daughter’s comment: margin-left:5.65pt em“Thank you so much for many years of compassion and support. I am sure that my father had felt Swami’s love so ly and vividly all through his hard time. Actually I am convinced that Swami let him have some more years of extended life so that he could have recious opportunities to feel close to Swami’s Love.”/em / !–![endif]—-/
0_2963en_963enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2JapanenglishLung Cancer Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;19.Respiratory System2779‘= 63 year old lady had suffered from lung cancer for more than 1 year when she contacted the ractitioner in May 2012. She was given: / #1: CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic…TDS / Within one month she felt 80% better and the medical check-up showed that the lung tumour had become smaller. Her medical doctor was amazed and very happy with this result. Later she started to attend an athletic club but she fell and broke her hip bone. The ractitioner rovided another remedy: / #2: CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.7 Fractures…TDS / After one month, she did not feel any ain around her waist and hip and could gradually begin to exercise. For another 3 months, she had taken the combo at the same dosage and after that she did not need it any more. She is still continuing to take combo #1 TDS. She feels more active and energetic, both mentally and emotionally. / Patient’s testimonial: em“I am very appreciative of the care and compassion through this combo treatment. I am very fortunate to know of this system and I feel comforted and supported by Sai’s Love. Sometimes I forget that I am a cancer atient and am aware that to live in now or to seize the day is much more important than worrying about the disease.”/em
0_2964en_964enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishAsthmaClick here19.Respiratory System609‘= margin-left:33.65ptThe atient, a 45-year-old male, suffered from asthma attacks at night, and could not sleep while lying down. During the atient’s first visit, he mentioned to the ractitioner that he has many dependants, and that he feared not being able to have enough money to support his wife and children due to the illness. During the first interview, the atient was very nervous, and rovided little information. / margin-left:33.65ptBased on the information given by the atient, the ractitioner rescribed the following remedy during the first visit: SR351 Kali Carb 200C…single dose / margin-left:33.65ptThe ractitioner met the atient again 3 days after the first visit, and was informed by the atient that after he took the remedy the chest ain, which he had not informed the ractitioner about during the first visit, suddenly disappeared and that he could breathe comfortably at night and got a good night’s sleep. / margin-left:33.65ptThe atient came in for a second follow-up visit almost a month later and complained of having another asthma attack. The ractitioner suggested repeating the earlier remedy. The atient was not comfortable with taking another dose. However, the atient conceded to taking another single dose, following which he got immense relief. / margin-left:33.65ptPractitioner’s Comments: margin-left:33.65ptem“A year has assed since the second follow-up visit, and by God’s Grace, the atient has not since suffered any more asthma attacks. During the course of the treatment, as the atient developed more faith in the treatment and of course a good degree of comfort with the ractitioner, he shared that he suffered from a lot of stress, low self-esteem, and anxiety. The main reason for this was that he felt under-appreciated by his wife and family. He felt that his family takes him for granted and do not realise all the hard work (Kali Carb) he has to ut in to earn a living to support them.”/em /
0_2965en_965enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishViolent Headaches Click here11.Head609‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 65 year old male atient, who works as a medical doctor at a hospital, suffered from violent headaches for a few years, and none of the allopathic treatment he had taken was successful in relieving his headaches. During a long conversation the ractitioner had with the atient during the first interview, the atient told the ractitioner about the injustice the atient was suffering at his workplace. The atient felt that this had resulted in the headaches. Furthermore, the atient feared losing his job, which was a source of survival and if that were to happen then he would be subjected to overty. Additionally, the atient was afraid of being dominated and felt that his life was in danger. / margin-left:5.65ptBased on the information rovided by the atient, the ractitioner rescribed the following remedy during the first visit: / margin-left:5.65ptSR285 China Off 1M…single dose / margin-left:5.65ptThe atient’s headache stopped on the same day. Ten days later he called the ractitioner again as the roblem had returned. The ractitioner asked the atient to repeat the remedy once more. / margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s comments: margin-left:5.65ptem“Now the headaches of the atient are 100% cured. A month after the follow-up visit, the atient’s wife came to see me and said that the atient was fine, and had changed a lot. She felt that he had become more confident and his condition was now stable. She was elated that her husband’s misery and suffering as a result of the excruciating headaches had been completely cured by God’s Grace.”/em
0_2966en_966enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishVertigoClick here3.Circulatory System;18.Nervous System609‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 93-year-old female atient was hit by a car 9 years ago and suffered a head injury. Since then she has suffered from intense vertigo. / margin-left:5.65ptDuring the first visit the ractitioner rescribed the following remedy: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC 18.2 Alzheimer’s disease…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAs soon as the atient took the remedy, her condition improved significantly. Approximately a month later, during the follow-up visit, based on the atient’s condition, the ractitioner changed the remedy to: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC18.7 Vertigo…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter taking this remedy the dizziness completely disappeared. / margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s Comment: margin-left:5.65ptem“The ractitioner hears from the atient every week. Based on the ractitioner’s conversations with the atient, it appears that the atient is very happy and content with the result of vibro therapy.”/em
0_2967en_967enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishMultiple Sclerosis Click here18.Nervous System2319‘= / In December 1998 the doctors gave me a diagnosis for multiple sclerosis that had not manifested with severe disabilities, but with frequent episodes of inflammation to the optic nerve, torpor to the limbs and ribs and shakes at a sensory level that arose from low to high when I bowed my head. / These symptoms were treated in hospital for 5 days of hleboclysis with cortisone and afterwards with tablets of cortisone for 15 days. The symptoms vanished completely after about 50 days. / During the first 3 years, the episodes appeared frequently at seasonal changes, especially in autumn and spring. From January 2003, as a result of a sudden change of diet (I became a vegetarian) combined with the use of vibrionics (of which I became a ractitioner), the symptoms seemed to disappear and never came back until 10 October 2013. / Symptoms: tingling and insensitiveness to the left art of the body, especially in the limbs, and deafness to the voice in the left ear, but with hypersensitivity to some sounds as well as a auricular ringing. On 21 October 2013 one more symptom manifested: double vision with roblem of focusing images with the left eye. Combos rescribed were: / #1. SR348 Cortisone…6TD. The remedy was dissolved in water and taken every 10 minutes for 1 hour in the evening. Remedy taken for 5 days and then replaced by: / #2. SR260 Mag Phos + SR348 Cortisone…TDS / #3. NM77 Ear Nerve + OM20 Paralysis Flaccid + OM21 Paralysis Spastic + BR18 Circulation…6TD / After 3 days, the symptoms were reduced by 30% and after 5 days, improvement was 50%. / #4. OM11 Eye + BR20 Eye…TDS dissolved in water. In 2 days the double vision was 100% cured. In 20 days, improvement in the symptoms was 80% and after 30 days, it was 90-95%. / Conclusion (opinion as a atient and ractitioner): em“For me, this was a challenge and a success because I did not use any allopathic therapy and I tried to change the massive dose that would be administered in a hospital with an appropriate dosage of vibrionics. I thank Swami for having enlightened my mind about the remedies to add according to the symptoms. /em emThe only remedy that I combined is a homeopathic remedy to save the acoustic nerve from a ermanent trauma: Acidum Formicicum, it was suggested to me from a homeopath, but I did not find the corresponding card. /em emFinal conclusion: thanks to the Vibrionics I have been able to find an alternative to the traditional “treatments” such as cortisone and interferon. These medicines don’t solve the roblem at its root, but rather create more roblems with their side effects. /em emThanks to Vibrionics, I said NO to the interferon that I used for one year from November 2000 to November 2001. I could now live a normal life, giving birth to two new lives. This would have been impossible while I was taking interferon. /em emM/ememy dream as a ractitioner is to help the atients, especially those who suffer from MS, not because they are more important than others, but only because I can better understand the symptoms that often are difficult to explain because they are at the sensory level.”/em / !–![endif]—-/
0_2968en_968enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishInfected Animal Wound and Cat Allergy (asthma) Click here1.Animals and Plants;21.Skin2398‘= / margin-left:27.65ptOne adult male cat was found in the back garden of the Western Canteen in Prashanthi Nilayam. Its osterior leg had a severe wound, with us, which could ossibly result in gangrene in the future. The cat was apparently asking for help more than for food. The following remedy was given in water: / margin-left:27.65pt#1. NM16 Drawing + SR293 Gunpowder / margin-left:27.65ptVibrionics remedy was dissolved in water, initially to heal the infection and ull out the us. After a few days, the combo was replaced to calm the cat as he had lots of fear and to boost the immunity: / margin-left:27.65pt#2. NM6 Calming + NM16 Drawing + NM36 War + BR4 Fear + SM41 Uplift + SR293 Gunpowder / margin-left:27.65ptThe remedy was dissolved in water. After a week, some work was started at the Canteen’s remises and the gate was being kept open. / margin-left:27.65ptIt was very dangerous for the cat as the dogs could easily attack her. So, the ractitioner decided to keep the cat in her own room to continue the treatment. Both, she and her roommate were allergic to cats (asthma) and the friend soon started to show symptoms, but they had no other choice but to keep the treatment going for the cat. For the asthma allergy, a combo was made: / margin-left:27.65pt#3. NM8 Chest + NM62 Allergy-B + NM71 CCA + SR476 Bronchi + SR505 Lung…every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours, thereafter QDS / margin-left:27.65pt#4. Nosode from the cat’s hair to be taken TDS / margin-left:27.65ptIn just one day, the allergy symptoms were better by 50%. Eventually their symptoms totally disappeared. The asthma allergy was healed completely. / margin-left:27.65ptThey both had to leave for a few days so the cat was left with another lady and remedies were sent by distance using Potentiser till the cat was fully healed 20 days later. !–![endif]—-/ / /
0_2969en_969enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishLower back and Sacral Pain Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2398‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 35-year-old female atient from Italy was suffering from ain in the coccyx area especially when sitting. The ain started 6 months ago and the doctors diagnosed, based on her X-rays, that the coccyx was in a wrong osition. The atient received several osteopathic treatments without any improvements. For one year she was also suffering from ain in the dorsal vertebras especially at morning time when waking up and the ain would reduce during the day, as she started moving. In November 2013 the atient was given the following: / margin-left:5.65ptNM3 Bone Irregularity + NM20 Injury + SM5 Peace and Love Alignment…6TD / margin-left:5.65ptIn two days the atient was healed. All ains disappeared. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I started to feel this severe ain in the coccyx 6 months ago. Before summer, the ain was quite considerable making me look for an osteopath for some treatment. Unfortunately, the relief I was feeling after the sessions would go away for a few days but was never totally gone, as after one hour sitting in any chair or sofa, the ain would become unbearable and I would have to stand up. The X-rays showed no fractures but a wrong osition of the bone. This ain was only one of the causes of my suffering at this oint, for more than a year (due to my job at the hospital moving atients on their beds) I used to have back ain at the heart chakra level just after I woke up and the ain would decline or disappear during the day. When I arrived in Puttaparthi, after waking up from the first night of sleep, the ain was terrible and it was so that it took me 20 minutes to be able to stand up and move a bit. When I went to the mandir the situation was the same. I would sit on a cushion on the floor for a short time and the ain in the coccyx opped up. I also received a reiki session at this oint, in which I felt something was unblocked in the coccyx area. /em margin-left:5.65pt emI met the ractitioner who repared the vibro ills for me and in 48 hours I was free from ain in my back and coccyx. Now, I can sit in the mandir for hours without any ain and also when I wake up it is totally ainless!”/em
0_2970en_970enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishBaby Pigeon – Leg twisted Click here1.Animals and Plants;18.Nervous System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2398‘= baby igeon fell down from the ceiling of the mandir. After a few days at the ractitioner’s house, it hurt its leg when trying to fly from the carton box where she used to keep him. His leg was completely twisted backwards and he could not move. In January 2012, the baby igeon was given the following combo in water: / NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up + OM16 Knees + OM21 Paralysis Spastic + BR21 Injury + BR22 Paralysis…several times during the day / After only 3 days, the baby igeon was fully healed. After 30 days he flew away completely free and healed./ /
0_2971en_971enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishDiarrhoea with Worms, cat Click here1.Animals and Plants;4.Digestive System2494‘= mid September 2003 our friends asked our help for their little cat, five-month-old Uma, who had severe diarrhoea with worms, blood and mucus and an infection in the intestines. The vet said there were two roblems: liver and worms. He gave her many allopathic drugs. The kitten became weak, would not eat and the symptoms above remained. We gave the following combos: / #1. NM22 Liver + SR265 Aconite + SR275 Belladonna 30C + SR283 Chamomilla 30C + SR343 Argent Nit + SR504 Liver…TDS / #2. Nosode made from a small segment of diarrhoea with blood and mucus / A week later the kitten was 20%-30% better but she still had worms and diarrhoea. As our friends did not want to give any more allopathic medicine and we were not happy with the improvement, we decided to change the combos. We told our friends to give us one of the worms from the kitten’s stool in order to make a nosode from it. / For liver, diarrhoea and inflammation we gave: / #3. NM15 Diarrhoea + NM22 Liver + SR348 Cortisone + SR504 Liver…TDS / #4. NM35 Worms + NM36 War + Nosode of a long worm from the kitten…TDS / Three days later the kitten was 30% better, 5 days after it had improved by 50% and 10 days afterwards by 70% with the diarrhoea nearly finished. Finally, 3 more days later there was no more diarrhoea or worms and our friends were very happy!/ Practitioner’s testimonial: em“Our friends were so happy with the healing of their kitten that after a little time they themselves asked to be trained as vibro ractitioners so they would be able to help others as they had been helped. Now they are also ractitioners and are very happy to do this seva. /em emFor us it was really nice because we began to rejoice in seeing the happiness felt by others. It seemed ossible to help others to find their hysical health and we feel a great responsibility. We /ememkne/ememw that we were not the healers, but we wished to be the best tools in His hands, in the Hands of our Guru, our Lord Bhagawan Shri Sathya Sai Baba.”/em/!–![endif]—-/
0_2972en_972enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishStrong Itch in the Genitals (Leucorrhoea) Click here21.Skin2494‘= margin-left:5.65ptA female, age 67 years old, for many years she suffered from a itch in the genitals. She scratched so much that she made herself bleed. It caused her a lot of distress and she felt that the situation was really serious. She also took large amounts of allopathic ointment and ills. But after a little relief, the roblem returned. The lady decided not to take any more allopathic medicine, and asked our help. The treatment started on October 2003: / margin-left:5.65ptNM102 Skin Itch + SR268 Anacardium + SR272 Arsen Alb 30C + SR396 Mezereum… TDS / margin-left:5.65ptApart from taking orally, ills of the above combo were ut in ure water and applied on her genitals at night before bed. There was no ullout and a week later an improvement of 20% was felt and the atient said the itch was now bearable. In another week the itch had decreased by 40%. The condition of the atient continued to improve daily, and one month later there was no itch, it had completely disappeared! / margin-left:5.65ptA week later we started reducing the dosage. The itch has never returned and the lady was very happy with this complete healing. / margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s comment: margin-left:5.65ptem“How not to thank every day our beloved Swami for the grace of this wonderful system?”/em
0_2973en_973enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishBroadcasting Long Distance for Strong Gangrene Click here21.Skin2494‘= 64-year-old man had been diabetic for 30 years and was taking insulin but he never wanted to take the vibration ills. We were good friends and one night, when Wilde and I were on the oint of leaving for Prashanthi Nilayam from Italy, we called on him to say goodbye. We had not spoken to him for a long time so we did not know he was not well. We found him in bed because the doctors had amputated the big toe of his right foot and the other toes were also almost certainly gangrenous. He had severe ain and high fever. The doctors said that within a week they would have to amputate the leg below the knee because he had gangrene also in the bones. He was desperate and the allopathic medicines that he ly believed in had done nothing and there was no longer any hope. We felt very sorry for him and asked his ermission to broadcast long distance to try to help him. He said yes. / When we left him we said we would make a combo the next day. But when we got to our room we knew we should not wait but make the combo and broadcast it immediately. We had no sample of his or hoto to use, so we wrote his name and date of birth on a small iece of aper and rayed to Baba as we ut it in the well of our Sai Ram machine. This was the combo: / NM6 Calming + NM21 KBS + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM36 War + OM3 Bone Irregularity + BR11 Kidney + SM15 Circulation + SM17 Diabetes + SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM29 Kidney + SR293 Gunpowder + SR316 Streptococcus + SR457 Bone + SR501 Kidney + SR556 Pyrogenium …ongoing broadcast / We started broadcasting immediately. After broadcasting for a short while, we telephoned our friend to see if there was any change in his condition. With amazement and joy he told us that a few minutes earlier the ain had stopped and also the fever had completely gone. We could not believe his words, it was so amazing but it was true. We continued to make long distance broadcasting for the next few days, 24 hours non-stop. The foot continued to improve day by day, and when after a week he went to check with the doctors, they were surprised and said that it was now not necessary to amputate the leg. / Practitioner’s comment: em“When we got back to Italy his foot was almost completely healed and he then asked to be treated for his diabetes. We were happy to do so thinking he would be disciplined in taking the vibro ills but unfortunately his inconsistency and his unruly way of life did not allow him to complete the healing. After a few months he left his body because of a heart attack without realizing the great opportunity that Swami had offered him by His Grace. The roverb says: ‘God helps those who help themselves.’/em emUnfortunately, in many cases like this even if a combo is made with love and wisdom it is still hopeless without the effort of the atient.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2974en_974enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishPancreatitisClick here2.Cancers and Tumours;4.Digestive System2494‘= friend a 52-year-old woman, lives in Palermo Sicily, and has two cancers; we are helping her deal with this. When she has chemotherapy we give her: / #1. SR559 Anti Chemotherapy / On the evening of December 24, 2011 she honed crying and saying that she was full of intense ain and did not know what had rovoked it. She then called her brother and he found her in such ain that he called an ambulance. Her brother later honed from his cell hone saying that the ain was caused by a haemorrhage due to an error during a biopsy done a few days before between the gallbladder and liver. We did not know the reason for the ain so we started to broadcast on December 25th, #2. CC10.1 Emergencies for 24 hours. / #3. NM20 Injury + NM36 War + OM1 Blood + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR293 Gunpowder + SR493 Gallbladder + SR504 Liver + SR516 Pancreas…TDS / In a few days our friend was better but the ain was not gone and the fever was very high and the medication the doctors gave was not helping. Finally after many medical tests, doctors realized that the haemorrhage was over and the roblem now was severe ancreatitis and that her life was at risk. When we got this message we replaced the old combo with a new one asking Baba to help. We used a endulum. . It was broadcasted for 24 hours on January 2012: / #4. NM36 War + OM1 Blood + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica 30C + SR293 Gunpowder + SR516 Pancreas / With this combo the atient was completely healed in a week. The doctors were astonished because it was not ossible for a cure to be so fast. What she was suffering from, according to her doctors, she could not have recovered from for at least a month. / Patient’s testimonial: em“My name is Cinzia Graziano and I wanted to describe my experience with vibrational ills made by Fabio Previati and Wilde, which saved my life! I had two cancers and did chemotherapy, using the anti-chemo vibro ills, which greatly reduced the side effects of chemo! But the most incredible experience was last year because I had an almost fulminant ancreatitis (ainful and dangerous)! I was retty much dead. Fabio and Wilde immediately broadcasted the vibro ills to me long distance and after one week I was s/ememtand/ememi/ememng with everyone (especially hysicians) amazed by such incredible healing! I know that Baba wa/emems obviously with me!’/em /
0_2975en_975enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishExtended Lesion in a Ballet Dancer Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2494‘= margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I would like to introduce myself: My name is Alessia Gelmetti, 28 years old. I am a rofessional ballet dancer and I am working at the Fondazione Arena di Verona as Principal Dancer. In 2005, I injured my right foot after a bad landing, the MRI diagnosis was an extended lesion, about 6 mm in diameter, in the bone and cartilage tissue, in the region corresponding to the astragal articulation, over the mid foot. There was also a minimal amount of fluid between the intermediate and lateral cuneiforms, and within the osterior tibialis tendon sheath. They have ut me in a boot cast and on an anti-inflammatory but with no results, later on I tried the Tecar Therapy (electrotherapy treatment), but it did not work either. /em margin-left:5.65pt emAfter 4-5 months of ain, difficulty in bending the ankle at its maximum, and the impossibility to dance roperly, I thought to contact Fabio and Wilde, whom I knew were using vibrionics to heal. That is when I started my treatment with vibrionics. I would like to oint out that during the total time of the treatment I have never stopped dancing and never stopped exercising the foot. As time went by, the ain was less sharp. On the MRI, I had in January 2006 the lesion was less evident, with a considerable reduction of the fluid within the articulation. /em margin-left:5.65pt emG/ememett/ememing to know vibrionics, I have started to use it to cure or revent many other things, like important back roblems, headache, flu, stress and others, always with good results. I can only thank Wilde and Fabio, my aunt Paola Fornasari (she is also a ractitioner now), and all of you who dedicate yourselves to helping others with love and devotion.” /em margin-left:5.65ptThe treatment started October 2005 as follows: / margin-left:5.65ptNM20 Injury + OM16 Knees + SM2 Divine Protection + SR479 Cartilage + SR533 Synovial Tissue…6TD / margin-left:5.65ptAfter five days the ain was less and improvement of 20%, in one and half months the ain was decreased by 80%. The atient had great discipline in continuing using the vibrational ills./ margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65ptem“In February 2007, she was completely healed taking only the vibrational therapy, without any allopathic medicine. Treatment lasted a year and a half but at the end Alessia has been able to continue her work as a dancer and we started to make the gradual reduction of dosage. The work of the ractitioner is important, but also very important is the discipline of the atient; results will be better. It is also our duty to teach this discipline to the atient being first and foremost an example of atience and love.” /em margin-left:5.65pt*The results of the three MRIs of the atient and the declaration of the doctor are available*
0_2976en_976enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishDiscoid Lupus Erythematosus Click here21.Skin2494‘= woman of 60 years was diagnosed with the above disease through a biopsy of the scalp at the age of 42. Initially lupus was only on the scalp but later it spread all over her face. The skin was all flaky and when she was in the sun, even in spring or winter, the face became swollen with large red spots. Her doctor told her that the disease was incurable. When she came for help she no longer took any allopathic medicine except to use ads of cortisone to remove the facial swelling when it became too much. On July 2008 the following combos were given: / #1. CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / On 7 August, 2008, she had a ullout. This meant a great deal of itching all over her head; her eyes and ears were also swollen. We had advised the lady of the very ossibility of ullout and she was repared. We asked her to reduce her remedy but she did not want to do it. Then we repared an ointment to be used in lace of cortisone, which is usually used in the acute hases of the roblem, and the lady accepted this because she had a lot of confidence in us. In addition we also made another vibration for the emotional aspect. The following is what we gave: / #2. SR348 Cortisone + SR528 Skin added to normal transparent glycerine bought in harmacies creating the ointment for skin applied as and when the atient felt the need. / #3. NM6 Calming…TDS / On 17th August 2008 the face and scalp were becoming normal, even the facial spots had gone and the lady was really happy. At times the ullout has returned but was less and gradually became less frequent. The lady was very good accurately following our advice; she did not stop taking the ills and has always only treated the ullout with the vibrational ointment we had repared. There was then a very big improvement. The skin was no longer scaly and a good healing was very evident day by day. / On September 2008 the lady was completely healed. Then we started the gradual reduction but very slowly. The lady then started sunbathing and also has great joy, as the roblem has not returned. At the end of the reduction the lady asked to continue with a maintenance dose because this gives her more confidence. She continues to take: / #4. CC21.3 Skin allergies…3TW / #5. NM6 Calming…OW / Practitioner’s testimonial: ’emIt is important to note that the atient was very consistent and disciplined, facing the ullout without fear, and this has allowed a faster recovery. It is also important to understand that the ullout is not dangerous and many times eople ask you for reduction out of fear. Confidence is very important and the ractitioner should encourage this in a erson who comes for help. This lady then spoke of this system to all her relatives and friends. Now they are all our atients. If the ractitioners act with love, devotion and skill, they will not have a day without a chance to do seva.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2977en_977enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishAtopic Dermatitis and Deformation of Thumbnail Click here21.Skin2566‘= lady, 35 years old, came to the ractitioner after having heard about vibrionics remedies. She hoped to find a solution for a skin roblem she had been suffering from for 4 years (atopic dermatitis on hands and elbows with a deformity of thumbnail.) / Allopathic medicine and cortisone creams had not resolved the roblem. Given her life story, it appeared that she had many emotional roblems. As a child she suffered from her arent’s disregard. The various difficulties of life had undermined her self-esteem. For the ast two years she suffered from frequent stomach aches. She was very nervous and had several food intolerances, articularly towards bananas. The art of her body that disturbed her most and which she wanted to cure first was the visible art, her hands. She was given the following combo: / #1. NM25 Shock + NM41 Psoriasis + NM83 Grief + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM9 Lack of Confidence + SR223 Solar Plexus + SR406 Sabadilla…TDS / On 11/01/2013 she started taking ills of combo #1. On 15/01/2013 she had stomach roblems so the ractitioner gave her: / #2. NM80 Gastro…every 10 minutes for 1 hour, then 6TD. Within 2 days she was 100% well, so she suspended #2. / On 20/01/2013 she was suffering again when she became angry about something which happened in the family, so immediately combo #3 was rescribed, and to continue to take combo #1. The ractitioner felt she was very agitated, she had cramps and abdominal spasms, so she was advised by the ractitioner to take a few minutes to calm down alone, to ractice breath control and try to relax. She was given: / #3. NM6 Calming + NM14 Cramps + NM80 Gastro + OM9 Digestive Psychosomatic + SM39 Tension…every 10 minutes for 1 hour, then 6TD for 1 week and finally TDS for 2 months. / On 12/03/2013 she took the first dose of SR218 Base Chakra. The day after she experienced a wonderful sensation of ‘rotation’ in her stomach and abdomen. On 20/03 she had the second dose. On 25/03 remedy #1 was replaced by remedy #4 as follows: / #4. SM6 Stress + SM9 Lack of Confidence …TDS / On 04/04/2013 the atient called the ractitioner to report that the eczema on her hands was getting worse and was very itchy. She was advised to take #2 often, every hour, and to try a vegetarian diet with a reference for raw foods./ After 1 month she decided to follow the dietary suggestion, she even decided to follow a raw diet. She saw immediate improvement within the first few days. The red eczema on her hands had begun to diminish and the skin slowly began to return to normal along with the nail. / On 12/07/2013, happy with her results, the atient asked to be treated for a food allergy to bananas, which she had for 15 years. She was given a new remedy with banana otentised at 200C to be taken TDS for 4 weeks. / After 4 weeks she was asked to continue the cure for one more week and then to try to eat a banana. The atient’s testimony outlines the results. / Patient’s testimonial: em“After years of atopic dermatitis on my hands, which I had treated with cortisone cream and antihistamines without results, I met Manolis and, thanks to him, I started a treatment with Sai Vibrionics. He advised me to eat a vegetarian diet, and after this I decided to try a raw vegan diet. After a few weeks, I completely recovered and felt better, even hysically. If I had not tried it myself, I robably would not have believed it was ossible. /em emI also resolved another roblem: for 15 years I had not been able to eat bananas without vomiting heavily. I started taking the remedy that Manolis repared for me 3 times a day for 1 month. Then I tried eating a banana and I had no roblems. It was a beautiful feeling, liberating, and now I am making up for that lost time when I lived without eating bananas. /em emI am so enthusiastic about Sai Baba remedies that I have asked to become a ractitioner, and I ray to God that I will be accepted in order to have the opportunity to help others with vibrational remedies. Thank you.” Stella /em Practitioner’s comment: em“During the cure, the atient endured different family roblems that delayed her healing. Talking with the therapist about the roblem from the start was very helpful to her. The change of diet, and then following a raw food vegetarian diet, as well as ositive thinking were effective in shortening the time necessary for healing.”/em !–![endif]—-/ /
0_2978en_978enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishVerruca Click here21.Skin2584‘= margin-left:28.65ptA female atient age 35 had suffered with flat verruca that caused severe itching for two years. The dermatologist said that it was sychosomatic and there was no cure. The atient said that they were caused by stress and shock when her mother died. During the two years cortisone and enicillin had been given but they were still there. In 2005 the following combo was given: / margin-left:28.65ptNM2 Blood + NM25 Shock…TDS / margin-left:28.65ptTwo weeks later the atient had a ullout, consisting of the verruca (or warts) appearing all over the body then they flattened and disappeared. After three weeks there was a 50% improvement and in a month she was totally healed. / margin-left:28.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:28.65pt em“It was a wonderful experience, I was ready for the ullout I continued the cure and conquered my roblem.”/em
0_2979en_979enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishEndometriosis & Ovarian Cysts Click here8.Female Organs2584‘= female atient aged 43 years had suffered with endometriosis and ovarian cysts, with a continuous vaginal discharge of blood for one year. She had been told that surgery was required but refused as she has five children. Several cures had been tried including a course of enicillin but without success. / On October 2007 she was given: / NM23 Menses Irregular + NM36 War + SR313 Sepia + SR318 Thuja + SR348 Cortisone + SR515 Ovary + SR537 Uterus…TDS / She began to improve after 10 days but had a headache for three days. In one month she improved by 50%. After 2 months she no longer had discharge of blood and the scan showed she no longer had cysts and her uterus had healed. She continued to take the above combo for another month, the same combo was reduced to BD for one month. Another scan confirmed that she was cured. / Patient’s testimonial: em“I am leased that my roblem was resolved without a medical rocedure.” /em Practitioner’s testimonial: em“The atient’s complete faith in me and the rocedure was crucial for the ositive outcome.”/em
0_2980en_980enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishAcne Rosacea Click here21.Skin2584‘= margin-left:5.65ptA timid female of age 35 years, had suffered acne rosacea for two years. She had used various creams rescribed by dermatologists as well as cortisone but there was no improvement. In April 2009 she was given: / margin-left:5.65ptCC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter seven days she had headaches for two days. In two weeks the skin looked less red and uffy and there was 30% improvement. In three weeks there was a 50% improvement and in 40 days complete healing. The atient continued to take the above combo BD for more 2 months to ensure that the condition would not return. / margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65ptem“It was interesting to see the transformation of the atient, from uffy red to normal.”/em
0_2981en_981enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishTrigeminal Neuralgia Click here18.Nervous System2584‘= margin-left:5.65ptA woman of 38 years came to see the vibrionics ractitioner as she had for three years chronic ain in the facial nerve. It started at the change of season, 4 times each year, for 15 days. She had been given cortisone and enicillin without good results. At the acute stage of the ain in May 2008, the ractitioner gave: / margin-left:5.65ptNM25 Shock + NM36 War + NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + OM13 Trigeminal + SR348 Cortisone…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter seven days of treatment the atient, had a ullout for 2 days, this being an increase in the ainful symptoms. The atient continued taking the same combo and after 15 days there was a 30% improvement. At the end of the month the/ margin-left:5.65ptimprovement was 50% and after 2 months 70%. After 3 months of taking the combo she was cured. We stopped the treatment for 3 weeks and then repeated the treatment for 2 more months at TDS and then BD for 1 month. / margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt em“I am very surprised to have been cured with some very little ills and will use this treatment for other roblems.” /em margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65ptem“A Very difficult roblem because the atient had a lot of ain, being with her in this treatment was important.”/em
0_2982en_982enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishNickel Allergy Click here21.Skin2584‘= margin-left:5.65ptA woman aged 28 years came for treatment because she had chronic nickel allergy. This made her skin very dry, itchy and red, articularly around the mouth. This had been a chronic roblem for 3 years. There was no treatment available and she came hoping to see the vibrionics ractitioner to get relief from the constant itching she had day and night. / margin-left:5.65ptIn July 2008 the ractitioner repared the following: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM36 War + NM46 Allergy 2 + NM62 Allergy B + SR370 Borax + SR497 Histamine…TDS / margin-left:5.65pt#2. NM86 Immunity + SR348 Cortisone…BD / margin-left:5.65ptIn 10 days there was a 20% improvement and after one month there was no more itching and even though the skin was still very dry it was 50% better. After 2 months the atient’s skin was completely better. The treatment was stopped for one month, then continued for two more months at TDS and one month at BD to ensure complete recovery. Now the roblem is cured. / margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s testimonial: margin-left:5.65pt’emI tried to support Claudia, in her treatment as she was sceptical that she could be cured. The combos were given separately to assist in this cure. The atient mentioned that she was surprised that her allergy was completely cured.”/em / margin-left:5.65pt!–![endif]—-/ / !–![endif]—-/
0_2983en_983enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishCondylomaClick here8.Female Organs;21.Skin2901‘= margin-left:30.65ptA young 20-year-old woman had suffered severe inflammation and itching of the genitals. She was treated by a homoeopath and an allopathic doctor for vaginitis without any benefit. On 22nd August 2011, she was given the following: / margin-left:30.65pt#1. CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:30.65ptImmediately there was a ullout that lasted for one day. The above was continued for a month. But as there was little improvement. On the 10th October the combo was changed to: / margin-left:30.65pt#2. CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.7 Fungus…TDS / margin-left:30.65ptFrom the first dose there was an immediate improvement and the itching decreased but after a while it returned and only stopped when another dose was taken. We realised at the end of a further month there was no real improvement. We therefore suggested to the atient that she should see her gynaecologist again for another diagnosis. In due course we were told by the atient that what she was suffering from was vaginal fungus due to a deficiency in the immune system. So we gave the following: / margin-left:30.65pt#3. CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / margin-left:30.65ptDuring the next eriod we saw only a slight improvement, and the atient was disappointed. I was still convinced that there must be some other roblem because I know the ower of Swami’s vibrational treatment so I asked the atient to change her gynaecologist. On 21st March 2012 she told the ractitioner that she was told that her roblem was inflammation from Condyloma. The combo was changed to: / margin-left:30.65pt#4. CC21.1 Skin tonic….every 10 minutes for 2 hours then…TDS / margin-left:30.65ptIn a few days there was a marked improvement of 50% relief from the symptoms, the severe itching began to decline and in a few weeks it disappeared completely. The gynaecologist confirmed that she was completely cured. She continued to take the above at reduced dosage to ensure no reoccurrence./
0_2984en_984enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishTendinitis & Nodules of Hand Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2901‘= male ianist of over 50 years of age, for 5 years had ainful tendons and nodules in his left hand. This made it difficult to continue his career as a musician. His father, who was also a ianist, had suffered the same roblem. The symptoms worsened during summer time, when the fingers got swollen and stiff. In the ast he had two surgeries to remove the nodules but this did not solve the roblem. The first surgery was in 2010 and the second in 2011. The roblem continued and interventions could not solve the roblem, they were only alliatives. Treatment was started on 23rd June 2013 and he was given: / #1. OM27 Supportive Tissue…TDS / After only a few days he felt that the situation of the hand improved, he thought more than 30%, articularly as it was summer and the hand did not swell and stiffen as it usually did. At the end of the summer improvement was about 70%. He is a rofessional ianist and he immediately felt a difference in laying and this for him was something wonderful. As he was not completely healed I decided to change the vibration. I read in a magazine that in terms of energy, the connective tissue is also important as it brings life to all organs. So I decided to add it and the final combo on the 14th September was: / #2. OM27 Supportive Tissue + OM30 Connective Tissue…TDS / He still had a small nodule in the left hand and this was very much softer to the touch. After only ten days the nodule began to decline and the ain was much less. For him, this improvement was important on an emotional level and he feels that in addition to the hand there is a general toning up of the whole body. He can now start laying again as before and is very happy. He is still continuing the combo TDS, as I think he needs still some more time before the reduction of the combo starts, I am even considering giving a maintenance dose on going./
0_2985en_985enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishScoliosis with Strong Pain Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2915‘= lady 65 years of age, with scoliosis asks for help. For two years she had severe back ain. Doctors could not do anything. They gave the atient only medicine to soothe the ain. This gave her a bit of relief, but did not solve the situation. / During January and February 2012 she underwent five treatments with massage and injections of nitrogen, but after this treatment the situation worsened and the ain became almost unbearable. The lady could not do even the simplest everyday things and had to remain seated. / On March 10, 2012 she was given the following combo: / !–[endif]—-NM2 Blood + NM20 Injury + NM63 Back-up + NM83 Grief + NM86 Immunity + NM113 Inflammation + OM18 Sacral & Lumbar + OM27 Supportive Tissue + OM31 Spine Lumbar Sacral + OM32 Spine: Dorsal + OM33 Spine: Brainstem + BR23 Skeletal + SM15 Circulation + SM34 Arthritis…TDS / The lady had no ullout and the improvement started immediately, slow but steady. The improvement continued throughout the duration of treatment, which lasted nine months. She was very happy because within a month she could do her housework. / The wonderful thing is that all rogress took lace without the use of any allopathic medicine. After nine months, the ain is completely gone and now the lady is well and very happy! / Practitioner’s comment: em“I am very happy because this was one of my first cases treated and this result has given me a lot of momentum to continue and grow in the knowledge of this system, even in the knowledge that every success is a gift from God. I hope that more eople will approach this wonderful system.”/em / !–![endif]—-/
0_2986en_986enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2ItalyenglishSeborrheic Keratosis Pigmentation Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;21.Skin2918‘= margin-left:28.65ptA 59 years old friend of the ractitioner had been suffering for a long time from “seborrheic keratosis igmentation” which is very common in older adults. / margin-left:28.65ptThe skin on her torso was covered with lentil-sized spots, the biggest of which measured 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm and was on her left shoulder blade. On December 21, 2012, the atient was given the following remedy to be applied locally: / margin-left:28.65pt#1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC 21.1 Skin tonic…TDS in a vaseline base. / margin-left:28.65ptThey met again a month later, in January 2013. She was content because the edge of the thick scab had begun to detach, however, it would bleed if she tried to force it. On February 17, 2013, she showed the spot where the scab had been. Now there was only a round ink scar, not nearly as noticeable as the result of a surgical rocedure would have been. Her roblem was resolved ositively in only 50 days. / margin-left:28.65pt Patient’s testimonial: margin-left:28.65pt em“I am very happy to get rid of the roblem avoiding surgery and I would like, in future, to become a vibrionics ractitioner.” /em margin-left:28.65ptPractitioner’s testimonial: margin-left:28.65ptem“As this was among my first experiences in the field, I regret that I didn’t think to take hotographs before and after the treatment.”/em
0_2987en_987enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishIsolation from familyClick here15.Mental and Emotional2696‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 49 year old male, with a responsible government osition, rarely socialized with his family for the ast 10 years. On returning from work he would go straight to his room, not speaking with anyone nor would he come out for dinner at the family table; all this was explained by his wife. Whenever there was contact, he was extremely dominating. He also suffered from high BP. I felt this is something to do with some mental/emotional roblem rather than hysical illness and so I gave him:/ margin-left:5.65ptSR419 Beech + SR446 Vine…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter one week he simply walked out of his room and joined the family for dinner for the first time in 10 years. Then gradually he began to mix with the family as though nothing had happened. His family was most surprised and very happy./
0_2988en_988enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHyperactive Child Click here15.Mental and Emotional2696‘= margin-left:5.65ptA hyperactive 2 year old girl constantly awakened the whole family at around 2 am, turning on the TV and noisily insisting everyone watch with her. The arents were getting desperate with this uncontrollable activity in their child and asked for help. I gave them: / margin-left:5.65ptNM6 Calming + SR422 Cherry Plum…OD / margin-left:5.65ptIn one week, she had improved considerably and was no longer waking up at nights./
0_2989en_989enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishFrustration in Pregnancy Click here8.Female Organs2696‘= margin-left:5.65ptA young woman of 26 years became regnant and complained that for ast two months she was feeling so much anger, body ains, and frustration that she was unable to adjust to her new environment. I gave her: / margin-left:5.65ptSR327 Walnut…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptSubtly but steadily she improved and when I next saw her and asked, “How are you?” “Fine,” was her reply as though she had never been troubled in the first lace./
0_2990en_990enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishDepressed and Constantly Complaining Click here15.Mental and Emotional2696‘= female medical ractitioner, aged 59, was constantly complaining about her different hysical ailments, and she looked very depressed. I asked when her illness began and after much gentle questioning, she finally realized she only became ill after the death of her daughter about 6!–[endif]—-months ago. Knowing that she was taking a large amount of allopathic medications I felt it is best to first address her emotional distress before dealing with her chronic hysical issues. So I gave her:/ SR436 Mustard + SR443 Star of Bethlehem…OD / After only one week she appeared eaceful and steady, obviously having much greater understanding and acceptance of her situation. Now I felt the time was right to address her hysical issues./ !–![endif]—-/
0_2991en_991enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishRedo Macular Degeneration Click here7.Eyes10831‘= male aged 43 years had normal eyesight up to 1998, i.e. to age 28 years. / !–[endif]—- Patient’s testimonial: em’My eyesight started to deteriorate slowly. I consulted LV Prasad Eye Institute in the year 2000 and my roblem was diagnosed as redo macular degeneration which is not curable. It is a genetic roblem and has come hereditarily. In 2009 I started to use Vibropathy medicine, which I got from Dr Hanumant Rao and I took ills under the tongue. I observed improvement although slow, but evident. /em emB/ememe/ememf/ememore vibro ills were started, I used to recognize eople by faces when they were as close as 15 feet. Now I can recognize them at about 25 feet. The strain factor on my eyes has also reduced while reading and driving. I was given: /em emCC7.1 Eye tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic /ememCombo ack/emem. Now I am using ills dissolved in water and taking water at intervals.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2992en_992enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Click here4.Digestive System;21.Skin10831‘= margin-left:5.65ptA ten-year-old boy is observed to be assing stools immediately after taking lunch and dinner. Sometimes this urge to visit the toilet is observed even during meals, interrupting the normal food intake. Considering this case maybe due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the Practitioner has given: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptWithin a week erceptible improvement was noticed. As such the treatment continued for a fortnight and the boy has completely recovered without any recurrence for over a couple of years. / margin-left:5.65ptThe same boy was also found to be affected with a skin allergy by which even a small bite by ants (usually on feet) resulted in severe swelling and itching not only on the feet, but extended up to the knee, sometimes up to thigh, instead of the localised rash generally seen in such cases. This used to be a regular feature whenever the boy was bitten by ants or similar insects. / margin-left:5.65ptThe ractitioner gave: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. CC12.2 Child tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.4 Stings and Bites…TDS / margin-left:5.65ptAfter taking this treatment for few weeks the boy has completely recovered from any recurrence of such allergic reaction even when exposed to such bites by insects./
0_2993en_993enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishSpondylitisClick here4.Digestive System;21.Skin10831‘= 40-year-old man came to the vibro medical camp with multiple ailments, mainly iles with bleeding, lasting for the last several months. He also complained of severe stress due to work related roblems and cervical spondylitis with dizziness. The ractitioner has given: / #1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.7 Vertigo + CC20.5 Spine…TDS / When he came after a fortnight he was quite cheerful and said that the vibro ills have given him 30% relief. Bleeding has stopped completely and he did not feel dizzy. Pain due to spondylitis also came down to some extent. Considering his improvement the same remedies were given for a !–[endif]—-few more months. After taking the remedies for 3 months, he was completely relieved of iles as well as ainful spondylitis. He continued to be out of stress and cheerful throughout. After about two years he came again. The bleeding through anus reappeared when he took spicy ickles along with food. He was then given: / #2. CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS for fortnight. / He met the ractitioner after a month and said he is completely cured of the ailment./ !–![endif]—-/
0_2994en_994enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishHole in the Heart Click here3.Circulatory System11219‘= atient, a four-year-old male child, had a hole in the heart, which was discovered when he was six months old. It was a birth defect. Doctors told the atient not to worry, that it was not a serious roblem, and that there was no cure and so no treatment was given. / This boy was living with this roblem for three and half years. During the first visit, the ractitioner gave the atient the following combo: / #1. CC3.6 Pulse irregular…OD for a month, and after one month to continue it at TDS in water. / Six months after the first visit, the atient complained about ain in his hands after writing 3 to 4 ages of home work. The ractitioner also rescribed: / #2. CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS / Practitioner’s comments: em“When I first saw the child he was under weight, looked dull, and without any enthusiasm. In a recent icture of the atient, I can see that the child had gained weight by his cheeks. The child’s weight increased from 10.3kg (weighed 2 mo/ememn/ememths before the treatment) to 12 kg (5 months after treatment). The atient has started eating well, even food he was earlier avoiding. Today, I am told the atient asks for food and eats it without any hesitation. /em emBy Swami’s Grace, the atient can now run for 1/2 km (before he used to fall after laying for a short time), his speech has become clear (which was not the case before), and gasping for breath has /em!–[endif]—-emd/ememisappeared. Furthermore, he can now carry his own backpack (which he could not do before), is very energetic and active, and has become a teacher’s favourite at school. The atient’s frequency of falling sick has reduced considerably. After four months of treatment, the atient got a cold (his father said that he ate something from the refrigerator, and that was why he got a cold). /em emFinal condition: Right now he is absolutely fine. Father is very happy about his son.”/em !–![endif]—-/
0_2995en_995enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishFractured Lumbar Bone (L5) Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11219‘= margin-left:27.65ptThe atient, a 76 years old female, had a fractured Lumbar (L5) bone, ossibly in a fall. As a result of this, she was suffering from irritation in her right thigh, and was not able to sit for a long eriod of time. She had been suffering for nearly six months from this symptom. / margin-left:27.65ptWhen the atient came to the ractitioner, she was on many rescribed allopathic medicines, at least five different ones. The ractitioner gave her the following combo on her first visit: / margin-left:27.65ptCC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.7 Fractures…TDS, which was subsequently reduced to BD as the atient started feeling dizzy, and felt more comfortable at taking the combo at BD. / margin-left:27.65ptThe atient showed 50% improvement after the first month. During the 2nd month of treatment, her symptoms appeared only once. Finally, during the 3rd month her condition was almost normal. She was asked to continue the vibro remedy OD for one more month. / margin-left:27.65ptPractitioner’s comment: margin-left:27.65ptem“T/ememh/ememe atient recently visited her medical doctor. The doctor told the atient that she is absolutely fine, and took her off all allopathic medications. Her doctor has scheduled another follow-up visit to check how she is coping without the allopathic medications.”/em
0_2996en_996enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishExcessive Menses Bleeding and Weakness Click here8.Female Organs11414‘= margin-left:27.1ptThis ractitioner was approached by a 31-year-old female who complained of excessive menses bleeding and weakness. She had been suffering for the ast nine years and had tried allopathic as well as ayurvedic medicines but with no relief. She was given: / margin-left:27.1pt#1. CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC12.1 Adult tonic…QDS / margin-left:27.1ptIn two months, the excessive bleeding had nearly stopped and she was 90% better. The remedy was continued as before. Extremely leased at the relief she had experienced, she came up with a new request. She had been waiting to have a second child for nine years. The ractitioner changed her remedy to: / margin-left:27.1pt#2. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC12.1 Adult tonic…QDS / margin-left:27.1ptWithin two and a half months she shared her joyous news that she was regnant. She was now given: / margin-left:27.1pt#3. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic…QDS / margin-left:27.1ptEight months into the regnancy, the couple shifted to their village and the ractitioner lost contact with them. Fortunately, after a couple of months, the ractitioner was contacted again by the atient’s husband and informed that by Baba’s grace they had been blessed with a healthy child. Their family is now complete and they feel extremely grateful to “Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s medicines” for granting their wish! / margin-left:27.1pt Patient testimonial (Transcript of the Video): margin-left:27.1pt em“I had one son but I was not able to have the second child for ten years. I had got myself treated extensively but to no avail. Then I came to this school and took Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s medicine. Praying to him, I started the treatment and I was cured! I gave birth to a healthy baby boy! I express my heartfelt gratitude to Sri Sathya Sai Baba!” /em margin-left:27.1pt
0_2997en_997enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishChalazion on Eye Lid Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;7.Eyes;21.Skin11422‘= April 2013, the ractitioner was approached by a 53-year-old lady. She had a half ea-size wart like growth on her left eyelid. It was not ainful but embarrassing for her. It was diagnosed as chalazion, an eye roblem, and advised surgery. She was not inclined for surgery and wanted to try vibrionics. She had this roblem since August 2012 and in the meantime had tried allopathic treatment and later homoeopathy, both without success. She was given: / #1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.8 Herpes + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS / After some time, even though there was no change in the appearance of the growth, it had softened. The remedy was continued for five months till August 2013. In between, the remedy finished once and she did not have it for a week. / In the first week of September, she complained of severe hair fall and was given: / #2. CC11.1 Hair tonic …TDS / She reported minimal improvement after 15 days of starting this treatment. So the ractitioner made a hair nosode in mid- September. After another fortnight, the atient reported that not only had the hair fall reduced, but the wart had shrunk in size. By 30th November, her wart had disappeared completely. / Patient’s testimonial: em“I am Mrs Vijaya Anand. I am 53 years old. I got a small cyst-like thing above my right eyelid. In medical terms it was diagnosed as chalazion. The eye doctor advised a small surgery. I went for second and third opinion. But everybody said the same thing. They said, since it was not treated when it first appeared in August 201/emem2, it had become very hard in one year. But I was not willing for surgery. In April 2013, I started taking vibrionics from Lalitha. /em emI/ememt gradually became soft but the knot was still there. In between from September 13, I started taking vibro also for hair fall. In another three months that is by end of November, the whole cyst had gone and hair fall also had stopped considerably. I thank vibrionics and Lalitha for this.”/em /
0_2998en_998enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishTuberculosis Click here19.Respiratory System11483‘= margin-left:5.65ptA 16-year-old girl called Shanti, who lives in a slum area in Gurgaon, India, came to the medical camp in April 2013. She complained of wounds on her back and elvic region, and one could see us oozing out of her wounds. Her ainful condition filled her tearful eyes; she longed for a healthy and happy life. Doctors at the camp asked for diagnostic tests, and her reports revealed a shockingly low Haemoglobin level of 4.6. She was diagnosed to be suffering from Tuberculosis of the Bones./ / margin-left:5.65ptShe had been reviously treated for one and half years at AIIMS, New Delhi. However she left the treatment due to severe jaundice resulting from the side effects of her medication./ / margin-left:5.65ptOn April 5, 2013, Shanti was very weak and weighed only 30 kg. She even had difficulty in walking from ain and weakness. She was immediately given the following vibrionics remedy: / margin-left:5.65pt#1. NM26 Penmycin + SR289 Drosera…3TW and encouraged to have Sai Protein. She was also given the allopathic treatment of a high dose of TB medicines. Eight medicines had to be taken orally for nine months and one injection had to be taken every alternate day for six months (90 injections in all). The Liver Function Test (LFT) was carried out on four occasions and the results of the tests are tabulated below:/ margin-left:33.55ptimg alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/764/content_ch-998_tuberculosis_11483_india.jpg float:left; height:110px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:1000px // margin-left:33.55pt / margin-left:33.55pt / / margin-left:5.65ptShe had also gained 2 kg weight in a short of 15 days! Her haemoglobin increased steadily. Because of the antibiotics she had severe nausea and vomiting. The following remedy was given to her along with allopathic medicines to revent the side effects: / margin-left:5.65pt#2. NM2 Blood + NM22 Liver + NM36 War + NM59 Pain + NM75 Debility + NM86 Immunity + OM17 Liver- Gallbladder + BR12 Liver + SR297 Ipecac + SR364 Apomorphia + SR529 Spleen…6TD / margin-left:5.65pt#3. Nosode…TDS from all her allopathic drugs for eliminating their side effects. / margin-left:5.65ptThe atient has now fully recovered. However, it is very important that such atients receive a high rotein diet to fully emerge from this bout of sickness. Shanti was regularly rovided milk, eggs, fruits etc. to enrich her diet for a speedy recovery. Remedy #2 is reduced to TDS along with Sai Protein. / margin-left:5.65ptPractitioner’s comments: margin-left:5.65ptem“Eight to ten similar cases are currently under medication and improving. Vibrionics in combination with allopathic medications shows remarkable results.” /em margin-left:5.65pt Patient’s testimonial is on a video: margin-left:5.65pt
0_2999en_999enenen_0_2International Conference _0_2IndiaenglishPain of old wounds from surgery Click here4.Digestive System11483‘= 46-year-old female came to see the ractitioner on June 23, 2013. She had surgery for iles and fissures 18 years ago in which her submucosa was removed leaving a ermanent anal opening. She was suffering from severe acidity, reflux, constipation, bloating and was in immense ain. The remedy given was: / NM7 CB 7 + NM13 Constipation + NM21 KBS + NM22 Liver + NM29 SUFI + NM37 Acidity + NM67 Calcium + NM111 Portal Clearance + OM6 Colon + OM9 Digestive Psychosomatic + SM16 Cleansing + SR261 Nat Mur 30C + SR262 Nat Phos + SR333 B. Morgan + SR347 Cholesterinum 200C + SR365 Asafoetida + SR369 Benzoic Acid + SR481 Colon Total + SR518 Pepsin + SR547 Carduus Mar…TDS / After a week of taking the remedy, she reported that her stomach felt light, the frequency of acidity attacks decreased and her stool had become soft. After a month, she showed 40% improvement. Now she does not suffer from any bloating or reflux. Apart from the remedy the ractitioner gave her crucial advice concerning her diet and eating atterns which helped her enormously. / Patient’s testimonial: em“It was in the year 1997 that I had to undergo a simple operation for iles and fissure, a rocedure from which I would have recovered in a week’s time or at the most 15 days. Unfortunately it turned out to be the most traumatic experience of my life because the surgeon had removed my whole sub mucosa from the anal region and kept quiet about the mistake. I was left to cope with the incessant ain and a in hole-opening sized anus. The surgeon of course ran off shifting all the blame on me by calling me an over-sensitive erson. Later I had to undergo a dilation rocedure under general anaesthesia to make the anal opening bigger. The good news was that – I was alive, and the bad, was that I had to bear the anal ain 24 x 7. /em emT/ememh/ememis sent me on a quest for any remedy which would save me from ain and agony caused by manual anal dilations, manual expulsion of stools and a series of anal ruptures that would occur on the slightest retext (and took more than a week to heal). /em emI ran from surgeons to hysicians to homeopaths who would sympathise with me, give me some medicines but my condition would not get better. Slowly time assed and my medications increased and so did my weight. The doctors fleeced me and charged me money to the tune of thousands of Rupees er month. /em emIt was in the year 2013 that I heard about vibrionics. It took me many months of convincing myself to leave my homeopathy treatment and shift to it. Finally I mustered courage and went to my ractitioner. She is an angel on earth. She heard me through and repared medicines for my acidity, constipation, anal ain and whatever else, because my whole digestive system had gone for a toss over the years. /em emI took her medicines as faithfully as I could and the first thing I observed was that my stomach felt so much lighter. Only during very intense medications, had I ever experienced such a light stomach. This was the first step in solace. Then I observed that the frequency of acidity attacks dropped down significantly, and so also the number of times I had to manually evacuate the stools. She also gave me an oil for anal application that really helps. /em emO/ememv/ememerall, I feel much better and relaxed now. I am extremely satisfied with my ractitioner and her beautiful and sensitive approach towards her atients. Now, not only myself, but several of my family and friends are taking vibrionics and seeing it work. /em emM/ememy humble thanks to our beloved Bhagawan to have sent me healing through Vibrionics.”/em !–![endif]—-/ /
0_1643en_643enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1GermanyenglishSickness in ChickensClick here1.Animals and Plants2715‘= in Chickenssup2715…Germany/sup A Vibrionics ractitioner’s mother had 23 hens. All but three of them died of an infection that afflicted and killed all other local chickens in the area. Of the three that survived, one was articularly weak and was finding it difficult to hold its head up, walk straight or enter the chicken coop. This hen was kept in the house away from the other two. The vibro ractitioner sent the following remedies to her mother for the chickens:/ CC1.1 Animal Tonic + CC18.4 Stroke…TDS/ The ractitioner’s mother ut the ills in the beaks of her sick hens and within a few days, there was a remarkable improvement in their condition. The weakest hen was soon able to hold its head up, eat roperly, and walk to the chicken coop again. A week later, it was so well that it started laying eggs, so the dosage was reduced to OD. Then the same remedy was given to the other two hens that were underweight and weak, and in a short while, they also recovered. The ractitioner’s mother now has three erfectly healthy hens which give her some consolation for losing the rest of the flock./
0_1644en_644enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ItalyenglishInjured CatClick here1.Animals and Plants2494‘= four-year-old female cat was severely hit and found to have a slight fracture in her right rib. She was traumatized, was in a state of extreme fear, and in tremendous ain from this nasty injury. As the owner did not want to give her any allopathic medicines, she was immediately started on the following vibrionics combo:/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ NM20 Injury + NM3 Bone I + SR271 Arnica (30C) + NM95 Rescue/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ The combo was administered in water, one dose every 10 minutes for one hour, followed by 6TD for 3 days and TDS thereafter./ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ The ractitioner estimated the improvement in ain to be 50% after only one day and the cat appeared to be much calmer too. The ractitioner has reported that there was 100% recovery after 3 days as the cat was running and jumping about as she did normally before her accident./ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ emIn this successful healing in an animal, a Vibrionics Healing Potentiser was used to make the above combo. If the 108 Common Combos box had been available, then /emCC10.1 Emergencies emto treat the cat for her injuries and shock would have worked equally well./em/ / !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/
0_1645en_645enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1CroatiaenglishCat with Urinary InfectionClick here1.Animals and Plants1150‘= ractitioner’s daughter had a cat that developed a severe urinary Infection with ain and blood in the urine. The following was given:/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney Balance + SM27 Infection…TDS/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ Within 3 days the cat was better and recovered fully in a weeks’ time./ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ emIf the 108CC Box had been available to the ractitioner, the following could have been given with the same results: CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC13.2 Urinary tract Infection…TDS/em/
0_1646en_646enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishCataract in Dog Click here1.Animals and Plants2095‘=, a male dog aged 12, who was diagnosed with cataract, was given the following treatment by the ractitioner:/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ NM47 Cataract Compound + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM68 Cataract Comp-B…BD./ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ The vet was not informed that vibrational remedies were being given, so subsequent visits left the vet shaking his head, rechecking his notes, and rechecking Duke’s eyes several times. Cataract usually shows rogressive degeneration but in Duke’s case he started to see much better, the eyes did not look as milky and the cataract was dissolving./ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ emNote: Equivalent Common combo to substitute the above: CC7.2 Partial Vision./em/
0_1647en_647enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishDiarrhea & Vomiting in a DogClick here1.Animals and Plants2871‘= 1½-year-old small dog was suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. The ractitioner repared the following:/ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis…5 ills to be ut in 200 ml of water and 5 ml of the remedy to be given every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours and after-wards at TDS./ !– /wp:aragraph –/ !– wp:aragraph –/ The dog recovered after the first dose and was very keen to come and drink the medicine! The combo was continued for the next 3 days at TDS and then reduced to BD and finally OD throughout the week to avoid a relapse. /
0_1670en_670enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishMultiple Problems Cured by Blood NosodeClick here16.Miasms2836‘= 64 years old male had been suffering from severe knee ain for the ast 10 years. He was obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C. During the first week, dosage was kept at OD due to concern for ossible ullout, BD for the 2nd week followed by TDS from 15 December 2011 onwards. The results were outstanding: the knee ain was 90% better within one week and at the same time he started to feel light, happy and energetic. On the 8th March 2012, it was noticed that the eczema on the left ankle was up to 40% better and the right ankle showed an 80% improvement. The treatment continued with just the nosode without giving any allopathic, ayurvedic or any other alternative medication. By the 8th July 2012, the left ankle showed 80% improvement and the right ankle 90% improvement. After this date the atient has not returned for further treatment and it is assumed he has completely recovered from all of his earlier symptoms./
0_1671en_671enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1BelgiumenglishMultiple Problems Cured by Blood NosodeClick here16.MiasmsMissing‘= 64 years old male had been suffering from severe knee ain for the ast 10 years. He was obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C. During the first week, dosage was kept at OD due to concern for ossible ullout, BD for the 2nd week followed by TDS from 15 December 2011 onwards. The results were outstanding: the knee ain was 90% better within one week and at the same time he started to feel light, happy and energetic. On the 8th March 2012, it was noticed that the eczema on the left ankle was up to 40% better and the right ankle showed an 80% improvement. The treatment continued with just the nosode without giving any allopathic, ayurvedic or any other alternative medication. By the 8th July 2012, the left ankle showed 80% improvement and the right ankle 90% improvement. After this date the atient has not returned for further treatment and it is assumed he has completely recovered from all of his earlier symptoms./
0_1672en_672enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishHouseplant’s RecoveryClick here1.Animals and PlantsMissing‘= ractitioner treated a houseplant (Brahmakamal) for fungal infection – the symptoms being white spots on the leaves. One dose of CC1.2 Plant tonic was ut in half a liter of water and sprayed on the lant daily. Within 2-3 days the white spots started to recede, new leaves appeared and one bud blossomed. The leaves of another houseplant began to whither when its owners were moving house. It received the same treatment (CC1.2) and after only one dose of the spray, started to revive. If you do not have the 108CC Box, to help lant growth or for disease in lants, give: NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone + NM12 Combination 12 + NM20 Injury + NM25 Shock + NM91 Paramedic Rescue + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM4 Stabilizing + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM14 Chemical Poison + SM26 Immunity + SM41 Uplift + SR325 Rescue + SR329 Crab Apple + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR432 Hornbeam + SR566 Fungi-athogenic. Make it in alcohol in a dropper bottle, ut 5 drops in one liter of water and sprinkle over weak or infected lants./
0_1673en_673enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishProtection for Vegetable PlantsClick here1.Animals and PlantsMissing‘= vegetable lants such as courgettes (zucchini baby marrows), tomatoes and French beans grown in this ractitioner’s garden used to suffer from a owdery mildew soon after their first crop, then/ collapse and die, even though they are frequently fed with cow manure and worming compost, and treated with a solution of Neem oil mixed with a chilli and soap solution. She was told to ut one drop of SR264 Silicea 6X in a watering can soon after lanting and continue it weekly throughout the growing eriod. This simple treatment did wonders! The wilting lants started to recover, thus giving higher yield. The new ones just lanted grew to be , healthy and very roductive. This information comes from Homoeopathy for Farm & Garden by Vaikanthanath Kaviraj. Also recommended is soaking seeds in Silicea 6x rior to germinating. Another ractitioner wrote in to say that a grower in Auroville has tried Silicea 30C on lants and gets better results from this compared to using other organic esticides./
0_1674en_674enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishTreesClick here1.Animals and PlantsMissing‘= an experimental basis, the ractitioner and his wife sprayed CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC1.2 Plant tonic mixed with water, on all the lants in their garden. The effect was miraculous and those lants with minimal growth in the last couple of years, showed a revival as if new life was injected into them. It has been a very satisfying experience, the ractitioner said. Note: It is a rather surprising combo and there must be something in Animal tonic that the lants needed which was not in the soil, may be it was the vibration of NM35 Worms!/
0_1675en_675enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1GermanyenglishSickness in ChickensClick here1.Animals and Plants2715‘= Vibrionics ractitioner’s mother had 23 hens. All but three of them died of an infection that afflicted and killed all other local chickens in the area. Of the three that survived, one was articularly weak and was finding it difficult to hold its head up, walk straight or enter the chicken coop. This hen was kept in the house away from the other two. The vibro ractitioner sent the following remedies to her mother for the chickens:/ CC1.1 Animal Tonic + CC18.4 Stroke…TDS/ The ractitioner’s mother ut the ills in the beaks of her sick hens and within a few days, there was a remarkable improvement in their condition. The weakest hen was soon able to hold its head up, eat roperly and walk to the chicken coop again. A week later, it was so well that it started laying eggs, so the dosage was reduced to OD. Then the same remedy was given to the other two hens that were underweight and weak, and in a short while, they also recovered. The ractitioner’s mother now has three erfectly healthy hens which give her some consolation for losing the rest of the flock/
0_1676en_676enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ItalyenglishInjured CatClick here1.Animals and Plants2494‘= four year-old female cat was severely hit and found to have a slight fracture in her right rib. She was traumatized, was in a state of extreme fear and in tremendous ain from this nasty injury. As the owner did not want to give her any allopathic medicines, she was immediately started on the following vibrionics combo:/ NM20 Injury + NM3 Bone I + SR271 Arnica (30C) + NM95 Rescue/ The combo was administered in water, one dose every 10 minutes for one hour, followed by 6TD for 3 days and TDS thereafter. The ractitioner estimated the improvement in ain to be 50% after only one day and the cat appeared to be much calmer too. The ractitioner has reported that there was 100% recovery after 3 days as the cat was running and jumping about as she did normally before her accident./ In this successful healing in an animal, a Vibrionics Healing Potentiser was used to make the above combo. If the 108 Common Combos box had been available, then CC10.1 Emergencies to treat the cat for her injuries and shock would have worked equally well./
0_1677en_677enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1CroatiaenglishCat with Urinary InfectionClick here1.Animals and Plants1150‘= ractitioner’s daughter had a cat that developed a severe urinary Infection with ain and blood in the urine. The following was given:/ NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney Balance + SM27 Infection…TDS/ Within 3 days the cat was better and recovered fully in a weeks’ time./ If the 108CC Box had been available to the ractitioner, the following could have been given with the same results: CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC13.2 Urinary tract Infection…TDS/
0_1678en_678enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishCataract in Dog Click here1.Animals and Plants2095‘=, a male dog aged 12, who was diagnosed with cataract, was given the following treatment by the ractitioner:/ NM47 Cataract Compound + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM68 Cataract Comp-B …BD./ The vet was not informed that vibrational remedies were being given, so subsequent visits left the vet shaking his head, rechecking his notes and rechecking Duke’s eyes several times. Cataract usually shows rogressive degeneration but in Duke’s case he started to see much better, the eyes did not look as milky and the cataract was dissolving./ Note: Equivalent Common combo to substitute the above: CC7.2 Partial Vision./
0_1679en_679enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishDiarrhea & Vomiting in a Dog Click here1.Animals and Plants2871‘= 1½ year old small dog was suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. The ractitioner repared the following:/ CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis…5 ills to be ut in 200 ml of water and 5 ml of the remedy to be given every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours and afterwards at TDS./ The dog recovered after the first dose and was very keen to come and drink the medicine! The combo was continued for the next 3 days at TDS and then reduced to BD and finally OD throughout the week to avoid a relapse./
0_1680en_680enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishComplete Healing of Multiple MyelomaClick here2.Cancers and TumoursMissing‘= 51 year-old man was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from a type of bone marrow cancer. He had been completely bedridden for a year and had a fracture in his shoulder joint. Doctors had given up hope of him ever recovering. He came to a Vibrionics ractitioner who started him on:/ CC2.1 Cancer + CC2.2 Pains of Cancer + CC2.3 Tumors and growths + CC12.1 AdultTonic + CC20.2 Skeletal Pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles and supportive tissues + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures/ In just one week’s time the atient’s condition started to improve. Within 15 days he could get up and walk, despite being bedridden for a whole year. Four months later he could go back to work and his analysis showed no trace of cancer./
0_1681en_681enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishLiver Cancer Patient on the Road to RecoveryClick here2.Cancers and TumoursMissing‘= 67 year-old woman was diagnosed as having cancer of the liver with multiple complications such as fluid in the abdomen. The abdomen had to be tapped on a regular basis. She had swellings in both knee joints and an enlarged gall bladder. She was also diabetic with high BP, and suffered from constipation and insomnia. The doctors told her that she had only 3 months left to live. She was given the following Common Combos by a Vibro ractitioner:/ CC2.1 Cancer + CC 2.2 Pains of Cancer + CC2.3 Tumors and growths + CC4.2 Liver & Gall Bladder Tonic + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC19.3 Asthma + CC19.4 Asthma emergency + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.6 Fractures/ Within a week of taking the above combos, she went off most of her allopathic medication. Nine months later she was well on the road to recovery, her leural effusion had subsided and her blood sugar had come within normal range. A once bedridden woman, she was now able to do her normal routine work. Despite doctors giving her just 3 months to live, she enjoyed an active life for two years before she eacefully left her body./
0_1682en_682enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1New ZealandenglishBrain Tumor – Glaioblastoma Multiforms Grade 4Click here2.Cancers and Tumours2749‘= adult male atient had a brain tumor that required surgery. After the surgery, the hospital’s specialist hysicians informed the atient’s family that he had only 14 months to live. He and his family refused to give up hope and asked for this healer’s help. She rescribed:/ #1. CC2.1 Cancers – All + CC2.3 Tumors + CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC18.1 Brain & Memory Tonic…TDS/ To revent infection: #2. CC9.2 Acute fever…OD but TDS if infection occurred./ She also advised him to start a strict vegetarian diet with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, wheat grass, barley grass, minerals, vitamins and flaxseed oil with cottage cheese./ During the same time eriod, the atient was also given radiation treatment. He had no side effects during and after the treatment, except that he lost a lot of weight. The healer added CC4.1 Digestion Tonic…TDS and the weight returned after a few weeks. In three months time, the atient was feeling much better. However, his blood count became dangerously low due to an inherited blood disease that causes thalassaemia. His doctors advised a blood transfusion but it was avoided with just 2 doses of CC3.1 Heart Tonic./ Ten months after the Vibrionics treatment, the atient underwent blood tests and an MRI scan at the hospital. The results amazed the doctors who could hardly believe that such a terminal condition could be completely cured. The healer emphasized that the atient was raying daily with love and devotion to God as were his family and the healer and the healer’s family too. She says in her report, ‘We know that Man treats but God cures’./
0_1683en_683enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1JapanenglishUterine Cancer Click here2.Cancers and Tumours2703‘= 67-year old lady was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus and the doctor advised an operation. She approached a Vibrionics ractitioner for help and she was given/ CC2.1 Cancers + SR350 Hydrastis + SR391 Kreosotum + SR537 Uterus…QDS/ Two months later, she had a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) even though the cancer was found to be less in the uterus. However, she had developed abdominal dropsy (fluid in the abdomen) and the cancer had spread to this area. The doctor said the cancer had reached the third stage and advised her to start radiation/chemotherapy treatment. She refused all allopathic treatment and continued to take Vibro remedies. The ractitioner added the following remedies to her ills:/ SR271 Arnica + SR345 Calendula + SR353 Ledum…QDS/ Two months later, the doctor was astonished to find the cancer had disappeared and she was completely cured. She continued to take the following Vibrionics remedies:/ CC2.1 Cancers…QDS;/ SR248 Vessel of Conception…4 doses and SR298 Lachesis….2 doses./ This is a wonderful example of a complete healing. But note that although the ractitioner used some single remedies to support the Common Combos she gave (because a Vibrionics machine was available), the following would have worked equally well:/ CC2.1 Cancers + CC2.3 Tumors + CC8.1 Female Tonic + CC8.4 Uterus/
0_1684en_684enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishHodgkin’s Disease Click here2.Cancers and Tumours660‘= woman aged 65 was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and came to the healer for treatment. She was given:/ NM6 Calming + NM30 Throat + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up + NM110 Essiac + SM13 Cancer +/ SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat…6TD for two weeks followed by TDS./ Four months later, she was given a blood test by her doctor and the result was normal and there was no sign of the disease. The atient continued to take the remedy for some time even after the good news and she has been free of the disease for six years now./ Here is another great healing and if the healer had used the 108 CC box to treat the above illness, she could have given CC2.1 All Cancers + CC19.7 Throat we believe with equal success./
0_1685en_685enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishEczema and Facial TumourClick here2.Cancers and Tumours00744J‘= 45 year-old woman came to the ractitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon size tumor on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the ast 5 years she had black igmentation on arts of her body. She was anemic and very depressed, ossibly because of the worry, discomfort and embarrassment due to her appearance. She had taken antibiotics and other allopathic treatment as well as emayurvedic /emtreatment but without any success. The ractitioner gave her:/ CC2.3 Tumors & Growths + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Immunity + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergy + CC21.6 Eczema …TDS for a month./ The atient returned after 20 days and reported the lumps on the tumor had disappeared and she was feeling more cheerful. Two months later, the size of the tumor had reduced by 50% and the eczema by 20%. Treatment was continued. After a further three months only tiny scales were now visible and her depression was a thing of the ast. Treatment continued for a further 2 months after which the atient reported complete recovery, except for the black igmentation which did not improve./
0_1686en_686enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAcute Lymphatic Leukaemia Leg Click here2.Cancers and Tumours00744J‘= little boy aged 2 ½ years developed Leukemia blood Cancer. It started with a fever but the illness was confirmed a month later by the doctors where he was hospitalized. He was given chemotherapy and other allopathic medication. Two weeks after his treatment started, the grandparents of the boy collected Vibrionics remedies from the ractitioner because they believed that as Vibrionics was blessed by God, their grandson would surely recover. The following combo was given:/ CC2.1 Cancer + CC3.1 Anaemia + CC12.2 Children’s tonic…TDS/ A month later, the grandparents reported that the little atient was cheerful although still weak after regularly taking vibro; the hospital report said that the atient was responding well. After the same combo had been given for another month, there was 25% improvement. Over the coming months the boy made steady rogress and 8 months later he had fully recovered with the same combo, along with the allopathic medication. The ractitioner gave the combo for a further month to counter any ossibility of a relapse./ This is a very serious cancer that has a high mortality rate, so it was a blessing that the grandparents with their faith in God, insisted that the child should have the Vibro medicine as well as allopathic treatment, which might well have, tipped the scales to a complete healing. We think the ractitioner will no doubt consider continuing the combo at a lower dosage e.g. OD, including CC12.2 which was a very good addition to help the little boy through the trauma of the allopathic treatment that is required in treating this sort of cancer./
0_1687en_687enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishHodgkin’s Disease Click here2.Cancers and Tumours660‘= 65 year-old woman came to see the ractitioner because she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and had been under allopathic treatment for two years. She was given:/ NM6 Calming + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back up + NM110 Essiac + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM13 Cancer + SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat…6TD for two weeks then TDS./ Within two weeks the atient felt more eaceful. She continued to take the Sai Vibrionics remedy for four months after which her blood test showed that she was normal. She has been free of cancer for the ast six years./ Note: Equivalent Common combo to substitute the above: CC2.1 Cancers./
0_1688en_688enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ItalyenglishAnti-Chemotherapy & CancerClick here2.Cancers and Tumours2494‘= those ractitioners who ossess the Sai Ram Potentiser, we received some important information from the above ractitioners. They found that it is ossible to get faster and improved results in the following two cases:/ Anti-chemo cases: In order to remove side-effects of chemotherapy, use SR559 Anti Chemotherapy at two otencies as follows:/ SR559 Anti Chemotherapy (60C & 1M)…1 dose every 10 minutes for 2 hours, then every hour up to the end of the day. Next day 6TD followed by TDS until the next session of chemotherapy./ Now, repeat the above rocedure i.e. start 1 dose every 10 mins…..Dial setting for 60C otency is 371./ Cancer cases: Add SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR523 Pituitary Posterior to the normal cancer combo: CC2.1 + CC2.3. It is further beneficial to add the blood cleaning remedy, SR272 Arsen Alb (200C). /
0_1689en_689enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishLeukaemiaClick here2.Cancers and Tumours11993‘= 72-year old male had been diagnosed with the last stages of blood cancer. He had been suffering from this for two years, was also diabetic and bedridden. Doctors redicted that he would not live for more than two weeks. He was given the following:/ #1. CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC3.1 Heart tonic…TDS/ #2. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ Treatment started on 28 September 2011. One month later, his sons who are doctors, checked his blood and he was 50% better. Three months later, he was 75% better and three months after that in April 2012, his blood was 100% normal. The atient discontinued medication after this complete recovery. In November he relapsed and assed away eacefully having lived a year longer than his doctors had redicted./ Note: Usually atients continue taking their combo with reduced dosage for a long time after a cure especially when the atient is elderly./
0_1690en_690enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishUterine Cancer Click here2.Cancers and Tumours11993‘= margin-left:-3.5ptA woman aged 45 had been suffering from Uterine Cancer for 4 years. She had been undergoing allopathic treatment including a course of chemotherapy but had discontinued it because it was not bringing any relief. In fact she had become bedridden due to the side affects. The treatment started on 15 October 2012 when she was given the following:/ margin-left:-3.5ptCC2.1 Cancers + CC2.2 Cancer ain + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD/ margin-left:-3.5pt In two months, she was well enough to get out of bed and do all her household duties as well as go to church again. When she was tested for cancer after 4 months, it showed that the cancer had gone and she was completely normal. The dosage was reduced to TDS./ CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus is usually included when there is cancer in these areas. However CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic is a good addition and must have contributed to the healing. /
0_1691en_691enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishLeukaemiaClick here2.Cancers and Tumours11993‘= 72-year old male had been diagnosed with the last stages of blood cancer. He had been suffering from this for two years, was also diabetic and bedridden. Doctors redicted that he would not live for more than two weeks. He was given the following:/ #1. CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC3.1 Heart tonic…TDS/ #2. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ Treatment started on 28 September 2011. One month later, his sons who are doctors, checked his blood and he was 50% better. Three months later, he was 75% better and three months after that in April 2012, his blood was 100% normal. The atient discontinued medication after this complete recovery. In November he relapsed and assed away eacefully having lived a year longer than his doctors had redicted./ Note: Usually atients continue taking their combo with reduced dosage for a long time after a cure especially when the atient is elderly./
0_1692en_692enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ArgentinaenglishBrain TumourClick here2.Cancers and Tumours2128‘= A 29 year old woman came to the ractitioner because she had a 9 mm sellar (relating to Sella turcica) tumour in the brain. The Sella turcica(literally Turkish Chair) is a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone of skull where the ituitary gland is located. Each year she must take a magnetic resonance (MRI) test for analysis of tumour growth, with always the ossibility that an operation may be required to remove it. She was given:/ SR253 Calc Fluor + SR254 Calc Phos + SR280 Calc Carb (200C) + SR295 Hypericum (200C) + SR318 Thuja (200C) made in water in a 10 ml dropper bottle and two drops given…TDS./ After 56 days of only vibro treatment, atient went to the hospital for another MRI test. The tumour had completely disappeared. Doctors were surprised and remarked that they could not believe this miracle!/ / /
0_1693en_693enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishCongenital Heart Disease Click here3.Circulatory System2640‘= 6-month old baby girl with congenital heart disease was brought to a Vibro ractitioner. On examination, the ractitioner, an allopathic doctor by rofession, confirmed that the baby had heart murmurs. The baby should have been hospitalized but as the arents could not afford the high cost of surgery, the Vibrionics ractitioner started the girl on:/ CC3.1 Heart Tonic + CC3.4 Heart Emergencies + CC12.2 Children Tonic/ This was made in water and administered to the infant four times a day for the first few weeks. After that the mother was given the combos in ills and asked to dissolve two ills in water and give them to the baby TDS. This treatment continued for one and a half years./ The ediatric cardiologist who examined the two year-old little girl was astonished to see that the 2D-echo and other reports showed absolutely no sign of congenital heart disease. With God ’s grace the infant is now erfectly healthy without having to undergo an operation./
0_1694en_694enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishIschemic Heart Disease Click here3.Circulatory System00600J‘= male atient aged 61, who was known to have heart roblems since 2001, and had had one stroke in 2006 and another in 2009, came to see this ractitioner because he had recently been experiencing intermittent giddiness, fainting and blankness in the brain and for the ast two days these symptoms had started to get worse. He had just seen a cardiac and neuro-hysician at the hospital and had been given an MRI scan, the results of which would be available in a few days. Meanwhile the ractitioner gave him the following combo:/ CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.7 Vertigo…6TD/ Results of the tests done at the hospital came through a few days later, the strokes in 2006 and 2009 were seen on his MRI scan and the scan of his carotid arteries supplying his brain showed a 77% narrowing in the left side and 48% narrowing in the right side and he was advised to have immediate surgery. The atient, who had complete faith in God, was taking the above combos regularly and beginning to feel much better. His family however were not repared to take any risks and started to repare to take him to Bombay to have the operation. On the night of his departure for the surgery, God came to him in a dream and told him not to worry and not to have the operation. So he decided to continue to ut his complete trust in God, cancel the operation and only take the combos that the ractitioner had given him. Thanks to God, six months later, all the heart symptoms disappeared./ For those ractitioners using the Sai Ram Potentiser, the following could have been given: BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM15 Circulation + SR265 Aconite (200C) + SR271 Arnica (30C) + SR273 Aurum Met + SR383 Cuprum Met (30C) + SR413 Sumbul (200C) + SR415 Terebin (200C) + SR495 Heart + SR546 Baryta Carb./
0_1695en_695enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishBlocked Arteries Click here3.Circulatory System2799‘= ractitioner’s first case was of an elderly overweight man of 74 years whose arteries were so blocked he could not walk more than 2 to 3 meters without needing a rest. His doctors at the hospital, after an MRI scan, told him he needed a heart bypass. This was arranged to take lace in 2 weeks and he came to the ractitioner in the hope that something could be done for him or to at least help him to overcome the worry of the operation he was about to have. He was given:/ CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ The ractitioner told him to change to eating steamed or fresh vegetables and to avoid heavy foods like starch items and encouraged him to try and walk a little, however difficult, in the open air. The atient returned a week later and said that he felt much better, was walking regularly in the local ark and enjoying a lighter diet. As had been arranged, he went into hospital and was feeling less worried about the operation he was about to have. Before reparing him for the operation he was given another scan. The result of this scan astonished the doctors because it showed no blocks and so he didn’t need the operation!/
0_1696en_696enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishDiabetes with High BP Click here3.Circulatory System01423J‘= 49 year old male atient was diagnosed with diabetes a year before he saw the ractitioner. He also had high blood ressure and high cholesterol. He was given:/ CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS./ On a regular self-monitoring over a eriod of a few weeks, there was no change. However, what did come to light was that the atient’s liver was also ailing and had roblems; so CC4.2 Liver and Gallbladder tonic was added to the above. It was after this that the atient started to feel better. The continuing self-monitoring revealed that the atient’s blood sugar became almost normal. Two months later, clinical tests showed that blood ressure was normal at 120/80 and cholesterol level was reduced. The family doctor remarked to the atient “You are almost a non- diabetic!” and asked the atient whether he was taking some alternative treatment. The allopathic medicine has been much reduced and Vibrionics treatment continues with the same combo./
0_1697en_697enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglish. High Blood Pressure Click here3.Circulatory System2799‘= 48 year old man came to see the Vibrionics ractitioner because he was suffering from high blood ressure (around 160/100) for the last 15 years. He was taking allopathic medicine but it had not helped. He was given the following combo and asked to report back in two weeks’ time:/ CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS/ A fortnight later he told the ractitioner that his BP had fallen to 140/80 and in a further two weeks he reported that his BP was normal 125/70. His doctor reduced his allopathic medicine accordingly. The ractitioner told him to continue with the combo for another 6 months at the same dosage and then start reducing it gradually to OD./ You may be wondering why this atient was given so many combos for a case of just High BP. This experienced ractitioner has done so keeping in mind the fact that the high BP allopathic medicine was unsuccessful for so many years and hence there may ossibly be another roblem. Therefore, she also included in her treatment combos for other ossible mental/emotional stress and weaknesses in the nervous system./ The equivalent Sai Ram Machine combo would be: NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination 12 + NM25 Shock + NM37 Acidity + NM57 Heart Palpitations + NM64 Bad Temper + NM69 CB8 + NM95 Rescue Plus + OM1 Blood + OM7 Heart + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR7 Stress + SM4 Stabilizing + SM5 Peace & Love Align. + SM11 Blood Pressure + SM15 Circulation + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR302 Nux Vom + SR433 Impatiens + SR461 Brain (Medulla) + SR462 Brain (Pons) + SR523 Pituitary Posterior + SR531 Suprarenal/Adrenal Gland + SR535 Thymus Gland./
0_1698en_698enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishIschemic Heart Disease Click here3.Circulatory System00600J‘= male atient aged 61, who was known to have heart roblems since 2001, and had had one stroke in 2006 and another in 2009, came to see this ractitioner because he had recently been experiencing intermittent giddiness, fainting and blankness in the brain and for the ast two days these symptoms had started to get worse. He had just seen a cardiac and neuro-hysician at the hospital and had been given an MRI scan, the results of which would be available in a few days. Meanwhile the ractitioner gave him the following combo:/ CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.7 Vertigo…6TD/ Results of the tests done at the hospital came through a few days later, the strokes in 2006 and 2009 were seen on his MRI scan and the scan of his carotid arteries supplying his brain showed a 77% narrowing in the left side and 48% narrowing in the right side and he was advised to have immediate surgery. The atient, who had complete faith in God, was taking the above combos regularly and beginning to feel much better. His family however were not repared to take any risks and started to repare to take him to Bombay to have the operation. On the night of his departure for the surgery,/ God came to him in a dream and told him not to worry and not to have the operation. So he decided to continue to ut his complete trust in God, cancel the operation and only take the combos that the ractitioner had given him. Thanks to God, six months later, all the heart symptoms disappeared./ For those ractitioners using the Sai Ram Potentiser, the following could have been given: BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM15 Circulation + SR265 Aconite 200C) + SR271 Arnica (30C) + SR273 Aurum Met + SR383 Cuprum Met (30C) + SR413 Sumbul (200C) + SR415 Terebin (200C) + SR495 Heart + SR546 Baryta Carb./
0_1699en_699enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishHeart Emergency Click here3.Circulatory System11220‘= ractitioner’s uncle aged 61, a diabetic and heart atient, suddenly had a seizure at midnight on 31 March 2013 and was slipping in and out of consciousness. He was immediately given CC3.1 Heart emergencies in water and in 2 minutes of taking the combo, he was able to get up and sit in the bed. The combo continued to be given every 5 minutes even during his travel by car to a nearby hospital after he took a few doses. By the time they arrived, he felt erfectly normal. He was admitted for heart ailment, hypertension and ossible stroke. The family was told the seizure had been caused by high BP and high blood sugar. The ractitioner ointed out that there had been other times when this atient benefited from this combo. This is confirmation to all of us that this combo should be kept by family member of a atient with serious heart condition, articularly if he is diabetic. It will then be readily available for use in a similar emergency./
0_1700en_700enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ArgentinaenglishSclerosis of the Aortic Valve Click here3.Circulatory System2128‘= A woman aged 67 came to see the ractitioner as heart surgery was lanned because she had sclerosis of the aortic valve with severe arrhythmia and wondered whether Vibrionics could help. As indicated by the endulum the following was given:/ #1. BR5 Heart + BR18 Circulation + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR278 Cactus + SR286 Crataegus + SR455 Artery + SR477 Capillary + SR539 Vein + SR541 Adonis Ver/ #2. OM7 Heart + SR287 Digitalis/ #3. SR221 Heart Chakra + SR223 Solar Plexus…OW/ She began taking the medicines on 20 October 2012. Now the operation has been cancelled due to much improvement in arrhythmia and improved aortic valve function. She continues taking the above combos./ /
0_1701en_701enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishPerforated AppendixClick here4.Digestive System2733‘= young boy, aged 16, complained of constant abdomen ain on the right side and also of gas formation for the ast three months. An ultrasound report revealed an acutely inflamed appendix with erforation and a lump on the right side of his lower abdomen. The surgeon advised an immediate operation, but because of overty, his arents refused the operation. They contacted a vibrionics healer instead who gave the following: CC4.3 Appendicitis + CC21.11 Abscess + CC3.1 Heart Tonic…6TD After six weeks, the abdominal lump disappeared and the ain was 75% better but he still had occasional gas. The combo was changed to: CC4.3 Appendicitis + CC21.11 Abscess + CC4.10 Indigestion After another month, the ain was 90% better but the occasional gas was still continuing. For vitality, CC12.2 Children’s Tonic was added to the above combo. A month later the atient had no ain but was still having gas, so the healer added CC4.2 Liver and Gall Bladder Tonic to the above.Two months later, the gas was gone and the boy was happy and full of energy. The combos were continued for a while for the atient to maintain good health./
0_1702en_702enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ItalyenglishCirrhosis of LiverClick here4.Digestive System2494‘= woman aged 57 asked these ractitioners for help as she had a sick liver that was not functioning roperly. She was very tired, anemic and bedridden and was waiting for a liver transplant. They gave her:/ #1. NM22 Liver + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SR263 Nat Sulph (200C) + SR284 Chelidonium + SR330 Addiction to Alcohol + SR504 Liver + SR547 Carduus Mar …TDS/ #2. NM2 Blood + OM1 Blood + BR1 Anaemia + SR361 Acetic Acid + SR494 Haemoglobin…TDS/ In two weeks she felt well enough to get out of bed. Over the following weeks the improvement continued. She was given an ultra sound of the liver two months later that showed it had made a complete recovery. The doctors were astonished and said it could not be ossible but the ultra sound roved that her liver had miraculously regenerated itself! She therefore did not need a liver transplant and 9 years later is healthy with a liver that is functioning erfectly. As a continued recaution, she takes a regular dose of CC4.11 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + SR330 Addiction to Alcohol./
0_1703en_703enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishGallstonesClick here4.Digestive System2804‘= male atient aged 55 had been suffering from ain in his abdomen for many years. On his doctor’s advice he had a sonography of abdomen. This showed an enlarged gallbladder with a thickened wall due to inflammation caused by gallstones impacted at neck of gallbladder. His doctor advised him to have an operation for removal of gallbladder. He hoped Sai Vibrionics could help him avoid this operation and told the ractitioner that apart from ain in the abdomen, he had difficulty and ain when assing urine. The ractitioner gave the following:/ CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.7 Gallstones + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic …TDS/ After two weeks, the atient reported that both ains had subsided. The remedy was continued for two months and then another sonography was erformed. This time, the gallbladder was shown as a artially distended ear-shaped bag with uniformly thin and regular walls, without gallstones or mass lesions. The ractitioner has sent us a copy of both sonography reports as confirmation. This is excellent healing of a roblem that has become very frequent these days./
0_1704en_704enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ItalyenglishPancreatitisClick here4.Digestive System2494‘= female atient, who was hospitalized with ancreatitis, sent an emergency call to the ractitioners to see if they could help her. The doctors were concerned because she was not responding to the allopathic drugs they were giving to treat the condition. With the Sai Ram Potentiser, the ractitioners broadcast the following combo to her:/ NM36 War + OM1 Blood + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR293 Gunpowder + SR516 Pancreas…day and night. / Within a few days, the atient started to improve; her ains became much less and her temperature was down. At the end of the week she was well enough to return home. The doctors were very surprised at this sudden improvement./ Practitioners with 108CC box and SaiRam Potentiser could have broadcast: CC4.7 + CC15.1 + CC12.1…6TD./ /
0_1705en_705enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishFear & ConstipationClick here4.Digestive System2854‘= mother came to see the ractitioner with her son aged nearly 3 years because he had been very constipated for the ast 2 years. He was also withdrawn and frightened of eople including his own father. He was articularly fearful when he was expected to use the toilet and ass stool. When the ractitioner spoke to him, he looked scared and clung to his mother. His appetite was also oor. He was given:/ CC4.4 Constipation + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS/ The arents told the ractitioner, after the very first dose, that a wonderful thing happened. The boy said he wanted to sleep with his father whereas before, he only wanted to be with his mother! And within a few days of treatment, the child was not fearful even when he went to ass a stool, which he now did daily. He is also more friendly and relaxed. The ractitioner noticed that he did not cling to his mother like he did before. He was running around like other healthy children of his age. He continues taking the medicine BD for a further two weeks followed by OD until it is finished. / em /emIf using a Sai Ram Potentiser give: NM6 Calming + NM13 Constipation + NM69 CB8 + NM75 Debility + NM90 Nutrition + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR4 Fear + BR8 Constipation + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM9 Lack of Confidence. /
0_1706en_706enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishHospital Virus, Chronic Food and Latex AllergiesClick here4.Digestive System2802‘= dentist aged 25 working in a hospital contacted the ractitioner because he could not clear a virus he had caught at work. This caused diarrhea and tiredness with a heavy feeling in the head. He also had allergy to nuts and chickpeas. In addition, latex gloves which he was obliged to wear at his work, caused his hands to be itchy. The ractitioner osted the following combos to him:/ #1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC4.6 Diarrhea + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis….6TD for the virus./ #2. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for the chronic allergies./ The two combos to be taken separately during the day. Two months later he reported the ills were amazing: his diarrhea was better in 3 days and soon stopped completely. His digestion was much better and he was now able to eat chickpeas. His hands were not itching so much from the latex gloves. Three more bottles were osted to him of Combo #2 and he was told to reduce the remedy when his condition was stable. The ractitioner has reported that he is now quite well. / If using a Sai Ram Potentiser give: #1. NM36 War + NM62 Allergy-B + NM80 Gastro + BR13 Allergy + BR14 Lung + BR15 Sinus. #2. NM27 Skin-D + NM29 SUFI + NM102 Skin Itch + BR9 Digestion + SR528 Skin /
0_1707en_707enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishLoss of Hearing & StrokeClick here5.Ears01423J‘= 76 year-old lady had brain stroke a year ago. As a consequence she lost her hearing in the right ear and heard a constant bothersome buzzing sound in the left ear. The allopathic ENT specialist said that an imbalance had been created and not much could be done about it. The ractitioner gave her the following combo:/ CC5.2 Deafness + CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC18.4 Paralysis…TDS/ After taking the combo for two weeks, she started to have faint hearing in the right ear. After two months, she reported that she could hear again erfectly in this ear. The buzzing sound in the left ear had also stopped. She is continuing to take the same combo…BD./ For those ractitioners using the Sai Ram Potentiser, the following could have been given: NM51 Earache + NM77 Ear Nerve + OM10 Ear + BR19 Ear + SM19 Ears + SR375 Chinin Sulph (30C) +SR380 Colchicum + SR415 Terebin (30C) + SR471 CN8: Auditory + SR490 Eustachian Tube./
0_1708en_708enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1CroatiaenglishSevere Earache with High FeverClick here5.Ears1150‘= small boy aged 5 was brought to the ractitioner with a high fever of 40C, severe earache, sore throat and headache. He had been given by his doctor two courses of antibiotics but there had been no change in his condition. His doctor ordered a blood test which revealed he had less than 200 white blood cells. His doctor was very concerned but afraid to give any more allopathic medicines. So, he suggested a homeo remedy called Belladonna! Our ractitioner gave the following:/ #1. NM86 Immunity + OM1 Blood…TDS; #2. NM113 Inflammation…TDS/ #3. NM114 Elimination…OD./ Within a day, his temperature had dropped and in a week, it was normal with the child eating, sleeping, and feeling better. A week later, his doctor checked his blood again and this time it was normal. #2 and #3 were continued with the addition of NM49 Chest Tonic…TDS to help complete his recovery./ From 108CC Box: CC9.4 Children’s diseases should do the same job./ / /
0_1709en_709enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishSaving a Diabetic’s Foot from Amputation Click here6.Endocrine System2640‘= 54-year old man who had been suffering from diabetes for many years had undergone amputation of all five toes of his right foot. He was hospitalized with the ossibility of having his right foot and fore leg up to the knee amputated. A Vibrionics ractitioner gave him the following combos in the hope that this could be revented:/ #1. NM20 Injury + NM25 Shock + NM32 Vein-Piles + SM15 Circulation + SR264 Silicea (200C) + SR293 Gunpowder + SR298 Lachesis (30C) + SR325 Rescue + SR408 Secale Corn (30C)…TDS/ #2. SM17 Diabetes + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift…TDS/ Fifteen days later, the atient was told by his doctor that he was much better and that there was no need for amputation but he may be required to undergo lastic surgery. The Vibro ractitioner asked him to continue taking the remedies. A month later, the atient was discharged from the hospital and told that he did not require lastic surgery. With God’s grace, this oor rickshaw uller was able to continue his rofession and rovide for his family. The entire treatment took 45 days./ As the 108CC box was not available at the time, the healer used a Vibrionics otentiser for reparing the remedies. Had the healer used the 108CC box, the following could have been given instead and we believe with equal success: CC3.7 Varicose Veins + CC21.11 Abscess + CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS/
0_1710en_710enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishHypothyroidismClick here6.Endocrine System00600J‘= man, aged 27, came to see the ractitioner because he had been suffering from hypothyroidism since childhood. His symptoms were that he appeared lazy though, in fact, he was just lacking in energy. He was losing a lot of hair, his face was swollen, he was chronically anemic and he suffered from lack of sleep due to nightmares. Intermittent allopathic treatment had been given during the last 12-15 years but without any substantial improvement and recently the condition seemed to be getting worse. The ractitioner gave the following:/ CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS./ One month later the atient showed some improvement. The nightmares had stopped and he could sleep well. The medicine was changed to:/ CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC6.2 Hypothyroidism + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS./ Two months later there was 50% improvement. Treatment continued with the same remedy and a further two months on, the atient had improved 95%. After another couple of months, with God’s grace, he was fully restored to good health./ This is a wonderful healing of a erson who suffered from hypothyroidism for most of his life. Had he been given CC6.2 Hypothyroidism in the first rescription erhaps, then, the healing could have been even faster./ However, to have given CC18.1 Brain & Memory tonic was a good decision and must have helped significantly towards the atient’s recovery. As the atient had this roblem for many years, we are sure the ractitioner is keeping a careful check on the thyroid in order to avoid a relapse. The atient needs to continue with CC6.2 Hypothyroidism OD to keep the thyroid healthy and in balance for some considerable time, ossibly ongoing./ /
0_1711en_711enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1RussiaenglishDiabetes Mellitus Type 2 Click here6.Endocrine System2786‘= atient is a 58-year old woman who had diabetes type 2 for 9 years. She was an emotional overweight woman in a bad state of health with a lot of stress and no energy. She was being treated allopathically for diabetes with Byetta and Glucovance. Her blood sugar level was 10 units whereas the normal value is 5.5 units. She was given: #1) CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS./ #2) CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS./ In two weeks, her health was better and she had much more energy. The sugar level had decreased slightly. In a further ten days, the sugar level had decreased to 9 units./ #2) was replaced by the following combo, using the Sai Ram Potentiser:/ #3) SM17 Diabetes + SM4 Stabilising + SM39 Tension…OD for the 1st week, then TDS./ In another one week, the sugar level had decreased to normal 5.5 units and the atient began reduction of the allopathic dose. Further information is absent because the atient returned to her home country but the ractitioners are hopeful that the outlook for this atient is recovery from diabetes and a new lease of life./ For those ractitioners with a Sai Ram Potentiser the following could have been given: for tonic: NM63 Back-up + NM75 Debility; for eating disorders: BR9 Digestion + SR280 Calc Carb (30C) + SR319 Thyroid Gland + SR341 Alfalfa + SR498 Hypothalamus + SR530 Stomach + SR572 Obesity; for stress: NM6 Calming + NM37 Acidity + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR4 Fear + BR6 Hysteria + BR7 Stress + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM39 Tension; for diabetes: NM21 KBS + NM74 Diabetes + OM8 Hypo & Hyperglycaemia + OM9 Digestive Psychosomatic + BR2 Blood Sugar + SM41 Uplift + SR302 Nux Vom + SR305 Pancreatin + SR319 Thyroid Gland + SR320 Thyroidinum + SR499 Insulin + SR568 Hypothyroidism. /
0_1712en_712enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishHypothyroidClick here6.Endocrine System2799‘= this ractitioner was in Sierra Leone, a woman doctor who came with the allopathic team from UK, saw her give Vibrionics treatment to eople there. On her return, the doctor contacted the ractitioner to ask if Vibrionics could help her under-active thyroid. She had a hypothyroid for 5 years and since then she had been taking 50 mg of thyroxin daily. As she lived a long way from the ractitioner, she was sent the following combo by ost: SR308 Pituitary Gland + SR319 Thyroid Gland + SR521 Pineal Gland + SR568 Hypothyroidism + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ Two months later, she went for a blood test. Her thyroid function was almost normal and so, her doctor has reduced the thyroxin to 25 mg. She is continuing to take the above combo./
0_1713en_713enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishDiabetesClick here6.Endocrine System2640‘= medical doctor, aged 67 years, working for an ESIS hospital was advised to undergo cataract surgery. But his blood sugar levels were not within the acceptable limits in spite of the fact he was on insulin for a long time. Since the operation was urgently required, he came for help and was ut on the following vibro combination./ CC6.3 Diabetes…BD/ Within a week, he called up to say that he had undergone the cataract surgery and that he was happy that vibro ills brought his sugar levels under control. He was then given: CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS/ /
0_1714en_714enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishDiabetes with High BP Click here6.Endocrine System01423J‘= 49 year old male atient was diagnosed with diabetes a year before he saw the ractitioner. He also had high blood ressure and high cholesterol. He was given:/ CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC6.3 Diabetes…TDS./ On a regular self-monitoring over a eriod of a few weeks, there was no change. However, what did come to light was that the atient’s liver was also ailing and had roblems; so/ CC4.2 Liver and Gallbladder tonic was added to the above. It was after this that the atient started to feel better. The continuing self-monitoring revealed that the atient’s blood sugar became almost normal. Two months later, clinical tests showed that blood ressure was normal at 120/80 and cholesterol level was reduced. The family doctor remarked to the atient “You are almost a nondiabetic!” and asked the atient whether he was taking some alternative treatment. The allopathic medicine has been much reduced and Vibrionics treatment continues with the same combo./
0_1715en_715enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishBlindness from ChildhoodClick here7.Eyes2640‘= middle aged lady was referred to a healer, who is also an allopathic doctor, by an ophthalmic surgeon for vibro treatment as the woman was unable to see from childhood. On examination, it was confirmed that she was not able to see clearly. She was given:/ CC7.1 Eye Tonic + CC12.1 Adult Tonic…QDS/ After taking the above combo for just two weeks, she was able to see the faces of eople clearly, watch TV and now after two months, she can read newspaper./
0_1716en_716enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1MalaysiaenglishTrauma to Eye Click here7.Eyes2711‘= 62 year-old lady accidentally oked her left eye with the end of her spectacles, causing a blood vessel to burst. This caused her eye ball to become completely dark red and also sore. She had to wear sunglasses so that eople could not see her red eye or, as she said, she did not want to frighten the children! Her GP rescribed ain-killers and antibiotics and advised her that the redness should clear up in 3 to 4 weeks. Three days after seeing her doctor she came to see the ractitioner because the antibiotics were making her nauseous and she didn’t want to wait for three weeks to get better. The ractitioner gave her:/ NM17 Eye + BR 20 Eye + BR21 Injury + SM41 Uplift…TDS/ Three days later, the red color disappeared and her eye became clear. The atient was very leased with the outcome as her left eye returned to normal within a week./ Note: Equivalent Common combo to substitute the above: CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC7.6 Eye injury/
0_1717en_717enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishPoor Vision Click here7.Eyes2789‘= 8 year old girl had been diagnosed with dry eyes and extremely oor vision. She was sent for an eye check-up where the doctors ruled out anything that could be done to help the condition. The ractitioner was told by her family that when this girl was two years old, she had high fever. At that time, she lost her vision and had suffered dry eyes ever since. She was given:/ CC7.2 Partial Vision…TDS/ After 6 months of taking the combo, the atient’s eyes were lubricating again and she could see normally. She continues to take the medicine for the time being to safeguard any return of the condition/
0_1718en_718enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1BosniaenglishGlaucomaClick here7.Eyes1176‘= ractitioner, a woman aged 76, went to have her eyes checked two years ago because her glasses were not helping her vision as much as they used to. After testing her eyes the optician said that, like her father, she had glaucoma with ressure in both eyes of approx. 32 mmHg. She was also told that no lens could help her vision in the right eye as it had become a ‘lazy eye’. The ractitioner was given cause to worry as her father had the same condition when he became elderly and had eventually become totally blind. She was given eye drops (called Cosopt) to help lower the eye ressure. A re-examination after two months showed a lower eye ressure of about 20 mmHg. However, later she had to stop using the drops as she developed an allergic reaction to them and her tongue became swollen. New drops (called Xalatan) were given but these started to irritate her eyes so she stopped them too. The ractitioner decided to treat herself with the following combo:/ NM17 Eye + NM48 Vitamin Eye Compound + NM109 Vision + BR20 Eye + SR454 Aqueous Humour + SR465 CN2: Optic…TDS/ When she rocured the 108CC box sometime later, she also gave herself the following combo:/ CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC7.4 Eye defect + CC7.5 Glaucoma…TDS/ Since starting with Vibrionics remedies, her overall vision has gradually improved by about 25% and the eye ressure has become satisfactory, being between 15 and 20 mmHg. She is continuing to treat herself with all the above remedies./ /
0_1719en_719enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishRepeated Miscarriages Click here8.Female Organs2763‘= healer had a atient who had suffered four miscarriages. She was given:/ CC8.1 Female Tonic + CC8.2 Pregnancy / from the start of her next conception./ She took the combo throughout her regnancy and successfully delivered a healthy baby. /
0_1720en_720enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishPCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)Click here8.Female Organs00728A‘= 42 year-old woman was suffering from heavy bleeding and severe ain during menses, irregular eriods, and multiple cysts on both ovaries. She was started on the following Vibrionics combo:/ CC8.7 Menses Painful + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS/ A month later, her menses were normal and ainless. However, the ultra-sound report showed an enlarged right ovary with a haemorrhagic cyst. The doctor advised surgery. Instead of going in for an operation, she came back to the Vibrionics ractitioner for further treatment. She was given:/ CC8.4 Ovaries + CC20.6 Osteoporosis …TDS/ Ten days later, the ultra-sound report showed that both ovaries were normal with no cysts. The atient is very grateful to God for answering her rayers through the medium of Vibrionics./
0_1721en_721enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishPostnatal Infection with Breast Pain Click here8.Female Organs2802‘= 28 year old mother had a caesarean section delivery 2 weeks reviously. A week after the birth, she suffered a viral infection; the symptoms were excessive sweating, body ache with a tired and drained feeling. She was also finding it ainful to breast feed her baby. Her doctor had given her a course of antibiotics but there was no improvement when she came to see the ractitioner a week later. She was given:/ CC8.3 Breast disorders + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS./ The last common combo CC21.11 was included as a safeguard in case there was a ossible breast abscess. Six days later, the atient reported that she felt better even after two days of taking the combos and all symptoms had gradually receded. She is now completely well and able to feed her baby without any ain./
0_1722en_722enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishDifficulty in Conceiving Children Click here8.Female Organs437‘= 29 year old female atient, having been married for 10 years, was not able to have a child. She had once become regnant but had lost the fetus early during the regnancy. Medical tests had showed nothing abnormal in her and in her husband but she was obese. Earlier, she had been operated on for removal of fibroids and ossibly suffered from hypothyroid. The following was given:/ For wife: OM24 Female Genital + BR16 Female + SM21 Female + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR255 Calc Sulph + SR262 Nat Phos…TDS./ For husband: OM22 Male Genital + BR17 Male + SM32 Male + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR216 Vitamin-E + SR254 Calc Phos + SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR534 Testes…TDS./ With the grace of God, the atient conceived and a son who was born rematurely. He was in an incubator for nearly one and a half months and monitored by specialists in the hospital. He is now a two month old healthy baby and both arents are very happy./ For ractitioners with 108CC box: for wife: CC8.1 + CC15.1…TDS and for husband: CC14.3 + CC15.1…TDS/
0_1723en_723enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishInfertilityClick here8.Female Organs2799‘= lady of 36 years had been married 11 years and had been unable to conceive due to a roblem with immune system and with chromosomes. She had been given three IVF treatments but they had failed./ It was suggested she should adopt a child but she had set her heart on having her own. The ractitioner gav/ NM7 CB7 + OM24 Female Genital + BR7 Stress + BR16 Female + SM6 Stress + SM29 Tension + SR255 Calc Sulph (200C) + SR262 Nat Phos 200C + SR537 Uterus + SR544 Aletris Far…TDS./ And from the 108CC Box, CC14.3 Male infertility…TDS to the husband./ The remedies were taken for 5 months and in the 6th month she conceived. To make sure that the baby was well and truly established in her uterus, the atient informed her doctor only after she was two months’ regnant. The news astonished him. It was only after having confirmed with a scan that the baby was healthy and the delivery expected to be normal that he really believed there would be a successful outcome. The baby is due any day now and the whole family including both grandparents and friends are looking forward to a safe delivery./ From 108CC box: for female infertility: CC8.1 Female tonic. From Sai Ram Potentiser: for male infertility: OM22 Male Genital + SR216 Vitamin-E + SR254 Calc Phos (200C) + SR262 Nat Phos (200C) + SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR534 Testesem./em/
0_1724en_724enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishInfected Pimple on Breast Click here8.Female Organs1339‘= 69 year-old woman had, what she called, a blackhead imple located near her upper left breast for three years. She did not seek medical care. Periodically, she would squeeze it and us would ooze out. One day she noticed the area had become inflamed, ainful and tender to touch. During sleep, she needed to use a illow under her breast for comfort. She contacted the Vibro ractitioner, stating she was worried the imple may be breast cancer. The ractitioner advised the atient to keep the skin area clean and dry and gave her:/ CC2.1 Cancers + CC8.3 Breast abscess + CC21.11 Infections…2 ills QDS/ Within a few days the ain became localized and she no longer felt it was spreading. By the end of the third week, the inflamed area was neither red nor tender anymore and was without us. She stopped using the illow for rotection while she slept. Dosage was reduced to TDS for two weeks, then OD for another week. At the end of a total of six weeks, only a slight skin discoloration remained. She flew to India to thank God for the healing/
0_1725en_725enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishMenses Irregular Click here8.Female Organs2799‘= English female medical doctor age 33 came to see the ractitioner because her menses were irregular since uberty. Her eriod was always late generally between 35 and 45 days instead of the usual 28 days. It was also very scanty. She had taken allopathic medicine without success. She was given:/ CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS for 2 months./ Her eriod became completely normal within two months. She was advised to continue the remedy for a further 3 months TDS then reduce to BD. Her eriods continue to be completely normal occurring every 28 days and lasting 5 days but she does not yet want to reduce to OD since she suffered for so long. / If using a Sai Ram Potentiser give: NM23 Menses Irregular + OM24 Female Genital + BR16 Female + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR515 Ovary + SR537 Uterus./
0_1726en_726enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishInfertility Click here8.Female Organs1476‘= woman aged 33 had not been able to conceive a child for 8 years even though she had tried various artificial allopathic methods. When she came to the ractitioner in October 2011, she was tense and agitated. She had been taking allopathic medicines for diabetes for 6 years and hypothyroid for 3 years. She was given the following:/ #1. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus…TDS/ She conceived within 10 days. The ractitioner was in regular touch with her on the hone to support her because she was apprehensive about the safety of her child due to her health roblems. The combo was changed to the following:/ #2. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ She took this combo during her entire regnancy and one month thereafter. She monitored her blood sugar and thyroid levels carefully and continued to take her allopathic medicines throughout./ However, during the 5supth/sup month for diabetes, she took insulin injections from an insulin ump. The baby was due on 10 August but her daughter was born by C-Section on 17 July 2012, weighing 2.7 kg. Today the child is 5 months old. The mother has no diabetes now. Her thyroid level is stable and her thyroid medicine has already been reduced from 50 mg to 25 mg. The child is totally breast fed./ If using a Sai Ram Potentiser give: For infertility: OM24 Female Genital + BR8 Stress + BR16 Female + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SR261 Nat Mur 200C + SR313 Sepia 200C + SR398 Nat Carb + SR515 Ovary + SR537 Uterus. For Diabetes: NM74 Diabetes + BR2 Blood Sugar + SM17 Diabetes + SR516 Pancreas. For Hypothyroid: SR225 Throat Chakra + SR230 Moonstone + SR261 Nat Mur + SR280 Calc Carb 30C + SR308 Pituitary Gland + SR319 Thyroid Gland + SR320 Thyroidinum + SR568 Hypothyroidism. /
0_1727en_727enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishDifficulty in Conceiving ChildrenClick here8.Female Organs437‘= 29 year old female atient, having been married for 10 years, was not able to have a child. She had once become regnant but had lost the fetus early during the regnancy. Medical tests had showed nothing abnormal in her and in her husband but she was obese. Earlier, she had been operated on for removal of fibroids and ossibly suffered from hypothyroid. The following was given:/ For wife: OM24 Female Genital + BR16 Female + SM21 Female + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR255 Calc Sulph + SR262 Nat Phos…TDS./ For husband: OM22 Male Genital + BR17 Male + SM32 Male + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR216 Vitamin-E + SR254 Calc Phos + SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR534 Testes…TDS./ With the grace of God, the atient conceived and a son who was born rematurely. He was in an incubator for nearly one and a half months and monitored by specialists in the hospital. He is now a two month old healthy baby and both arents are very happy./ For ractitioners with 108CC box: for wife: CC8.1 + CC15.1…TDS and for husband: CC14.3 + CC15.1…TDS/
0_1728en_728enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishOngoing Bleeding after Delivery Click here8.Female Organs10211‘= since she gave birth 14 years ago, this atient was suffering from very heavy menses every month and intermittent bleeding throughout the rest of the month. She had taken costly allopathic medicines but there was no improvement. During her menses, she was so anemic that she had to be given blood transfusions. During this time she also contacted TB which weakened her still further to a oint that she had to spend much of the time in bed. The ractitioner gave her:/ CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic…TDS./ In just one month’s time, her bleeding had completely stopped and the TB symptoms had also disappeared. This wonderful healing has made the atient very happy. On the request of the atient the medicine continues to be given to safeguard against any recurrence of the symptoms./
0_1729en_729enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1JapanenglishScarlet FeverClick here9.Fevers and Infections2680‘= 18 month-old baby boy had a very high fever for a week, would not eat or drink anything, not even water, and vomited everything except mother’s milk. He cried constantly and was unable to sleep. He had a rash throughout his body and even in his mouth. He also had diarrhea. His condition was diagnosed as Scarlet Fever and with this very serious condition the mother did not want to give him allopathic medicine. The following Vibrionics remedies were given:/ NM2 Blood + NM18 General Fever + NM26 Penmycin + NM36 War + NM80 Gastro + NM86 Immunity + SM41 Uplift + SR316 Streptococcus…every 10 minutes for 3 hours, then 6TD and TDS on improvement/ After the very first dose, the boy could drink water without vomiting. In one day, there was further improvement and in 3 days, his temperature came down to normal. But 8 days later, his face, hands and feet became very swollen so the following remedies were included in the above combo:/ NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys/ After 5 days the baby started walking again (he had not walked for 10 days) and eating normally. After 3 weeks all symptoms had gone and although he has lost a little weight, his health is now excellent and skin is even clearer than before he became sick./ In this successful healing, a Vibrionics Healing Potentiser was used to make the above combos but if the 108 Common Combos box had been available, then CC9.4 Scarlet Fever + CC13.1 Kidney would have been equally successful./
0_1730en_730enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1RussiaenglishChronic Feverish Condition Click here9.Fevers and Infections2786‘= 34 year-old woman from Argentina came to see Vibrionics ractitioners in Prashanthi Nilayam because she had been suffering from a fever continuously for the ast 14 years. It had all the signs of a common cold: her throat was sore, she had bronchitis and a high fever. She had seen numerous doctors, who, after various tests including blood tests, could not give a diagnosis or explain why she had suffered with this condition for so many years. After talking to the atient, the ractitioners discovered that when she was 20 years old, her boyfriend became ill with a articularly virulent form of malaria and for three days she had nursed him in hospital. It was then that the fever started but although she was tested for malaria at the time, the results roved negative. The ractitioners surmised that as she was a very emotional erson and under the stress and fear of nursing a erson whom she was very fond of, in an environment where there were many other malaria cases, the emvibration /emof this disease got transferred to her astral/etheric body. To test this theory they gave her:/ CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases…TDS/ CC9.2 was given to cover the on-going symptoms of cold and fever she had been suffering from for so many years and, as CC9.3 has all the remedies for malaria in it, they were hopeful that this would cure the emcause /emof her suffering./ After three days of treatment there was a ull-out of violent vomiting. A week later she left for her home in Argentina. Two weeks later she sent an e-mail to thank the ractitioners for the treatment and to tell them that she was now completely healthy without any sign of her on-going fever./
0_1731en_731enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1RussiaenglishChronic Cold Click here9.Fevers and Infections2786‘= 47 year-old Russian woman came to the ractitioners with a cold, the symptoms included headache and a general feeling of ill health – these symptoms had been with her for many months. She was given:/ CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases…TDS/ Three days later, her cold was better but the headache and the other symptoms remained. After careful questioning, the atient volunteered the information that 18 months ago both she and her husband had been in a car accident. Although the car was destroyed, neither she nor her husband had been injured. Since the resent symptoms had started then, the ractitioners thought it was likely that she had unknowingly been traumatized by the event and was, even now, in a state of shock. They immediately gave her:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…OD/ After about 3 minutes, the woman became unconscious but gradually regained consciousness in 10 minutes. She felt very weak but, with help of her husband, managed to return to her room where she rested. The next day she came to see the ractitioners to say that she was completely well with no signs of the chronic cold and other symptoms that she had been suffering from since the accident 18 months ago./
0_1732en_732enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishInfluenza type H1N1 – Swine flu Click here9.Fevers and Infections01205J‘= female atient, aged 54, was diagnosed with Swine Flu and was told she had to be admitted to hospital to be treated. She contacted the ractitioner to ask if vibro medicine could help her. She was given:/ CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic./ She was told to take it every hour during the evening as well as the next morning until her appointment with the doctor at 11 am. When the doctor checked her for admission, he said there was 80% improvement in her infection. So there was no need for her to be admitted to hospital. She was treated as an outpatient instead, and given a low dose of antibiotics. She also continued to take the above combo for a further 2 weeks, TDS the first week and BD the second week, after which the recovery was complete./ Practitioners using the Sai Ram Potentiser can give: NM8 Chest + NM18 General Fever + NM30 Throat + NM31 Tonsils & Glands + NM63 Back-up + NM70 CB9 + NM79 Flu Pack + SM41 Uplift./
0_1733en_733enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1BosniaenglishSore throat, cough and sinusitis Click here16.Miasms1176‘= woman, aged 75, came for help because of a severe sore throat, a bad cough with expectoration and inflamed sinuses that she had been suffering from for several days. She was given:/ #1. NM36 War + NM70 CB9 + NM71 CCA + NM113 Inflammation…TDS/ #2. SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM35 Sinus + SM40 Throat…TDS/ When she returned a week later she was only 20% better. After some questioning from the ractitioner, the atient revealed that she had caught scabies when she was 15 years old. Ever since she was a regular sufferer of bronchitis. Twenty years later, she started to have roblems with her sinuses and over the years had suffered allergic reactions to a variety of antibiotics given to her by allopathic doctors. In an effort to cure these chronic roblems and now with the knowledge that her ill health started with scabies, the ractitioner commenced to give her a course of the Psorinum miasm as follows:/ #1. SR250 Psorinum 10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 6C…single dose of each otency with an hour in between starting with the highest otency 10M./ First type of ullout started one day later i.e. all the symptoms worsened. After two days, she felt much better. After three days, she was given:/ #2. SR294 Hepar Sulph Calc 10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 6C… same rocedure and dosage as before./ Two days later, she was given:/ #3. SR318 Thuja 10M, 1M, 200C, 30C, 6C… same rocedure and dosage as before./ After 5 days, she felt very well. There was almost no cough, throat was fine and the sinuses were clear. Expectoration from the lungs rapidly diminished and after a week, her health was almost 100%/ This is a fine example of using a miasm and 2 single remedies to clear chronic health roblems in a very unique way./
0_1734en_734enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishHeart Emergency Click here10.First-aid and Injuries11220‘= ractitioner’s uncle aged 61, a diabetic and heart atient, suddenly had a seizure at midnight on 31 March 2013 and was slipping in and out of consciousness. He was immediately given CC3.1 Heart emergencies in water and in 2 minutes of taking the combo, he was able to get up and sit in the bed. The combo continued to be given every 5 minutes even during his travel by car to a nearby hospital after he took a few doses. By the time they arrived, he felt erfectly normal. He was admitted for heart ailment, hypertension and ossible stroke. The family was told the seizure had been caused by high BP and high blood sugar. The ractitioner ointed out that there had been other times when this atient benefited from this combo./ This is confirmation to all of us that this combo should be kept by family member of a atient with serious heart condition, articularly if he is diabetic. It will then be readily available for use in a similar emergency./
0_1735en_735enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishInfected TeethClick here11.Head1339‘= two years, a 59 year-old woman was suffering in two of her teeth from a low-level infection and sensitivity to hot and cold foods including liquids./ The dentist took x-rays of her teeth and advised root canal treatment to both teeth and removal of the nerves to stop the ain. The day before the treatment was due to begin the ractitioner gave this atient the following remedies:/ CC11.6 Teeth-decay + CC21.11 Abscess…TDS/ The atient took three doses rior to the dental appointment and offered a rayer to God for healing. As she sat in the dental chair, she said she felt an ‘internal shift’ and knew that her teeth were healed. Much to the surprise of the dentist, he discovered that the roots of both teeth were erfectly healthy and treatment was not required. By God’s grace, not only was the atient spared the ain of the dental rocedure, she managed to avoid getting into debt over the expensive treatment for which she had agreed to ay US$ 2,300!/
0_1736en_736enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishAlopeciaClick here11.Head2799‘= mother came to the ractitioner with a 10 year old girl who was almost completely bald. Their doctor said nothing could be done except to try steroids which the mother did not want to give her young daughter. It was an unhappy situation, for the girl was being laughed at and teased at school and she was becoming shy and introverted. She was given CC11.2 but it did not work, the roblem being with the blood and immune system. So the ractitioner made a nosode with a little of the small amount of hair that was left on the girl and in 10 months there was a thick and bushy growth all over the head./
0_1737en_737enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAlopecia Click here11.Head2640‘= woman came to the ractitioner with 2 bald atches on the back of her head. One was 1 inch in diameter and the other was ½ inch. They were both close together. She had suffered with them for the ast 2 years. The following combo was given:/ NM84 Hair Tonic + NM90 Nutrition + OM12 Hair + SM41 Uplift + SR272 Arsen Alb + SR306 Phosphorus + SR318 Thuja + SR319 Thyroid Gland…TDS/ In four months, both bald atches were covered with thick hair./ If you have the 108CC box, you can give CC11.2 Hair roblems. /
0_1738en_738enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishCerebral Atrophy Click here11.Head2640‘= a regular mobile vibro camp, a mother brought her 2½ year old son in her arms. She was carrying him because he could not walk or stand, his eyes were not fixed and his slightly large head was not stable nor could he lift his hands. It was such a athetic sight that all hearts went out to him. He was given:/ CC12.2 Child tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.5 Spine…QDS for 3 months./ At their recent camp three months later, the mother’s neighbor remarked that there was good improvement. The child was now able to stand, sit, slightly move his hands upward, his gaze was steady and he was smiling. Everyone was happy at this wonderful news. They are raying to God that the improvement continues and more ills of the above combo were given to him./ If you use the Sai Ram Potentiser, give: NM4 Brain + NM5 Brain TS + NM25 Shock + NM90 Nutrition + OM20 Paralysis Flaccid + OM21 Paralysis Spastic + SM12 Brain & Paralysis + SR356 Plumbum Met + SR458 Brain Whole + SR459 Brain (Broca’s Area) + SR460 Brain (Cerebellum) + SR461 Brain (Medulla) + SR462 Brain (Pons) + SR463 Cranial Nerves + SR532 Sympathetic Nervous System + SR546 Baryta Carb./
0_1739en_739enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishLoss of Hearing & Stroke Click here5.Ears01423J‘= 76 year-old lady had brain stroke a year ago. As a consequence she lost her hearing in the right ear and heard a constant bothersome buzzing sound in the left ear. The allopathic ENT specialist said that an imbalance had been created and not much could be done about it. The ractitioner gave her the following combo:/ CC5.2 Deafness + CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC18.4 Paralysis…TDS/ After taking the combo for two weeks, she started to have faint hearing in the right ear. After two months, she reported that she could hear again erfectly in this ear. The buzzing sound in the left ear had also stopped. She is continuing to take the same combo…BD./ For those ractitioners using the Sai Ram Potentiser, the following could have been given: NM51 Earache + NM77 Ear Nerve + OM10 Ear + BR19 Ear + SM19 Ears + SR375 Chinin Sulph (30C) +SR380 Colchicum + SR415 Terebin (30C) + SR471 CN8: Auditory + SR490 Eustachian Tube./
0_1740en_740enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishDialysis Click here13.Kidney and Bladder2640‘= 45 year-old male atient, telephoned the ractitioner in India from Los Angeles, USA, to ask if she would send Vibrionics medicine to help him with his gravely sick kidney and high blood ressure. While waiting for a kidney transplant he was undergoing dialysis three times a week with each session lasting 5 hours. The ractitioner couriered him: CC3.3 High BP + CC13.4 Kidney Failure + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional Tonic…2 ills QDS./ After 3 months of Vibrionics treatment, his doctor was surprised to see that his creatinine levels had come down from 9 to 5 and because of this huge improvement, he reduced the atient’s dialysis session from 5 to 3 hours. The atient was asked by the doctor what diet he was taking to make such an improvement ossible! After 6 months there was further improvement and the dialysis treatment was accordingly reduced from 3 to 2 times weekly with each session lasting only one hour. After another 2 months, the doctor told him there was no need for any further dialysis. The atient was so delighted with this wonderful cure that he came to India ersonally to thank the ractitioner in Bombay. On the advice of the ractitioner, the atient is continuing to take the combo twice daily for the time being. /
0_1741en_741enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1CroatiaenglishKidney Infections Click here13.Kidney and Bladder1159‘= 28 year-old woman came to see the ractitioner because she was in severe ain and suffering with emnephritis – /ema kidney inflammation caused by bacterial infection and emcystitis /emfrequent urination accompanied by burning. She was given:/ #1. NM21 KBS + BR11 Kidney…TDS/ #2. SR296 Ignatia…Single dose/ In just one day she felt much better and in three days all symptoms had gone. The combo was given for a month to ensure a complete cure./ Note: Equivalent Common combo to substitute the above: CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections./
0_1742en_742enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishEnlarged Benign Prostate Click here13.Kidney and Bladder2762‘= 72-year old man had a history of difficult and ainful urination which was diagnosed as an enlarged rostate. The doctors recommended a rostate operation. He asked the healer for Vibrionics treatment to avoid the surgery. He was given:/ CC10.1 Emergency + CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC 13.2 Frequent Urination + CC 14.2 Prostate…TDS which was repared in water to be taken./ After 3 days he felt better and the urination had reduced. The combo was continued and repared in sugar ills to be taken TDS. At the end of three weeks, there was further improvement. The atient reported he was only urinating twice at night as opposed to the many times before and with very little ain, so the operation was ostponed. Two months later, improvement had continued and the atient was only urinating once at night and without any ain. He was advised to reduce the combo from TDS to OD for the next two months. He returned to say he was feeling very good. The healer reduced the combo to CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC13.2 Frequent Urination + CC14.2 Prostate….OD but gradually reducing to 3TW after two months, then 2TW and finally OW as a general health maintenance, bearing in mind the atient’s age as well as to rotect the rostate from any ossible relapse./
0_1743en_743enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishMultiple Problems Cured by Blood NosodeClick here16.Miasms2836‘= 64 years old male had been suffering from severe knee ain for the ast 10 years. He was obese, constipated, suffered from sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and stress. He was not stable in any business he did. For the last 7 years, he had suffered hereditary eczema on both ankles. The treatment started on 30 Nov 2011 with a Nosode of his blood at 200C. During the first week, dosage was kept at OD due to concern for ossible ullout, BD for the 2nd week followed by TDS from 15 December 2011 onwards./ The results were outstanding: the knee ain was 90% better within one week and at the same time he started to feel light, happy and energetic. On the 8th March 2012, it was noticed that the eczema on the left ankle was up to 40% better and the right ankle showed an 80% improvement. The treatment continued with just the nosode without giving any allopathic, ayurvedic or any other alternative medication./ By the 8th July 2012, the left ankle showed 80% improvement and the right ankle 90% improvement./ After this date the atient has not returned for further treatment and it is assumed he has completely recovered from all of his earlier symptoms. /
0_1744en_744enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishParalysis of ThroatClick here18.Nervous SystemMissing‘= year-old man suffered from a aralytic stroke resulting in loss of speech and a aralysed throat. Although he was not diabetic the doctors thought that this could be a case of ‘silent hypertension’. The atient had to be fed through a ipe directly to his stomach. The man’s son met with a Vibro ractitioner who gave him the following combos for his father:/ CC18.1 Brain & Memory Tonic + CC18.4 Stroke + CC19.7 Throat …QDS/ The boy administered the ills to his father orally and within just 3 days the atient was able to swallow and even speak! The atient still suffers from some memory loss but continues to take the Vibro Combos and is undergoing hysiotherapy to aid his complete recovery./
0_1745en_745enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishCase of Pulmonary Thrombo-embolismClick here19.Respiratory SystemMissing‘= 31 year-old woman was suffering from blood clots (thrombus), causing obstruction to both ulmonary arteries. She was breathless and unable to do any kind of work. She was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment, but the family did not have enough money to ay for the operation that the doctors said was necessary. In desperation they got in touch with a ractitioner of Vibrionics and the lady was immediately ut on the following Common Combos:/ CC2.3 Tumors and growths + CC3.1 Heart Tonic + CC19.3 Asthma + CC19.4 Asthma emergency …QDS./ Within a month the lady was completely well. The doctors were astonished to find that her angiography reports showed that all her veins and arteries were clear. There was absolutely no sign of thrombus./
0_1746en_746enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishWonderful Relief from Cough Click here19.Respiratory System2090‘= 60-year old lady came to see if this healer could help her. From birth she had suffered from a chronic cough. During her long life, she had been to countless doctors of allopathy, ayurveda and homoeopathy, taken all their recommended treatments and medicines, but had not found a cure. The healer gave her:/ CC19.6 Cough chronic…TDS to be taken for 1 month. At the end of the month, she reported back saying she was 75% better. The healer added CC19.2 Allergy to CC19.6 Cough…TDS for a further month. When the lady returned to see him a month later, she was 90% better. She was then given:/ CC19.6 Cough + CC19.2 Allergy + CC19.3 Asthma….TDS for yet another month./ When she came back the fourth time, with a very broad smile, she said that for the first time in her entire life she had no cough. Her cough-less life was a new experience for her and also for her family, friends and neighbors. They were curious to know how it came about and when they heard, many came flocking to this healer with their medical roblems and a hopeful cure! /
0_1747en_747enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishBronchial Asthma Click here19.Respiratory System2799‘= 65 year-old man asked the ractitioner if she would treat him for bronchial asthma which he had been suffering from since he was 20 years old. He was taking allopathic medicine that gave him relief every time he had an asthmatic attack but in no way cured the condition. His ersonal life was also stressful which did not help the roblem. He was given the following:/ #1. NM6 Calming + BR7 Stress for stress and tension…TDS/ #2. NM8 Chest + NM9 Chest TS + NM62 Allergy-B + NM70 CB8 + NM71 CCA + BR13 Allergy + BR14 Lung + BR15 Sinus + OM2 Respiratory + SR272 Arsen Alb (30C) + SR 297 Ipecac (30C) + SR451 ACTH Hormone…TDS./ It was agreed that he should continue the allopathic treatment for the time being. In two weeks he reported that he felt 30% better and was told to continue with the same combos for another 2 weeks but was advised to slowly reduce the allopathic medicine which he was taking TDS. Four weeks later he told the ractitioner that he felt 75% better; so the allopathic medicine was now reduced to OD. In 4 weeks the Vibrionics combo was also reduced. After 6 weeks, he stopped taking the allopathic medicine as the asthma had completely gone but continued to take the above combo OD for maintenance and rotection against its ossible reoccurrence./ How wonderful that after 45 years, this man’s suffering has come to an end. Had the 108 Combos box been available, the ractitioner could have used CC15.1 for the stress, tension and CC19.3 for bronchial asthma and we would expect similar results. We encourage all atients to consult with their allopathic doctor before reducing or stopping any rescribed allopathic medicines./
0_1748en_748enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishRespiratory Allergy and Chronic Cough Click here19.Respiratory System01352A‘= male atient aged 56 had been suffering for 5 years from respiratory allergy as diagnosed by his allopathic doctors. His symptoms included scores of sneezes and watering eyes every morning, sometimes coupled with swelling of the face. He had also suffered for 20 years from a cough which resulted in constant expulsion of yellow and grey hlegm. Over the years, both allopathic and alternative treatments had been tried but nothing had helped either of his conditions. The ractitioner gave him:/ CC19.2 Respiratory Allergies + CC19.6 Cough – chronic…TDS./ Within 7 days, both roblems had gone and the atient was having difficulty in coming to terms with such a rapid treatment!/
0_1749en_749enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAsthma Click here19.Respiratory System2789‘= atient was a 12 year old child who had been having asthma attacks since birth. She was given:/ CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack…TDS./ During this eriod there was not a single asthma attack. The child continues to take the combos./ Sai Ram Potentiser: when a baby has asthma from birth, it indicates that she has the Tuberculinum miasm and it is therefore important to treat for this miasm at the earliest./ /
0_1750en_750enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1BelgiumenglishRespiratory and Other Problems Click here19.Respiratory System2813‘= 31 year-old man came to the ractitioner because he had respiratory allergy since he was 15 years old. This revented him from sleeping at night unless he took allopathic ills. He had been suffering from herpes for the last five years and just before coming to see the ractitioner a new eruption had emerged. His brother had been recently diagnosed with cancer and he had been estranged from him due to an emotional roblem; this had caused him a lot of unhappiness and stress over the years. The ractitioner gave the following:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC21.8 Herpes…TDS/ Even after the first dose the atient felt a little better and within a few days all symptoms had disappeared. He continued to take the medicine TDS for 3 weeks to safeguard against any reoccurrence and, thereafter, the ractitioner gradually reduced the dosage./ Six weeks later he confirmed that his respiratory allergy had gone. He was sleeping well now without the use of drugs and had resolved all the difficulties he had with his brother. He told the ractitioner “Now I have a brother for the very first time in my life!”/ The ractitioner made the unusual decision of giving CC17.2 Cleansing instead of one of the respiratory combos for the respiratory allergy and as this combo cleanses on the hysical, emotional and mental levels, it seems to have been the right choice. It is likely that all the atient’s roblems were to do with his strained relations with his brother which had caused him a lot of anguish over the years. Swami says “All diseases start in the mind” and we Vibro ractitioners should always remember this./
0_1751en_751enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishPlantar FasciitisClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)01205J‘= 52 year-old woman had been suffering from an inflamed heel for 8 months. Her doctor had been treating her with medicines, which neither reduced the ain nor cured the condition. She was advised to have a series of injections in the bone of both heels, which, though ainful, would ossibly cure the condition. She refused this treatment and approached a Vibrionics ractitioner instead. She mentioned to the ractitioner that she had also suffered from sciatica a year back. Considering her age, the ractitioner decided to treat her for osteoporosis also. The following combo was given to the atient:/ CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & supportive tissues + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…QDS/ In one month’s time, the atient completely recovered and could walk comfortably without any ain. The ractitioner advised her to continue taking the medicine for another month TDS. Since then the roblem has not recurred./ Although this is a successful result, at first it would have been better to have given only the combo for the heel inflammation and treat the ossible osteoporosis or return of sciatica if and when they appeared./
0_1752en_752enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishLeg Muscle Pain, Stress and Low Energy Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2804‘= 39 year-old woman requested treatment for a ainful leg muscle which had been troubling her for a year. She was also having difficulty dealing with a stressful work environment as well as being low in energy. She had taken ain killers for the leg ain and had been treated allopathically for the stress and low energy but there was no improvement./ The following was given: CC12.1 Adult Tonic for her low energy + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional Tonic for the stress + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive Tissue for the leg ain…TDS./ In 2 weeks the atient informed the ractitioner that all her roblems were 90% better and that she was very happy with the vibrionics treatment./
0_1753en_753enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishHip Pain Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)0080J‘= ractitioner had a 72 year-old female atient with hip ain. It was so bad that she had not been able to move or get out of bed for some years. The ractitioner gave her:/ CC15.1 Brain & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…TDS/ After taking the combo regularly for six months, the atient was able to get up and walk and felt fully recovered, so the medicine was discontinued./ When a atient is elderly it is often helpful, articularly with bone roblems, to continue the combos at a reduced dosage. /
0_1754en_754enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1RussiaenglishOsteomyelitis in Right Shin Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2786‘= 59 year-old woman from Azerbaijan came to the ractitioners because she had a ainful condition in the right shin called osteomyelitisem /eminflammation of the bone and marrow, usually caused by infection. In this case the shin was a bluish-grey color with necrotic stains in the centre. Along the inside of the bone there were 3 fistulas from which us was oozing. Only a little blood was circulating in the bent toes and walking was very ainful./ The history of this condition is as follows: she had been very unhappy in childhood as she was brought up in a children’s home where the treatment was brutal. When she was 10, she jumped from a height and severely damaged her right foot. She was operated upon to try and repair the damage, but this only caused the beginning of the dystrophyem – /ema wasting away of the muscles in the shin. The diagnosis given for this condition by the allopathic doctors was oliomyelitisem. /emWhen she was 30, she underwent surgery and other allopathic treatment, in an endeavor to correct her ongoing ainful shinbone, but without success. The diagnosis now was osteomyelitis.em /emFive years before the ractitioners saw her, the condition had worsened and her doctor suggested the shin be amputated./ The ractitioners gave her:/ #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…TDS/ #2. CC20.6 Osteoporosis…6TD/ After a week of taking the combos, she was able to walk without any ain but the toes were still ainful./ She was told to replace #2 with:/ #3. CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS and/ #4. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS (made in oil to be applied on the oozing fistulas)/ Three weeks later, the color of the foot returned to normal. A little us was still oozing from the fistulas, so the ractitioner gave:/ #5. Nosode of us from fistulas…6TD/ Two months later, the color of the shin had also become normal, two of the fistulas were now healed and the last one was only roducing a small amount of colorless liquid instead of us. The ractitioners discontinued #1 but gave her a further supply of #3 & #5./ At this time the atient left the ashram very happy with the resent result of the treatment which was a transformation after so many years of suffering. /
0_1755en_755enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishSlipped DiscClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2799‘= female atient, aged 55, was limping when she came to see the ractitioner. She had been suffering from a slipped disc and knee ain for 10 years and even ain killers did not reduce her ain. She was given the following:/ NM3 Bone-I + NM6 Calming + NM24 Rheumatism & Arthritis + NM36 War + NM40 Knees + NM113 Inflammation + OM3 Bone Irregularity + OM16 Knees + OM18 Sacral & Lumbar + OM30 Connective Tissue + OM31 Spine: Lumbar-Sacral + OM32 Spine: Dorsal + OM33 Spine: Brainstem + SM34 Arthritis + SM33 Pain + SR293 Gunpowder + SR295 Hypericum (200C) + SR457 Bone + SR463 Cranial Nerves (CN) + SR479 Cartilage + SR500 Intervertebral Discs + SR517 Parathyroid…TDS for three months./ A month later, the atient reported she was 75% better. She continued taking the above. In a further month she had no ain. The remedy was reduced to BD and a month later reduced to OD and she continues to take the remedy at this dosage./ For ractitioners with 108CC box: CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ2 tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissueem /em + CC20.5 Spine…TDS/
0_1756en_756enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishHip & Leg Injury Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)01272J‘= elderly woman, aged 96, had a fall and fractured her hip and right leg. Despite her age, the allopathic doctors decided to set the fracture under anesthesia to help her become mobile again. The Vibrionics ractitioner gave the atient the following combos to help in her recovery after the operation:/ #1. CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures…6TD/ #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ After 45 days, the atient was able to sit up in the bed without any help. A few weeks later, she felt very energetic again. An added bonus of taking the remedies was that her memory had improved and she was no longer so forgetful! The ractitioner remarks that when you see God in each atient, interact with them lovingly, offer your rayers to God and do your emseva /emwith utmost dedication, the remedies can work wonders!/ Those with Sai Ram Potentiser machine can give: #1. NM3 Bone I + NM20 Injury + NM25 Shock + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM67 Calcium + OM18 Sacral & Lumbar + OM27 Supportive Tissue + OM30 Connective Tissue + BR21 Injury + BR23 Skeletal + SM28 Injury + SM36 Skeletal + SR457 Bone + SR573 Osteoporosis…6TD/ #2. NM4 Brain 2 + NM5 Brain Tissue Salts + NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination 12 + NM63 Back-up + NM69 CB8 + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR4 Fear + SM5 Peace & Love Align. + SM41 Uplift + SR325 Rescue + SR434 Larch + SR437 Oak + SR438 Olive + SR546 Baryta Carb (30C)…TDS/
0_1757en_757enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1BosniaenglishPainful Back Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)1176‘= 76 year old man honed the ractitioner asking for help with a very ainful back. The ain extended from the sacral area all the way down to his right knee. It was so severe that he was hardly able to get out of bed. The roblem had first appeared twenty years ago and then came back from time to time. He was using ain-killers for the resent attack but without much relief. He was given:/ NM113 Inflammation + SR267 Alumina 30C + SR404 Picric Acid 1M to be taken immediately the ain starts and to be repeated 30 minutes later. / The atient experienced immediate relief. When the ain reappeared, the above was repeated. In two days, the atient was able to go up and down the stairs with much less difficulty. In two weeks, he was without ain and has been free of ain for over ten months now. The ractitioner says that he has treated at least ten other similar body ain cases with these remedies with equal success. / The above is an interesting alternative to using NM97 Sciatica, which is what the condition is. If using the 108CC box give: CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue /
0_1758en_758enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishBack Pain Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2854‘= 44 year old male atient had suffered with back ain for 22 years due to a sports injury. He was given:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.5 Spine…BD/ After 3 weeks of taking the medicine the atient felt 50% better and at the end of two months had no back ain. He continues to take the combo OD for the time being./
0_1759en_759enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishGangrene of Fractured LegClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11483‘= 22 year old male met with an accident and the left lower limb was fractured. He was treated in a hospital and a rod was inserted into the fractured limb. Four months later, when the cast was removed, it was found that the fracture had not healed and gangrene had set in. An orthopedic doctor, who was at the medical camp on the 6th January 2013 where the man came for help, redicted only a 50% recovery and suggested surgery. For the next month, he was given the following combo:/ NM3 Bone I + NM20 injury + NM25 Shock + NM59 Pain + SM15 Circulation + SR264 Silicea 200C + SR271 Arnica 6C + SR293 Gunpowder + SR298 Lachesis 30C + SR325 Rescue + SR405 Ruta 6C + SR408 Secale corn…6TD for one week followed by TDS./ On his next visit to the doctor at the hospital on 7th Feb, it was found that his bone was growing and the wound healing. The doctor said that surgery was no longer required. A regular change in dressing of the wound was advised. He started walking 3-4 days after his visit./ After three days when the ractitioner went to change the dressing, he found the skin was growing but there was one oint from where the wound was suppurating. So NM16 Drawing was added to the above combo. The wound has now fully healed and the atient has made a complete recovery but the above remedy is still continuing at a lower dosage./
0_1760en_760enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishArthritisClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2853‘= A 50 year old lady had suffered for two years with constant ain in her legs, mainly in her joints especially when it is cold. She could not bend her knees to sit on the floor or even chair and walk very far. An allopathic doctor treated her with oral medicine and gave ointment to massage her legs; neither helped. She was told that the cause was the cold weather, stress and ageing. In November 2012, the ractitioner gave the following combo:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS/ She told the ractitioner two months later that she became completely free of ain within three weeks of taking the combo. She is now happy to be able to go for long walks again, sit easily on the floor as well as be comfortable in a chair./
0_1761en_761enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishEczema Click here21.Skin2762‘= 51 year-old woman came to see the ractitioner because 15 years before, her doctor had diagnosed as eczema, an inflamed area on her left leg and foot that constantly itched. From that time, she had been lagued with intense irritation and dry cracks continually appearing and disappearing on the foot with liquid discharge. At times she could neither wear socks nor shoes. She had tried many creams and salves but nothing helped her condition. The ractitioner gave her:/ CC21.6 Eczema. First to be taken in water 6TD for 3 days, then in ills TDS./ The only improvement after 3 weeks was that the itching was a little less. After another month of taking the combo, there was a further 10% improvement. At this oint, the atient was advised to make the combo in oil and apply it externally as well as take it orally./ A month later, CC15.6 Sleep disorders was added to the above combo because she could not sleep at night. Three months later, she reported that the itching and liquid discharge was reduced by 30%. Improvement continued over the next few months until 10 months from the start of the treatment, the eczema had gone and both the leg and foot had become normal./ This is another wonderful healing of God’s 108 Combos. There is one oint to be noted – whenever you are treating a skin roblem like eczema, skin allergies or soriases, etc. it is advisable to give the appropriate combo externally in oil or a non-allergic owder like vibhuti or even rice flour if it is some sort of fungus or the eczema is wet, as well as internally at the start of the treatment. This will hasten the healing and give immediate relief to the atient./
0_1762en_762enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishEczema and Facial Tumour Click here21.Skin00744J‘= 45 year-old woman came to the ractitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon size tumor on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the ast 5 years she had black igmentation on arts of her body. She was anemic and very depressed, ossibly because of the worry, discomfort and embarrassment due to her appearance. She had taken antibiotics and other allopathic treatment as well as emayurvedic /emtreatment but without any success. The ractitioner gave her:/ CC2.3 Tumors & Growths + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Immunity + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergy + CC21.6 Eczema …TDS for a month./ The atient returned after 20 days and reported the lumps on the tumor had disappeared and she was feeling more cheerful. Two months later, the size of the tumor had reduced by 50% and the eczema by 20%. Treatment was continued. After a further three months only tiny scales were now visible and her depression was a thing of the ast. Treatment continued for a further 2 months after which the atient reported complete recovery, except for the black igmentation which did not improve./
0_1763en_763enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishSkin Allergy with Infection Click here21.Skin1414‘= 2 year old boy was brought to the ractitioner with skin allergy, covering the whole of his body. There was infection and itching all over. For the ast 4 – 5 months, on the advice of their doctor, the arents had applied a variety of creams to the skin and consumed allopathic medicines but without any improvement. The mother then contacted a homoeopathic clinic to see if they could help. After examining the child’s skin, they romised her that they could cure the boy within 2-3 years at a cost of Rs 18,000. The arents could not afford such a high amount; so their last resort was Sai Vibrionics. The boy was given:/ CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…QDS./ In one week, the skin became dry. This was a good sign so the mother was told to continue with the same medicine. In a further 15 days the skin was 90% clear. The mother remarked that it was unbelievable! She was told to continue to give the same combo at the reduced dosage of TDS for another 15 days. Thereafter the boy was completely cured and both the child and arents are very happy./
0_1764en_764enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishVitiligo or Leucoderma Click here21.Skin2763‘= male atient aged 48 came to the ractitioner because he was suffering from a skin disease marked by the gradual loss of igment that roduced white atches on the face and on some arts of the body. He was given:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…TDS/ In two months, the white atches were found to be fading. To improve the general health of the atient CC12.1 Adult tonic was added to the above combo. After another two months, the white spots had further decreased in size and in another two months, they had completely disappeared. The combos continued to be given at reduced dosage so as to ensure that the disease would not return./ With God’s Grace this is wonderful healing of a disease that is very difficult to eradicate./
0_1765en_765enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAngioma in an Infant Click here21.Skin2640‘= baby, aged four months, was brought for treatment of a large Angioma which no allopathic doctor would treat since the child was very young. As he was very weak, the doctors could not do surgery until after the baby was one year old. The child had a fever, a cold and a cough and was very weak when he was brought to the ractitioner who is also an allopathic family hysician. The child was ut on the following combo:/ #1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.6 Cough chronic + NM6 Calming…TDS 2 ills dissolved in half cup water (boiled and cooled)./ Practitioner gave the first dose. The family was advised to give the remedy in water until the baby was 9 months old. After that the ills were directly ut in baby’s mouth. After the acute roblems were over, the following combo was given:/ #2. NM6 Calming + NM27 Skin + NM113 Inflammation + SR293 Gunpowder + SR528 Skin + SR576 Tumors…BD/ After 6 months of treatment, the tumor has disappeared in many laces and it has become one with the skin…very beautiful and awesome case. The baby is now 30 months old and has completely healed. The skin has a few igments but nothing to worry. The child is hale and hearty. The same combo continues to be given today. /
0_1766en_766enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishAcne Click here21.Skin2799‘= male atient aged 21 came to see the ractitioner because he had been suffering from acne for five years. It was all over his face and back. The following treatment was given:/ NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM36 War + NM37 Acidity + NM61 Acne + SR293 Gunpowder + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR329 Crab Apple + SR342 Antim Crud + Echinacea (30C) from homoeopathic store…TDS/ In two weeks, on his next visit to the ractitioner, the acne was 50% better. He continued to take the medicine. In another two months, the acne had completely gone but the ractitioner told him to take the combo for a further six months at a reduced dosage to safeguard any reoccurrence and he has never been troubled with the roblem again./
0_1767en_767enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1Indiaenglish. Infected Sebaceous Cysts Click here21.Skin01389J‘= ractitioner’s son was always scratching his head and had a lot of dandruff. It was only when all his hair was shaved off that the source of the irritation could be seen: his whole head was a mass of what looked like lots of blisters joined together. These were really swollen, infected and oily cysts that had formed through matter secreted by the sebaceous glands of the head, and if left untreated, they could cause a blockage to the glands and a lot of discomfort. He was given:/ CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.7/ Fungus…6 times between 5 m and 11 m and 2 times next morning./ Upon inspecting the scalp at 11 am next day, it could be seen that 95% of the swelling had gone. The boy continued to take the above combo TDS for 10 days. After that, small cysts had reformed on the scalp but without swelling. So the combo was changed to the following:/ CC11.1 Hair tonic + CC11.2 Hair roblems + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for a further 10 days./ Some dry, flaky dandruff is still left but the infection itself has gone. No other treatment was given except to use a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo./ If using Sai Ram Potentiser, give: NM12 Combination-12 + NM36 War + NM72 Cleansing + NM84 Hair Tonic + NM114 Inflammation + BR17 Male + SR250 Psorinum + SR264 Silicea (30C) + SR280 Calc Carb + SR292 Graphites + SR294 Hepar Sulph (30C) + SR351 Kali Carb + SR546 Baryta Carb./
0_1768en_768enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1UKenglishHospital Virus, Chronic Food and Latex AllergiesClick here21.Skin2802‘= dentist aged 25 working in a hospital contacted the ractitioner because he could not clear a virus he had caught at work. This caused diarrhea and tiredness with a heavy feeling in the head. He also had allergy to nuts and chickpeas. In addition, latex gloves which he was obliged to wear at his work, caused his hands to be itchy. The ractitioner osted the following combos to him:/ #1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC4.6 Diarrhea + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis….6TD for the virus./ #2. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for the chronic allergies./ The two combos to be taken separately during the day. Two months later he reported the ills were amazing: his diarrhea was better in 3 days and soon stopped completely. His digestion was much better and he was now able to eat chickpeas. His hands were not itching so much from the latex gloves. Three more bottles were osted to him of Combo #2 and he was told to reduce the remedy when his condition was stable. The ractitioner has reported that he is now quite well. / If using a Sai Ram Potentiser give: #1. NM36 War + NM62 Allergy-B + NM80 Gastro + BR13 Allergy + BR14 Lung + BR15 Sinus. #2. NM27 Skin-D + NM29 SUFI + NM102 Skin Itch + BR9 Digestion + SR528 Skin /
0_1769en_769enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishChronic Eczema Click here21.Skin10364‘= This ractitioner aged 55 years treated himself for chronic eczema that he had for 8 years. It was below the abdomen and all over his legs. He had taken allopathic medicines but received only temporary relief. So, he took the following: CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS/ His symptoms have gone completely. He wants us to know that after qualifying as a vibrionics ractitioner four years ago, the medical expenses of his entire family have dashed to zero! During this time, he has also been racticing with SSS VIP Medicare ambulance./
0_1770en_770enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1ItalyenglishLabyrinthitisClick here5.Ears2494‘= male garage mechanic aged 46, who had suffered from Labyrinthitis (inflammation of the labyrinth) for fourteen years was seen by the ractitioner sometime in 2004. The atient was a refugee from Argentina. The Labyrinthitis had so affected his life and work that he found travel and work difficult to cope with. At times his condition was so bad that during his first attempt to leave his country he had a very severe attack soon after take-off and the lane had to turn back. He was ermanently on allopathic medication, although it did not give him much relief. The ractitioner gave him: NM88 Meniere`s Disease + SR280 Calcium Carbonate (30C & 200C)…6TD/ In two weeks he felt much better but he was still disturbed by the roblem when he was at work testing cars, so he continued to take his allopathic medication. The atient continued to improve, so a month later he decided to rely solely on the vibro treatment and discontinued the allopathic medication. He could erform his work of testing cars without any roblem. In four months he had completely recovered, and the reduction rocedure was ut in lace to reduce and stop the vibro remedy./ He returned to his country and the ractitioner lost contact with./ Editor`s note: Practitioners using the 108 Combos box can give CC.5.1 Ear Infections + CC.5.3 Meniere’s disease./ /
0_1771en_771enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishMouth Ulcer Click here11.Head11965‘= 28 year-old lady suffering from a mouth ulcer contacted the ractitioner on the 18 December 2014. She had had the ulcer for the ast three days and had not been able to eat, or drink. There was no known cause for the occurrence of the ulcer and she was not on any medication. The ractitioner treated her with the following remedy:/ NM89 Mouth and Gum… in water 1 teaspoon every ten minutes for two hours./ After two hours the atient reported that she was able to take in fluids. She was now instructed to continue the remedy at 6TD. The following morning, the atient’s condition had improved, and she could manage to eat through the right side of her mouth. By evening she was able to eat normally using both the sides. On 20 of December 2014 the dosage was reduced to TDS. On 22 December 2014 the ulcer was healed completely. The atient was asked to continue taking the remedy OD for a month. As of January 2016, the atient has not suffered from any more mouth ulcers./
0_1772en_772enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishPeeling SkinClick here21.Skin11572‘= 30-year-old woman suffering from eeling skin in both her hands since fifteen days approached the ractitioner on 4th January 2016. Her hands were itchy, severely ainful, sore, and swollen. The fingers appeared nearly double their normal size. She was in a distressed state. She had been taking allopathic medication for 15 days that she discontinued and was treated with the following combos./ For external application:/ #1. CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema….in water, to be applied 6TD / For oral intake:/ #2. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + #1…6TD/ In six days the atient’s hands were 100% healed of all the symptoms. She continued the treatment at a reduced dosage, TDS, for another fifteen days. As of May 2016 the atient has not had a relapse of the skin condition./
0_1773en_773enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishCancer of the Mouth Click here2.Cancers and Tumours11993‘= year old male diagnosed with oral cancer in 2012, contacted the ractitioner on the 31st of August 2013. He was being treated by an oncologist since one year and had both radio and chemotherapy which had not resulted in a cure. Prognosis was not good and doctors did not give much hope. He was taking allopathic medication. He had severe ain and suffered from difficulty in swallowing food. He was being fed by ryles tube. Patient had a long history of being addicted to chewing tobacco and tobacco roducts. He gave it up after being diagnosed with oral cancer. On the 1st of September 2013 he was treated with the following combos:/ CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.2 Cancer ain + CC12.1 Adult tonic + 15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / Initially the atient continued to take his allopathic medication along with the vibro remedy. After two months in October 2013 his swallowing had improved, the atient started taking food orally and the riles tube was removed. According to doctors it was 60% improvement. On the 1st of February 2014 atient showed 80% improvement. On the 5th of April 2014 there was 100% improvement and the atient was fully clear of the cancer. He had no ain and his swallowing was back to normal. The dosage was now reduced to BD for a month. Then reventive dosage of OW was continued for two months, after which it was reduced to one dose er month for two months. Patient continues to do well and has had no relapse of the cancer./
0_1774en_774enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1CanadaenglishFlu and Cold Click here19.Respiratory System3516‘= 45-year-old man, a school teacher, who was just developing a fever with runny nose and congestion contacted the ractitioner on the 28supth/sup of January 2015. He was given:/ CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…6TD/ He was advised to intake lenty of water for three days./ After a day he started to feel less congested, and there was 50% and 75% improvement with reference to fever and runny nose respectively. After two days he displayed further signs of improvement as his fever had subsided completely, nose was not runny anymore and on the congestion front, there was a vast improvement by 90%. After three days his congestion also had cleared completely. He then stopped the treatment and was able to resume his normal activities. The atient did not take any other medication for his illness. Since then, the atient has taken this remedy on multiple occasions when he suffered a flu attack and each time he was healed in two-three days./ Practitioner’s comments: In Canada, cold and flu are much revalent, and it usually takes a week or two for the symptoms to clear. This atient has been keeping a constant supply of this remedy for himself as well as for others in his household, which has roven to be very effective. Editor’s comments: It is always advised that a atient consults the ractitioner before sharing ones remedy with other individuals. This ensures that the atient gets the most appropriate remedy for his illness and is also cautioned about a ossible ullout. In this case, where Flu seems to be a common occurrence in the household, it was a wise decision to keep the remedy handy for family use.
0_1775en_775enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAcute back-ain Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11581‘= 72-year-old man contacted the ractitioner in the evening on 6 November for medicine for his back ain which he had since one week. He never experienced this ain in the ast. He gets ain when he bends forward and was unable to get up freely due to severe ain. He took Brufen (ainkiller) – only one tablet in the morning on 6 November and felt very uneasy in his abdomen and stopped taking it. The ractitioner gave the following Combo which he started taking from that night:/ CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.5 Spine…TDS / On 7 November evening the atient called the ractitioner and said that he is 100% recovered from the ain and he could easily bend forward and get up without ain. He is advised to continue the medicine TDS for one week and then continue the medicine OD for another week and then OW until it is finished./
0_1776en_776enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAcute Diarrhoea Click here4.Digestive System11569‘= herself aged 50 yrs had acute Diarrhoea and felt extreme acidity on the evening of 15supth/sup October 2015 after intake of spicy food and overeating on the revious day. She assed watery stools every 10 minutes for an hour or so and was not able to retain even water, nor she could get up and make her own vibro remedies. / The following combo was made and taken in water after an hour of onset of diarrhoea:/ CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies …5ml of remedy in water every ten minutes for one hour. / After one hour of remedy, the Practitioner could retain water and had light liquid food. Thereafter, she assed loose stools twice, though not so watery, before going to bed at night. / After the first hour, the dosage was reduced to 5ml every 2 hours. No stool was assed during the night./ After 12 hours, the next morning, the stomach was light. During the day, slight loose motion was assed only twice. / After 24 hours, loose motion did not recur giving 100% relief. The remedy was then taken 6TD./ After 48 hours, the dosage was taken TDS for a day and then BD for a day and then stopped. No allopathic medicine was taken for loose motion. Even the allopathic medicines for other chronic roblems like diabetes could not be taken for 2 days. Also vibro remedies being taken for soriasis and diabetes were stopped for 3 days during this hase of acute roblem./ Present status: The roblem of loose motion which occurred then due to wrong eating did not recur./
0_1777en_777enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1USAenglishColitis, ancreatitis Click here4.Digestive System1339‘= 48-year-old man was suffering from type-II diabetes for the last 12 years. However, his most urgent health roblems included a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis in October, 2014. He was given Lialda medication but suffered side effects. In December, 2014, he had been diagnosed with acute ancreatitis. Following a medication change for ancreatitis he suffered another ainful attack but this time his liver was impacted. His medical doctor stopped all medication after ruling out stones in the gall bladder. He was a vegetarian, didn’t smoke or drink alcohol and had a lot of stress in his job./ The ractitioner gave the following remedy in April 2015: #1. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.7 Gallstones + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic… TDS in water./ Practitioner suggested he stay away from coffee, dairy roducts, spices, oil and sugar until he recovered. Also, to relieve stress, he should take evening walks with his wife and talk to her./ On May 15, 2015, atient reported vibro bottle was over half finished. He felt “good and normal”. He no longer had diarrhea, constipation or stomach ains. He was still on a bland diet. He stated, “I would say 100% improvement as I don’t have any diarrhea.” On October 6, 2015, atient reported for the ulcerative colitis he had had diarrhea in July but none since then. Compared to when he started in April, he estimated he was 10%-20% improved. For the ancreatitis, he had had no ain since he started vibro. He thought the improvement was around 30%. His blood sugar was under control./ On March 4, 2016, the atient requested a refill on his remedy. He reported he was feeling good. He was not taking any medicines for acute ancreatitis and ulcerative colitis other than Sai Vibrionics. All symptoms were under control. During 2016 the atient continued to report that his health was stable without any flare-ups of diarrhea from the colitis or ain from ancreatitis and the diabetes was under control./ On December 17, 2016, the atient wrote requesting a refill. He stated, “I am 90% normal since I started Sai Vibro when it comes to my colitis symptoms. My diabetes control was not good last month, so my hysician bumped up the diabetes medication and it is now under control. I don’t have any recurrence of acute ancreatitis.”em /em The ractitioner separated the Diabetes remedy into a separate bottle./ She sent: #2. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC 4.7 Gallstones + 4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC 9.2 Infections acute + 10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic… TDS in water. #3. 6.3 Diabetes…TDS in water to be taken only after food, not before./ She encouraged him to monitor his diet and avoid the foods she had reviously suggested. She reviewed the list and also suggested cut down on food with gluten. Practitioner will continue to follow the atient./
0_1778en_778enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishChest injury with swollen nipple Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11578‘= 28 April 2016, a nine-year-old girl approached the ractitioner as she had been suffering from chest ain and swelling near her nipple for four months. She was hit by a ball in the school. She hadn’t consulted a doctor and now wanted to take vibrionics. She was given the following combo:/ CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.7 Fractures…QDS / After a week, the swelling near her nipple had completely subsided but there was still 50% ain. In another week, the girl had completely recovered and there was no ain. She was asked to continue the remedy BD for two weeks. The remedy was then stopped, as the atient felt completely fine./
0_1779en_779enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAllergic cough, constipation Click here19.Respiratory System11578‘= 11 April 2016, a 35-year-old woman came to the ractitioner with chronic cough, which she had for the ast 8 years. The cough was caused by dust allergy. The severe bouts of coughing occurred every morning when she got up. She also had ain in the rectum and constipation for the ast one year, robably due to indigestion. Patient had not had any treatment for her roblems. She was given the following combos:/ For constipation and ain in the rectum:/ #1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS/ For chronic cough:/ #2. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…TDS/ She was not on any other medication while taking vibro remedies. After two weeks, she had almost 100% healing of all her symptoms. She stopped having the morning attacks of cough. Also, the rectum ain was greatly reduced and she was not constipated anymore. She continued to take both #1 and #2 for two more weeks. As the atient was completely back to normal, the remedies were then stopped./ Editor’s note: No roper reduction rotocol followed. The atient could not be contacted for the latest update as her contact details are not available
0_1780en_780enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishCarpel tunnel syndrome Click here18.Nervous System11576‘= female atient, 46 years old, had developed carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) on her right hand in May 2016 due to unknown reasons. Neither was she an avid user of computers or cell hones, nor did she have other medical conditions that could be an underlying cause. She had been suffering from severe ain and mild swelling in her right wrist for about a month before visiting the ractitioner on 03 June 2016. She also felt ain along her thumb, index and middle fingers which sometimes even extended up to the shoulder. The ain was so severe that the allopathic doctor ut her right arm in a sling and diagnosed the issue to be a case of severe CTS. She was also taking Homeopathic remedy Ruta Graveolens 30C alongside. / A endulum scan revealed compression / inflammation of a nerve at the right wrist as well as Calcium deficiency. The following remedy was given. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS in water In two days there was a 20% improvement following which, the atient removed the sling on her own accord. By the fourth day the ain had completely vanished, as if by a miracle. The dosage was reduced to OD thereafter on 16 June 2016; to OW on 27 Jul 2016 and discontinued from Oct 2016./ She continues to remain ain free with no recurrence./ Practitioner’s comment: The atient visited the ractitioner in Nov 2016 to invite for her daughter’s engagement. She mentioned that there was no symptom at all of CTS from mid June 2016.
0_1781en_781enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1CanadaenglishFrozen shoulder Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3553‘= 60-year-old lady contacted the ractitioner with complaint of ain and stiffness in her left shoulder. She had been suffering for the ast 6 months and was given a diagnosis of frozen shoulder. She was rescribed Durotram OD and Ibuprofen BD that were helping her to some extent with respect to ain, but her shoulder was still stiff. Moreover, she was seeking a quicker relief and wanted to take vibrionics alongside her allopathic medications./ In the ast, her right shoulder had the same roblem that was cured by allopathic treatment. She attributed her condition to long hours of working in the garden that involved raking leaves and lifting heavy items./ On 15 November 2016, she was given: CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS/ Two weeks later she reported that the ain in her left shoulder was 90% relieved and that she was very happy with the remedy. The shoulder still hurt when she lay on that side and she also felt intermittent dull ache. At that oint, the ractitioner who is a hysiotherapist recommended cane exercises. She was also continuing the exercises that was recommended by her GP. In mid-December, she had negligible ain and more movement in her shoulder. She was advised to continue with the remedy at the same dosage./ In early January 2017, she reported having no ain but her shoulder still did not have a full range of movement. The following month, she completely recovered, and hence discontinued both Vibrionics and allopathic treatment. As of August 2017, the condition has not recurred. Her arm does tend to stiffen when she gets into laborious work or lifts heavy items, but it subsides when she does her exercises. /
0_1782en_782enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1Gabon englishWhitlow Click here21.Skin3572‘= 35-year-old woman was suffering from unbearable ain on her left ring finger for 3 days. There was inflammation from the tip of her finger up to the nail. It had been diagnosed as whitlow. She did not take any medicine and consulted the ractitioner on 5 August 2018. He asked her whether she was having this roblem for the first time. She recalled about a similar ainful condition 20 years ago and her mother had rubbed lemon on her finger. She was given the following remedy:/ CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…every 10 minutes for 1-2 hours, TDS for 2 weeks. / Within an hour her ain had decreased by 50%. She continued the remedy every 10 minutes up to 2 hours after which she hardly felt any ain. The atient thought she was already cured and stopped the treatment. After three days, she started taking the remedy TDS exactly as advised by the ractitioner as the ain had reappeared. That very night her ain disappeared. The next day she felt mild ain on her right foot which also vanished within two days. On 23 August 2018, since she was free from ain, the dosage was reduced to OD for 2 weeks and stopped. As of November 2018, her roblem has not recurred./
0_1783en_783enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1CanadaenglishFeverClick here9.Fevers and Infections3562‘= ractitioner and her family were on a holiday by the seaside. Her 3-year-old granddaughter was exuberant and layful on the first day. During the night she developed nausea, slight fever, and cough and kept her arents up all night. On 30 May 2018, the next morning, she appeared tired and listless and refused to take breakfast. The ractitioner immediately gave the following remedy from her wellness kit:/ CC9.2 Infections acute…TDS/ No allopathic medication was given. Soon the child slept soundly for about 2 hours. As soon as she woke up, she was smiling, happy, and ready to lay. She seemed to have completely recovered. She had her second dose only during the bed time as she was out with her arents whole day. The next two days also she was given the remedy OD only at bedtime and stopped. She was her normal cheerful-self, eating her meals and laying during the rest of her vacation. As of December 2018, those symptoms have not recurred. The child continues to be healthy and layful./
0_1784en_784enenen_0_1Additional Case Histories _0_1IndiaenglishAcute tongue blisters Click here19.Respiratory System11594‘= 10-year-old boy sought treatment for two days duration tongue blisters on 18 March 2018. The blisters were swollen and ainful; the ain in throat made it difficult to swallow solid item since one day. The atient’s mother informed that the child had the history of tonsillitis. Since 3 years, every year he experienced 3-4 episodes of tonsillitis. Currently the atient did not show any other symptoms of tonsillitis (like nausea, fever, vomiting) but had throat ain causing difficulty in swallowing. The atient completed allopathic course for the same but as there was no complete recovery, the arents were lanning for surgical removal of tonsils. The atient did not take any other medication with vibrionics./ He was given the following combo: CC9.2 Infections acute + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental and emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain and Memory tonic + CC19.7 Throat tonic + CC21.8 Herpes…one dose every 10 minutes for 2 hours followed by 6TD from 19-3-18./ After one day, there was 40% improvement in throat ain and solid food intake was improved. After three days (on 21 March 2018), there was 75% improvement in throat ain so the dosage was reduced to TDS. On 23 March 2018, the child had 100% recovery from throat ain and he was able to take solid foods without difficulty. Hence dosage was reduced to OD./ On 26 March 2018, the remedy for tongue blisters was stopped and the combo was changed keeping in mind the treatment of chronic tonsillitis:/ #2. CC12.2 Child tonic + CC17.3 Brain and Memory tonic + CC19.7 Throat tonic…TDS / Editor’s comment: The ractitioner thought that the atient may also have Herpes labialis. So he added CC21.8 Herpes.
13_31081en_1081enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3IndiaenglishRecurrent urinary tract infection (UTI)Click here13.Kidney and Bladder11235‘= 67-year-old woman had been suffering from recurrent UTI with fever and ain during urination, for more than six months. This would occur every two months and she would take a rescribed course of antibiotics for 5 to 7 days after which her symptoms would go away. When she next developed the usual symptoms on 8 Aug 2014, instead of going to her doctor, she decided to consult the ractitioner who gave her:/ CC8.1 Female tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / After three days the fever subsided and in another four days, the ain completely disappeared. The atient was happy that she did not have to resort to antibiotics this time. As there were no further episodes the dosage was reduced to BD after four months and OD after another two months and the remedy was stopped in June 2015. As of Feb 2022, the roblem has not returned./
13_31082en_1082enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3IndiaenglishMigraine, shoulder ain Click here11.Head;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11235‘= 51-year-old female started to get headaches over two years ago. Even a five-minute exposure to the sun would cause a headache with nausea that lasted the whole day and would get relieved only after vomiting; her condition was diagnosed as migraine. She could not avoid going out in the sun as her rofession required her to go on tour 4-5 times a month. Additionally, a few months ago, she started to have neck ain going down to her left shoulder and arm. She did not like to take ainkillers, so sought an alternative. On 21 Sept 2018, the ractitioner gave her:/ For migraine: #1. CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD/ For shoulder ain: #2. NM59 Pain + OM4 Cervical + OM27 Supportive tissue + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / To the atient’s leasant surprise, after taking just three doses of #1 she felt complete relief from headache and nausea. After 2 weeks, on 5 Oct, she related that the intensity, duration as well as the frequency of her headaches had come down by 75%. #1 was reduced to TDS and after one month she had 100% relief. She was able to go out in the sun without any trace of this roblem. The remedy was continued for one more month, then reduced to OD on 4 Dec and stopped on 6 Feb 2019. As regards the shoulder ain, there was 20% relief after one month, rogressing to 90% after five months and 100% in another two months. On 28 May, #2 was reduced to OD for a month before stopping it in July 2019. There has been no recurrence of any symptoms as of March 2022. /
13_31083en_1083enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3ChileenglishArthritisClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2051‘= 2014, a 44-year-old woman started experiencing stiffness in joints throughout the body, more in her hands. Her condition gradually worsened leading to swollen and ainful joints, extreme fatigue and a lack of motivation to carry out daily chores. The symptoms were worse in the morning making it difficult for her to move about. She was diagnosed with arthritis in 2017 and since then had been taking rescribed steroids, and anti-inflammatory and ain medicines, but with only little relief. On 28 Aug 2021, she decided to take vibrionics also and consulted the ractitioner. At the time she had severe joint ain in her hands, also felt nervous and was given: / CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS / On the advice of the ractitioner, the atient made several lifestyle changes including regular exercise, spiritual ractices, being optimistic, developing forgiveness and love, a healthy diet to include green juices and exclude red meat and dairy. After one month she had 30% relief from the ain, swelling and stiffness; this increased to 50% in another two months. She was able to move about easily and felt good. After two weeks on 15 Dec, she reported 85% improvement in her overall health including the nervousness. This in turn boosted her confidence to enable her to stop the allopathic medicines. / By Jan 2022, she had no symptoms, became calmer and more energetic. Sometimes with weather changes and food excesses, she feels slight or negligible joint ain. As of April 2022, she continues to do well and refers to take the remedy at TDS. /
13_31084en_1084enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3USAenglishCough, chronic Click here19.Respiratory System3567‘= 5 2-year-old female experienced frequent bouts of dry cough, at least two or three times a day, for over four years. The cough would start suddenly and go on for 20 to 30 minutes interspersed with short gaps, leaving her exhausted. She would sip hot water or take lozenges to help suppress the attack. She had no other respiratory symptoms. The doctor ordered several tests which revealed nothing and the rescription medicines did not help. Belonging to the same meditation group, the ractitioner had offered her vibrionics treatment on several occasions, but each time she olitely declined. / As there was no relief whatsoever the atient could no longer cope with the situation and reluctantly decided to try vibrionics. She chose to stop all other medications and on 1 March 2020 she consulted the ractitioner who gave her:/ CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…TDS / There was no feedback from the atient for two months! In May 2020, when the ractitioner telephoned the atient, she confirmed that the cough had faded away and the whole experience had taken her by surprise. The dosage was gradually tapered down to the maintenance dosage of OW which she continued till the end of 2020 to ensure the ailment did not resurface. She feels immensely relieved thinking that she no longer has to face the annoying bouts of cough. She even referred a member of her family to the ractitioner for vibrionics treatment. As of Feb 2022, more than a year later, the atient is doing fine. Whenever there is a health roblem, she now happily looks to vibrionics for treatment. /
13_31085en_1085enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3GuyanaenglishAcneClick here21.Skin3554‘= female aged 34 had been suffering from a severe breakout of acne all over her face since January 2016. She consulted several doctors including a dermatologist, and was given antibiotics and other medicines as well as recommended facial creams, but nothing helped. As soon as the acne dried up, new spots would surface. On her doctor’s advice she underwent an ultrasound scan of the kidneys, ovaries and gallbladder, and tests for cancer, ap smear, mammogram, hormones, thyroid, liver, cholesterol and blood sugar none of which revealed the cause of her acne. She had recently lost her sense of taste and was beginning to lose hearing in her right ear, diagnosed as otosclerosis. On 21 October 2016 she consulted the ractitioner who gave her:/ For acne: #1. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.2 Skin infections…6TD in water for 7 days / For hearing loss: #2. CC5.2 Deafness + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS in water, also to ut two drops of that vibro water in the ear/ The atient took only #1 and after 3 days had a ullout – diarrhoea and vomiting – which lasted for two hours. The imples began to dry up and new ones were not erupting. After a week the dosage was reduced to TDS. By 10 Jan 2017, 95% of the face was clear and the scars were beginning to fade. In August she had a flare up of acne which soon subsided as she continued to take #1 at TDS. By November 2017 she stopped the remedy as all the scars had disappeared. As of Feb 2022 she had no recurrence of this condition. / The atient commenced taking #2 on 27 Oct 2016 and within one week, there was 20% improvement in hearing and her sense of taste returned. She then started finding dried wax on her ear after awakening in the morning. By 10 January 2017, her hearing was 60% better but as there was no further improvement until Nov 2017, she stopped #2 also./
13_31086en_1086enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3IndiaenglishAppendicitisClick here4.Digestive System11601‘= 9-year-old girl suddenly developed severe abdominal ain in mid-August 2018. She was not eating roperly and would cry in ain every day. The doctor diagnosed acute appendicitis and recommended surgery. He did not rescribe any medicine and advised the girl to take very light food. Four days later on 19 August 2018, the child’s grandmother brought her to the ractitioner who gave the following remedy:/ CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.3 Appendicitis + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic…every 10 minutes for one hour followed by 6TD for one week reducing to TDS./ While collecting refills, the girl’s grandmother kept the ractitioner informed that the atient had no ain and was eating and sleeping well. On 12 October, it was reported that the size of the appendix had reduced from acute to subacute, so the dosage was continued at TDS. On 30 Dec, the atient’s mother informed the ractitioner that the scan showed the size of the appendix had further reduced and was now within the normal range and that her daughter was absolutely fine. The dosage was reduced to OD for one month and stopped on 31 Jan 2019. As of March 2022, the ain has not returned./
13_31087en_1087enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3IndiaenglishLoss of vision Click here7.Eyes11520‘= 53-year-old man developed severe ain in his forehead and swelling on the left side of his face along with a burning sensation and stiffness in the left eye on 25 July 2018. Over the next few days, he lost all vision in this eye. After two weeks, when he saw the ophthalmologist, his condition was diagnosed as temporal BRVO (Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion, meaning blockage in small veins). The atient had high BP for the ast ten years for which he was taking Alprox 0.5 mg. An eye test confirmed the cause of BRVO to be fluctuating BP. The doctor rescribed I-site capsules and Nepafenac eye drops for ain and swelling along with intravitreal injections costing Rs 30,000 ($400) each, to dissolve the blood clots. There was no certainty the injections would cure his condition, so he did not take them but started on the other two medicines on 10 Aug 2018. On the same day, he also consulted the ractitioner who gave him: / #1. NM17 Eye + NM36 War + NM109 Vision + NM113 Inflammation + OM11 Eye + OM25 Eye-Retina + OM26 Eye Muscles + BR20 Eye + SM20 Eyes + SR216 Vitamin-E + SR247 Triple Warmer + SR405 Ruta…6TD / After seven weeks on 30 Sept, there was 50% improvement in ain and 20% in swelling. However, he did have multiple episodes of severe ain. The ractitioner advised the atient to take one dose every five minutes for a total of three doses during such times, in addition to the normal 6TD. After 10 days, the frequency of the ain episodes reduced considerably and there was 100% improvement in the swelling and burning sensation. On 8 Nov the atient reported that the ain had completely gone. There was only occasional stiffness in the affected eye. As some remedies were now not needed, #1 was modified to: / #2. NM36 War + NM109 Vision + OM25 Eye-Retina + OM26 Eye Muscles + BR20 Eye + SM20 Eyes + SR216 Vitamin-E + SR247 Triple Warmer + SR405 Ruta…6TD / On 30 Jan 2019 the atient reported that except for the loss of vision, he had no other eye roblems. His doctor advised him to stop the allopathic medicines as these were not helping with vision recovery and the rognosis remained oor./ The ractitioner advised the atient to keep away from light and not use TV, computer or mobile for long eriods to avoid straining the healthy right eye. After four months, in May, the atient happily reported that he was now able to see the outline of images! The dosage was reduced to QDS and the ractitioner started broadcasting the same remedy at OD./ Another two months later, in July, the atient could see black images without any colour and from 9 Sept, he could see distant images normally but still was not able to read. The dosage was reduced to TDS and broadcasting was continued along with intense rayers. A month later, on 10 Oct, he was able to recognise some letters though they looked wavy and blurred. In November, to the great delight of both the atient and the ractitioner, his vision was restored and he could see everything clearly! Broadcasting was stopped and the dosage was slowly tapered down to OW and finally stopped on 10 Jan 2020. As of April 2022, the atient has normal vision./ Practitioner’s note: In 2011, this atient was almost bed-ridden and was successfully treated with vibrionics; refer to age 151 of the 1st International Conference book.
13_31088en_1088enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3IndiaenglishSkin ItchClick here21.Skin11592‘= 62-year-old mother of the ractitioner was suffering from itching all over her body and a mild rash in some laces for 15 years. She took rescribed allopathic medicines for three years and ayurvedic treatment for four years but in vain. Whenever she consumed brinjal or sorrel leaves, the itching became worse, so she eliminated these from her diet. She did not want to take vibrionics treatment in spite of her son’s repeated appeals. When her symptoms became much worse, she consulted a dermatologist. The rescribed medicines gave her stomach irritation and nausea which she found intolerable, so she stopped them after a month and finally decided to try vibrionics. On 30 Nov 2018 the ractitioner gave his mother the following remedy: / #1. CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / After one month there was 20% relief in the itching which rogressed to 40% in another month. Since new atches of rash developed and thinking these might be due to food allergy, the ractitioner enhanced the remedy on 29 Jan 2019 to: / #2. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC21.6 Eczema + #1…TDS / Within one month, by 24 Feb, to the delight and surprise of the atient, she experienced 100% relief from the rash as well as itching. The dosage was reduced to OD and then to OW over a eriod of two months before stopping the remedy on 22 April 2019. The symptoms never came back./ In the first week of May the atient was given the following to boost her immunity: / #3. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases…OD for one year / In Feb 2022 she was still fearful of including brinjal and sorrel leaves in her diet, so the atient was rescribed #2 at a reventive dosage of OD, which continues till date. Since then she has started enjoying the above vegetables occasionally without any roblem. /
13_31089en_1089enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3IndiaenglishHaemorrhoids, indigestionClick here4.Digestive System11623‘= early 2019, the ractitioner’s 45-year-old husband had a rotruding haemorrhoid forming a lump that was very uncomfortable and caused severe ain while sitting for long eriods at work. Occasionally he had shooting ain while assing stool with slight blood in it. He took homoeopathic treatment for six months but stopped it as he had very little relief. Then he managed the ain by applying coconut oil to the anal region. He also used a soft cushioned chair in his office and started on a healthy diet./ On 5 April 2020 he developed throbbing ain along with swelling in the anus which he ignored due to his busy work schedule. Two days later the ain became worse; he developed fever and chills accompanied by severe vomiting and burping with a bad odour. The indigestion occurred due to the intake of spicy food. Because of the Covid situation the atient isolated himself, took aracetamol for the ain and fever and, on 7 April 2020, his wife, who had just qualified as a ractitioner, gave him:/ CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion…in water every 10 minutes for one hour followed by 6TD / There was no relief after one hour and the fever was consistently high, so he was advised to dab the remedy water on the anal region. While applying the remedy the atient suddenly ly felt the resence of the Divine, started sweating rofusely and the fever began to subside. The next day, the fever and vomiting were gone and burping and ain in the anus had reduced by 50%./ In three days he became free of all symptoms except for the lump. The dosage was reduced to TDS and within a month the lump vanished as well. The dosage was gradually tapered down over the next one month and finally stopped on 10 June 2020. The atient is delighted that he was completely cured of this ainful condition. There has been no recurrence as of Feb 2022./
13_31090en_1090enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3UKenglishSwelling, itching on faceClick here21.Skin3555‘= 36-year-old woman suffered from recurrent swelling and itching on the face including eyelids for over three years. Doctors could not identify the cause and rescribed steroids both oral and a cream. Symptoms would fade away slowly and during each episode, it will take six weeks before her condition would be tolerable. She would then stop the steroids and the symptoms would reappear a few weeks later. She took time off work repeatedly whenever the itching was severe. In the ast six months, she had three such episodes of even greater severity than before. During the latest episode, the symptoms did not subside even after six weeks of using the steroids, so out of desperation, she opted for vibrionics. The ractitioner noticed that she was wearing very heavy makeup and thought that allergy could be the cause of her illness. She advised her to stop using makeup and gave her on 28 June 2021: / #1. CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema…6TD / Within 24 hours there was 50% relief and to her utter surprise, this rogressed to 100% within 48 hours! After three weeks she was advised to reduce the dosage to TDS but instead, she stopped it. Within five days, itching and swelling made a comeback but with much less severity. Much stressed on 26 July, she contacted the ractitioner who gave her a refill of #1. Within two days she was symptom-free. The dosage was reduced to TDS. On 8 Aug she revealed another condition that for the ast one year whenever she went out in the sun, she had a burning sensation and itching on her face, especially around the eyes. She was advised to use sunglasses and a sun hat, and given an additional remedy: / #2. CC7.3 Eye infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema in aqueous cream to be applied on the face before going out in the sun. / Two days later she reported that #2 had rovided immediate relief. Over the next few months, she was able to resume wearing her makeup without any roblems. Since starting the treatment she never felt the need to take time off work. On 10 Jan 2022, the dosage of #1 was reduced to OD. In Feb 2022 both remedies were stopped. The atient went to India and attended four weddings while using heavy makeup and there was no recurrence. As of April she is fine and inspired by this successful outcome, all her family members now resort to vibrionics for their health roblems./
13_31091en_1091enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3IndiaenglishIrregular mensesClick here8.Female Organs11616‘= 21-year-old young woman had irregular menses since her menarche nine years ago. She got her eriods only once in three months, each menstrual cycle lasting for six days with excessive bleeding on most days. She was not undergoing any treatment. Due to ersonal circumstances, she was currently under a lot of stress. Her last eriod was in Jan 2021 and on 11 March 2021 she consulted the ractitioner who gave her: / CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…one dose every ten minutes for two hours followed by 6TD/ Her next eriod came on 15 April and lasted for two weeks but with normal bleeding. The dosage was reduced to TDS. / Though the atient was advised to continue at TDS until the next cycle, she reduced the dosage to OD from 25 April. On 6 May, she informed the ractitioner that she was no longer stressed. During May and June the atient had normal bleeding that lasted only five days, so she stopped taking the remedy in June. As of March 2022, she continues to have regular eriods with normal bleeding lasting 3 to 4 days./
13_31092en_1092enenen_13_32022 May/Jun_13_3USAenglishPilonidal Cyst Click here21.Skin3596‘= 22-year-old woman suffered from a recurring cyst in her lower back near the tailbone for the ast five years. It was diagnosed as a ilonidal cyst – an abnormal ocket in the skin that usually contains hair and skin debris. Once or twice a year it would get infected and form an abscess which caused severe ain and swelling. This affected her mobility and sleep for 3 to 4 weeks after which it would rupture on its own. In the latest episode in mid-Sept 2020 when the atient experienced the usual swelling and severe ain, she chose to visit the hospital emergency where she was referred to a surgeon who scheduled the surgery for 11 Dec. As the cyst did not rupture by itself she consulted the ractitioner on 3 Nov 2020 and was given the following remedy:/ #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS/ After a week the swelling reduced by 20% making it easier for her to move about and work without much ain; the improvement continued over the next five weeks. By the time she went for surgery on 11 Dec, there was no ain or swelling. Nevertheless, the surgery was erformed as scheduled. The surgeon was uzzled as there was no sign of the cyst! He scheduled another appointment on 18 Jan 2021 for further evaluation and removal of stitches. Once again nothing was found. It was obvious to the atient that Sai Vibrionics was responsible for her healing. As the ractitioner felt CC10.1 Emergencies was no longer required, on 18 Jan, she replaced #1 with/ #2. #1 without CC10.1 Emergencies…TDS/ The dosage was reduced to OW at the end of April 2021. The atient stopped taking the remedy at the end of July. However, at the beginning of October 2021, the atient began to feel slight ain in her lower back. #2 was resumed at TDS. After two days, to the atient’s great delight, the discomfort was gone and there was no sign of a cyst. She was advised to continue the remedy for one month after which it was stopped. As of April 2022 there has been no recurrence./
13_21022en_1022enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2UKenglishSleep disorder ost Covid-19, adverse effects of dementia medicationClick here15.Mental and Emotional;18.Nervous System3598‘= 87-year-old man was diagnosed with mild dementia in 2019 but did not require any medicine for this. In July 2020, a few months after he recovered from Covid-19, he started having rolonged disturbing dreams during which he would get visibly agitated and scream in his sleep. These nightmares occurred two to three times in a month and his caretakers found it difficult to wake him up at that time. In June 2021, he was rescribed Aricept, a medicine for dementia. This caused extreme weakness upon waking in the morning, difficulty in walking and shortness of breath with alpitations even on slight exertion. The symptoms improved on discontinuing Aricept but recurred on restarting it. His cardiologist confirmed these to be the side effects of Aricept but in spite of this, they decided to continue it./ On 10 Sept 2021 he was given the following remedy for sleep disorders:/ #1. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…1 dose 30 minutes before bedtime / After three weeks the frequency of the nightmares reduced; he now had one episode in three weeks, an improvement of 30%. He never had a roblem with falling asleep but he felt he was now sleeping better. On 3 October he was given the following remedy for dementia and to combat the side-effects of Aricept: / #2. CC3.4 Heart emergencies + CC3.6 Pulse irregular + CC9.1 Recuperation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.2 Alzheimer’s disease…TDS/ There was no improvement and, so, on 20 Oct, #2 was enhanced to:/ #3. Aricept otentised at 200C + #2…TDS/ In less than a month on 15 Nov, the atient reported that he felt 100% better. He was very happy as his energy levels were back to normal and his walking and breathing difficulties and alpitations were completely gone. There was a continuous improvement in the reduction of frequency of his nightmares and the last episode was on 1 December. After six weeks of undisturbed sleep, #1 was stopped in the middle of Jan 2022. As of Feb 2022, the atient continues to have restful sleep and now takes Aricept at half the recommended dose. He feels happy to continue #3 at TDS to revent the rogression of dementia and to counter the side effects of Aricept./ /
13_21023en_1023enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishFearClick here15.Mental and Emotional11581‘= 35-year-old woman had rofuse menstrual bleeding in May 2020. Having always had normal menses, this was an unusual and frightening experience for her. Allopathic treatment over two months resolved this issue. But the bleeding episode triggered in her fear and anxiety of ractically everything eg, fear for her family, her future, etc. She started to relate the TV shows she watched to her own life. Her fears soon became irrational and excessive and her anxiety intense. She consulted a couple of sychiatrists; they rescribed anti-depressants which did not help her and were, hence, stopped. On 5 Nov 2020 her mother-in-law contacted the ractitioner who gave: / CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS / In addition, the ractitioner counselled the atient over the hone, instilled courage in her, and assured her that she would be completely fine. After a week, the atient called to convey that her fears remained the same. She was advised to continue the remedy for at least another three weeks. After just two weeks she called the ractitioner again to say that there was no improvement. He told her that he would give her another remedy. However, he repeated the same remedy as he felt that she would be fine with this and asked her to take it for one month. As she appeared to be a little anaemic he advised her to eat omegranate and dates every day to improve her Hb level./ On 10 Feb 2021, the atient reported that her fears were completely gone and she was now feeling erfectly fine. The dosage was reduced to OD for 10 days, thereafter to OW for a few weeks until the ills were exhausted. As of Jan 2022, she continues to be well./
13_21024en_1024enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishAllergy to insect biteClick here21.Skin11634‘= three-year-old boy was suffering from an allergy to bites from mosquitos and ants for over a year. At the site of the bite there would be redness, swelling, and continual itching that would last for two to three days and then disappear on its own. The child had at least one new mosquito bite on a daily basis but had never taken any treatment. When the mother brought the boy to the ractitioner, he observed that the boy was constantly scratching the swollen reddish spot on his hand. On 4 Sept 2021, he was given:/ CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.4 Stings & Bites…TDS in water orally and same to be applied on the affected spots. / After 11 days, on 15 Sept, the mother reported that all the spots had disappeared; the boy did not have any itching after the 1st dose and no new spots were observed! The remedy was continued at TDS and in spite of advice to taper it down slowly, the mother stopped it after two weeks. On a review in Feb 2022, the mother confirmed that the boy has been absolutely fine ever since. / /
13_21025en_1025enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishExcessive salt cravingClick here12.Immune System12051‘= 5-year-old girl had extreme cravings for salt and salty foods since the age of two. While the mother worked as a home help the child would go to the nearby shop and spend her ocket money on a small acket of a very salty ickle. At home, she was licking salt and recently eating very sour citrus fruits like lemon. The arents tried various ways to stop her but in vain. As she had a oor appetite she was underweight and always complained of leg ain. The doctor recommended a few tests which the arents did not want her to undergo. When the mother related this to the ractitioner on 12 Feb 2021 she was given: / CC6.1 Hyperthyroid + CC12.2 Child tonic…TDS / After 18 days, on 2 March, the mother happily reported that her daughter’s cravings had reduced by 80% and she was now eating well. By 21 May there was 100% improvement and the girl would not eat extra salt even when offered! The dosage was reduced to BD for two weeks, then to OD for two weeks and the remedy stopped on 16 June. As of Feb 2022, the mother is extremely happy that her child has improved in health, gained weight and no longer complains of leg ain./
13_21026en_1026enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2South AfricaenglishMenses, infrequent (PCOD)Click here8.Female Organs3582‘= 45-year-old woman had infrequent menstruation occurring only once or twice a year with heavy bleeding on the first day. This was diagnosed as PCOD 15 years ago. She had low energy level which had a negative impact on her roductivity at work. All these years, she had been taking allopathic treatment and towards the last eight months, also ayurvedic treatment, both without success. She decided to stop both treatments in favour of vibrionics. She was visibly upset during the consultation on 21 Aug 2019 and was given: / CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / After two weeks there was 50% improvement in her energy level. On 21 Sept, she was elated when she got her eriod with normal bleeding after a very long time. Thereafter her eriods were always regular with normal bleeding! In July 2020, the dosage was reduced to OD which she continues to take as maintenance dosage. As of Feb 2022, she is doing absolutely fine and her energy level is good too. It was this outstanding success with her 15-year old ailment within one month that rompted her to do the vibrionics course; she qualified as a ractitioner in Nov 2021./
13_2931en_931enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2GreeceenglishAddiction to alcohol and drugsClick here15.Mental and Emotional3108‘= 28-year-old woman who had a weakness for alcohol became addicted to it five years ago, soon after the birth of her son. She was divorced and could not cope with the responsibility of looking after the boy, for which she had to depend on her mother even though they did not have a good relationship. She would go out to clubs to drink and dance while her mother was babysitting. She seemed to be of a nervous disposition, sensitive by nature and was always apologetic; she also had oor appetite. As her boyfriend was a drug addict, she started taking drugs (on weekends only) about 18 months ago. She wanted to overcome her addiction, so on 20 Jan 2020, she approached the ractitioner who gave her:/ #1. SR318 Thuja 30C…TDS for 4 days followed by / #2. NM5 Brain TS + NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination-12 + NM22 Liver + NM69 CB8 + NM90 Nutrition + NM95 Rescue Plus + OM8 Hypo & Hyperglycaemia + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SM41 Uplift + SR240 Kidney + SR242 Liver + SR271 Arnica 30C + SR275 Belladonna + SR302 Nux Vomica CM + SR329 Crab apple + SR330 Addiction to Alcohol + SR340 Aloe Socotrina + SR417 Agrimony + SR439 Pine + SR443 Star of Bethlehem…QDS / After the first two days, she felt a lot of tension, anxiety and had a rapid heartbeat but ersisted with the remedy. After three weeks she reported that she did not take drugs and was drinking much less; she felt 60% better. Over the next three weeks, her alcohol consumption continuously reduced until she was only consuming a little on weekends a huge improvement. So, on 4 March, the dosage of #2 was reduced to TDS. Six months later she was taking a tiny amount of alcohol and that too only occasionally when she was stressed. In Aug 2020 she moved to Switzerland and took sufficient ills for three months. She continued the remedy at TDS until she ran out of ills in November but stayed in touch with the ractitioner. Their last contact was in Dec 2021, more than a year after stopping the remedy and the atient was happy to confirm that she no longer had any roblem with drugs or alcohol and that she feels very energetic and eaceful./ If using the 108CC box, give #1: CC10.1 Emergencies; #2: CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic + CC15.3 Addictions + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC18.1 Brain Disabilities /
13_2932en_932enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishNeuralgia of legsClick here18.Nervous System11622‘= 73-year-old female was suffering from ain in the knees and calves with burning and tingling sensation radiating to her feet, more so in the right leg, for over six months. When she got up from a sitting osition, the ain would shoot up her leg and it would be difficult for her to walk even for a short distance. If the ain was unbearable, she would take a ainkiller and it would subside; she managed for a month in this way. Later she took hysiotherapy for a few weeks, in addition to taking ainkillers, but the relief was always temporary. She was then rescribed Neurobion, a nerve tonic which she took for a fortnight every month for 4 months. There was no improvement and the roblem ersisted. She visited the ractitioner on 3 Mar 2020 and was given: / CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / Within 10 days she was 70% relieved of her knee and calf ain but the burning sensation ersisted. A month later on 12 April, she reported 90% improvement in ain but the burning sensation and tingling continued. she had also developed severe back ain. The dosage was increased to 6TD for 3 days and then back to TDS. By 30 April, all her symptoms had completely vanished and she felt 100% fit. Dosage was reduced to BD for 15 days and then to OD. After 18 months, in Jan 2022, she continues to do well and has chosen to take the remedy at OD for maintenance./
13_2933en_933enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishMigraineClick here11.Head11622‘= 43-year-old woman started getting frequent and severe migraine attacks accompanied by sensory disturbances, loud sound and bright light all around (aura), five years ago. She would get these attacks almost twice a week, each episode lasting four hours and sometimes the whole night, disturbing her sleep. For the ast four years, she had been taking allopathic medicine Flunarizine every day and this gave her complete relief. However, she wanted to stop this medicine. Three times she tried to stop it but the migraine came back after a month, with greater severity. So on 15 April 2020, she approached the ractitioner. At the time, she was under stress due to family issues and was given: / CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS / The atient continued to take the allopathic medicine also. After 10 days of taking the remedy she was no longer stressed; her mind became calm and relaxed. However, she did not feel comfortable in stopping Flunarizine for fear of migraine coming back. Meanwhile, her husband and children took treatment and got cured with vibrionics. In six months she gained enough confidence and gathered the courage to stop Flunarizine. After one month of stopping this, she happily reported on 15 Jan 2021, that her migraine did not recur. The remedy was gradually tapered down to OD by April 2021 and to zero in July. As of Jan 2022, the atient continues to be fine and has had no recurrence. /
13_2934en_934enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2CanadaenglishFood allergyClick here21.Skin3518‘= 57-year-old woman, during her travels in Feb 2015, developed inflammation on her cheeks which became red and swollen with a burning sensation. Her dermatologist friend, looking at the icture of her face, diagnosed it as eczema and rescribed a steroid cream which she used for one week. After some time, the symptoms returned, so she took coriander leaves (cilantro) juice daily and went on a bland diet and she was fine within a week. Later in March 2015, after qualifying as a ractitioner, she took the following remedy whenever the symptoms occurred:/ #1. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema…6TD / The symptoms would clear up in 4 days and she would gradually reduce the dosage. However,img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/757/content_03518_ffod_allergy_chjpg.jpg float:left; height:158px; margin-left:4px; margin-right:4px; width:500px / the symptoms would return and soon she realized that this was due to allergy. By careful study, she discovered that whenever she ate eanuts, white sugar, white flour roducts or ackaged food, she would get these symptoms, so she stopped eating these foods. She made healthy changes to her diet but sometimes she would inadvertently eat these at business events and while travelling; she could manage with #1. However in Aug 2020 in the midst of Covid lockdowns when she was under tremendous stress owing to shifting of residence overseas, she snacked on eanuts and ackaged food for about a month and the symptoms recurred with greater severity. On 17 Aug she started to take the enhanced combo: / #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + #1…6TD / Within 2 days, redness and swelling reduced by 70% and burning by 100%; dosage was reduced to TDS. In another week, there was 90% relief from redness and swelling, dosage reduced to BD on 25 Aug and to OD on 7 Sep when she felt 100% better, before stopping on 30 Sep 2020. She also took coriander juice daily and applied Aloe Vera gel to the face./ As of Jan 2022, she has been routinely snacking on eanuts, and frequently eating her favourite sweets made of white sugar and has been absolutely fine./
13_2935en_935enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishCarpal tunnel syndromeClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11632‘= 39-year-old software rofessional worked on her laptop for 16 hours/day for over a year, resulting in ain and swelling in her right index and middle fingers in Oct 2020. Also she had tremors in her index finger. The condition became so bad that she was unable to use the two fingers for typing; for more than five months; she had to type with other fingers. At this oint in time, she applied medicinal oil that rovided some relief. Since the swelling was spreading to the entire alm, on 5 Apr 2021 she consulted a doctor who diagnosed this as carpal tunnel syndrome. He rescribed oral medicines which she did not take owing to fear of side effects. As she was desperately looking for an alternative solution, she came to know about vibrionics through her friend and on 5 May 2021, consulted the ractitioner who gave: / #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC20.3 Arthritis…TDS / #2. CC20.3 Arthritis…BD in coconut oil for external application / On 21 May, she had 40% relief in all her symptoms and occasionally was even able to use both the fingers. In another week, there was further substantial improvement and she was able to move her hand more freely using all the fingers. After another month on 27 June, she felt 90% better overall and was very happy that she could resume her revious workload with ease. / By 5 Sept all her symptoms were completely gone. Both remedies were gradually tapered down and stopped on 13 Nov. As of Jan 2022, in spite of working 16 hours/day on laptop, none of the symptoms have reappeared./
13_2936en_936enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishChest PainClick here3.Circulatory System11635‘= 65-year-old male visited the ractitioner with the complaint of ersistent chest ain while walking and even during rest, for the ast nine months. In the year 1999, he had suffered a massive heart attack, underwent coronary angioplasty and was rescribed blood thinners and medicines for lowering BP and lipids. He appeared to be fine until Oct 2020 when he developed chest ain. His cardiologist confirmed another heart attack and a second angioplasty was done. In spite of continuing to take the rescribed medicines, there was no relief from the chest ain. On 30 July 2021 he was given:/ CC3.4 Heart Emergencies + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ After two weeks there was 100% relief in ain while resting and 30% improvement while walking. At a subsequent follow-up, on 23 Aug, he reported that the chest ain was completely gone. The atient referred to continue the remedy at TDS for three more months. It was reduced to OD in November when he also revealed that, as a side benefit, his triglyceride level had come down to normal within three months of starting the vibro remedy; earlier this value was high./ As of Dec 2021, maintaining his dosage at OD, the atient continues to be active, ain-free and is walking four km daily./
13_2937en_937enenen_13_22022 Mar/Apr_13_2IndiaenglishExcessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)Click here21.Skin11635‘= 51-year-old man had a history of excessive sweating on both his alms and soles since childhood, so his routine activities got adversely affected. In March 2021 he also started getting itching all over his arms at night. He had consulted two dermatologists 20 years back and had taken allopathic treatment for four months without any relief. This had led him to believe there was no cure for his condition until he met the ractitioner who gave the following on 4 Aug 2021: / CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.10 Psoriasis…TDS and also in vibhuti for external application…BD/ He started taking the remedy at OD in the first week, increasing it to TDS over the next week. By 23 Aug he had 25% relief in sweating and 40% in itching and in another week, improvement went up to 50% and 100% respectively. By 19 Sept, sweating also completely disappeared. On 26 Sept the oral remedy was reduced to BD and then to a maintenance dosage of OD on 11 Oct. External application was stopped on 14 Dec. As of Jan 2022, the atient continues the remedy at OD and there has been no recurrence. /
13_1867en_867enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishRheumatoid ArthritisClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11599‘= 52-year-old female school teacher had been suffering from ain in the small joints of her hands and feet. Her ability to hold a iece of chalk to write on the blackboard was gradually decreasing. Her rheumatologist diagnosed her condition as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis and she started taking rescribed medicines and supplements in Dec 2015. Although there was hardly any improvement in ain, she decided to continue all these medicines. Additionally, two years ago, she developed knee ain (ossibly due to standing for long hours in school) and developed GI distress (stomach burning) a year ago. By January 2018 she could not even hold the chalk and had to take medical leave. When she visited the ractitioner on 2 Aug 2018, she was very depressed and was given: / For Rheumatoid arthritis & osteoporosis: #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS/ For GI distress: #2. CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion…TDS/ A month later on 5 Sept, the burning sensation in her stomach went down by 90% and #2 was reduced to OD and stopped on 15 Oct as there was 100% improvement. On 20 Sept she reported only a slight reduction in ain in small joints and knees. By 28 Dec, there was 50% improvement in small joints and 80% in knee ain. On 10 July 2019, ain in all the joints improved by 90%, so the dosage of #1 was reduced to BD. On 21 Oct, she stated that despite stopping all her allopathic medications for the ast two months there was only marginal ain in joints. As there was no difficulty in holding the chalk, she was able to resume teaching. On 15 Dec, the dosage of #1 was reduced to OD and by Jan 2020, she had completely recovered. Twice she tried to stop the remedy, once in Mar 2020 and again in Jan 2021, each time slight ain was felt after about two weeks. Therefore she decided to continue at the maintenance dosage of OD. As of November 2021, the atient is completely symptom-free and is in regular touch with the ractitioner./ /
13_1868en_868enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishKidney stonesClick here13.Kidney and Bladder11599‘= 62-year-old man had a history of kidney stones ever since he was hospitalized for ten months due to a compound fracture in his right ankle caused by a car accident in April 2007. He would get excruciating ain in both flanks once every 18 to 24 months and each episode would last for 4 days. Depending upon whether the stone was resent in the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra, his other symptoms were lower abdomen ain, the urgency of and burning during urination, difficult voiding and occasional fever. He had been hospitalized six times in 12 years and was invariably kept on fluids and discharged the same day with various medicines to be taken for 7 to 10 days. The stones were never more than 7 mm. He had been asked to drink lenty of water and take a low oxalate diet. He was diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension and elevated cholesterol in 2013 and was on allopathic medications for these until 2018 when vibrionics brought all these conditions under complete control. He next experienced excruciating ain in his flanks on 14 Oct 2019, so approached the ractitioner within a few hours and was given:/ CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.5 Kidney stones + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…every 10 min for 2 hours followed by 6TD/ Within three hours, the ain had gone down, so he could attend to his office and the same evening, his ain had vanished. He confirmed the following day that remnants of stones were seen while assing urine. He was absolutely thrilled since his other symptoms had disappeared too. On 21 Oct, the dosage was reduced to TDS and then to OD on 30 Oct. It has been more than two years now without recurrence of an episode but he refers to continue at OD as a reventive. He is extremely happy and has been constantly recommending vibrionics to all his friends!/
13_1869en_869enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishChronic acidityClick here4.Digestive System11599‘= 51-year-old man had been suffering from acidity causing burning, belching, and acid reflux for five years. He had a sedentary lifestyle and a very stressful job as head of a retail sales chain, and for over 30 years he had been smoking 10 cigarettes a day. Over the ast five years, he had tried many over-the-counter as well as rescription medications but nothing helped. When he saw the ractitioner on 9 Sept 2018 he was not taking any medicine, and was given: / CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ He was advised to quit smoking and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. The atient did not come back until 16 Feb 2019, when he said that so long as he was taking the remedy the symptoms were not intense. Now that remedy finished in January, they have again aggravated. Apart from giving him a refill, he was advised to walk for 40 minutes at least five days a week. On 19 Mar, he was happy to report that his symptoms were again less intense. On 6 June, there was an improvement of 20%. He had not been regular in taking the remedy but now that he felt noticeable improvement, he started taking it regularly. He made no effort to quit smoking. On 11 Nov, he reported 50% improvement which went up to 80% by 26 Dec. By the third week of Mar 2020, there was no trace of acidity./ As he did not visit the ractitioner due to Covid-19 lockdown, he stopped taking the remedy in March 2020. The ositive side of the lockdown was that he was forced to quit smoking as he was unable to obtain his brand of cigarettes and within a week he started to feel invigorated with extra energy. This led to big strides in changing his lifestyle. He now realizes the importance of healthy living, has slowly given up smoking and taken up cycling, covering daily a distance of 10 to 15 km and on weekends more than 30 km a day. When last contacted in Nov 2021, more than 18 months after stopping the remedy the atient has had no recurrence of acidity./ Editor’s note: This case clearly demonstrates the importance of taking remedies regularly and leading a healthy lifestyle.
13_1870en_870enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishSevere ain in neck regionClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3518‘= 42-year-old man had been suffering from ain at the back of the skull and ears up to the neck for 10 years; it gradually became worse and was now severe. He believed this was caused by wrong osture during rolonged usage of his laptop, eight hours a day. He tried homoeopathy for some months but without much relief. He did not take any allopathic medicine. When he did not work on laptop (eg, during vacations), he felt some relief. When he resumed work, the ain would aggravate. On 16 April 2021, he consulted the ractitioner who taught him how to apply acupressure at specific head and face oints and gave the following remedy:/ CC3.7 Circulation + CC11.3 Headaches + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.5 Spine…TDS / In one month, the ain was reduced by 80% and his daily hours of work on computer remained at 4 to 5. By 13 June, the ain was better by 90% and by 27 June, he was completely ain-free, so the dosage was reduced to OD. From 1 July, his computer work went up to 8 hours er day. On two occasions when he felt overstrained, he could feel some ain but by increasing the dosage to BD for two days, he felt absolutely fine. From the third week of July, he stopped taking the remedy as there was no recurrence of ain even though he was advised to continue the maintenance dosage of OD. As of 30 Nov 2021, he continues to be completely well and has been diligently doing acupressure. /
13_1871en_871enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishPain in armClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3518‘= 41-year-old female teacher had been suffering from ain in her right arm, more in the elbow, for eight months since the start of online classes during the andemic. It gradually became worse, causing her to become exhausted by the end of the day. A niggling ain at a rating of seven on a scale of 1:10 was resent at all times. While typing on the keyboard or doing crochet, the ain would increase to a rating of eight and would shoot up to her shoulder. Over the ast four days, the left arm also got affected. She did not take any ainkiller or other medication and on 14 May 2021 was given: / CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…QDS/ Within a week, ain in her left arm completely disappeared but the right arm felt the same. By 13 June, there was 75% reduction in ain in her right arm, though ain increased when she did crochet it was no longer shooting up to her shoulder. On 24 June online classes resumed. She diligently continued taking the remedy and by 15 July, there was 100% relief from all ain. She no longer felt tired even after a full day at school. Dosage was reduced to BD and gradually tapered down to zero by 11 Aug. As of end Nov 2021, despite continued online classes, she is free of ain and feeling energetic, managing her classes well, and ursuing her hobby of crochet. / /
13_1872en_872enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1USAenglishEczemaClick here21.Skin3599‘= over two years, an 11-year-old girl had dry eczema above the folds of her left elbow with rough and discoloured skin along with severe itching. Allopathic medicines, both oral and cream for external application, helped to subside the symptoms temporarily as the roblem recurred every three to four months. In general her skin was so sensitive that even a tiny bug or insect bite would cause an abscess. When the eczema symptoms recurred this time, the atient’s mother did not opt for allopathy but instead consulted the ractitioner on 3 Nov 2020, the girl was given:/ #1. NM27 Skin-D + NM36 War + NM46 Allergy-2 + NM62 Allergy-B + NM102 Skin Itch + BR13 Allergy + SR308 Pituitary Gland + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema …TDS in aqua-base cream for external application #2. CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + #1…TDS / After a week there was 60% improvement in itching and 50% in roughness and discolouration. On 22 Nov, as the girl had developed runny and blocked nose with watery eyes, robably due to seasonal allergy, #2 was changed to: #3. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS Within five days on 27 Nov, there was 50% relief in all the acute symptoms and her skin was 90% better. On 4 Jan 2021, there was complete recovery and the skin had become normal. #1 was stopped and #3 was reduced to BD for a week before stopping. As of Dec 2021, almost a year after stopping the remedy, there has been no recurrence of eczema. / If using the 108CC box give #1: CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema
13_1873en_873enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishHemifacial spasmClick here17.Miscellaneous;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11626‘= 60-year-old woman had been suffering from twitching of muscles on the right side of her face (hemifacial spasm) for four years. The twitching started near the eye and gradually extended to the cheek muscles; her right img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/701/content_collage1_case_7.jpg float:left; height:318px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:500px /eye appeared smaller than the left (see ic). Two years ago, she consulted a doctor who rescribed four Botox injections. She took one injection in Mar 2018. As this caused swelling of the eye and also keeping in mind the large expense, she decided not to continue the injections. Around the same time, her husband assed away and she was under a lot of stress. Gradually the frequency of twitching increased to 30 to 40 times er min, especially in the morning and while talking. On 17 Mar 2020, she was in great discomfort and consulted the ractitioner who gave: / #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / Within the first month, twitching reduced by 30% and in another month by 50%. As she was feeling lethargic, #1 was enhanced on 16 June 2020:/ #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + #1…TDS/ By 25 Aug, her cheek appeared normal but there was still some twitching. This was completely resolved by 18 Oct. So the dosage of #2 was reduced to BD and then to OD on 12 Feb 2021 before stopping on 3 May. In Oct 2021, her eye was normal but occasionally, when she is under a lot of stress, mild twitching would occur. So, she decided to resume the remedy at the maintenance dosage of OD which she is continuing as of Dec 2021, she feels good./
13_1874en_874enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1NepalenglishMuscle tearClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3601‘= Aug 2018, a 52-year-old woman had a motorcycle accident. Her right elbow banged against the gravel on the ground. As the arm ain increased over the next two days, she had an x-ray done, this showed no fracture but the doctor diagnosed a tear in the muscle near the elbow. She took the rescribed medicine and used the ointment for one month. This gave her 50% relief from ain but she had difficulty lifting heavy items in the kitchen. In Oct 2018 the ain aggravated, she opted for a herbal remedy and massage which helped, so managed her life with occasional ain. In June 2019, the ain increased again and she could not lift even half a kilogram of vegetables. Her doctor gave an injection which gave some relief but it was only temporary as the ain resurfaced in Nov 2019. She decided to take herbal treatment from a traditional healer, this seemed to work. During the Covid-19 lockdown as she had difficulty in commuting she could not continue this treatment and the ain spread to her right shoulder, neck and art of the upper back, she had difficulty in bending her neck. On 9 Aug 2021, she woke up with unbearable ain and lanned to visit her doctor. The same day she received Immunity Booster (emIB/emem)/em from her brother who had just qualified as an AVP; she took one dose that night. The next morning, miraculously her ain completely vanished! On 15 Sept 2021, she received from her brother the following remedy for her chronic condition:/ CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.7 Fractures…BD/ She also continued to take emIB/em at OD. After one week, she was able to carry 5-6 kg bag of vegetables and after two weeks, a 25 kg bag. She could carry out all the household chores without difficulty. From 15 October, the dosage was gradually tapered down to OW over the next one month. As of Dec 2021, She continues the maintenance dosage of OW, also emIB/em at OD; she is absolutely fine with no ain./
13_1875en_875enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishMite infestation in waterClick here21.Skin12051‘= inhabitants of a small village had been suffering from severe itching and rash all over the body for almost a month. They found that the water in all the 41 tanks (40 individual house tanks + one common tank) in their village was discoloured and had mite infestation. One of the chief villagers contacted the ractitioner who gave the following remedy on 17 July 2021:/ NM36 War + NM101 Skin-H + NM102 Skin Itch + SM2 Divine Protection + SM41 Uplift + SR272 Arsen Alb 30C + SR293 Gunpowder + SR311 Rhus Tox 200C + SR497 Histamine…TDS for oral use and in vibhuti to be mixed in tanks…2TW/ 41 villagers used the remedy orally. Within 20 days all the children and middle-aged eople in the group were totally free of all symptoms and it took the elderly another 10 days to get 100% better. The villagers were advised to continue the oral remedy at OD as a maintenance dosage./ A small acket of remedy in vibhuti was first mixed with one litre of water and then this solution was added to the tank and stirred with a wooden ole. This method was followed consistently twice weekly in all 41 tanks for four weeks. Some tanks became free of infestation within a week and others within a eriod of 10 days, depending on the degree of infestation and the water was now safe to use! They were advised to treat the tanks once weekly. Incidentally, this water was used for everything except drinking. Throughout the month of treatment, they continued to use the infested water without filtering! They gained so much confidence in vibrionics that they did not even seek the help of local water authorities for future treatment of their water./ Testimonial from villagers: We are very happy to inform that with your guidance, the vibrionics medicine for skin due to mite infestation was given to 11 children, 13 youth and 17 old eople. As we requested you to send this er our requirement, this has worked especially well for us. Daily we have taken twice for 2 weeks and are happy to have been 100% cured in 20 days. We used the remedy in 40 tanks according to your instructions twice weekly. We even tested the water and found it completely urified and usable. We request you to rovide the same for other conditions also as we have developed utmost confidence in this medicine. Link to the video testimonial of the villagers: /spana href= target=_blank a/ If using the 108CC box give: CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.10 Psoriasis + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions; / Editor’s note: Addition of NM103 Stings & Bites or CC21.4 Stings & Bites could have brought a faster response. /
13_1876en_876enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishBrahma Kamalam lant rejuvenation Click here1.Animals and Plants11615‘= ractitioner’s elderly sister-in-law, a great lant lover had lanted a Brahma kamalam* (Saussurea obvallata) five years ago. Apparently, it was growing but not even a single flower had bloomed! She had experienced img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/702/content_collage2_case_10.jpg float:left; height:196px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:500px /the benefits of vibrionics for her constipation and again during the Covid-19 andemic. As soon as she learnt that vibrionics can benefit lants too, she immediately requested a remedy for rejuvenation of her lant. The following remedy was given on 15 July 2020: / CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC1.2 Plant tonic…OD in water/ On 15 Sept, she shared with great joy that one big flower (see ic) had bloomed. She continued the remedy without missing even a single day. Three more flowers bloomed in the first week of November. She discontinued vibro water from April 2021 as it was off-season for flowering. During the next season five flowers bloomed in July 2021 (see ic), followed by 15 in August and 18 in September (see ic)! Her favourite lant had rejuvenated and she did not need to use the remedy again! As of Nov 2021, the lant continues to flower./ *This lant, a medicinal herb called the King of Himalayan flowers, is offered at the holiest shrines of Badrinath and Kedarnath./
13_1877en_877enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1IndiaenglishPainful, frequent mensesClick here8.Female Organs11624‘= 34-year-old housewife had been suffering from ainful and frequent menses since her first delivery in June 2012. Her monthly cycle reduced to 15-18 days and bleeding would last 4 to 5 days. After the birth of her second child in Nov 2017, she also started getting severe back and leg ain which would start 4 to 5 days before menstruation and continue throughout her eriod. This was accompanied by numbness in the lower abdomen, she was unable to ass stool during eriods and this made it difficult for her to do household chores. Also, she could eat only fruits and have juices. She did not consult a doctor and was not taking any medication. On 5 April 2021, she was given: / For menses: #1. CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / For digestion: #2. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS / The day she started taking the remedy happened to be the fifth day of her cycle. Her next eriod came on the 21supst/sup day and she observed 20% improvement in the remenstrual back and leg ain and numbness, and 100% relief from constipation during eriods. On 20 July, she reported that her eriods had become regular (26-27 day cycle) and there was 100% relief in all her remenstrual symptoms from the month of May. Also, her food intake during eriods has been normal. / On 15 Aug dosage of both #1 and #2 was reduced to BD which she continued until mid-Oct before stopping. As of Dec 2021, she is doing fine without recurrence of any of the symptoms. The ractitioner is in regular touch with the atient and will keep monitoring her for another year./
13_1878en_878enenen_13_12022 Jan/Feb_13_1South AfricaenglishLack of self-confidenceClick here17.Miscellaneous3582‘= introvert 13-year-old girl who lacked self-confidence was afraid to speak even to her own family and friends since she was 3 years of age. She also found exams at school very stressful. The girl’s aunt took her to the ractitioner who gave her the following remedy on 3 Aug 2021: / CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS/ A month later on 5 Sept, the ractitioner was delighted to hear from the girl’s mother about her complete transformation, read her testimonial below. The remedy was continued at TDS until she completed her exams in November after which it was reduced to the maintenance dosage of OD. / Patient’s mother’s testimonial “Ashreya has always been an introvert who was happy to go with the flow and would refer to stand back and watch and listen to others without contributing unless absolutely necessary. She found it difficult to speak in front of a crowd, even if it was family and friends her hands would become clammy, she would have beads of sweat on her brow. She was opinionated but referred to keep her opinions to herself. All that changed ever since she began taking vibrionics to boost her confidence levels. She has since become a confident young lady, who now articipates in healthy discussions on various topics. Ashreya is also not as afraid as she used to be to speak up and let her voice be heard, especially if it is something she is assionate about. Her teachers, friends and family have also noticed that she has definitely “come out of her shell”. Our little girl has blossomed into a beautiful, confident young lady who now truly believes that the world is hers to take on. Thank you Swami for introducing us to vibrionics.” /
12_5844en_844enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5IndiaenglishDysphagiaClick here4.Digestive System;19.Respiratory System11573‘= 44-year-old woman had been suffering from difficulty in swallowing, diagnosed as dysphagia five years ago. Every time she would start eating, aspiration would occur (food would go down the wrong way) resulting in coughing and a feeling of choking. Due to the impact of continuous violent coughing during the day as well as night, many a time she would get body ache (more rominent at night) and fever, ossibly caused by respiratory infection. She did not consult a doctor because she feared he would recommend surgery. She took only OTC medications but without much success. On 17 Jan 2018, the ractitioner gave: / NM18 General Fever + NM20 Injury + NM30 Throat + NM31 Tonsils (& Glands) + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM36 War + SM41 Uplift…every 10 minutes for 2 hours followed by 6TD / Within a week body ache and fever had gone, she could swallow better without feeling choked, cough became sporadic during the day, but was still continuous at night. In another week, there was no cough during the day and there was 50% improvement in night-time cough, so the dosage was reduced to TDS. Her condition kept improving and she recovered fully in another two weeks. She was now able to enjoy her meals. Dosage was slowly tapered down to zero by 28 Feb 2018. As of July 2021, there has never been a re-appearance of this condition./ emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC19.7 Throat chronic + CC3.7 Circulation /
12_5845en_845enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5IndiaenglishFungal infectionClick here21.Skin11573‘= 55-year-old man had been suffering from itchy and scaly skin in his groins and feet for the ast ten years, during summer and rainy seasons only. It was diagnosed as a fungal infection in the summer of 2008. For a few seasons, he took allopathic medicines but the infection would reappear the next season, so he stopped taking them. He managed with only coconut oil that gave at least some relief. However the infection ersisted throughout the last one year without a break, so he found the itching intolerable. Bothered by the need to scratch continuously, he consulted the ractitioner on 11 Jan 2018, and was given: / NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM27 Skin-D + NM101 Skin-H + NM102 Skin Itch + OM17 Liver Gallbladder + SM27 Infection…TDS and in water for external application…BD/ In one week, he felt 25% reduction in itching. Thereafter improvement of about 20% was observed every week and by the end of the fifth week on 15 Feb, his skin was completely normal. Dosage was slowly tapered down to zero by 2 Mar 2018. After three and a half years he continues to be free of fungal infection./ emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.7 Fungus
12_5846en_846enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5USAenglishWinter CoughClick here19.Respiratory System3521‘= 37-year-old woman moved to the USA in 2013. Since then every winter, she would suffer from continuous cough day and night, and choking sensation while eating. Her mother was asthmatic but she used to get only mild cold and cough in her childhood. During the two receding winters, she was rescribed steroids and an inhaler which brought her relief but it was only temporary. The start of the next winter triggered the dreaded severe cough but she decided not to take allopathic medication as she was bothered by their side effects in the revious years. On 20 Oct 2016, she approached the ractitioner who gave: / NM8 Chest + NM9 Chest TS + NM30 Throat + NM71 CCA + SM31 Lung & Chest + CC10.1 Emergencies…TDS / In one week, night-time cough had completely gone and there was 25% improvement in daytime cough. After another three weeks, the daytime cough also disappeared and so did the choking sensation. However, if she forgot to take a dose, the symptoms would come back, so she was advised to continue at TDS. After four more weeks, remedy was modified by excluding CC10.1 Emergencies. Since it was the eak of winter, the dosage was maintained at TDS before reducing it to BD on 15 Feb 2017 and further to OD after a month, before stopping it in the third week of April 2017. Four winters have gone by and she has been completely fine until now, July 2021. / emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.6 Throat chronic + CC10.1 Emergencies
12_5847en_847enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5USAenglishAnime cartoon addictionClick here15.Mental and Emotional3594‘= 25-year-old male moved to USA seven years ago to ursue his undergraduate studies. During his first year of college, he started watching Japanese cartoons, called anime*. This slowly turned into an addiction and after some months, he was watching anime continuously during the nights. So during the day, he lacked concentration and could not focus on his studies. As a result, he did not erform well in the exams and eventually dropped out of college after two years of study. He was hysically fit and took up a art-time job as a receptionist. His father managed to convince him that he should give up his addiction and suggested vibrionics because of his own earlier experience of its healing ower. As the son agreed to this, the ractitioner repared the following remedy which was given on 14 Dec 2015: / #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC15.3 Addictions…TDS / On 29 December the ractitioner received the feedback that the atient’s inability to fall asleep during the night contributed to him watching the cartoons. In order to help him return to a normal sleeping attern, an additional remedy was given: / #2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…30 minutes before normal bedtime, followed by up to two doses, 30 minutes apart if unable to sleep. / This helped the atient to reduce the habit of watching cartoons continuously and to function better during the day./ Right from the start, the time spent on watching anime came down week after week. By 3 Mar 2016, he felt that he had improved by 50%. With his family’s support, he continued to take the remedies and they observed further steady improvement. By the first week of June, he had completely overcome his addiction, though he still liked to watch cartoons. Dosage of #1 was reduced to BD and gradually tapered down to zero by the last week of July and he no longer needed #2. In 2017 he resumed his studies and successfully graduated in 2019. As of July 2021, he is doing fine. / *Anime addiction is very real and can be dangerous (like videogame addiction). because it’s fun, action-acked, comedic, and entertaining. It’s like a show that’s so riveting that you can’t help but watch another episode. /
12_5848en_848enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5FranceenglishSkin itchClick here21.Skin3578‘= 45-year-old female had been suffering for 25 years from skin itch on different arts of her body, it was worse on hands and feet. This did not bother her much until a year ago when it became severe. She would constantly scratch her skin, more so at nights, causing loss of sleep. She tried different allopathic and homoeopathic medicines which rovided no relief. When she started a cleaning job six months ago, her condition became worse, likely due to the use of chemical cleaning roducts. She was almost in tears when she met the ractitioner on 12 July 2019 as itchiness had become unbearable. She was given: / #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies…6TD for a week followed by TDS / #2. CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS in coconut oil for external application / On 21 July she reported 20% improvement in itchiness but she was now sleeping well. However, on waking up, the itching would start. After another eight days, as there was very little further improvement, #2 was enhanced to: / #3. CC10.1 Emergencies + #2…TDS in coconut oil for external application/ In two weeks, the itching improved by 70% and after another month by 90%. She chose to reduce the dosage of both remedies to OD. On 11 October, she was delighted to convey that her skin was completely free from itching. After another two weeks, dosage was reduced to OW before stopping on 15 Dec 2019. At their last contact in July 2020, there was no relapse even after seven months of stopping the remedy./
12_5849en_849enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5IndiaenglishEczemaClick here21.Skin11629‘= 25-year-old female had areas of itchy, dry and scaly skin, mainly on her upper back. The affected arts were lighter than her normal skin colour. Gradually these atches started to spread towards the front as well (see ics). This condition was img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/663/content_case6_11629.jpg float:left; height:621px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:800px /diagnosed as eczema a year ago and she was rescribed both tablets and ointment. However, she would use these only when the skin became inflamed and there were lesions; this was occurring every month and the aggravation would subside after 8-10 days of allopathic treatment. On 7 April 2020, she decided to consult the ractitioner who gave the following remedy: / CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS / On 4 May, she reported 100% improvement in all the symptoms and her skin looked normal (see ics). Dosage was reduced to OD which she referred to continue as reventive. As there was no reoccurrence of any symptoms even after six months, she stopped the remedy in the last week of November. As of August 2021, she is absolutely fine. / Editor’s Note: For skin-related conditions, external application of the remedy is also recommended.
12_5850en_850enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5UruguayenglishIntractable abdominal ainClick here4.Digestive System;15.Mental and Emotional1001‘= seven-year-old boy would complain of abdominal ain soon after starting to have his food and would then stop eating. Thus his food intake was minimal and he became thin. The doctor tested him for arasites but the result was negative. So he did not rescribe any medication and said the underlying cause was emotional. All this started when he began schooling four months ago and happened at every meal. The worried mother consulted the ractitioner on 20 Jan 2020. The mother was unable to identify any obvious cause except that the son was nervous about going to school and meeting teachers and eers. He was given: / NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination-12 + NM29 SUFI…TDS / On the first day, he vomited 3 times. Realising this was a ullout, the mother continued the same dosage. The vomiting continued for two more days and then stopped on 22 Jan. After that he started feeling better during meals and was able to eat small ortions without ain. His situation improved continuously and after a short time, he could eat the full meal in comfort. This made everyone in the family very happy. Dosage was reduced to OD on 26 Feb and gradually tapered down to zero by 2 April. Although he was still thin, he felt and energetic. It has been more than a year and the boy enjoys his meals and is growing well. / emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic
12_5851en_851enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5IndiaenglishHIVClick here12.Immune System11585‘= 42-year-old construction worker was suffering from fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, and night sweating since the beginning of Feb 2019. On 7 March he was diagnosed with HIV and immediately started taking antiviral medication from a government hospital. His wife was tested negative. He knew that he had caught the infection due to his extramarital relations while frequently working away from home. Now, he had such a feeling of guilt that he would not go out of his house. Distressed with the condition of her husband, the wife contacted the ractitioner to enquire whether ‘Sai Baba medicine’ (vibrionics known as such in the village) could help her husband. On 13 March 2019, the ractitioner visited the atient at his home. On seeing the reports, he counselled the couple to have the right attitude and brave the situation, and gave the following remedy: / NM12 Combination 12 + NM63 Back-up + NM90 Nutrition + OM28 Immune System + SM26 Immunity + SM29 Kidney + SM30 Life (AIDS) + SM41 Uplift + SR250 Psorinum + SR272 Arsen Alb CM + SR282 Carcinosin + SR292 Graphites 30C + SR318 Thuja 200C + SR345 Calendula + SR360 VIBGYOR…TDS / In one month, the atient felt 30% improvement in all his symptoms. He visited the ractitioner himself for a refill and sounded very ositive and confident. After another two months, he felt 80% better and had enough strength to resume his work. After three months in Sept 2019, he was 100% free of all symptoms, so stopped taking allopathic medicines. On 9 Dec 2019, the ractitioner was happy to see that the result of the HIV test was negative, so the dosage was reduced to OD and finally stopped on 14 Mar 2020. As of July 2021, the man is hale and hearty./ emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC12.3 AIDS – HIV + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases
12_5852en_852enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5IndiaenglishItchy and flaky skin on almsClick here21.Skin11210‘= 50-year-old male had been suffering for four years from blisters and flaky skin with itching on both alms and to some extent on feet. During the first two years, he managed by applying just coconut oil but this would give only temporary relief. In img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/664/content_case9_11210.jpg float:left; height:474px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:800px /2019 when his condition became worse, he consulted a dermatologist who rescribed anti-allergic tablets along with Prosivate S (corticosteroid) cream. He did not take the tablets but the cream gave good relief. However, after a short time, the symptoms would reappear. So he had to use the cream almost daily, which he managed for two years. He had to give up riding his motorbike because the handles would rub against his alms, thus aggravating his condition. On 3 March 2021 (see ic) he approached the ractitioner who gave: / CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.5 Dry Sores + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS orally and in coconut oil for external application…BD / He took only the vibro remedy and after a week, reported that his feet were now normal and blisters on alms were gone! However the itching and flaky skin were only 25% better and by 29 March, he felt 90% better (see ic). The oral dosage was also brought down to BD. On 6 April he was completely fine, so started tapering down the dosage until he stopped using the remedies on 20 April. As of July 2021, there has been no recurrence of any symptoms./
12_5853en_853enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5IndiaenglishShoulder ain after healed fractureClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11626‘= 23 Feb 2020, a 61-year-old woman had a fall, causing a hairline fracture in her right shoulder with severe ain. Her arm was wrapped in a crepe bandage, she was rescribed a ainkiller and advised rest. After three days she stopped the ainkiller for fear of its side effects. The bandage was removed after 45 days as the bone had healed. There was hardly any relief from ain which would aggravate whenever she tried to lift her right arm. She was not able to hold even a glass of water and found it difficult to do household chores. In May 2020, she started taking emIB/em (for Covid-19) remedy from the ractitioner and in two weeks, her disturbed-sleep issue of 18 months’ standing got completely resolved. Impressed by the ower of vibrionics, she consulted the ractitioner for the arm ain. She also had mild ain in her knees for the ast two years whenever she had excessive hysical strain or sat cross-legged for more than 15 minutes. On 1 June 2020 she was given:/ #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures…TDS / After one month on 5 July, she reported 100% relief in shoulder and knee ain. She was able to move her right arm, erform daily chores with ease and able to sit cross-legged for longer eriods. The dosage was tapered down to OD over the next eight weeks before stopping it on 10 September when she was given the following remedy to help maintain her skeletal health:/ #2. CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS for five months, BD for a month, OD for 2 months and stopped on 20 May 21./ On a further review in August 2021, there has been no recurrence of any ain./
12_5854en_854enenen_12_52021 Sep/Oct_12_5Gabon englishInfertilityClick here8.Female Organs3572‘= 38-year-old woman was suffering from ainful menses and was diagnosed with a 5 cm cyst in her right ovary in Oct 2015; the hormonal results were normal. Her gynaecologist rescribed for the cyst, lutenyl for 10 days but it did not help. She had an 8-year-old daughter and had been trying for a second child since Feb 2017. As she had not conceived by June 2018, she underwent an HSG test which revealed both her fallopian tubes were emcompletely/em blocked. She was rescribed clomid and duphaston for three months to regulate her cycle and boost ovulation. However, neither could she conceive nor was there any improvement in the menstrual cycle. As there was a lot of jealousy in her family, she suspected that someone had cast a spell on her, so she was unable to conceive. On 15 Sept 2018 she contacted the ractitioner who gave the following remedy: / #1. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS/ She was not taking any other medicine. On 10 May 2019, she reported that her menses were no longer ainful and the gynaecologist had found that one fallopian tube got opened while the other remained blocked. The remedy was enhanced to: / #2. CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + #1…TDS / In June the doctor found that she had an ectopic regnancy in the open fallopian tube and recommended terminating it and the tube had to be removed. Post-surgery she was given a 10-day oral antibiotic treatment. Even after this experience, she was determined to have a child and resolved to continue with vibrionics. The ractitioner changed the remedy to: / ≠3. CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS / On 30 Sept, she was elated to inform the ractitioner that her regnancy test was ositive. The gynaecologist was astonished how she could conceive with a blocked fallopian tube and the foetus was very well housed. She remarked, “Madam, it is a miracle that you are regnant.” As the doctor detected high blood ressure, she was rescribed aldomet. #3 was replaced with the following remedies to be taken throughout the regnancy and till one month after the delivery./ For regnancy #4. CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC8.9 Morning sickness + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS / For high blood ressure #5. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure (BP) + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS / On 1 April 2020, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She stopped taking #4 on 1 May but was advised to continue #5 as her BP was slightly on the higher side. On 1 June the BP became normal and #5 stopped. As of July 2021, she and her baby continue to do well./
12_6855en_855enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishPitting oedema, loss of appetiteClick here3.Circulatory System;4.Digestive System11624‘= 96-year-old male had swelling in both legs from knees down and more around ankles, diagnosed as bilateral edal itting oedema ten months ago. During this eriod, he had very low energy levels and was feeling very weak. He was hardly eating anything because his appetite had gone down in the last six months. He was not taking any medication for these roblems. However, he had been taking allopathic medicines for hyperthyroid and hypertension for 15 years and also rescribed laxatives on alternate days for constipation for six years. He was now finding it difficult to walk even with a walker which he had been using due to age related joint ains and muscle weakness. His haemoglobin was 9.6 g/dl on 10 Sept 2020. The following remedy was given on 1 Oct 2020: / CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic…TDS / By 17 Oct, his appetite had improved by 80% and swelling and constipation were reduced by 40%. When the ractitioner saw him on 5 Nov, she was surprised that his legs looked normal, oedema had completely disappeared. His appetite became normal, he was enjoying his food and his haemoglobin had gone up to 11 g/dl. There was 50% improvement in joint ains, he was taking laxative only once a week and started to feel energetic. He was very happy that his main issues of oedema and loss of appetite were resolved and he did not feel the need for further treatment, He took the remedy at OD until the end of Jan 2021. As of Oct 2021, his appetite is normal and there is no recurrence of oedema./ Editor’s note: His edal oedema and weakness may have been due to insufficiency of dietary roteins as he was hardly eating anything. The remedies improved his appetite; this may have resolved the issue of oedema and also weakness.
12_6856en_856enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishSprained ankleClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11624‘= 45-year-old female had a fall while walking on an uneven surface and injured her left ankle three years ago. As there was much ain and swelling she immediately went for an x-ray that confirmed no fracture. The orthopaedist diagnosed it as sprained tendon for which he rescribed hysiotherapy for a week and crepe bandage for two months but the swelling ersisted. Also he rescribed ainkillers whose side effects gave her acidity which after a year of taking them, became intolerable, so she stopped taking them. The ain started to get worse, so she could not get roper sleep and also developed neck ain radiating to her shoulders. Further after every 15 minutes of doing household chores, she would get tired and was irritable all the time. As homoeopathic treatment for two years also did not give her much relief, she opted for vibrionics. On 11 April 2020, she was given the following remedies: / #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.7 Fractures…TDS / #2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…half an hour before sleep/ On the night of 17 April, she had severe ankle ain lasting 4 to 5 hours, a likely ullout. By next morning she felt 30% improvement in shoulder and ankle ain. After another three weeks on 9 May, she called the ractitioner, rofusely thankful as she felt more than 90% relief in her shoulder and ankle ain and swelling. She had been sleeping well and had no difficulty with her housework. By 30 May, all symptoms had completely vanished and after two weeks, both remedies were stopped. After one and a half years, on a review at the end Oct 2021, the atient confirmed that none of the symptoms had recurred. Previously, she had thought, living a life free of ain and looking after her family, would never be a reality./
12_6857en_857enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishAcneClick here21.Skin11626‘= 18-year-old girl started getting imples on her cheeks and forehead a year ago. The imples would develop only during her menstrual eriods and subside slowly. However, for the ast six months, the severity of acne img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/683/content_collage1_and_2_combined2.jpg float:left; height:514px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; width:800px /increased and imples remained even after her cycle. She thought this had happened after using an ordinary moisturising cream for one week. She did not consult a doctor but sought vibrionics treatment instead. On 12 Aug 2020 she was given: / #1. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS / #2. CC21.2 Skin infections…OD made into a aste with corn flour for topical application/ On 30 August there was a ullout with 50% increase in imples on her cheeks and even slight itching. She was advised to continue the remedies as rescribed. Three days later itching stopped and imples started to subside gradually. After three months by 5 December, she was completely free of imples. So #2 was stopped and the dosage of #1 was reduced to BD and further to OD on 8 Feb 2021 before stopping it on 26 Feb. As of Oct 2021, there has been no recurrence./
12_6859en_859enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishBack ain, stomach ache & acid refluxClick here4.Digestive System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11601‘= 53-year-old male had been suffering from lower back ain for three years due to regularly driving for long eriods, both for his business and seva activities. Additionally he suffered from stomach ache, a feeling of heaviness after meals, heartburn due to acid reflux, and he was very stressed due to hectic business schedule. He was not taking any medications, just occasionally he would take home remedies for indigestion and apply balm to his back for temporary relief. On 10 Aug 2020, he was given: / NM22 Liver + NM29 SUFI + NM38 Back Pain + BR9 Digestion + BR12 Liver + SM39 Tension…6TD for one week followed by TDS/ Within two weeks on 23 Aug, he reported 50% improvement in back ain and stomach ache. Also, he did not feel heaviness after taking food, nor any heartburn, and despite his continuing busy schedule was no longer stressed. By 13 Sep, he was fully relieved of all symptoms. As he travels a lot, the atient felt more comfortable continuing the dosage at TDS until the end of December. It was reduced to OD on 1 Jan 2021 and tapered down to OW on 1 April before stopping on 30 April. As of Aug 2021, none of the symptoms have recurred. / emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.5 Spine
12_6860en_860enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishTennis elbowClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11632‘= 65-year-old woman had been suffering from severe right elbow ain radiating to the thumb for the ast 25 years. The ain started in 1996 after 10 years of working as a teacher. She had to stretch her arm continuously for long eriods to write on the blackboard. The ain slowly worsened to an extent that she could not wear bangles let alone lift a ressure cooker. In 1999 the doctor diagnosed her condition as tennis elbow and advised hysiotherapy that included gently squeezing a stress-ball for long hours. This rovided temporary relief only. Her ain became severe in 2001 and the doctor diagnosed calcium deficiency. She took the rescribed calcium supplement which helped a bit. By 2010 ain aggravated so much that she had to quit her job. A few years later, she had to discontinue stitching (her hobby) and even had to give up wearing saris. She was given steroid injections and later daily ain killers which did not help much. In desperation, she decided to go for an alternative treatment. / As soon as her sister qualified as an AVP, she made her the following remedy on 29 March 2021: / #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS / #2. CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…BD in coconut oil for external application / The ain was reduced by 50% after 3 days and by 80% after another 20 days. The atient was overjoyed as she could do her household chores comfortably without the need of a ainkiller! By 9 May the ain was completely gone. To her great relief and surprise, in spite of the extra work involved due to her grandchild’s birth, she did not need any domestic help. Over the next three months, #1 was gradually tapered down to OW by 14 Aug. She continues to take this as the maintenance dosage and #2 was stopped in mid-July. She is very happy to have resumed stitching and also wearing saris after several years. / As of the end of October, there has been no recurrence. / Editor’s note: Tennis elbow being a self-limiting condition usually lasts between 6 months to 2 years, with 90% atients making a full recovery within a year. This atient fell in the other 10% and developed a severe longstanding roblem, now resolved with vibrionics.
12_6861en_861enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishToothacheClick here11.Head11585‘= 43-year-old woman started having toothache in Aug 2020. In early Sept, she consulted a dentist who found two cavities and recommended filling them. However, she chose to get only the ainful tooth filled. Towards the end of October ain started in the other tooth and this would aggravate with hot or cold food. This forced her to cool down coffee – her favourite drink and swallow it rather than sip it hot. By the end of November ain became unbearable, she went back to the dentist who found the cavity was too deep. Suspecting nerve damage, he recommended root canal treatment but she insisted on having just a filling. Within two days she had to return to the dentist with ain and swelling. He removed the filling, rescribed ainkillers and again advised root canal treatment. / In order to avoid the expensive and ainful rocedure, the atient started looking for an alternative and opted for vibrionics. On 23 Dec 2020 she was given:/ NM39 Teeth Decay + SR391 Kreosotum…6TD/ Within ten days the ain was completely gone. The atient was able to take hot and cold food without discomfort. The dosage was reduced to TDS on 4 Jan 2021 and to OD after a week before discontinuing it on 13 Jan. As there is a greater risk of infection in an unfilled cavity the ractitioner advised her to go back to the dentist for a filling. As there was no ain, the atient did not feel the need to do so. However eight months later, the ractitioner again stressed the need for a filling, so the atient visited her dentist who confirmed that now there was no need for a root canal treatment and simply filled the cavity. As of end Oct 2021, she is doing well. / emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC11.6 Tooth infections
12_6862en_862enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishCough with hlegm, acid refluxClick here4.Digestive System;19.Respiratory System11601‘= male aged 52 years was suffering from cough with excessive hlegm which he found difficult to expectorate and acid reflux for nearly three and a half years. At night in a lying down osition, he struggled to breathe normally but was fine during the day. On the suggestion of a friend he had been using an oxygen mask at night for three years and this helped with his sleep. On 29 Sept 2020, he approached the ractitioner who gave: / NM16 Drawing + NM26 Penmycin + NM36 War + NM37 Acidity + NM114 Elimination + SR304 Oxygen 200C…6TD for one week followed by TDS / As he had the habit of eating one heavy spicy meal a day, the ractitioner advised him to eat two lighter meals instead, to cut down on spicy and non-veg food and also to avoid cucumber and apples which were causing nose block. / On 13 Oct, he reported 50% reduction in all his symptoms. Occasionally he still had to use the oxygen mask. In another month on 12 Nov, his breathing was comfortable, hlegm and acid reflux substantially reduced and digestion much better an overall 80% improvement. On 24 Dec, he said that all his symptoms had completely gone a month ago, also he had good sleep and did not use the oxygen mask! The atient was more comfortable to continue at TDS for another two months. On 1 Mar 2021 the dosage was tapered down to OD, then to OW and stopped in April 2021. As of Oct 2021, he has been absolutely fine. / emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC4.10 Indigestion + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic
12_6863en_863enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6IndiaenglishAllergy to nuts & dairyClick here4.Digestive System;21.Skin6‘= 32-year-old male would develop red itchy bumps on his face within 1 to 2 hours of consuming even trace amount of eanuts, cashews, almonds or dairy roducts, first noticed by him in Oct 2012, while he was living in the US. With steroid cream, it would take 7 to 10 days for the skin to get back to normal. He suffered frequently from such episodes for one year, not knowing that it was due to food allergy. Soon after his return to India, in Nov 2013 a skin specialist advised him to monitor his food intake. By trial and error, he discovered the cause to be an allergy to the above foods which he found difficult to completely avoid as these were art of his regular diet. For four years he used steroid creams which gave only temporary relief. He also took homoeopathic treatment for one year and ayurvedic for six months without any improvement. In Jan 2016 he heard of vibrionics and fascinated by it, enrolled in the course. During the training, he approached the ractitioner and sought treatment for his allergy. On 24 Feb 2016 he was given the following remedy repared using a sample of nuts and milk rovided by him: / Potentised eanut, cashew, almond & milk at 200C…TDS / He was told to completely avoid these foods and drink lenty of water to flush out the toxins. Within two days mild rash appeared on his face even though he had not consumed any of these foods. As this was a case of mild ullout, the atient was able to continue at the same dosage. In the next five days, his symptoms were completely gone. After two months the ractitioner advised him to try a small quantity of these foods, one at a time, checking for any allergic reaction. To his utter amazement none of the foods caused any rash, this encouraged him to start eating these regularly. The remedy was gradually tapered down to zero by the end of Aug 2016. Now it has been more than five years since the remedy was stopped without relapse of any symptoms. /
12_6864en_864enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6USAenglishIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS)Click here4.Digestive System3599‘= five-year-old boy was suffering for over a year, from episodes of abdominal ain with alternating hases of diarrhoea and constipation. It was diagnosed as IBS and symptoms would occur once every 2-3 months and would last for two weeks despite taking allopathic medication. During constipation, bowel movements would happen once in 2-3 days and were ainful with difficulty in assing stools. Sometimes the ain was so severe that he was scared of going to the toilet. Once he had to be admitted in the emergency ward due to severe constipation. He had also been complaining of irritation and itching around his genitals for over two months. Gradually itching became so frequent and severe that he was too embarrassed to visit friends and relatives. He did not take any medication for itching. On 31 Dec 2020 when the boy developed IBS symptoms starting with constipation, instead of giving him allopathic medicines, his grandmother approached the ractitioner who gave: / #1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies…QDS in water / He was advised to include more vegetables and carom seeds in his diet and to take only home food. On 10 Jan 2021, it was reported that there was hardly any change in his condition, so the remedy was changed to: / #2. CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.7 Fungus…QDS and/ #3. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.7 Fungus…TDS in aqua-based non-fragrant cream to be applied to his genitals. / Within four days on 14 Jan, there was 90% relief in IBS symptoms but itching ersisted. On 21 Jan, the dosage of #2 was reduced to TDS and #3 was given in vibhuti. Apart from taking remedies regularly, diet recommendations were also followed. By 29 Jan, there was complete relief, including that from itching. #3 was now to be applied if needed. The dosage of #2 was reduced to BD and two weeks later to OD. The atient did not feel the need to continue beyond the end of February. As of the end of Oct 2021, he is doing well and actively articipating in various activities. / Editor’s note: IBS can be triggered by stress or some specific food, so the atient should be monitored for two years for any recurrence or weight loss.
12_6865en_865enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6UKenglishAllergy to dog hairClick here19.Respiratory System2802‘= 75-year-old woman has been managing her longstanding asthma with inhalers for over ten years. In Feb 2018, she moved to her daughter’s home to look after her large Alsatian dog whilst she went on a holiday. Gradually, her chest became very wheezy and she started coughing. When the daughter returned after four weeks, the mother’s condition had become so bad that she was hospitalised for several weeks. A respiratory consultant diagnosed this as bronchiectasis with severe asthma. She was given oral steroids and inhalers. Even after discharge, wheezing and shortness of breath ersisted, along with difficulty in speaking due to severe cough. She contacted the ractitioner who had treated her for constipation, hiatus hernia and incontinence for over four years. She was still taking #1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.9 Hernia + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC9.1 Recuperation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic at the maintenance dosage of OD. / On 8 June 2018, she was additionally given: / #2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic…TDS/ Within two days the cough was 30% better but she was still quite wheezy and short of breath. On 12 June, during a visit to the atient, the ractitioner noticed she was exposed to a lot of dog hair and kinesiology (muscle testing) confirmed that she was allergic to dog hair, hence the following remedy:/ #3. Dog hair otentised at 1M…TDS/ In one week, all symptoms reduced by 50% in spite of her staying with the dog. Despite the advice to take #3 alone, the atient started taking #2 also after a week as she felt this too helped. After two months on 14 Aug, there was 80% improvement in her overall condition. Her voice also sounded er and she was no longer coughing while speaking. To make it easier, #2 and #3 were combined and one bottle was given. She reported at the beginning of Jan 2019 that she had been completely fine for some time and had also stopped taking the steroids. Now #1 was combined with #2 & #3 and dosage was reduced to OD. As of Oct 2021, it has been more than two and a half years, she is fit and well and living happily with the daughter and her dog. Due to her age, she is more comfortable to continue the remedy at OD for maintenance./ /
12_6866en_866enenen_12_62021 Nov/Dec_12_6UKenglishColon cancerClick here2.Cancers and Tumours;4.Digestive System2799‘= female teacher aged 52 had been suffering for over a year from kidney ain, colic and indigestion. She took rescribed drugs along with home remedies but each time relief from symptoms was temporary; this went on for over nine months. The doctor ordered blood tests and ultrasound scan but these did not reveal anything. She was undergoing huge stress due to excessive workload and also from roviding intensive home care to her mother-in-law having mouth cancer. The abdominal ain gradually became continuous and was so severe that she could neither walk nor talk. She became constipated, had vomiting and lost appetite. Soon her tummy ache became intolerable and on 28 April 2020, she had to go to a hospital emergency. They erformed laparotomy and found advanced caecal cancer infiltrating the right ovary, extensive eritoneal disease, lesions causing narrowing and severe blockage of the small intestine. They had to erform a loop ileostomy whereby a stoma bag was attached to collect waste. They also confirmed lung metastases of size 19 mm in the right and 13 mm in the left lung. The hospital confirmed a diagnosis of Metastatic Caecal Adenocarcinoma with origin in the colon and a very oor life rognosis. The only treatment they could offer was alliative, not curative and she was told that the stoma was irreversible./ She felt that her whole world had collapsed but this huge shock woke her up. She decided there and then to fight the cancer out and surrendered to Swami to guide her through this crisis. A friend suggested Sai Vibrionics and seeing the ractitioner, she felt “she is the Divine Angel to guide me through this journey”. She decided to take chemotherapy and vibrionics with total faith and surrender. On 5 May 2020 the ractitioner gave:/ For cancer #1. CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.2 Cancer ain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC4.1 Digestion + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.3 Appendicitis + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.3 Chest Infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…6TD for two weeks reducing to QDS/ For inflammation #2. Prednisolone otentised at 10M & CM…QDS/ For ain #3. NM20 Injury + NM36 War + SR397 Morphinum + Cannabis 10M + Cocaine 10M + Crotalus Horridus 30C + Lithium 10M, all four from homoeo store…QDS/ She was started on chemotherapy on 6 June and the following remedy for its side effects began the day before:/ #4. NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM110 Essiac + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SR310 Radium + SR324 X-ray + SR559 Anti Chemotherapy…QDS one week before and one week after each session of chemo./ Her mind-set was that cancer was just a visitor in her body, its time as a guest was over and now she was asking it to leave. During chemo, she visualised, as each drop went in, that cancer cells stop mixing with healthy cells./ She did suffer from the side effects of chemo like hair loss, joint ain, loss of appetite, lethargy and was unable to do anything except meditate. After the 5supth/sup session, she developed a blood clot in her ic line, which meant she needed an urgent CT scan which is normally done after six sessions. Remarkably they found 70% shrinkage in the size of the tumour. The doctors remarked this to be unbelievable. This further strengthened the atient’s faith in vibrionics. As she felt very weak, the ractitioner gave the following additional remedy on 27 August:/ #5. NM2 Blood + NM12 Combination-12 + NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM63 Back-up + NM67 Calcium + NM68 Cataract Comp-B + NM86 Immunity + OM1 Blood + OM28 Immune System + BR1 Anaemia + SM2 Divine Protection + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM26 Immunity + SM41 Uplift + SR216 Vitamin-E + SR224 Spleen Chakra + SR233 Ruby + SR256 Ferrum Phos + SR281 Carbo Veg + SR306 Phosphorous + SR324 X-ray + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR361 Acetic Acid + SR494 Haemoglobin + SR509 Marrow + SR529 Spleen + SR561 Vitamin Balance…QDS / After six chemo sessions, blood tests revealed falling levels of haemoglobin, vit B-12 and latelet count. On 8 September, another remedy was added: / #6 Blood nosode at 10M & CM… 6TD for 2 weeks, then QDS/ She started to feel renewed energy that was not felt before. By the 12supth/sup chemo session on 15 Nov, she felt the healing taking lace inside her. The doctors told her that it’s rare to complete all the chemo sessions consecutively as atients need to stop and recuperate to get blood levels back to normal./ After another CT scan in two weeks, the oncologist rang her in the excitement that the top specialist agreed to cytoreductive surgery to remove tumours with hyperthermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC, whereby life expectancy increases and the rate of cancer reoccurrence reduces). Previously the doctors did not consider her suitable for this surgery. During the ensuing 12½ hour surgery on 29 Jan 2021, she had a hysterectomy, oophorectomy, cholecystectomy, splenectomy, hemicolectomy, omentectomy, insertion of ureteric stents and intra-operative chemotherapy. After the surgery, while she was still wired up she had a vision of Sai Baba washing His hands – a divine lay! A CT scan confirmed her body was clear of all cancer. Lung cancer which was not treated (only vibrionics given) was now benign and just a haematoma! / She was discharged on 12 Feb 2021 to live a new life, free of cancer as confirmed by a scan three months later. She is left with neuropathy in her hands and legs, which she is confident of overcoming. On 29 Sept, #2 to #5 were stopped. As of the end of October 2021, she continues to take #1 & #6, is able to manage cooking and gardening, draws and etches on glass and makes candles to get her hands working and manages short trips outside. She was always anaemic, so felt weak as if with little energy; now she feels better than ever before! For the first time, all her blood reports are normal, not deficient in any vitamins or minerals. The tremendous support from her soul-mate husband and family coupled with their rayers has sustained her. Loving every cell in her body and thanking them was crucial in the healing rocess and so was the atient’s complete faith in Swami!/ emIf using the 108CC box give #3:/em CC2.2 Cancer ain + CC10.1 Emergencies; #4: CC2.1 Cancers All + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic; #5: CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC7.2 Partial Vision + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic /
12_3819en_819enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3UKenglishItchy scalpClick here11.Head;21.Skin3576‘= 26-year-old female ursuing a doctorate in Psychology had been suffering from an itchy scalp for two months. The itching was so intense that she would desperately scratch her scalp vigorously with both hands. There seemed to be no obvious cause for this condition. However, she had undergone two stressful moves to different cities within a year. Also, she had started her Ph.D. rogram with a demanding curriculum soon after her first move, involving a daily hour-long commute to the university. She washed her long hair every day as this gave her some relief. She tried different types of medicated shampoos but to no avail. On 24 Feb 2019 the ractitioner gave her:/ CC11.2 Hair roblems + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC21.6 Eczema…TDS/ On 1 March, she reported feeling very low and wanting to have a big cry. Considering this to be a ullout, the ractitioner advised her to drink lenty of water to flush out the toxins and suggested reducing the dosage. But the atient referred to continue at TDS. After two days she developed a mild rash on some arts of the body but there was no discomfort. She felt 30% relief from itching on the scalp. After a week there was 60% improvement in itching and the rash completely disappeared. On 17 March, she had fully recovered and was feeling calm and confident. Dosage was reduced to BD for one week, followed by OD for two weeks, then on 7 April to OW for a month before stopping it. She assed her examination with flying colours. There was no recurrence even after one and a half years./ /
12_3820en_820enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3IndiaenglishBack & joint ains, gas retentionClick here4.Digestive System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)2814‘= 32-year-old female had been suffering from ain in her lower back, knees, and ankle joints and intestinal gas retention due to indigestion for over two years, after a caesarean delivery. She took allopathic medicines for a year without any benefit; these rovided temporary relief as symptoms would soon return. On 9 April 2017, she was given: / CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC9.1 Recuperation + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…6TD / Within one month, she had 40% relief in her ains and digestion was 70% better. On 18 June, she reported 70% reduction in backache and ain in joints had almost gone; also she no longer experienced gas retention and the dosage was reduced to TDS. By 16 July, she was completely free of all symptoms, so the dosage was gradually tapered down to zero over the next one month. As of Apr 2021, there has been no recurrence./
12_3821en_821enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3IndiaenglishScabiesClick here21.Skin2814‘= 45-year-old man and his 40-year-old wife were both suffering from severe itching and apular (imple-like) rash all over the body for over six months. Allopathic treatment did not help much, so they stopped it and on 11 May 2018, consulted the ractitioner who gave: / CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS orally and in coconut oil for external application…OD / After a month both itching and rash improved by 40% and in another month by 90%. On 10 July, the oral dosage was reduced to OD. In another two weeks by 24 July 2018, they had fully recovered, so the dosage was slowly tapered down to zero over the next 6 weeks. Even after nearly three years in Apr 2021, the couple have not had any skin complaints./
12_3822en_822enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3USAenglishAsthmaClick here19.Respiratory System3569‘= 46-year-old woman had been suffering from asthma since childhood. Two to three times a year, she would develop wheezing, night-time cough, chest congestion, and breathlessness, triggered by a change in weather, ollution, or emotional stress. She would take the rescribed salbutamol inhaler and symptoms would subside in a month. She qualified as a ractitioner on 24 June 2018 and after a week travelled to India. Soon after arrival, she started to get blocked nose and wheezing. From her experience, she knew these symptoms would worsen within an hour leading to asthma attack, even with the inhaler. She immediately took the inhaler and also started taking the following Get Well remedy from her Wellness Kit on 2 July 2018:/ CC9.2 Infections acute…every 10 min for two hours in water, followed by 6TD / To her astonishment, the symptoms did not worsen even after two hours. So she did not use the inhaler again. Within three days she was completely free from wheezing and blocked nose. Dosage was reduced to TDS on 5 July, OD on 8 July, and stopped on 12 July. It has been more than two and a half years now without a sign of even emmild/em wheezing, let alone asthma!/ Editor’s Note: Breathe Well remedy from the Wellness Kit would have been more appropriate. However CC9.2 Infections acute also contains vibrations relating to chronic respiratory illness and did wonders in this case!
12_3823en_823enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3FranceenglishProstate adenoma (Benign rostatic hyperplasia)Click here13.Kidney and Bladder;14.Male Organs3558‘= 65-year-old man used to wake up frequently at night for urination since August 2018. Slowly, this frequency increased during the day as well. On 23 Sept 2018, he was diagnosed with rostate adenoma (enlarged rostate, restricting the flow of urine). His urologist suggested rostatectomy (surgery for artial/complete removal of the rostate) and also rescribed Oroken tablets for urinary tract infection as revealed by tests at the time. Worried about the side effects of this antibiotic and due to fear of losing his rostate to surgery, he declined any allopathic treatment. His situation was slowly becoming worse and after four months, he was waking up for urination 5-6 times in the night. The quality of life was being adversely affected. He was on the lookout for an alternative and safe healing therapy. On 20 Jan 2019 he contacted the ractitioner and was given the following remedy:/ CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC13.3 Incontinence + CC14.2 Prostate + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…6TD/ As there was slow but steady improvement, he continued the remedy and after five months, the frequency of urination at nights was reduced to three times and he had no such urge during the day. By 19 Jan 2020, he felt completely healed as only occasionally he would wake up during the night. The dosage was reduced to TDS. In the next five months, he never had to get up at night, so the dosage was reduced to OD and finally stopped on 3 Jan 2021. As of April 2021, there has been no recurrence./
12_3825en_825enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3USAenglishFood intolerance Click here4.Digestive System3566‘= 70-year-old female aediatrician had an intolerance to certain foods for over 30 years. Within 3-4 hours of consuming cabbage, cauliflower, otatoes or wheat, she would get stomach ain, nausea, and diarrhoea which would usually last a week even with taking Pepto Bismal an over-the-counter medication. She stopped eating these foods and feeling helpless, resigned herself to her fate. One night, Swami appeared in her dream and told her to take ‘Baba’s medicine’ for her roblem from the ractitioner. So she immediately contacted the ractitioner on 9 March 2019 and was given: / CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ She took the remedy religiously for six months while avoiding the foods she was sensitive to. In Sept 2019, she attended a wedding where she ate everything she wanted to, and some dishes contained otato, cauliflower and wheat. She was surprised to note that she had no adverse effect and felt erfectly normal. Feeling that she had been cured, she started to include cabbage also in her diet, 2 to 3 times a week and was absolutely fine. Dosage was reduced to BD on 28 Sept and OD on 10 Jan 2020. On a review in Mar 2021, she continues to relish everything but refers to take the remedy at OD as she feels it helps her maintain good overall health./ Editor’s Note: Generally food intolerance goes away within 1 to 2 months with vibrionics treatment.
12_3826en_826enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3IndiaenglishKnee ain, high BP Click here3.Circulatory System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11616‘= 75-year-old woman had been suffering from knee ain and high BP since her husband’s death 15 years ago. She tried Siddha therapy for over five years with no significant benefit. For the ast five years, she has been taking allopathic medication for BP, as a result, it was under control at 140/90. Once in a while her BP would shoot up and cause lightheadedness leading to loss of balance, sometimes she would fall while walking. She has been managing knee ain with an allopathic ainkiller. More recently she had been taking medicine for high cholesterol too. On 21 Aug 2019, she was given: / emFor knee ain: /em #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…QDS/ emFor high BP:/em #2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC3.7 Circulation + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / After two months she reported an overall improvement of 25% and said she had already stopped taking allopathic medicines. By 25 Feb 2020, her BP was normal at 120/80 and there was 70% reduction in knee ain. Unlike before, she was even able to climb the steps with ease without any support. But in the ast few weeks, she had frequent urination during the day and at times burning sensation in her feet. Therefore, #1 and #2 were enhanced to take into account burning sensation and frequent urination respectively: / #3. CC18.5 Neuralgia + #1…TDS/ #4. CC13.3 Incontinence + #2…BD / In just over two weeks on 14 March, she reported complete recovery from all symptoms, except for occasional knee ain which she felt was normal for her age. Over a eriod of the next eight months by Nov 2020 dosage of both #1 and #2 was slowly tapered down to maintenance dosage of OD which she still continues. As of Apr 2021, there has been no relapse./
12_3827en_827enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3IndiaenglishItchy & watery eyes, ost-cataract surgeryClick here7.Eyes11629‘= 50-year-old female farm worker’s right eye was operated for cataract over two years ago but her vision improved to only 75% from 25%. Moreover, the operated eye was itchy and would continuously discharge water whenever she was exposed to sunlight and dust due to working in the farm. She had been using the rescribed Flubigat and Ara eye drops which did not help her at all. Gradually she started having these symptoms even when she was not exposed to sun or dust. As her daily work was adversely affected, she was living in great distress. When she visited the ractitioner on 9 Mar 2020, her right eye was watering rofusely all the time. She was given:/ CC7.3 Eye infections + CC7.6 Eye injury…6TD orally & TDS in distilled water as eye drops / As she started to feel improvement she stopped the allopathic eye drops after three days. By 14 March, there was 50% improvement in water discharge, itching was a little less and overall vision had also improved. Now oral dosage was also brought down to TDS. On 12 April, she reported her vision to be completely normal and itching had vanished but there was still some water discharge. By the first week of May, she was free from all symptoms and was able to erform her work in the farm normally, in spite of constant exposure to sun and dust. On 25 May the dosage of both oral remedy and eye drops was reduced to OD. As of March 2021, she is doing well and has chosen to continue the remedy at OD as a reventive./
12_3828en_828enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3USAenglishAllergy to avocadoClick here4.Digestive System3599‘= 11-year-old girl would develop dry itchy eruptions all over her body, except the face, whenever she ate an avocado; this severe allergic reaction had been occurring for over a year. With allopathic medicines, it would take her a week to get back to normal. Being familiar with and having faith in vibrionics, the girl’s mother approached the ractitioner for a lasting solution. At the time of consultation on 27 November 2020, the girl had the rash due to a recent episode. Also, the mother suspected that she may have worms, although no de-worming medicine had been given. The atient was given:/ CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion…every 10 min in water for an hour; if no improvement, for another hour in the evening followed by 6TD the next day. / She took no other medicine and in one week by 5 December the rash had disappeared, so her skin became normal, although there was some itching which lasted a little longer. The dosage was reduced to TDS. After two weeks, she ate avocado twice within a of one week without any allergic reaction. On 2 Jan 2021, the mother was happy to report that even her longstanding allergy to milk and yogurt had vanished! The dosage was reduced to BD and the remedy was stopped after six weeks. As of April 2021, she continues to relish avocados and milk roducts without any recurrence of symptoms./ Editor’s note: CC4.6 Diarrhoea was included for ossible worms.
12_3829en_829enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3CanadaenglishEndometriosis, leg ain, ovarian cystClick here8.Female Organs;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3518‘= Sept 2016, after ceasing to breastfeed her son, this 41-year-old woman suffered from severe cramps (ain rating 9-10) and excessive bleeding during menses. She also had continuous daily elvic ain (rating 5-9) that was radiating down the left leg to her ankle. In mid-2017, she was diagnosed with endometriosis and osteoporosis of the left hip. She was always fatigued and had been struggling to keep up with her daily activities for over three years and only managing with ainkillers. In May 2020 she started to notice spotting between eriods. Three months later, an ultrasound test revealed a 1.9 cm ovarian cyst. On 23 Aug 2020, she consulted the ractitioner who gave: / emFor endometriosis and ovarian cyst:/em #1. CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.7 Menses frequent…TDS in water / emFor elvic & leg ain and osteoporosis:/em #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS in water / After one month, she felt 50% reduction in all her ains. In another month, she experienced normal menses and 100% relief from all the ains. This helped her to take on volunteer work at the local Sai Centre that she was unable to do earlier. Dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to BD. After two weeks ultrasound test on 5 Nov showed no evidence of an ovarian cyst. On 30 Nov the dosage was further reduced to OD before stopping the remedy on 11 Dec 2020. As of April 2021, there has been no relapse of symptoms and she is ain-free, feeling energetic, and cheerful with the joy of life./
12_3830en_830enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3IndiaenglishLumbar spinal stenosisClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)12051‘= Jan 2019 an 80-year-old man developed ain radiating from the lower back to his right foot. The doctor diagnosed this as lumbar spinal stenosis (nerve constriction at the lumbar-sacral region). He has a history of osteoarthritis of the knee for which he has been taking CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles and Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine since Dec 2014 (refer to vol 6 #3). In Nov 2019, the ain became so severe that he was unable to stand for more than 10 minutes. He had great difficulty in walking even a little distance. The doctor rescribed Nervijen-P tablets for a month but that gave only some relief. On 12 Dec 2019, the ractitioner stopped the above remedy and gave the following: / NM3 Bone + NM38 Back Pain + NM40 Knees + NM97 Sciatica + OM18 Sacral & Lumbar…TDS/ After two weeks, there was 90% reduction in ain and he was delighted that he was able to walk even one km at a stretch. In another two weeks, he had 100% relief in ain. Due to his age and history of skeletal health, the ractitioner advised him to continue the same dosage for several months. On 29 Apr 2020, he complained of intermittent sensitivity in the erianal region, especially when assing stool. Dosage of #2 was increased to 6TD. By 15 May, the sensitivity was gone and the dosage was reverted to TDS and after three weeks reduced to maintenance dosage of OD. As of April 2021, he is completely fine. / emIf using the 108CC box, give: /emCC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.5 Spine Patient’s testimonial: emIn November 2019, I dreaded whether I will be able to be myself attending to my duties. I was not able to even walk a little distance from the elevator to my apartment. I was only raying to Swami. I have full faith in Sai Vibrionics and the ast experience gave me utmost confidence. He alleviated my ain and within a month of taking Sai Vibrionics. I am able to walk normally to do my errands and do all my activities without depending on others. Today I am not taking any other medication except the vibrionics remedy. I am ever grateful to my beloved Swami for keeping me healthy at this age/em.
12_3831en_831enenen_12_32021 May/Jun_12_3USAenglishScanty & irregular menses due to PCODClick here8.Female Organs2726‘= 38-year-old woman had been suffering for 20 years from scanty and irregular eriods, also thinning of hair on the scalp and obesity; the doctor had diagnosed her condition as Polycystic Ovarian Disease, PCOD. With two years of hormonal treatment by endocrinologists, she started having eriods 5-6 times a year but not regularly. She then went on to other alternative treatments like ayurveda, homoeopathy, and yoga for six years but her eriods were still irregular, 3-4 times a year. A month ago, she had started on a very low-calorie diet lan to control her weight. On 8 April 2020 she contacted the ractitioner who gave the following: / #1. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS / She did not notice much improvement but was taking #1 only once a day. In Sept 2020 she realised her eriods had become regular and also there was 20% improvement in hair loss, so she immediately started to take #1 TDS. On 2 Oct 2020, the ractitioner modified #1 as follows:/ #2. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.2 Hair roblems + CC12.1 Adult tonic+ CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS in water / To her great delight, the eriods continue to be regular which had never happened since menarche. By 1 Jan 2021, she had lost 9 kg (20 lbs) in weight; also there was 50% improvement in hair loss but she was not so concerned about this. The dosage was reduced to OD. As of April 2021, she continues to take #2 at OD as reventive./ Patient’s testimonial (araphrased) dated 29 Jan 2021: emFrom September 2020 my eriods are right on time which I never experienced since the onset of uberty. /emI am convinced that my regular eriods, gradual loss of weight and ositive attitude are all due to vibrionics only. I further confirmem that remedies taken in water are more effective than ills./em
12_2809en_809enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndiaenglishChronic back ain Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11595‘= 72-year-old woman had been suffering from lower back ain for the ast five years. She is very active and regular with her daily walks. But she had to wear a back support for traveling, sitting down on the floor, or standing for long eriods. She has been taking allopathic tablets for 20 years for high BP and for one year for hypothyroid, both of which she decided to continue. She was not taking any medicine for back ain. On 18 April 2019, the ractitioner gave:/ CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…6TD in water/ Within three weeks the atient felt 30% improvement in ain and by the end of eight weeks, she was 80% better. After another week on 21 June, she reported 100% relief, stopped using the belt to support her back and had no roblem sitting or standing for long eriods. So the dosage was reduced to TDS and after two weeks to OD, before stopping the remedy on 1 Aug 2020. There has been no recurrence as of 15 Jan 2021. / Editor’s note: CC20.5 Spine could have been added to accelerate the recovery.
12_2810en_810enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndiaenglishHeel bone spur Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)123‘= 40-year-old female was suffering from ain and swelling in her right ankle and foot for over six months. Her doctor diagnosed this as a bone spur in the heel and recommended surgery to remove the extra growth. Instead, on 18 February 2018, she sought the help of the ractitioner who gave: / NM59 Pain + NM113 Inflammation + OM3 Bone irregularity + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.7 Circulation + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis…6TD / Within two weeks she was 100% relieved of ain and swelling. When she went for a check-up after two months, the doctor was surprised to note a 75% reduction in the bone spur without any allopathic intervention. By mid-May, the spur had completely disappeared. So the dosage was reduced to TDS and after another month, she stopped the remedy. There has been no recurrence as of Jan 2021. / Editor’s note: Remedies from either SRHVP OR 108CC box would have sufficed. CC3.1 Heart tonic and CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic were not needed as no symptoms relating to these combos have been mentioned. Further, CC20.1 SMJ tonic & CC20.2 SMJ ain are included in CC20.3 Arthritis and hence were not necessary. /
12_2811en_811enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndiaenglishAnaemia, menstrual cramps Click here3.Circulatory System;8.Female Organs3560‘= 17-year-old girl had been suffering from cramps, breast tenderness, and lower back ain during menstruation for the ast one year and took ainkillers for relief. She became breathless and tired easily, especially during eriods. For the ast three months, she was having blocked nose and sneezing due to ollen allergy. Each episode would last for a day or two with allopathic medication. A few weeks ago, a blood test revealed she was anaemic with an Hb level of 8.1 g/dl and was rescribed iron supplements. These caused constipation and stomach upsets. Having joined college recently, boarding there made things worse as she felt homesick and stressed due to the extra workload. She had craving for junk food since childhood. On 25 September 2018, she was given the following remedies: / #1. CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS, 4 days before expected date of eriod until the 5supth/sup day of menstruation. If the symptoms become severe, then every 10 minutes for 1 to 2 hours, followed by 6TD./ #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…TDS/ The ractitioner advised her to reduce the intake of comfort foods and instead stick to a good diet eg, lots of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and nuts, etc; also do daily exercise and meditation. She took the advice seriously and started making a conscious effort to change to a healthy lifestyle. She continued with allopathic medications,/ On 28 Oct 2018, she felt 80% improvement in energy and stress levels, and about a third in menstrual cramps, backache, breathlessness, blocked nose and sneezing. Pleased with the rogress and confident of a cure with vibrionics, she decided to stop all allopathic medications. Five weeks later, by 2 Dec 2018, all symptoms vanished except for menstrual cramps which reduced by 90% and Hb level became normal at 12.5 g/dl. In January 2019, she had fully recovered and the Hb level went up further to 14 g/dl. She continued to take the remedies for one more month and then stopped. On a further review in Jan 2021, there has been no recurrence of any symptom. / Editor’s Note: As the atient was highly anaemic, CC3.1 Heart tonic could have been added for faster improvement.
12_2812en_812enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndiaenglishSleeplessness, knee ain, gastritis Click here4.Digestive System;15.Mental and Emotional;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3560‘= the ast one year, a 52-year-old woman could only sleep for three to four hours; so during the day, she felt fatigued and dull at work. She did not take sleeping tablets for fear of getting addicted to them. On 3 January 2019, she consulted the ractitioner who gave:/ #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…every 30 minutes, starting an hour before the usual bedtime, until asleep./ The same night, the atient slept for six hours but had to take three doses, She could not believe that the remedy worked so fast. With excitement, she informed the ractitioner of her experience. The second night she had to take only two doses and the third night only a single dose, to have a good normal sleep! She couldn’t contain her excitement and rushed to the ractitioner’s house for treatment of her other health issues. She was suffering from knee ain for the ast two years due to a inched nerve in her spine L4/L5 region. She took rescribed ainkillers and hysiotherapy exercises, which gave her only temporary relief. Her other health issues were low appetite, stomach upset, and excessive gas for the ast one year for which, she was taking antacid. Also, she had blocked nose for two months and needed to use a decongestant. On 6 Jan 2019 she was given the following remedy, which she took along with her allopathic medicines:/ #2. CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC20.5 Spine…TDS. / She continued #1 only for a week and stopped it as she did not feel the need for it. After 4 weeks on 2 Feb, 50% improvement was observed in all her gastritis symptoms and blocked nose. Delighted with this rogress, she stopped allopathic medications but kept on with hysiotherapy. She was not in touch with the ractitioner for three months but continued taking #2. On 16 May 2019, she reported 90% improvement and by 18 June she was 100% free from all her symptoms including knee ain. #2 was reduced to OD for two months and stopped at the end of Aug 2019. As of January 2021, there has been no recurrence. Vibrionics had completely changed her outlook on health and life. She has been referring many of her friends and relatives to the ractitioner./
12_2813en_813enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndonesiaenglishAsthmaClick here19.Respiratory System3591‘= 40-year-old woman was suffering from severe breathlessness and dry cough almost every day for 11 years. She could neither erform household chores with ease nor enjoy outdoor walks. Climbing stairs at her home, which she could not avoid, further aggravated her symptoms. The doctor diagnosed her condition as asthma and rescribed an inhaler and a cough syrup. Though the inhaler gave her only temporary relief, she needed to use it four times a day for all these years. She had also been experiencing hand tremors for the ast two years which, as indicated by the doctor, could be due to the rolonged use of the inhaler. On 22 March 2020, she was given the following remedy: / CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack…6TD/ The cough reduced by 75% within three days during which time, she did not need to take cough syrup even once! In another four days, the cough had vanished and there was a 50% improvement in breathlessness, so she could manage with using the inhaler just twice a day. Therefore the dosage of the combo was reduced to TDS. On 20 April, she reported 90% relief in breathlessness, and confident that the vibrionics remedy was working well, she stopped using the inhaler. After a month on 20 May, breathlessness, as well as hand tremors, were completely gone. She could comfortably erform her household chores, climb stairs, and go out for walks. The dosage was reduced to BD which the atient decided to continue until October when it was brought down to OD. As of January 2021, there has been no recurrence of the symptoms but she still refers to continue at OD as the maintenance dosage./
12_2814en_814enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndiaenglishChronic bronchitis Click here19.Respiratory System11626‘= 36-year-old male, the ractitioner’s brother, had been suffering from dry cough, tightness in the chest, and breathing difficulty with mild wheezing since childhood. These occurred once every two to three months, usually triggered by the change of weather or exposure to dust. Each episode lasted for about a week while taking allopathic treatment. He was diagnosed with bronchitis and eight years ago, he was rescribed an Asthalin inhaler which gave him immediate relief. When the symptoms were severe, he took allopathic injections. He became dependent on these and so was worried about their side effects. Soon after his sister became a ractitioner he sought her help and she osted the following remedy to him:/ CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…6TD / When he started taking the remedy on 7 March 2020, he was having a dry cough and difficulty in breathing with mild wheezing. Even though his symptoms were becoming worse over the ast three days, he decided not to take any allopathic medicine as he was keen to take just vibrionics. After four days he felt 30% relief in all his symptoms and in another two days this went up to 50% and he was able to cough out whitish hlegm. After two weeks on 26 March, he felt completely recovered, so the dosage was reduced to TDS. The atient was surprised at the recovery, without the need for allopathic intervention for the first time in his life. The dosage was then gradually tapered down to OD and finally to the maintenance dose of OW on 25 October. There has been no recurrence as of January 2021. He has also been taking emIB,/em immunity booster for Covid at OD since July 2020./
12_2815en_815enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2FranceenglishMotor impairment in elderly dog Click here1.Animals and Plants;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3558‘= 14-year-old female Golden retriever’s health gradually deteriorated over the ast 10 months. She had lost her appetite and had to be forced to drink in spite of the heat. She stayed lying in the same lace for hours in semi-coma and was losing muscle. The veterinarian diagnosed that she had motor impairment (muscle wasting), was severely fatigued and her hind legs were no longer carrying her weight. Considering the life expectancy of a Golden retriever is 10-12 years, he did not rescribe any medicine but recommended euthanasia. On 5 August 2019 the owners contacted the ractitioner who gave the following remedy:/ #1. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS to be ut in her water bowl/ A week later the owners were delighted to report a marked change in her condition. They no longer needed to force her to eat or drink. When carried outside she would stretch and roll on the grass. Over the next eight months, there was a slow but steady improvement, so #1 was continued. In March 2020, her diet of ackaged croquettes and atties was replaced by fresh vegetables and meat. This further helped in her healing. On 22 April, the owners mentioned that although taking small steps, she had started to go for walks with them. At this juncture, #1 was enhanced to:/ #2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC20.5 Spine + #1…TDS/ Improvement continued over the next several months and on 8 January 2021, the owners reported that her mobility and morale are almost normal. So the dosage was reduced to BD for three weeks followed by the maintenance dosage OD. Already 16 years old in January 2021, she continues to do well./ display:none Patient’s message emAfter one week of starting the treatment, the owners wrote, ‘It is a resurrection! She is alive again, has appetite, eats and drinks normally. She has regained her joy of living by stretching and rolling on the grass. The treatment is good for her and for us too!”/em/spandisplay:none
12_2816en_816enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2USAenglishCOVID-19 Click here9.Fevers and Infections;19.Respiratory System3566‘= 24-year-old female medical student working in a hospital developed body ain, fever 101F (38.3C), extreme fatigue, and loss of smell, taste, and appetite since 19 Dec 2020. Tested ositive for Covid-19 on 22 Dec 2020, she isolated herself in her family home and started taking Tylenol for fever every six hours. The symptoms started getting worse and by 24 Dec, she developed a cough, sore throat, runny nose, chest congestion, and her fever would shoot up to 103F (39.4C) if she missed taking Tylenol. On 25 Dec, her worried mother approached the ractitioner who delivered the emIB/em remedy to their door: / CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…6TD and as a reventive for her family members…TDS / The next day, her fever reduced to 100F(37C) so she stopped taking Tylenol. There was a 40% improvement in her symptoms, but there was no change in appetite, taste, or smell. After three days on 29 Dec, the temperature came down to normal with 20% improvement in taste and smell, 30% in appetite, and 80% in all other symptoms. She was now able to relish fruit juices. In another two days, there was complete recovery from all symptoms except the taste and smell restored by only 50%. She was happy to be able to eat everything and continued with self-isolation. On 1 Jan 2021, the dosage was reduced to TDS and further to OD on 6 Jan. On 10 Jan, she reported her taste and smell were 80% better. She came out of self-isolation on 11 Jan and stopped the remedy as she understood she had developed immunity from reinfection for three months. Her family members continued at the reduced dosage of OD. On 26 Jan, she reported complete recovery. As of 17 Feb 2021, she is erfectly fine. / Editor’s comment: Due to the emergence of multiple Covid-19 variants, the reventive dosage is highly recommended even for those who have been vaccinated or fully recovered.
12_2817en_817enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndiaenglishRespiratory allergy, loss of hearing & smell Click here5.Ears;19.Respiratory System11624‘= 22 April 2020, a 56-year-old woman consulted the ractitioner as she had been suffering from respiratory allergy, symptoms being throat irritation, wet cough, and headache, for the ast seven years. This occurred 6-7 times a year whenever weather changed (especially during rains and winter) or if she ate or drank something cold. Each episode would last for about five days without allopathic medicines which she would take only when the symptoms were unbearable. During these years, she had also lost her sense of smell. A month ago, she had a runny nose and lost hearing in her left ear with a sensation of water trapped inside. Being a school teacher, she was worried about the hearing loss and consulted an ENT specialist. After a week’s course of antibiotics, her nose stopped running but there was hardly any improvement in the ear. This, coupled with domestic roblems, stressed her so much that she was not getting roper sleep. The ractitioner gave the following remedies: / #1. CC5.1 Ear infections + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis…TDS / #2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…OD, half an hour before going to bed / On 8 May, she reported 40% improvement in hearing and 100% relief from the sensation of water entrapment. After another three weeks, she regained her sense of hearing completely, was able to sleep eacefully and could even enjoy the fragrance of incense and flavour of foods. On 14 June she observed complete recovery of her sense of smell. During this eriod, in spite of a change of weather and intake of cold foods, none of the allergy symptoms were triggered. Dosage of #1 was reduced to BD and after two weeks to OD. She stopped taking both #1 & #2 at the end of July 2020. As of February 2021, there has been no relapse and she has been able to enjoy the outdoors even during the winter and rainy seasons without fear of falling sick. / Editor’s comment: A maintenance dosage of OW could have been given.
12_2818en_818enenen_12_22021 Mar/Apr_12_2IndiaenglishCancer in lung, brain metastasisClick here2.Cancers and Tumours11595‘= healthy 61-year-old woman suddenly had a mini seizure (staring spell). When it happened again within a week, she was taken to the hospital where, after a series of tests, she was diagnosed with Stage-4 lung cancer with brain metastasis. The rognosis was very oor and the whole family was in a state of shock. Being ardent devotees of Sathya Sai Baba, the family rayed to Him for guidance. At this oint, a relative told them about vibrionics and referred them to the ractitioner living 300 km away. The atient’s daughter immediately made the journey and saw the ractitioner on 3 January 2019. She was given the following remedies:/ #1. CC2.1 Cancers-all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC18.3 Epilepsy + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic …6TD in water #2. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS (also for her family members) #3. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…OD before bedtime/ Additionally, the atient was advised to ractise daily meditation along with her husband. Many a time she felt soothing vibrations in her right lung exactly at the site of the tumour. Within a week she had a dream in which she saw herself completely cured by vibrionics and telling this to everyone. Even her family members had several instances of Swami appearing in their dreams. Over the next 2-3 months, family members taking #2 felt mentally er and the atient felt better and more comfortable and ositive with her treatment./ After three months, she went to the hospital for a retest. Surprisingly, there was no rogression of the tumour in the lung. The ractitioner advised her to start allopathic treatment along with vibrionics to speed up the cure. She underwent six cycles of chemo given intravenously over six months. For each cycle, she was admitted in the hospital for three days. In addition, she was given radiation treatment over 25 days focused on her brain. The husband made sure that she did not miss a single dose of her vibro remedy even during her hospital stay. #1 was enhanced to take care of any ain:/ #4. CC2.2 Cancer ain + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + #1…6TD / #2 was no longer required. #3 was to be taken if needed. For rejuvenation she was given:/ #5. CC9.1 Recuperation + CC12.1 Adult tonic…6TD/ Her condition improved gradually, and she increasingly felt better./ On 25 Aug 2019, the dosage of #5 was reduced to TDS and an additional combo was given to remove the side effects of chemo and radiation: #6 CC10.1 Emergencies + CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS In November 2019, the family reported that there was a reduction in the size of the tumour and she was ut on oral chemotherapeutics. The ractitioner got in touch with a SVP who made the specific remedy to counter the side effects of chemo. So #6 was replaced by:/ #7. SR559 Anti Chemotherapy…TDS/ Due to the Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, her treatment was interrupted for about two months and was resumed on 14 June 2020. Suddenly she became diabetic and was told that it was due to the side effects of chemo. So, #5 was enhanced and combined with #4 into a single remedy: #8. CC6.3 Diabetes + #4 + #5…6TD/ On 15 September 2020, her blood sugar was normal and a fresh PET-CT scan was done. The doctors were surprised to see the report as most of the tumour in the brain had disappeared and that in the lung had shrunk and become benign! They wondered how a Stage-4 cancer atient had been healed within 16 months! They reduced the oral chemo medication to a maintenance dosage to be given for 24 months. On their next visit on 16 October 2020, all the revious remedies were replaced by the following composite remedy:/ #9. CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + #1 +# 5…TDS / As of February 2021, she is doing well and is continuing with her remedies. One of the family members again had a dream of Swami saying that He has cured her completely and her hair would grow back quickly./ Editor’s comment: This is a good example of healing of a very difficult ailment by vibrionics and allopathy working hand in hand./ Patient’s husband’s testimonial: “MEDICAL MIRACLE: I and my family members are ardent devotees of Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba. One fine day my wife aged 61 years who was hale and healthy till then, suddenly fell unconscious with seizures and was admitted to the hospital in ICU. The doctors took many tests, scans, and finally reported that it is lung cancer with brain metastases i.e., 4th stage of cancer. The whole family was shattered but we were raying to Swami for His guidance. As it was Christmas and New Year’s Eve, many doctors were on leave and we were not knowing where to go and whom to consult? That very moment we got a call from our relative and he informed us about Sai Vibrionics and referred a ractitioner in Bangalore. It was Swami directing us in the right way and we started taking Vibrionics medicine and Swami’s vibhuti as suggested by the ractitioner. We also did Maypole meditation to relax the mind and to heal the body. Many times during meditation my wife felt vibrations in her right lung, exactly where the tumour was. Within a week my wife had a dream in which she has recovered from all the illness and she says to everyone about Sai Vibrionics. We felt the ositivity and day by day it was increasing. All our friends and family members started raying for the speedy recovery of my wife. Meanwhile, allopathy medicines, Radiotherapy, and chemotherapy treatments were started. As suggested by the ractitioner we were continuing Vibrionics medicine along with other medicines. Moreover, our beloved Swami with all His grace made it a oint to send materialized vibhuti through someone, an unknown erson, or through a courier. After radiation for 25 days and chemo of 6 cycles, a PET CT scan was taken as a follow-up. We were told by the doctors that the tumour has reduced in its size and doctors suggested oral chemo. We felt a little relieved, but the side effects of all the medicine were quite difficult for my wife. But even for the side effects, as er the ractitioner’s guidance and suggestions, the Vibrionics medicine served as an immunity booster to my wife. Very recently, after the lockdown relaxation, our oncology doctor advised for another PET CT, and finally, when the doctors saw the report, they were surprised to see the report as most of the tumour in the brain was healed and the tumour in the lung has shrunk in its size and has become non-cancerous. They were wondering how a Stage 4 cancer atient has been healed within 16 months? This was all due to Sai Vibrionics medicine, vibhuti, and beloved Swami’s special blessings to my wife.” Vol 12 Issue 2 – Mar-Apr 2021 – Practitioner 11595 – India/ /
12_4832en_832enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4SyriaenglishHerpes zoster (shingles) Click here15.Mental and Emotional;21.Skin2493‘= 45-year-old woman had a red rash on her abdomen that became unbearably ainful after a few days. There was an itching and burning sensation and the area was sensitive to touch. It was identified by her hysician as herpes zoster in mid-April 2018. She took allopathic medicines for a month but did not get any relief in her ain which was so intense that she got ushed to look for an alternative treatment. She happened to attend a lecture on vibrionics delivered by the ractitioner. Immediately she consulted him on 18 May 2018 and was given: / CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.8 Herpes…TDS / In two weeks, she experienced substantial improvement in ain and became so convinced by the beneficial effect of vibrionics that she stopped taking allopathic medicines. After another two weeks, she reported 75% improvement in ain. By 20 Sept, her condition became completely normal. The dosage was reduced to BD and after another month to OD before stopping the remedy at the end of November. She has been fine ever since and started attending more lectures on vibrionics. She consults the ractitioner even for minor health issues./ Editor’s note: Burning ain of herpes zoster can be highly debilitating and can ersist for several months even after the rash resolves.
12_4833en_833enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4SyriaenglishPerennial allergic rhinitisClick here19.Respiratory System2858‘= 54-year-old female ophthalmologist had been suffering from blocked nose, ost nasal drip and swelling on the face, especially around the nose and eyes for over 16 years. Symptoms would continually recur throughout the year. From time to time, she tried many different allopathic medications but they rovided temporary relief lasting for about two weeks. When the ractitioner explained to her how vibrionics works, she was keen to take this treatment and was given the following remedy on 18 Jan 2013: / CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies…TDS / After one month, she felt 40% better in her overall condition. Over the next three months, there was continuous improvement in her symptoms and on 15 May, she reported 90% relief. Dosage was reduced to BD and by 15 July 2013 she was completely healed. She was ut on maintenance dosage of OD for 6 months before stopping the remedy. The atient kept in touch for over a year and there was no relapse of symptoms./
12_4834en_834enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4SyriaenglishPolycystic ovarian disease PCODClick here8.Female Organs2858‘= 44-year-old woman was suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular menses and growth of hair on chin and face for three months. She was diagnosed with PCOD with multiple cysts on both ovaries. She was advised hormonal treatment by her gynaecologist. Concerned about their side effects, she did not want to take allopathic medicines nor did she want to undergo surgery. She heard about vibrionics and its benefits from her friend who was successfully treated for anxiety and fear, so she decided to take vibrionics. On 30 Aug 2017, she was given: / CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.7 Menses frequent…TDS / The first eriod after starting vibro was timely and bleeding reduced but still a little heavy. The second eriod also came on time and bleeding was normal. An ultrasound test confirmed the absence of all cysts on both ovaries. The remedy was continued at TDS until 30 Oct when the dosage was tapered down gradually to zero on 11 Dec. Two months later the atient reported that everything was fine and the hair on her face and chin had totally disappeared. There has been no recurrence of symptoms even after a year./ /
12_4835en_835enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4IndiaenglishFood intolerance to banana, honey Click here4.Digestive System12051‘= 22-year-old woman was suffering from food intolerance to banana and honey for over 12 years. Whenever she ate either of these, she would get abdominal discomfort followed by severe stomachache lasting for 3 to 4 hours. So these two items were not art of her diet for ten years but on 3 May 2020, she happened to eat a small quantity of these and developed excruciating ain in her abdomen. The same day she consulted the ractitioner who otentised both the food items in the SRHVP at 200C and gave her:/ Banana & honey otentised…TDS / After two weeks, she tried banana milkshake and to her amazement, she did not get any of the usual symptoms. This encouraged her to eat honey the same day and she was erfectly normal. She was overjoyed that her childhood roblem was solved within just two weeks. Dosage was reduced to OD and the remedy was stopped after a month. It has been a year now and she continues to relish banana and honey./
12_4836en_836enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4CanadaenglishAnxiety disorder, backacheClick here15.Mental and Emotional;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3553‘= 33-year-old female had severe anxiety for six years owing to traumatic divorce from an abusive husband just three months after marriage. Symptoms included crying often for no reason, disturbed sleep, lack of concentration and sometimes increased heart rate. She was not taking any medication but was doing some breathing exercises for anxiety. Intermittently she had moderate lower back ain that radiated to the right foot with a inching sensation. She related this to the lumbar uncture during caesarean delivery five years ago; she was then bed-bound for a month. She had been taking OTC ainkillers and for the ast ten months also undergoing hysiotherapy but both these rovided only short-term relief. On 8 Oct 2019, she was given: / emFor anxiety/emem:/em #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS and in water…OD to spray in her bedroom/ emFor back ain/emem:/em #2. CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.5 Spine…TDS/ She stopped the ainkillers but continued with hysiotherapy. After two months on 10 Dec, she reported 30% improvement in back ain as she could walk and stand straight, better than before. As her health insurance had expired, she stopped hysiotherapy. Anxiety attacks were now less frequent and she felt less distracted. In November 2019 the ractitioner got romoted to SVP level and was advised to use the SRHVP for six months. So, she made the following to replace #1 and #2: / emFor anxiety/emem:/em #3. NM6 Calming + NM69 CB8 + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + BR4 Fear + BR5 Heart + BR7 Stress…TDS and in water…OD to spray in her bedroom / emFor back ain/emem:/em #4. NM38 Back Pain + NM97 Sciatica + OM18 Sacral & lumbar + OM31 Spine: Lumbar-Sacral…TDS / On 27 Feb 2020, there was 80% improvement in both her roblems which completely disappeared by 4 May. The dosage was reduced to OD and gradually tapered down to zero by 4 June. She was given CC12.1 Adult tonic and CC17.2 Cleansing alternating monthly, for the next six months. The remedies were stopped over a year ago and she continues to do well and thanks Sai Vibrionics for her wellbeing./ emIf using the 108CC box, give #3:/em CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic; #4: CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.5 Spine
12_4837en_837enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4IndonesiaenglishAddiction to crystal methClick here15.Mental and Emotional3591‘= 33-year-old man was addicted to smoking crystal meth (methamphetamine, a stimulant drug) on a daily basis for the ast two years. He started isolating himself in his room, hardly interacting with his wife and son because of which they left him in Sept 2020. So he decided to give up his addiction and stopped using the drug. Within three days, withdrawal symptoms, being restless, sleeplessness, fatigue and increased craving for the drug and for food, became severe. He immediately sought the help of the ractitioner who gave on 29 September 2020:/ #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.3 Addictions…TDS / He did not take any other treatment. After one day he reported with delight that he felt energized, his fatigue was reduced by 50% and the craving for the drug by 75%. After one week on 7 Oct, restlessness, sleeplessness, and fatigue were completely gone and craving for drug came down by 90%. However, there was no change in his craving for food. After another three weeks on 30 Oct, he no longer craved for the drug. However, he was still eating a lot and was concerned about utting on weight. So he was also given:/ #2. CC15.4 Eating disorders…TDS / Additionally, the ractitioner advised him to follow an exercise routine and a healthy diet. On 1 Dec the atient called to say that his craving for food was reduced by 50% and it was after a long time that he really felt good. He had been surrounding himself with ositive eople so as to stay happy and contented. He sounded calm, energized and confident./ On 4 Jan 2021, #1 was reduced to BD and then slowly tapered down to 3TW over a eriod of five months. By 24 Feb his craving for food had vanished and so #2 was reduced to BD. In March, the atient decided to continue this dosage as #2 was helping him to lose the extra weight and on 1 June he reduced this to 3TW. As the use of the drug can cause some brain changes which can last for a year or more after stopping, he continues to take both #1 and #2…3TW as of 14 June 2021 even though he is fine. Incidentally, he now rays to Sai Baba for spiritual guidance./ /
12_4838en_838enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4USAenglishDiabetesClick here6.Endocrine System3566‘= the year 2012, this 26-year-old female suddenly felt extreme fatigue, frequent urination, and tingling sensation in her fingers and toes. Her hysician immediately ordered a blood test and diagnosed this as diabetes with HbA1c* level at 7.5. This appeared to be hereditary as her father and grandfather were both diabetic. Also, she had a very unhealthy lifestyle as she ate a lot of junk food and sweets. She was much overweight at 77 kg (170 lbs) for a height of 160 cm (5 ft 3 in). The doctor rescribed metformin 1000 mg BD. Also, she joined a gym and started eating healthy food, as a result, she lost 23 kg (50 lbs) in two years. Her HbA1c level came down to 7.0 by 2017, the doctor reduced the dosage of metformin to OD. When she visited the ractitioner on 12 Aug 2019, she was continuing metformin OD and her HbA1c level had been stable at 7.0. She also reported having heartburn and constipation as the side effects of metformin. She was given the following remedies: / For diabetes:/ #1. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ For heartburn and constipation:/ #2. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies…TDS / She continued to follow a strict diet and regular exercises. It took four months for HbA1c to come down to 6.5, so the hysician reduced metformin to 500 mg OD. There was 60% improvement in constipation and heartburn. In another four months by 15 Apr 2020, HbA1c level became normal at 5.5 and she was completely free of the side effects of metformin. The dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to BD and OD respectively. The doctor advised her to reduce metformin to 250 mg OD but she declined and stopped it by herself and in another two weeks, she stopped #2 also as she felt it was no longer needed. In Nov 2020 she reduced the dosage of #1 to OW but then she felt more comfortable to keep it at 2TW which she is continuing until now in April 2021 and her blood sugar has been normal; she regularly monitors it./ *HbA1c is an average of blood sugar levels over the ast 2 to 3 months: Normal 4.0 to 5.9%; re-diabetes 6.0 to 6.4%; diabetes above 6.4%./
12_4839en_839enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4IndiaenglishVaginitisClick here8.Female Organs;21.Skin11629‘= 40-year-old woman had been suffering from inflammation, itching, and blisters in the vagina (diagnosed as vaginitis) for 10 years. She also had inflammation, dry scaly atches, and tiny bumps on her ankles, arms, and lower torso for six years. She took allopathy for seven years and homoeopathy for two years, without any benefit; these rovided temporary relief as symptoms would soon return. She was neither able to sleep eacefully at night nor able to carry out normally her daily chores during the day. As she was desperate to find a solution to this embarrassing roblem, on 31 Aug 2020, she visited the ractitioner who gave: / CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.7 Fungus…TDS / On 9 October she was delighted to report almost 60% relief in vaginitis and 30% in other areas of the skin. After another month, the improvement was respectively 90% and 50%. By the last week of December, she was completely free from all symptoms and the dosage was reduced to OD which she continues as reventive as of Mar 2021 and there has been no recurrence./ Editor’s note: External application of the remedy is recommended for faster recovery.
12_4840en_840enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4IndiaenglishLow appetite, oor memory Click here4.Digestive System;17.Miscellaneous11616‘= mother was concerned for her 11-year-old daughter who had a low appetite for five years. They live in an extended family and all the atient’s cousins were eating well. The mother tried various strategies to make her eat roperly but was not successful. For two years, the girl was also having a hard time retaining what she learnt at school. On 5 Aug 2019, she was given: / CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…BD in water/ Keeping her school hours in mind BD dosage seemed more ractical than the standard TDS. After three months, the girl’s appetite and memory improved by 50 to 60%. In another two months, she was eating well to the satisfaction of her mother and had no roblem with her memory. After another month on 15 Feb 2020, the ractitioner reduced the dosage to OD. As she had been keeping good overall health, the remedy was stopped in Nov 2020. As of April 2021, the girl is doing fine./
12_4841en_841enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4FranceenglishHair lossClick here11.Head3578‘= 70-year-old woman had been losing a significant amount of hair for the ast six months. Physical and emotional stress appeared to be the underlying cause, since in the recent ast she had undergone several highly stressful events such as flooding of her home and conflictual relations with eople around her. When she visited the ractitioner, she was not taking any medication except that for diabetes which she had been taking for 20 years. On 30 Mar 2019, she was given: / CC11.1 Hair tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ Within one week, she noticed she was losing less hair, an improvement of about 20%. After another 8 weeks, her hair stopped falling, so the dosage was reduced to OD. However, she discontinued the remedy by herself as she was completely satisfied with the outcome. Even after two years in April 2021, she is absolutely fine with no further hair loss./ /
12_4842en_842enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4UruguayenglishFear in childClick here15.Mental and Emotional1001‘= two-year-old girl started having episodes of fear in Sept 2019. Whenever she saw a dog or heard a bell ring or saw anything that moved quickly (eg, another child running or a cat jumping), she would start to tremble and cry inconsolably for about half an hour hugging her mother tightly, without letting her go. Ever since her birth (through a C-section) she has been of a nervous disposition. She was hysically healthy and there was no apparent cause for this fear. On 3 Dec 2019, she was given:/ NM6 Calming + NM25 Shock + BR4 Fear + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM9 Lack of Confidence…TDS / In one week, the child was substantially better as the episodes would last half the time and the fear was not so intense. Thereafter she was continuously improving and after another two weeks the fear was almost gone, On 2 January 2020, mother reported that there was no further episode and the child was happy and confident. The dosage was reduced to OD for two weeks and then gradually tapered down before discontinuing the remedy on 8 Feb 2020. It has been more than a year and the child continues to do well./ emIf using the 108CC box, give:/em CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic /
12_4843en_843enenen_12_42021 Jul/Aug_12_4USAenglishCOVID-19 Click here9.Fevers and Infections;19.Respiratory System2726‘= 51-year-old man had low grade fever, chills, body ache, shortness of breath, and tiredness since 8 Dec 2020 and was taking over-the-counter medications that gave some relief. He was tested ositive for Covid-19 on 12 Dec. As the symptoms ersisted even after a week, his wife got worried and on 19 Dec 2020, contacted the ractitioner who delivered our standard emIB/em remedy:/ CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…every 10 mins for 2 hours followed by 6TD and for his family members TDS / Within four days, fever was gone and other symptoms improved by 30%. In another three days, there was 60% improvement in shortness of breath and 90% in body ache. On 29 Dec he was feeling normal, except for a little tiredness, the dosage was reduced to TDS. By the first week of Jan 2021, he was absolutely normal. The dosage was brought down to the rophylactic level of OD including for all family members. As of 29 Mar 2021, all of them continue to feel great./ /
12_1797en_797enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishTrauma of a uppy Click here1.Animals and Plants;4.Digestive System;15.Mental and Emotional10741‘= abandoned and traumatised 2 to 4-week-old uppy was sighted trembling by the roadside. Seeing the uppy threatened by bullying stray dogs, a compassionate asser-by simply couldn’t resist rescuing such a tiny athetic creature. She called him Prashanti, erhaps hoping to influence its disposition and confidence. This kind Samaritan took the uppy to a vet but in spite of taking the rescribed medication for a month, the uppy was still too terrified to eat anything, so the caring woman opted for vibrionics. On 5 June 2018, she contacted the ractitioner who gave the following remedy:/ #1. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD in water/ One week into taking the remedy Prashanti began eating and his human family heaved a sigh of relief. Dosage was reduced to TDS for a week and as there was steady improvement, it was further reduced to BD for a week and then OD for another week./ Thirteen months later, Prashanti began eating indiscriminately including any garbage he came across, edible or inedible. This roduced gastric roblems, like belching and gas. A second remedy solved the issue./ #2. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders…TDS. After one week, he stopped eating garbage and his digestion improved. So the dosage was reduced to BD for another week and OD for the third week and stopped./
12_1798en_798enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishPsoriasisClick here21.Skin10767‘= 64-year-old male had dry skin with scaling and itching on both legs just above the ankles and the skin had turned dark, almost black. His doctor diagnosed this as soriasis and the atient took the rescribed medicines for two years but there was no improvement. On 18 May 2019, the atient had the opportunity to consult the ractitioner at a vibrionics camp held in his hometown. He was given:/ CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis…TDS and in coconut oil for external application. The atient stopped the allopathic treatment./ After one month, the atient reported on the hone that there was 70% relief in itching and the skin was gradually becoming softer and returning to its normal colour. A refill was sent to him by ost. After another month, elated at the improvement, the atient took the trouble of making the 300 km journey from his hometown to thank Swami and visit the ractitioner at the Wellness Clinic. There was 80% reduction in blackness and scaling on both legs. Another refill was sent after two months in mid-September. The atient called in early November to report complete recovery, so he was advised to reduce the dosage to BD for three weeks and OD thereafter. The last contact with the atient was in the third week of January when he conveyed that he had been absolutely fine and the ills had finished on 8 January 2020./
12_1799en_799enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishAcid reflux, constipation, hobia Click here4.Digestive System;15.Mental and Emotional11210‘= the ast two years, a 52-year-old female had been suffering from acid reflux, constipation, and hobias of the sudden sound of a ressure cooker whistle or food mixer, and electric shock from an iron or a mobile charger. For acid reflux and constipation, she was rescribed allopathic medicines to be taken for six months. As there was no improvement, she stopped these after one month and switched to homoeopathic treatment which she took for four months. As this also did not help, she opted for vibrionics. On 17 Feb 2020, she approached the ractitioner who gave the following remedy:/ CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ The atient was advised to drink more water, maintain regular meal timings, and avoid highly spicy or deep-fried food. After three weeks on 9 March, the atient reported that all her gastric symptoms had completely disappeared and she had overcome her fears. The dosage was reduced to OD for two weeks and the remedy stopped on 25 March. There has been no recurrence as of Dec 2020./
12_1800en_800enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishErectile dysfunction, low sperm count Click here14.Male Organs11217‘= 40-year-old male and his 35-year-old wife, a nurse, had their first child in 2012. They had been trying to have another child for 3-4 years but without success. When the husband went for a test, he discovered that he had a low sperm count. Also, he had developed erectile dysfunction. He decided to take vibrionics treatment and so the couple visited the ractitioner on 15 Sept 2016. They were given the following remedies:/ For the husband: CC14.3 Male infertility…TDS/ For the wife: CC8.1 Female tonic…TDS/ On 10 October, the husband reported 20% improvement in erectile dysfunction. By his next monthly visit, he felt 50% better. After another month at the time of his next refill, the improvement had gone up to 80%. As he was making steady rogress, they continued at the same dosage. On 9 April 2017, the husband was delighted to inform the ractitioner that his wife was regnant and that her ultrasound images showed a normal foetus. So both of them stopped taking the remedies. A healthy baby boy was born on 2 Oct 2017 and the couple brought him to the ashram to offer their gratitude to Swami./ Editor’s comment: It is good to give all expectant mothers CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic which can also rovide rotection against ossible miscarriage.
12_1801en_801enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishCyst in throat Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;19.Respiratory System11529‘= 78-year-old woman had been suffering from a choking sensation in the throat for the ast one year. It gradually worsened leading to a hoarse throat and a faint voice. As a result, she could barely talk or chant her daily rayers which she was fond of. A medical test revealed a cyst in her throat. The doctor advised surgery for its removal but cautioned that there is a 50% risk of losing her voice forever. The frightened atient, not willing to take the risk, resigned herself to her fate. The ractitioner, being a friend of the atient’s daughter, suggested vibrionics and the atient readily accepted./ On 18 March 2017, she was given:/ #1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…6TD/ After three weeks, on 8 April, the atient called to say that the choking sensation and hoarseness had reduced by 50% and she could talk with ease for about 10 minutes. She was advised to continue #1. Since then, there has been slow but steady rogress and in another eight months on 16 December, she reported over 80% improvement and could talk for up to 40 minutes with ease. So the dosage was reduced to QDS. Also, she had developed jaw ain, so the combo was enhanced to:/ # 2. CC11.6 Tooth infections + #1…QDS/ In another two months on 17 Feb 2018, the jaw ain was completely gone and she was very happy because her voice was back to normal. She could now chant her daily rayers with ease. She never visited the doctor after starting the vibrionics remedy. The dosage was reduced to TDS and gradually tapered down to OD on 31 July. As of Dec 2020, there has been no recurrence but the atient feels happy to continue at OD as a reventive measure./
12_1802en_802enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishJoint ain-ost Chikungunya Click here9.Fevers and Infections;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11627‘= 57-year-old woman had suffered in 2018 from chikungunya for which she was treated with allopathy for a month. As is common with this disease, ain in her fingers, feet and knees continued for two years. During this eriod she took ayurvedic medicines for three months but there was no relief. On 26 May 2020, when she came to the ractitioner she was not taking any other medicine and she was given the following:/ CC3.7 Circulation + CC9.1 Recuperation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures…6TD orally and also in water for external application./ After five days, there was 90% relief from all her ains. The dosage was reduced to TDS. After another 20 days, the atient reported 100% recovery. The dosage was tapered down to OD, 3TW, 2TW and OW over a eriod of two months before stopping the remedy on 1 August 2020. The atient continues to be well and there has been no recurrence as of Dec 2020./
12_1803en_803enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishSkin allergy Click here4.Digestive System;21.Skin11624‘= 38-year-old male had been suffering from itching at the tip of all fingers and toes for three years. Itching appeared once a fortnight and would ersist for 3-4 days. At times, it was so severe that he had an urge to crush his fingers and toes. Additionally whenever he ate brinjal or gongura (Roselle) itching would increase and also ale itchy bumps would appear all over his body. He also found that the use of sandalwood soap for bathing triggered moderate itching around his waist. Two years ago, for fear of embarrassment at work, he stopped eating brinjal and gongura and using sandalwood soap. As a aramedic, he had to wear latex gloves and that too caused mild itching on his hands at times. He may have inherited the roblem from his mother who was allergic to bleach. Without consulting a doctor he used steroid and antibiotic creams whenever the symptoms appeared and sometimes, he took antihistamine tablets. Concerned about their side effects, he approached the ractitioner on 12 March 2020 and was given:/ CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC21.3 Skin allergies…6TD/ In the morning of 14 March, he had severe itching on his head and face, indicative of a ullout. Having already been made aware of the ossibility of a ullout, he ersevered with it and continued with the 6TD dosage. When the irritation caused by itching worsened during the day, he shaved off his beard and moustache. By the end of the day, his condition improved and the itching almost disappeared by night. After another two days, he was advised to reduce the dosage to TDS./ A week later, the atient started using sandalwood soap and even eating brinjal and gongura, though only sometimes. On 1 April, he reported that his condition had improved over the ast two weeks as he experienced only mild itching during this eriod. He was very happy that he could now eat his favourite curries without any fear of allergy. On 1 May, the dosage was reduced to BD for two weeks, then OD for two weeks and finally zero on 30 May 2020. As of December 2020, the atient has not had any relapse./ Patient’s testimonial: With the help of Vibrionics, I have been cured of my allergies completely and I have stopped the use of topical steroid cream and antihistamine tablets. I now eat vegetables such as brinjal without developing any allergic reaction. I am very thankful to Vibrionics and the ractitioner for giving me this wonderful medicine.
12_1804en_804enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishBack ain due to acidity Click here4.Digestive System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11508‘= 40-year-old woman had been suffering from severe lower back ain for the ast one year, she believed this was due to hyperacidity. Several times a week, she experienced bloating and gas after her evening meal. She consulted a hysician in Feb 2019. She was given hysiotherapy and also a gel for external application, for three months, and she had complete relief. A month after stopping the treatment, her symptoms started to resurface. Over the next one month, her backache became so severe that she had difficulty in erforming her daily chores. On 15 July 2019, when she consulted the ractitioner, she rated her ain at 10/10 and was given the following:/ #1. CC4.10 Indigestion…TDS/ Just after three days, there was 40% improvement in both gastric symptoms and backache. In another month, 70% improvement was observed. On 21 September she reported she was 80% better, so the dosage of #1 was reduced to BD. However as she had been facing incomplete evacuation for the ast one week, an additional remedy was given: / #2. CC4.4 Constipation…TDS/ Within two weeks by 6 October, her motion became normal, #2 was reduced to BD for two weeks before stopping. As her back ain and bloating had further improved to 90%, #1 was tapered down to OD. By 9 November, she felt 100% better, so the remedy was stopped on 23 Nov 2019./
12_1805en_805enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1CanadaenglishLoss of Voice Click here4.Digestive System;19.Respiratory System3570‘= 54-year-old woman had been suffering from acid reflux for five years. This caused her to randomly lose her voice, even in the middle of a conversation, initially 2-3 times a month and then 2-3 times a week. This was affecting her work which requires spending a lot of time on the hone. Doctor had recommended an antacid – antoprazole magnesium. In the beginning, it was taken OD but subsequently, he suggested taking it when needed. She was now taking it four times a day. This was helping her but would rovide only temporary relief. So on 19 Jan 2019 she consulted the ractitioner and also mentioned that at times, acid from her mouth looked like transparent mucous. She was given: / CC4.10 Indigestion + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…QDS / CC13.1 was included just in case the atient had acidosis. The ractitioner also recommended some simple lifestyle changes such as reducing the frequency of chai (tea with milk) or replacing it with black tea with honey, adding more greens and salads to her diet and adopting a regular sleep routine which she tried to adopt./ After two weeks on 3 February, the atient reported that the mucous had stopped. Overall there was 50% improvement as she was now able to manage on a reduced dosage of antacid from four times to 2-3 times a day. On 19 April, the improvement had gone up to 70% as she was not losing her voice so often and she had stopped taking antacid. Thereafter, she was reporting steady rogress on both fronts, acid reflux and loss of voice. Finally on 11 Aug 2019 at the time of her last refill, she confirmed that her voice was now normal. Thereafter, she did not contact the ractitioner but on 11 July 2020 when she came with a new health concern, on enquiry she happily conveyed that she had finished the ills in September 2019. As of Dec 2020, her earlier issues had never recurred./
12_1806en_806enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1USAenglishBack ain due to inched nerve Click here18.Nervous System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3596‘= 65-year-old woman was suffering from ain in the right half of her back from the neck and shoulder down to the waist. This first appeared in May 2020, two months after she started working from home due to Covid lockdown and became severe in another two months. She was taking muscle relaxant and ainkiller twice daily and needed a heating ad almost all the time. In order to cope with the ain, she would need to do frequent stretches; she must sit and sleep with extra illows strategically laced for support. In early August the ain had become extremely severe, so she consulted a hysician. He diagnosed the cause as a inched nerve in the neck due to wrong osture working from a kitchen table and staring at the computer screen for long hours. He rescribed ibuprofen (an NSAID), and hysiotherapy involving shoulder and neck stretches and hysical manipulations. These treatments did not help much, so after three weeks, she approached the ractitioner on 27 August 2020; she was still in severe ain and also emotionally stressed due to Covid and olitical and social unrest. She was given:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis…one dose every 10 minutes for 2 hours followed by TDS/ After three days the atient could feel that her back was more relaxed and the ain was gradually going down. Every time she took the ‘water remedy’ she felt comforted immediately. After another six days on 5 September, the ain was completely gone and she continued the remedy at TDS for one more week. She neither required a ainkiller nor any accessories she was using except for a cushion behind her back while working. On 12 September, she was advised to reduce the dosage to OD and continue as long as she worked from home. At a review on 20 December 2020, she is still working from home and she has been absolutely fine./
12_1807en_807enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1IndiaenglishSun allergy Click here21.Skin11620‘= 46-year-old-woman started getting itching on her face in October 2009, a few months after she got cured of herpes. One month later itching got worse and was accompanied with swelling but only after she had been out in the sun for a few hours. Since then she had been suffering from both itching and swelling with the slightest exposure to the sun. This eventually darkened her skin. She took ayurvedic treatment which did not help. In January 2010, a biopsy revealed her condition was due to sun allergy. She was rescribed tablets and steroid creams also advised not to step outdoors without complete rotection. The doctor also said that there was no cure for this, so she would have to take steroids for life. Although the rescribed medicines rovided only temporary relief, she continued them till March 2019 as she seemed to have no choice. However, with time, her condition worsened, she could not open her eyes whenever the swelling occurred. Also, the skin on her hands became very thin and started to eel off. On 9 February 2020, she opted for vibrionics and the ractitioner gave:/ #1. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS in water/ Within two months on 29 March, the frequency of itching had reduced by 60% and in another month on 26 April, she reported 100% improvement in itching as well as swelling. As summer was approaching, the atient referred to continue the remedy at TDS. On 6 June, in order to restore the original skin colour and to eliminate any underlying skin infection, the ractitioner enhanced the above combo:/ #2. CC21.2 Skin infections + #1…TDS/ On 5 July, #2 was reduced to OD and gradually tapered down to OW over a eriod of two months and stopped on 6 September. The atient was very happy that her skin colour had become normal. As of December 2020, there has been no recurrence./ Patient’s testimonial: Due to sun allergy, I had terrible itching and swelling on my face and the colour became dark, was feeling shy while meeting anybody. The doctor said there is no cure, but need to continue the steroids for a lifetime. At every Ganesh Chaturthi, I was experiencing itching on skin (maybe due to flowers), but this year I celebrated the festival happily without any skin roblems. I am very much grateful for the cure and thanks to Swami for giving such wonderful remedies.
12_1808en_808enenen_12_12021 Jan/Feb_12_1CanadaenglishADHD & Autism Click here15.Mental and Emotional3518‘= 3 Jan 2020, mother of a 5-year-old girl consulted the ractitioner for her daughter diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Autism with speech impairment. She was hyperactive, seeking constant stimulation from movement and throwing tantrums when denied. Throughout the day she would alternate between spinning around or rocking and climbing. She would make sounds to communicate but was unable to speak simple words. She used diapers 24/7. Parents found it extremely difficult to manage the child and never took her out to social gatherings./ She also suffered from bloating, indigestion with constipation or diarrhoea. Every evening she would clutch her abdomen and cry with ain. She had disturbed sleep. Three years ago, a naturopath gave melatonin for sleep and digestive enzymes which do help and still continue to be taken. No allopathic medications were given. She is undergoing speech therapy and is in a special needs rogram. On a scale of 1 to 10, hyperactivity and behavioural rating was high at 8./ The ractitioner recommended daily chanting of 21 Oms with the child and also laying Gayatri Mantra in the house continuously and gave:/ CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.5 ADD & Autism…TDS/ The mother chose an auspicious day 26 Feb 2020 to start the remedy. By this time the spinning had reduced by 20%, the mother attributed this to daily chanting. Within a week the girl started having foul-smelling loose bowel movements soon after meals but there was no evidence of ain. She was rolling on the bed, this was new behaviour. The ractitioner concluded it was ullout but the same dosage was continued. Sleep disturbances ersisted. / By end April, hyperactivity and behavioural rating had improved markedly down to 6. She was listening and following directions willingly. She was eating normally. In another month, rolling on the bed, climbing over things, spinning and rocking all stopped. Bowel movement became normal. She slept through the night for 7½ hours. She was interacting with other children for the first time. She initiated lay herself, which was rare before. She showed interest in bike riding and ainting, choosing the colours herself. Parents felt very encouraged by these changes and embarked on toilet training. / By end of June, arents found toilet training was very successful with the child being fully out of daytime diapers. The therapist was leased with the toilet training which is a significant ositive step in a child’s development./ In September, the child began going to school and was very well behaved and able to sit through classes and started going to the bathroom herself. The mother informed the ractitioner that the hyperactivity level is down to 3. As of 2 Dec 2020, the hyperactivity level is normal for children of her age. She is able to sit through with full focus even for her online classes. She is continuing the remedy at the same dosage./ Testimonial from Mother: Our daughter was diagnosed with Social Communication Disorders in April 2017, at the age of 2. She receives 2 hours of SLP (Speech Language Pathology) and OT (Occupational therapy) each week. Alongside she is on medication for her digestion and on Melatonin for sleep rescribed by a Naturopath. Since taking Sai Vibrionics from the end of February 2020, we have witnessed substantial rogress in her development. Impressed with her rogress, we decided to try toilet training (not ossible before) in May 2020. This has gone exceptionally well with her being totally off diapers and independently using the toilet when needed. She is in Grade 1 taking online classes, sitting through the sessions with focus and willingly articipating in activities and completing her homework assignments. She interacts very well with strangers and her own eer group. Her therapists are very much impressed with her development. In December the family travelled to spend Christmas together and my daughter was very well-behaved during the 12 hours nighttime journey. We are elated with the results and would love to continue with vibrionics ills for our daughter. We are ositive we will witness more healing. /
11_5658en_658enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5CroatiaenglishInsomnia Click here15.Mental and Emotional814‘= 65-year-old woman, known to the ractitioner for a long time, asked for help with insomnia. For over a year, she had been sleeping less than two hours a night. She looked upset, nervous and restless which was unusual for her as she leads a very healthy lifestyle; she did not have the will to live./ On 10 September 2019 she was given: #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS #2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…half an hour before bedtime/ Before going to bed that night after taking 3 doses of #2 at 10 minutes interval, she slept for 8 hours. The second night she could not sleep at all. The third night, she fell asleep on the couch watching TV, without taking the remedy. After only two days of taking the remedy, her sleep schedule was back to normal! On her next visit two weeks later she looked better, though still nervous. She could touch upon the subject of her stress but did not share its cause. The ractitioner surmised that there was an improvement of about 60% in her mental state. She had not taken #2 after those two days but had slept well every night. She was advised to continue #1 and restart #2. After another month on 20 October, she felt 80 ercent relief mentally, so #1 was reduced to BD. When they met again on 19 December 2019, she looked completely normal and was even able to talk about the cause of her earlier stress (family roblem), so the dosage of #1 was brought down to OD. Her ‘will to live’ had returned, and so did her old ambitions, so much so that at the age of 65, she opened a new harmacy. Both #1 and #2 were stopped on 1 March 2020. As of July 2020, she is erfectly fine./ divpVol-X – Issue-Y – Jan/Feb,2021 – Practitioner#03560 India//
11_5659en_659enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5CroatiaenglishCrohn’s disease Click here4.Digestive System814‘= 47-year-old man came with a complaint of frequent bloody stools and abdominal ain. He fell ill with Crohn’s disease 23 years ago after a breakup and also the death of his best friend. He had to undergo two consecutive surgeries for a erianal fistula and then for a rupture in the small intestine. The doctor rescribed Salazopyrin (anti-inflammatory for bowel disease) which he took for 15 years and stopped it as this did not help. However, he continues to take enteral nutritional supplements as Crohn’s atients generally suffer from nutritional deficiencies./ On 23 December 2019 the ractitioner gave him: #1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ His condition improved quickly and just after two weeks there was an improvement of 50% in his symptoms. As there was no further improvement in the next one month, on 1 February 2020 the ractitioner decided to enhance #1 to: #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC14.1 Male tonic + #1…TDS/ Within a month, the improvement went up to 80%. Frequent bloody stools were replaced by one normal stool, the ain subsided and even his rivate life improved. So the dosage of #2 was reduced to OD. He likes to continue the supplements (cheaper than normal food) to maintain a balanced intake of nutrition. As of July 2020, he is taking the remedy at OD. If he happens to miss a dose, he starts to feel uncomfortable./
11_5660en_660enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishInfertility Click here8.Female Organs;14.Male Organs2444‘= couple, a 35-year-old male and his 32-year-old wife, had remained childless during fourteen years of marriage, despite 2 to 3 years each of ayurvedic, homoeopathic and allopathic treatment and also counselling. They ran a small beach shop in Goa where they met the ractitioner who was on a holiday there./ On 14 September 2017 he treated them as follows:/ The husband:/ SR232 Pearl + SR343 Argent Nit + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC14.3 Male infertility + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…BD/ The wife:/ SR232 Pearl + SR343 Argent Nit + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…BD/ Both were given a four-month-supply in large bottles but they did not contact the ractitioner when the remedies finished. During his next holiday in Goa in November 2018, the ractitioner again met the couple who resented him with their 3 month-old-son and confirmed that they had exclusively taken Sai vibrionics remedies given by him! Expressing enthusiastic gratitude, they happily informed him that the wife was again regnant!!!/ emIf using the 108CC box, for Husband give: /emCC14.1 Male tonic + CC14.3 Male Infertility + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic emIf using the 108CC box, for Wife give/emem:/em CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders /
11_5661en_661enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishHernia Click here4.Digestive System2444‘= 47-year-old man from France suffered for two years with a ainful hernia of about one-inch diameter in the lower-left groin. Noting that the hernia rotruded like an ungainly balloon his doctors advised surgery which he refused./ The atient met the ractitioner on 11 June 2020, and was given: NM96 Scar Tissue + SR356 Plumbum Met + CC4.9 Hernia + CC14.1 Male tonic…6TD in water/ After 3 days, the atient reported that he had no ain and his hernia had shrunk in size. On the 10supth/sup day, the atient met the ractitioner who noted that the hernia had completely disappeared and also the ain did not surface again. Cure complete, the atient remained in India for another week before returning to France./ emIf using the 108CC box give:/em CC4.9 Hernia + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic
11_5662en_662enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishConstipation Click here4.Digestive System2444‘= 60-year-old Irish man suffered from chronic constipation since his childhood. He used to ass stools once in 2 or 3 days, that too with much strain and ushing. He tried allopathy for a year, homoeopathy for 2 years and ayurvedic treatment for 5 years but all in vain. When he came to India on a short visit, his roblem worsened due to travel and change in diet. Now, he could not ass stool even after 3 days./ So the atient approached the ractitioner on 12 February 2019 and the following remedy was given: SR356 Plumbum Met + CC4.4 Constipation + CC14.2 Prostate + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…BD/ While in India the atient stayed near the residence of the ractitioner and they met almost daily. On the very next day, the excited Irish man told the ractitioner that he had comfortably assed stools!. Three days later, he specially came to tell him that for the first time in several years, he now had regular daily bowel movements due to vibrionics treatment! He requested a large supply of the remedy as he was returning to Ireland the following day. The ractitioner waved his happy atient goodbye with a half-year supply of the remedy in a large bottle./ emIf using the 108CC box, give:/em CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC14.2 Prostate + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic Editor’s comment: The ractitioner added CC14.2 Prostate as the atient had also been suffering from frequent urination with ur/spangency./
11_5663en_663enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishRespiratory allergies, erectile dysfunction Click here9.Fevers and Infections;14.Male Organs;19.Respiratory System11964‘= the ast four years a 31-year-old male had been suffering, almost all year-round, from a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat, rendering him constantly fatigued. His symptoms became severe with a change in weather. He resorted to antihistamines such as Cetirizine or Allegra, which only rovided temporary relief./ On 24 September 2016, the atient consulted the ractitioner who gave: #1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases…TDS/ Immediately afterward, the atient had to go away. When he returned over 5 months later, he complained of severe cough, chest congestion, blocked sinuses and intermittent fever, all of which he had developed recently. He affirmed that the above remedy #1 had worked so well that he had 100% relief during most of his absence./ On 2 March 2017, the ractitioner decided to treat him for respiratory allergy as well, so he gave: #2. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic…QDS/ In two weeks the atient recovered completely but neglected to follow the reduction schedule due to the ressure of work and stopped taking the remedy. As a result, two months later all the symptoms came back, except for the fever. On 15 May the importance of strictly adhering to recautions for taking the remedy and for following the reduction schedule was impressed on him./ The atient romised to follow the instructions, he was given: #3. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…TDS / After 12 days on 27 May 2017, he reported a 100% improvement. The dosage of #3 was continued at TDS for another week and gradually tapered down over the next 2 months before stopping. His symptoms never came back!/ Encouraged by this cure he decided to seek help with his other roblems: erectile dysfunction, belated discharge, and low sperm count. He had been married for two years and various allopathic, ayurvedic and homeopathic treatments only gave temporary relief. On 27 July 2017, the atient was feeling helpless and very depressed. / He stopped all other treatment for his sexual roblems and the ractitioner gave: #4. CC14.1 Male tonic + CC14.3 Male infertility + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ On 3 September, the atient reported no erceptible change in his condition, so #4 was replaced by: #5. CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS/ After 3 weeks on 23 September, he was less stressed but there was no other change. So the ractitioner decided to treat him with miasm. He was given a single dose of: #6. SR249 Medorrhinum 1M/ After one month on 23 October, the atient felt a 25% improvement and received 2supnd/sup dose at the higher otency of 50M followed by the 3suprd/sup monthly dose at CM on 22 November. By now there was 100% improvement and the delighted couple celebrated with a 2supnd /suphoneymoon in Goa. The atient met the ractitioner only in April 2018 when his wife was six weeks regnant! She gave birth to a healthy baby boy on 31 December 2018./ On 19 August 2017, the atient’s 27-year-old wife complained of ersistent low-grade fever for 10 years, heaviness in her eyes and frequent headaches. She had consulted many doctors and taken a number of tests including a CT scan, but to no avail, not even a diagnosis./ When she came to the ractitioner she had ceased all medications and simply reconciled herself to her fate. She was given: CC8.1 Female tonic + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ In eight weeks, the fever disappeared as did the headaches along with the heaviness in her eyes. The dosage was gradually reduced over the next 4 months before stopping in December 2017. She has been asymptomatic to date./ Male atient’s testimonial received on 13 August 2018 (araphrased): emI would like to express some of my wonderful experiences with Vibrionics. I had allergies to climate changes and many other things due to which for 3-4 years I had a running nose, sore throat kind of issues almost all year round. I had taken many medications including high dosage of antibiotics and also gone for allergy vaccinations. Then I got to know about a ractitioner of Vibrionics. The effect of his ills on me was miraculous and I recovered very fast, didn’t get affected again. However, I keep his medicines handy even if there is slight itching in the throat and it works every time. I was also cured of my long-lasting sexual roblems within a matter of months and now my wife is 6 months regnant. She herself had a roblem of mild constant fever ~ (99-100F) and tiredness from almost 9-10 years, she consulted many doctors, went through a number of tests including a CT scan, but none of the doctors were able to cure the same. Vibrionics medicines cured her completely./em emI would really like to thank you Uncle and Aunty for your selfless help, you really changed our lives and many others in so many ways. You work night and day to erform lifesaving acts which are nothing short of miracles, that too free of cost. Thanks for your effective analysis and medications, else I would never have been able to continue living a life of bliss!/em
11_5664en_664enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishUrinary incontinence Click here13.Kidney and Bladder11624‘= 82-year-old male suffered from urinary incontinence for four years and his hysician diagnosed the cause to be rostate enlargement. He was treated with Dynapres that gave artial relief but due to its side effects, he discontinued it after three months. He managed to live with this condition in spite of some aggravation five months ago. His condition worsened during the last month when the frequency of urination increased to 7-8 times during the day, and 5-6 times in the night, disturbing his sleep. He was unable to control the bladder and urine leaked on his way to the washroom, and there were episodes of bedwetting./ Ten years ago, he had undergone surgery for his fractured hip and had been suffering from knee ain for four years. He was mentally disturbed due to his condition, and due to the illness of his wife. He had a low appetite, had lost 2 kg of weight in one month. The ractitioner decided to address first his most ressing roblem of urinary incontinence./ On 29 February 2020, he was given: #1. CC13.3 Incontinence + CC14.2 Prostate + CC18.5 Neuralgia…6TD/ Three days later, the atient’s daughter reported that her father could hold the urine till he reached the washroom, and there was no bedwetting but he felt tired. Dosage of #1 was reduced to TDS and for tiredness and his mental state, he was given: #2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ Within a week on 9 March, the daughter reported that her father’s incontinence and bedwetting had completely disappeared. He started eating well as his appetite improved. So #1 and #2 were reduced to BD for two weeks followed by OD for two weeks; the atient chose to stop taking the remedy on 7 April 2020. / The daughter is in frequent contact with the ractitioner as all her family members now take vibrionics treatment. As of August 2020, the atient feels energetic with a good appetite and sleep cycle and no incontinence. /
11_5665en_665enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishLaryngitis Click here19.Respiratory System11561‘= 38-year-old female approached the ractitioner with a complaint of hoarseness and ain in her throat. These symptoms manifested for the first time towards the end of 2011 after she started her training in music. Since then the roblem had been recurring especially during over usage of her voice. Her ENT specialist, through a laryngoscopy, diagnosed this as laryngitis for which she was given allopathic medicines and advised complete voice rest; this rovided only temporary relief and so did the home remedies which she took for some months. So she found it impossible to sing. In 2015 she consulted an ayurvedic doctor who gave her medicines, suggested dietary changes and advised voice rest. She continued this rotocol for 8 months, though it helped her, on resuming singing, hoarseness recurred. She also followed the guidance of a voice expert but in the end, recovery was only artial./ On 16 October 2017, when she decided to opt for vibrionics, she had severe hoarseness and ain in her throat for two days, was feeling extremely depressed as she was restricted from singing, had a low appetite for a year, and was anxious about the health issues of her child. The ractitioner counselled her to stay relaxed, sip water slowly when anxious and recommended ranayam. She gave: / #1. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…6TD / After one week, the atient had 10% relief in throat ain only. After 16 weeks on 3 February 2018, she felt 50% improvement in her voice and 70% relief in her throat ain. As the rogress seemed slow, the ractitioner robed a little further into her health history. It came to light that during childhood washing hair used to cause heaviness in her head as well as a lot of hlegm in the chest. Moreover, her ayurvedic doctor had also diagnosed dust allergy and lactose allergy causing her acid reflux that in turn could cause hoarseness in the voice. The remedy was changed to address any remnants of her ast issues as follows:/ #2. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.7 Throat chronic…6TD/ After 5 weeks she came looking cheerful as the throat ain was gone and there was 80% improvement in hoarseness, acidity, and low appetite. By 23 April 2018, she was completely free of all her symptoms and the dosage was reduced to TDS. She was very happy to resume her music classes and stage erformances./ On 8 August 2018, she was elated to share that she could comfortably erform an entire one-hour music rogram in the Gsup#/sup scale. She thanked vibrionics wholeheartedly. The ractitioner gradually tapered down the dosage over the next 5 months before discontinuing in January 2019. On 27 February 2019, she was ut on CC12.1 Adult tonic alternating monthly with CC17.2 Cleansing for a whole year. As of June 2020, there has been no recurrence and she visits the ractitioner for her daughter’s treatment./
11_5666en_666enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishBurping chronic, burning in oesophagus Click here4.Digestive System11603‘= 37-year-old man had been suffering for the ast three years from burping throughout the day and burning sensation in the food ipe, especially at night causing disturbed sleep. The atient took ayurvedic treatment for 2 months but had no relief. On 13 November 2018, the atient took treatment from the ractitioner who gave the following remedy: CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD After three days there was 90% improvement in both burping and burning sensation and he was able to sleep better. So the dosage was reduced to TDS. After another 2 weeks on 30 November, the atient got 100% relief from both symptoms. So the dosage was reduced to OD for two weeks, 3TW for one week, OW for one week and then stopped on 28 December 2018./ After 3 months on 25 March 2019, the atient started burping again, though less frequently this time but without any burning sensation. The ractitioner gave the same remedy at TDS. After two weeks, the burping stopped, so the dosage was reduced to OD and the atient decided to continue the remedy for several months before stopping it on 21 October 2019. After another 7 months when the atient visited the ractitioner on 29 May 2020 for the immunity booster remedy for Covid-19, he confirmed that his earlier symptoms never recurred./
11_5667en_667enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5Indiaenglish Itching Click here21.Skin11561‘= 11-year-old girl for the first time had severe itching all over her body; this resulted in a brownish ink rash. The cause was not known but her hysician diagnosed it as fungal infection for which she took allopathic medicine for 2 weeks but there was no relief, so she stopped taking it. The girl was emotionally and hysically healthy./ She had already suffered for a month when on 21 September 2017, the mother took her to the ractitioner who gave the following remedies: #1. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.7 Fungus + CC21.10 Psoriasis…TDS in virgin coconut oil for external application./ The ractitioner was aware that itching can be caused by intestinal worms; she learnt from the mother that her daughter’s deworming medicine was overdue. So she decided to include the remedy for worms (CC4.6) and gave: #2. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + #1…6TD to be taken orally./ As the water intake of the atient was less than a litre er day despite her tendency to sweat rofusely, the ractitioner advised her to daily take 2-3 litres of water. The atient’s mother was in touch with the ractitioner daily. Within 24 hours, itching came down by 40% but there was no notable change in a rash. The next day, there was 90% reduction in itching and 50% in a rash. After another 3 days, itching completely disappeared and there was 70% improvement in a rash, so the dosage of #2 was reduced to TDS for 3 days followed by OD. By 3 October, the rash had also vanished, so the dosage of #2 was reduced to OW for a month and then stopped whereas #1 was continued until the oil finished. As of May 2020, the atient has not had any relapse./ divpVol-X – Issue-Y – Jan/Feb,2021 – Practitioner#03560 India//
11_5668en_668enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5Indiaenglish Arthralgia recurring – ost Chikungunya Click here9.Fevers and Infections;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11622‘= 32-year-old female came to the ractitioner on 12 March 2020 with severe joint ain, body ache, headache, fever and fatigue. Four years ago, she had suffered from chikungunya with symptoms of ainful swollen joints, fever, headache and was treated with allopathic medicines. A year later, she got typhoid with high fever, for which she was treated in the hospital. From then on, she would get these symptoms every month and on taking allopathic treatment, she would get relief for a few days, but the roblem would recur. So she decided to opt for vibrionics. The ractitioner observed that she was also depressed and had low self-esteem./ She was given the following combo: CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain…TDS/ After two weeks, the atient felt 80% relieved of all her symptoms and looked cheerful. On 2 April, she reported she was completely free of all ains and was energetic. Dosage was reduced to BD for one week, then to OD. On 16 April 2020, as the atient was able to do her work comfortably, she stopped the remedy./ As of July 2020, none of the symptoms have recurred and she is happy that the quality of her life has improved./
11_5669en_669enenen_11_52020 Sep/Oct_11_5IndiaenglishPsychiatric disorders Click here15.Mental and Emotional11592‘= 2017, when a 40-year old woman visited the ractitioner, she was extremely distraught due to unknown fears, ersistent sadness, and crying for no reason. Any news of death made her shiver with fear and the sound of an ambulance frightened her. She felt strain in the nerves on top of her head resulting in severe headache. She had complete lack of self-confidence. Her roblems started in 2006 but there was no known cause. When the symptoms were severe, she felt weak but she managed to carry out her daily chores./ In August 2006, a neurosurgeon ordered a CT scan of her brain but it did not reveal any abnormality. For her headache and weakness, she was rescribed medicines that she took for two years but there was no improvement. Even the temporary relief that she felt was eclipsed by the side effects of allopathic medicines. In July 2008, she started having right-sided stomach-ache, gas and belching during evenings and nights. Also she developed tinnitus in her right ear, marked by a buzzing sound 3-4 times a week. She refused to consult an ENT specialist due to fear of the side effects of medicines. But she started homoeopathic treatment for her sychiatric condition and buzzing sound. As there was no improvement, this was stopped after two months. In October 2008 her hysician diagnosed the condition as depression and rescribed Placida, which she took until the Indian Government banned its use in July 2014. During these long 6 years, Placida had made her drowsy and sleepy all day. She was able to manage her tinnitus without any treatment./ After stopping Placida, her mental state deteriorated so much that in August 2014, she had to visit a sychiatrist, who gave her MDD-XR 100 mg OD for depression and Happi-D tablets for gastric roblems. If she missed even one dose, her condition would become very bad. Two years after starting MDD-XR, due to its side effects, she developed an involuntary movement of the legs, kicking them in the air. The sychiatrist could not suggest any remedial measures for this. He rather warned her not to stop the medicine as withdrawal effects could be severe. So she continued to take both the allopathic medicines./ On 30 November 2017, the atient’s husband contacted the ractitioner (his friend) who gave: #1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS / After a month, she felt 50% relief from all symptoms – fear, feeling melancholic, crying for no reason, headache, restless legs, tinnitus, and gastric issues. After another month, her gastric roblems and tinnitus completely disappeared while all other symptoms gradually improved. In another 10 months by end of November 2018, she had a full recovery. She did not feel weak anymore and there was a complete regain of self-confidence. So her sychiatrist stopped Happi-D and halved the dose of MDD-XR to 50 mg and after two weeks, to 25 mg and finally stopped it on 10 January 2019. On 16 January 2019, she experienced a artial (about 30%) relapse of fear, headache, and kicking of legs./ So, on the advice of a Senior Practitioner sup11585…India/sup, #1 was replaced by the following:/ For calming:/ #2. NM6 Calming + NM25 Shock + NM95 Rescue Plus…TDS/ For Headache:/ #3. NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + NM85 Headache-BP…TDS/ Within two weeks, her fear vanished and she had 50% relief from kicking of legs and headache. After continuing the remedies for another month at the end of February, she again achieved 100% relief from all symptoms. The dosage of #3 was reduced to OD. As she was not taking any allopathic medicines, #2 was reduced to OD only after three months at the end of May. The dosage of #3 was tapered down to OW by June end before stopping at the end of August 2019. However the atient is continuing to take #2 at OD and as of June 2020, she has had no relapse whatsoever./ emIf using the 108CC box, give for #2:/em CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic and for #3: CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines
11_6785en_785enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishHeadache, sinusitis, allergy Click here11.Head;19.Respiratory System11621‘= 41-year-old male, the ractitioner himself, had been suffering from a headache every single day for over 20 years. He had an allergy to dust and ollen and would get bouts of 10-12 consecutive sneezes on waking and his sinuses would become so inflamed that he would have difficulty breathing through the nose. In 1998 surgery for deviated nasal septum did nothing to help his nasal blocks or his headaches although this did take care of his wheezing which he had inherited from his mother. Over the years, the doctors had rescribed nasal drops, antihistamines, anti-inflammatories and ainkillers but nothing gave lasting relief; so taking these at least twice a week had become the norm. He was aranoid about getting his head wet. He avoided getting wet in the rain or going to the swimming ool since staying in the water for half an hour would trigger his headache which would only be relieved by a ainkiller. / On 25 November 2019, he started taking: #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis…a dose every 10 minutes for an hour followed by 6TD / After two days, he noticed a marginal decrease in the background headache, a feeling he always had, but the blocked nose felt better by 50%. In a week’s time, there was 30% reduction in the headache, nasal congestion had almost disappeared, and bouts of morning sneezing were completely gone. He had been to a retreat, during which he was in the sea, in the ool, and also under the shower for more than four hours, and miraculously the expected blocked nose did not surface./ After a month at the beginning of Jan 2020, there was 80% reduction in headache, resulting in considerably less need for OTC medicines, and all other symptoms had vanished. During 8-14 January there was extreme ressure of work which extended ast midnight and the headache resurfaced./ For such situations, he made an ememergency/em remedy: #2. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC19.5 Sinusitis…every 10 minutes for up to two hours (SOS dosage), which he took only on two occasions./ By 1 May, his headache was gone so long as he had roper sleep, so the dosage of #1 was reduced to OD and stopped after one month. Only when there is an excessive workload that extends ast midnight or he misses a meal, the headache resurfaces and one or two doses of #2 resolve the situation. Once when he ignored taking #2, the headache became severe and lasted for more than half a day! Now he does not take any chances. As soon as he feels that a headache is about to come, he takes a dose of #2 and the headache does not appear. From 1 June 2020, he has been taking the Covid Immunity Booster. / As of Oct 2020, there has been no recurrence of any other symptoms./
11_6786en_786enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishPainful menses Click here8.Female Organs11621‘= 32-year-old woman had been suffering from ainful menses since 2013 but she could manage without taking any medicine. She was married into an orthodox family, where emduring/em menstruation she could not articipate in certain religious functions. So she started taking steroid medicines in 2013 to ostpone her monthly cycle on such occasions, usually once or twice a year. Concerned about their side-effects, she stopped taking the steroids after four years in 2017. This is when the menstrual ains became worse and she would get severe cramps which could last up to five days. The atient attributed her ains to steroids which she took earlier. As she didn’t want to take any ainkillers, she would bear the ain by sleeping and taking rest as much as ossible./ On 1 December 2019, she consulted the ractitioner who osted the following remedy to her: CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.4 Eating disorders…TDS, the last combo CC15.4 was included because she was a little overweight due to eating a lot of fried food (owing to food cravings) and at odd times. / By the end of December, the atient noticed a 10-20% reduction in her eriod ain and cramps. In another month, there was 30-40% improvement which went up to 80% by the end of Feb. On 1 April, the atient reported that ain and cramps were things of the ast, so the dosage was reduced to OD. On 11 May 2020, the remedy was stopped as she started treatment for excess weight and food cravings. As of Oct 2020, her ains have not returned, nor the mood swings (a surprise bonus) she used to get just before her menses but had not disclosed this to ractitioner!/
11_6787en_787enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishRight-sided Pain and Respiratory AllergyClick here19.Respiratory System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11597‘= 40-year-old female had been suffering for four months from shooting ain on her right side from shoulder to foot. The ain disturbed her sleep cycle. The orthopaedic doctor gave her ainkillers but this caused morning drowsiness which hampered her house chores. Altogether she continued the allopathic treatment for three months without any success. She decided to address the ain through various homemade remedies./ These did not help either, so on 3 March 2018, finally she consulted the ractitioner who gave the following remedies:/ For shooting ain: / #1. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.5 Spine…TDS/ For disturbed sleep:/ #2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…before bedtime and if needed, repeat every 10 min until asleep/ On 9 March the atient reported 70% recovery from ain in her right arm and shoulder but the ain in her right leg continued. She felt dull ain and some numbness around the hip area. Explaining the ullout henomenon, the ractitioner assured her that such symptoms should be taken as a ositive sign that the remedy is working. She felt encouraged and continued to take the remedies. A week later on 17 March, she reported having a good and sound sleep, numbness was gone but the ain improved only marginally./ So #1 was enhanced as follows: #3. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + #1…TDS/ After a week on 25 March, #2 was discontinued. After 5 weeks on 20sup /supApril, the atient reported 100% recovery from ain. On 5 May 2018, she was still without ain, so the dosage was reduced to OD for a month and then to OW for another month. She has been ain-free ever since. / On 9sup /supAugust 2018, the atient came because she suffered for three days from excessive sneezing and difficult breathing whilst spring cleaning her house. This was an 8-year-old roblem but not mentioned during earlier consultations because she could manage with over-the-counter anti-histamine tablets./ She was given: #1. CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.4 Asthma attack…every 10 min for one hour, repeat for another hour if needed, thereafter 6TD/ The next morning, to her leasant surprise, she didn’t sneeze even once! On 25 August the atient reported 80% relief in sneezing. She could breathe more easily but still had a constricted feeling in her chest. On 3 October there was 100% improvement in breathing; so the dosage was reduced to TDS. / On 14 October the atient called to say that she was symptom-free. The dosage was reduced to OD. On 5 November 2018, the atient reported that she had suffered no allergic reaction, sneezing or respiratory issues and had moved her residence. She left the ractitioner a testimonial. / As of August 2020, none of her symptoms have recurred./ Patient’s testimonial: I wish to offer a deep rayer from my heart for all the Vibrionics ractitioners for their great service. My overwhelming gratitude is to Swami and the Vibrionics treatment. I am very thankful to have stopped taking ainkillers, unbelievable that for the last 8 months I did not run to the chemist to buy some antihistamine or an anti-inflammatory drug. The very thought that my system is chemical-free makes me light-headed. Thank you. Thank you!
11_6788en_788enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishAnxiety Click here15.Mental and Emotional11597‘= 5 May 2018, a 47-year-old female consulted the ractitioner to overcome her habit of constant worrying. Whenever she was emotionally disturbed, she would notice an unsteady gait and feel the heaviness of heart. These symptoms of restlessness and anxiety began in Dec 2017. Although her menstrual cycle had been erratic for three months, she did not feel the need to start treatment for this issue. She was only taking calcium supplements which she continued./ She was given: #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia…TDS/ On 15 May the atient said she was more relaxed, happy and energetic. She felt 70% improvement in her ability to stay in the resent./ Five weeks later on 20 June, the remedy for erratic menses was added: #2.CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.8 Menses irregular + #1…TDS/ On 20 July the atient reported that she continued to feel calm and requested no change in the remedy or its dosage. Every month, she would collect a refill but not give an estimate of ercentage improvement. As she hesitated to declare a full recovery, the ractitioner realised that she might be becoming dependant on the remedy. The ractitioner wanted the atient to become mentally and noticing her natural talents, she advised her to join music or art classes. This appealed to the atient who immediately enrolled herself for music lessons. / With faith and diligence, she continued #2 and it was not until 7 November that she had the courage to acknowledge 100% improvement in her mental state, hysical well-being and stamina; her menses roblem continued as before. She was confident she was undergoing natural bodily changes owing to menopause, so did not want any further medication for irregular menses. Over the next 5 weeks, the dosage was gradually tapered down and then discontinued on 10 December 2018. The atient has since been consulting the ractitioner for all her health issues. As of Oct 2020, the atient is very active and enjoys good health, with no recurrence of earlier symptoms./
11_6789en_789enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishIndigestion, headache Click here4.Digestive System;11.Head11606‘= after qualifying, the ractitioner treated her 32-year-old maid who suffered from gas and acid reflux with burning sensation and mild stomach ain every other day for the ast four to five years. As the atient had to work in several households to support her four children, she did not ay attention to her health or diet and took no treatment for her ailments. Two months ago, as her domestic situation became worse due to her drunken husband, she started having headaches almost every day. Sometimes the whole head would spin and at other times, just on one side./ On 12 March 2019, the ractitioner gave the following remedy: #1. CC4.10 Indigestion + CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS / The atient was advised to drink more water, include vegetables and fruits in her diet, avoid fried food and maintain regular meal timings as far as ossible. After one week she got mild relief but when she came to the ractitioner’s house to work, she started to feel giddy and had to stop the work./ She was immediately given: #2. CC10.1 Emergencies…a dose every 10 minutes for 1 hour; after that she became normal, so #2 was stopped./ One week later, the atient reported 100% relief from gas, acid reflux and burning sensation but only 80% relief from headache. After another week, the headache also vanished. On 12 April 2019, the dosage was reduced to OD. The atient did not want to taper down the dosage slowly, so continued at OD for 2 months before stopping. In June 2019 the ractitioner moved to another area, so the atient was no longer working for her. As of June 2020, the atient was keeping healthy with no recurrence of any symptoms./
11_6790en_790enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishFrozen shoulder Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)11620‘= June 2019, a 53-year-old male started to have ain in his left arm. Over the next few months, the ain increased and it became so bad that he was unable to lift his arm. On 11 October 2019, he consulted a neurologist who diagnosed this as frozen shoulder. Since diabetic atients run an increased risk of frozen shoulder, he ordered blood sugar tests – HbA1C and FPG (Fasting Plasma Glucose). Both tests confirmed that his blood sugar was within the normal range. He was given a ainkiller which he took only for a week as this gave only temporary relief. Even hysiotherapy which he took for 3 months did not help./ During this eriod, he completed his training in vibrionics and became a ractitioner himself and on 2 February 2020, he made the following remedy: CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS/ He took no other medication and within two weeks, he got 75% improvement in his ain, so was able to lift his left arm without much difficulty. By 22 February the ain had vanished and he was able to move his arm freely. The dosage was reduced to OD for a week and stopped on 1 March. As of 31 July 2020, his shoulder has been free of ain./
11_6791en_791enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishOropharyngeal dysphagia Click here4.Digestive System;12.Immune System11613‘= 57-year-old female was having difficulty in swallowing as every mouthful would cause a choking sensation. On 12 Mar 2019, after suffering for 10 days, she consulted a doctor who diagnosed her condition as oropharyngeal dysphagia and rescribed allopathic tablets. As she also had sores in her mouth, a diagnostic test on 5 April 2019 confirmed this as oral lichen lanus, an auto-immune disorder; so she was given medicines for this condition also. After 5 months, her mouth sores got cured and the medicines for the same were stopped on 25 September 2019. Since dysphagia continued, she underwent an endoscopy on 26 November 2019. This revealed a benign growth in the form of a thin membrane at the junction of respiratory assage and oesophagus. Surgery was recommended for the removal of this membrane. However, the atient opted for vibrionics and stopped taking all medicines. When she consulted the ractitioner on 27 November 2019, she looked much worried about her health./ She was given: CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis…6TD for one week followed by TDS/ As the movement of food in oesophagus was slow, ossibly due to weak muscles, CC18.4 Paralysis was included. After 2 weeks on 12 December, the atient reported that the choking sensation had completely disappeared. On 5 Jan 2020 dosage was reduced to OD for a month and tapered down gradually to zero on 5 March 2020. Also, she was ut on a cycle of CC12.1 Adult tonic and CC17.2 Cleansing, alternating monthly. As of Sept 2020, there has been no recurrence./
11_6792en_792enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6UKenglishAnxiety disorder Click here15.Mental and Emotional3576‘= 15 March 2019, a 48-year-old male contacted the ractitioner to ask if she could help. For the ast six months, he had been suffering from severe anxiety attacks, tiredness, and mood swings. A blood test revealed a TSH level of 6.8 mIU/L (normal range 0.4 to 4.0) that could lead to hypothyroidism in the future. The doctor did not give any medicine but asked him to monitor the thyroid function every year. / A week later he visited the ractitioner and told her that at times, he felt quite low and had a feeling of emptiness within. He was lacking in self-confidence and was unable to communicate with eople as he used to before. On a material level, he has everything, a loving family, a successful business and a luxurious lifestyle. Now, he was feeling anxious, restless, worried and irritable, which affected his daily routine and his social and rofessional life. He had never experienced this feeling in his life, not even when his sister in her forties died three years ago, just the day before her wedding. He was stressed being unable to understand the drastic mental, emotional, and hysical change affecting him now and was extremely concerned that his condition would jeopardize his business. The ractitioner discovered that the atient still had some unresolved issues regarding his sister’s death; this ossibly affected his mental state although he had not experienced any symptoms until six months ago. He was not taking any medicine apart from multivitamin tablets./ On 23 March 2019, he was given: CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders…TDS After three days, the atient felt there was 60% improvement in his condition. After another two weeks on 10 April, while on a family holiday, he reported 90% improvement, saying that he felt the same as he did before the onset of his symptoms. A week later on 19 April, he was excited to report that he had completely recovered and was able to carry on with his normal rofessional and social life. On 17 May, the dosage was reduced to BD and then rogressively tapered down to zero in mid-July. On 23 July 2019, his TSH level had dropped to 4 mIU/L which his doctor considered acceptable, suggestive of a restored thyroid function. / As of Sept 2020, the atient feels completely well in himself and is in good spirits. / / /
11_6793en_793enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6FranceenglishOsteoarthritis of knees Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3527‘= 72-year-old female, a former hysical education teacher and national volleyball layer had been suffering from osteoarthritis of the knees for at least 15 years (meniscus in the right knee already operated 7 years ago). She took anti-inflammatory drugs repeatedly throughout her career to relieve her ain but stopped taking them 5-6 years ago because these had started to damage her kidneys. She avoided taking ainkillers as far as ossible but she took food supplements – Silicea, collagen and curcumin. By Nov 2017, the ain in her left knee became so excruciating that she could neither walk nor drive. She was considering surgery on her left knee also./ Out of despair when she finally consulted the ractitioner on 31 May 2018, her spirit was very low and she was given: #1. NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone Irregularity + NM12 Combination-12 + NM20 Injury + NM22 Liver + NM40 Knees + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up(Booster) + NM86 Immunity + BR18 Circulation + BR21 Injury + SR348 Cortisone + SR573 Osteoporosis + otentised Codeine-Doliprane 200C…6TD in water/ By 4 September there was 20% improvement as the ain was now bearable; the dosage of #1 was reduced to TDS. She told the ractitioner she had faith in this treatment. He advised her to take further supplements – vitamins C, D and K2 as he believes that most seniors in France are highly deficient in these. By Jan 2019 she improved by about a third./ As the ractitioner felt the rogress was too slow, he modified the combo: #2. NM3 Bone Irregularity + NM40 Knees + NM59 Pain + OM5 Circulation + BR18 Circulation + SM28 Injury + SM36 Skeletal + SR348 Cortisone + SR573 Osteoporosis + otentised Codeine-Doliprane 200C…TDS in water/ By April there was 80% improvement. By the end of June, the ain had vanished and she could now walk and drive normally! She had avoided surgery and expressed her gratitude to vibrionics. From 4 July, the dosage was gradually reduced to zero by 30 Sept 2019. In May 2020 she sent a card to the ractitioner saying: em’My knee is still fine. I’m so happy!’ /emTowards the end of Sept 2020, when the ractitioner called the atient for an update, she said there had been no recurrence of ain and her cure was a miracle./ The ractitioner wants to convey that otentised ainkiller Codeine-Doliprane (emparacetamol/em) is giving very good results for all atients suffering from ain. emIf using the 108CC box, give/em CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ Pain + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis
11_6794en_794enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6South AfricaenglishPainful haemorrhoidsClick here4.Digestive System3592‘= 50-year-old female had been suffering from ainful haemorrhoids and constipation for the ast 5 years. Her doctor recommended surgery which, due to her fear of operations, she declined. For the ast 3 years, she took allopathic medication for ain and constipation but only intermittently when the condition was severe; this did not help much./ She decided to opt for vibrionics and on 10 April 2020, consulted the ractitioner who gave the following: CC4.4 Constipation…TDS/ The atient was not taking any other medication. On 29 April there was 25% relief in both the ain and constipation. After another two weeks on 15 May, the healing had rogressed to 50%, the haemorrhoids had shrunk to half their original size. During the next 2 weeks, there was a further gradual shrinking of haemorrhoids. On 1 June, the atient felt 100% well with no ain, the constipation and haemorrhoids had completely disappeared. The atient also noticed that her years’ old roblem of severe abdominal cramps and heavy bleeding every month during her eriods, was completely gone! She was delighted with this bonus healing as she had not even mentioned this issue earlier. The dosage was tapered down to BD, OD, 3TW, 2TW over a eriod of 3 months. Finally, the atient decided to stop the remedy on 31 Aug 2020, as the ainful roblems had even faded from her memory! As of Oct 2020, there has been no recurrence./ /
11_6795en_795enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishPiles, recurring Click here4.Digestive System11615‘= 50-year-old female had blood in stools and severe anal and stomach ain for the ast three weeks. Her first episode with these symptoms but without the bleeding, then diagnosed as iles, occurred in 1996 and she got cured with homoeopathic treatment which lasted 15 days. The same symptoms recurred in June 2017 and homoeopathy came to the rescue again. When it happened the third time in August 2019, she could not contact her revious homoeopath, and she consulted an allopathic doctor who suggested surgery which she wanted to avoid. So, on her own, she took the rimary homoeopathic remedy for iles emAesculus 200/em but this did not help./ She visited the ractitioner on 24 Aug 2019 who gave: #1. CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…every 10 minutes for 1 hour followed by 6TD/ On 26 August, as the bleeding had not reduced and the anal area was very ainful, though there was relief in stomach ain, #1 was enhanced to: #2. CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions + #1…every 10 minutes for 1 hour followed by 6TD/ Two days later she reported 50% reduction in ain and emno/em blood in stools. On 2 September, as her ain had reduced by 90%, the dosage was reduced to TDS. By 20 September, as the atient was relieved of all symptoms, the dosage was reduced to OD but on 15 October, the atient decided to stop the remedy. On 3 November, she came for other roblems – back ain, knee ain, general weakness and irregular menses./ Keeping in mind that she was close to menopause and had rematurely stopped #2, it was replaced by: #3. CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC4.4 Constipation + CC8.6 Menopause + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…TDS/ Within 16 days all her symptoms had disappeared, so on 19 November the dosage of #3 was reduced to OD and tapered down gradually to 2TW on 4 December. Two days later, ain in the anal area recurred, so the dosage was increased to TDS. It took a week for her to be ain-free again. After ensuring for a month that none of the symptoms had recurred, the dosage was reduced to OD on 14 Jan 2020 and then tapered down over 5 weeks to the maintenance dosage of OW. On 17 February 2020 she was also given CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for a month to be alternated with CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing for one year while continuing #3 at OW. As of Oct 2020, she has been absolutely fine./
11_6796en_796enenen_11_62020 Nov/Dec_11_6IndiaenglishCOVID-19 Click here9.Fevers and Infections;19.Respiratory System11613‘= 83-year-old male having asthma for 28 years and taking an inhaler and nebuliser, was also taking imitinab* (a chemotherapy drug that slows the growth of cancer cells) for blood cancer diagnosed ten years ago. On 12 July 2020, he developed a fever of 101Âş F and breathlessness, more than usual. As the symptoms continued for four days, his family, using a ulse oximeter, checked his blood oxygen level which was 89% (the normal level is 95% – 100% but being an asthmatic, his normal was 92%). He was immediately admitted to the hospital on 16 July where he was given oxygen support. A swab test done on the same day found him Covid ositive; so he was given vitamin-C, Zinc and Calcium tablets in addition to daily IV injections, resumably anti-viral although not disclosed by the hospital. / After three days on 19 July 2020, fever was reduced to 99.5Âş F but the oxygen level went down to 84%. Immediately, a family member contacted the ractitioner who gave the standard Immunity booster remedy, viz: CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…one dose every 10 minutes for 2 hours, followed by 6TD/ Next day, the fever came down to 99Âş F and his energy level and appetite increased substantially. After 3 days on 22 July, the swab test showed he was still ositive and his oxygen level stayed at 84%, so he continued to be on oxygen support. However, four days later on 26 July, much to his relief, he tested negative, his oxygen level improved to 98% and he got discharged from the hospital. The doctors were surprised that in spite of asthma and blood cancer, this man aged 83 recovered in just 10 days./ On 5 August, the dosage was slowly tapered down to TDS, BD, OD and the atient, not feeling any further need for the remedy, stopped it on 10 Sept 2020./
11_3633en_633enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishChilblains, wrist ainClick here3.Circulatory System;20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ);21.Skin10354‘= the ast 10 years, a 42-year-old senior security officer working in shifts at a construction site suffered from severe ain in the joints of his hands especially the wrists. Due to exposure to cold evenings in winter season, he had chilblains (small lesions caused by the inflammation of tiny blood vessels after exposure to cold air and tend to affect the skin on the hands and feet) as a result of which he could not easily bend or straighten his fingers. He also had burning sensation in alms and slight swelling on his feet. His ain was intense during winter, articularly during night shifts when his fingers became red, numb, and stiff as if frozen. His condition improved as the weather became warm. For many years, he was under allopathic medication rescribed by his hysician, but there was hardly any improvement. As he could not get roper sleep due to ain, he had to depend on ainkillers. Also he often suffered from memory loss. On 30 September 2018, when he visited the ractitioner at his regular health camp, he was given: / Move Well-2* + Tiredness/Fatigue** + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.6 Sleep disorders + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…QDS/ After a month the atient reported on 1 November, he could move his fingers reasonably well without much ain; burning sensation in alms and swelling on the feet had vanished. He was very happy he could ride his bike himself after having been a illion rider for the ast 10 years. Also he slept well without the need for a ainkiller! Seeing substantial improvement in his condition, the atient stopped the allopathic medicines. On 22 November 2019, he became free from all symptoms and the dosage was reduced to TDS. In December he did not come to the camp for a refill but reported in January 2020 that he was 100% fit. The whole winter had assed eacefully without the usual symptoms of ain, redness, numbness, or stiffness. He was feeling healthy and could carry on his duties without any roblem. The atient was confident that his symptoms would not recur, so did not come back but he referred many of his friends for treatment at the camp. As of April 2020, there has been no recurrence./ Editor’s note: According to the specific need of atients at the camp, the ractitioner has added further combos to his Wellness Kit and he used two such combos (see below) to treat this atient. CC9.2 Infections acute was added to revent ossible respiratory infection as the atient was exposed to climatic variations due to shift work. Skin remedies were included to avoid ossible infection due to chilblains. CC15.6 Sleep disorders was not given emseparately/em as he needed to rest and sleep emduring the day/em. *Move Well 2: CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine/ **Tiredness/Fatigue: CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities/ /
11_3634en_634enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishAcidityClick here4.Digestive System12013‘= 62-year-old male, being in a senior management ost, was romoted to a osition of even greater responsibility in the year 2006. This brought in a lot of stress and soon he developed acid reflux, flatulence, and belching with sour taste in the mouth after every meal, especially breakfast! Also, the frequency of his morning bowel movements increased from once to 2-3 times daily. In early 2007 his hysician rescribed antocid tablets to be taken once a day and he continued this for 5 years until 2011. This gave him good relief but all the above symptoms were still experienced 2-3 days a week. On his retirement in 2010 office stress was gone but he was still stressed as he became busy due to taking a lead role in many seva activities. He was still dependent on his allopathic tablets as he thought he had no other option. On becoming a vibrionics ractitioner in 2011 he took the opportunity to treat himself and on 8 November he started taking the following:/ CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…QDS/ Within 3 months he was free from belching, his bowel movements became normal, and acid reflux and flatulence reduced by about 70%. So, on 15 February 2012 he reduced the intake of antocid to alternate day and by 31 March to twice a week, while continuing vibrionics at the same dosage. On 1 July, as he got 100% relief from all the symptoms he stopped taking antocid and reduced the dosage of his remedy to TDS. After 2½ months, as none of the symptoms recurred, he reduced the dosage to OD and stopped on 15 November 2012. There has been no recurrence till date./ /
11_3635en_635enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishMigraineClick here11.Head12013 & 11553‘= 29-year-old female suffered from intense headaches for 15 to 20 days in a month from December 2014. The ain would start above the eyes and become severe towards the left side of the head and last the whole day till she slept. Sometimes it was accompanied by chill and fever and the temperature would go up to 102supo/sup F and would only come down if she took medicine. As the CT scan showed no abnormality she attributed her condition to excessive work ressure and consequent mental stress. She took allopathic medicines for about a year but as she developed burning sensation in her stomach she discontinued them in December 2015. She then switched over to homoeopathic treatment and was 75% better by January 2017. The frequency of headaches had reduced to once a week, was less severe, and lasted up to 3-4 hours each time. In June 2017, as there was no further improvement and it was a lot of financial burden, she stopped the treatment. After about 15 days the headaches returned with the same intensity and frequency she had before starting the medicines. So, she had to resume the treatment. It took eight months to reach 75% improvement which seemed to have reached a lateau. So she started looking for alternatives that could give total relief. Soon she came to know about vibrionics. She stopped the homoeopathic treatment and on 15 February 2018, she consulted the ractitioner who gave the following:/ CC4.10 Indigestion + CC11.3 Headaches + CC11.4 Migraines + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.5 Sinusitis…6TD/ On 30 April 2018, the atient reported she was feeling much better than before as she had headache only once in 10-15 days during the ast 2½ months; the intensity was much less and the headache lasted for 2-3 hours. On 30 June, as the headaches were less frequent and would last only for about an hour, the dosage was reduced to TDS. The headache became rogressively milder and disappeared by 30 September 2018, giving her the much needed relief. She referred to continue the remedy at TDS for a few more months as she dreaded the ossibility of a recurrence. In April 2019 the dosage was reduced to OD which is still being continued as of April 2020 since the atient is not willing to stop or taper it down any further. /
11_3636en_636enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishBell’s alsy Click here18.Nervous System12013 & 11553‘= 62-year-old female in USA was undergoing excessive stress in her life for the ast 6 months. On 4 June 2015, while driving, she felt a sudden numbness and ainful twitching on the left side of her face and had to ull-over her car on the side of the road. As she felt her face aralysed, she went to a hospital for urgent care. The hysician who diagnosed it as Bell’s alsy, did not give her much hope and told her that it would take weeks of steroids and hysiotherapy to bring about some improvement, if any. She chose not to take steroids but did start hysiotherapy twice a week as advised. As her mouth drooped to the left and she had no sensation, she could not take in food or chew on that side of her mouth, otherwise she would bite her cheek or lip in the rocess. As there was no improvement, she got worried and her stress level became even higher. Early morning of 18 June 2015 she felt desperate and rayed intensely to Swami. She got a message from within that she should take treatment from the ractitioners, her friend’s arents currently on a visit to USA. She rang them immediately and their daughter soon brought to her the following remedy:/ CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.4 Paralysis…6TD/ On 21 June 2015, when the ractitioners visited the Sai centre, they were leasantly surprised to see her without any sign of facial aralysis. She joyfully conveyed that her face became erfectly normal within 48 hours. There was no damage to the nerves and she felt 100% fine. On 24 June 2015, the dosage was reduced to TDS. As the atient did not feel the need to continue the remedy for long, she stopped it after a month. She continues to be in touch with the ractitioners. As of April 2020, there has been no recurrence./ Patient’s testimonial: “After 48 hours, my face was fully restored to normal, without aralysis or nerve damage. Before the vibrionics, I could not even blink my left eye and had to use my finger to close it and wash with water often. By Swami’s Grace and love of Uncle, through vibrionics I was completely healed and restored to normal. “The doctor was astonished at the news, as he had never experienced such a quick recovery- especially without any hysical therapy or steroids which is what they suggested. His quote was em‘this is definitely what you call a miracle, one I haven’t seen in all my days as a doctor’/em.“
11_3637en_637enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishAnxiety, depression, anic attack, tinnitus Click here5.Ears;15.Mental and Emotional2899‘= 63-year-old female was suffering from anxiety, depression, anic attacks and a touch of insomnia for the ast 10 years. She had become totally dependent on allopathic medications because these helped control the anic attacks; also, she was able to go to work and carry on with her normal activities. If she stopped taking them for a while, her symptoms would return and her condition worsen. She would only feel better if she was to re-start the medication and then it would take her a long time to normalise. The current hase of illness started on 1 April 2016 when the anic attacks became very severe coupled with constant buzzing (tinnitus) in her head and loss of appetite. She would just go to work and return straight home and had no interest in going out or receiving visitors at home. The continuous buzzing sound in her ears was keeping her awake and the sleeping tablets did not help. It was so bothersome that she had to stop going to work in July 2016. As the doctors wanted to determine the cause of buzzing, on 24 July 2016, she was sent for an MRI scan of the brain but her condition deteriorated. Even though she believed ly in allopathy, due to their 20-year-old friendship, she agreed to see the ractitioner on 23 August 2016. She was given:/ #1. CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC15.6 Sleep disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS/ The atient’s twin sister was in touch with the ractitioner and told her that she did not take #1 after the first dose. During the next two months her condition was rogressively getting worse, so she was moving in and out of hospital. She was hardly eating anything, became very weak and of course she could not sleep. She was in no osition to go out of the house. All this made her feel there was nothing anyone could do to help. She told her sister that she felt she was going to die./ In desperation, the sister contacted the ractitioner on 28 October 2016. As the atient had no inclination to take the vibro remedy the sister asked if anything could be done for her. Having just completed her SVP course the ractitioner offered to treat by broadcasting which started on 31 October using a full length icture of the atient. The combo used was:/ #2. NM5 Brain TS + NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination-12 + NM88 Meniere’s Disease + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift…TDS/ The same day, the atient felt calmer and had a little food. That evening itself she went out to see her son and grandchildren. While the broadcasting continued, she ate a little more each day and even started to converse normally. In just 3 days there was 50% improvement in her anic attacks and appetite but the buzzing in her head continued. So on 3 November 2016, the remedy was enhanced to:/ #3. SM19 Ears + #2…TDS/ By 8 November 2016, the atient was a lot better but the buzzing sound in her head was only 50% better. She had only now received the MRI scan results which showed everything was normal. The atient was now willing to take the remedy orally so her sister delivered #3 to her and so broadcasting was stopped./ By the last week of January 2017 the buzzing in the ear had reduced by 60%. At this juncture, she was seen by a consultant who diagnosed that the buzzing was caused by chemical oisoning due to taking a mixture of allopathic medicines over a long eriod of time. The doctors started to reduce the medicines while she continued taking vibrionics and she made rapid rogress to 90% improvement in all her symptoms by the end of March./ So, the dosage was reduced to BD with advice to gradually taper it down before stopping. There was 100% recovery by end of July 2017. She is not taking any allopathic medication and is completely normal and started fulltime work in September 2017./ Practitioner’s update as of March 2020: The atient had actually stopped taking the remedy when the dosage was reduced to BD and kept quiet about it. She continued to do well without any medication till December 2019 when she had a mild relapse of anxiety symptoms. But she chose not to take any medicine, including vibrionics, confident that she can heal herself. Despite the mild relapse, the ositive side of the case was that a atient in a severe condition for 10 years could get nearly complete relief within 5 months of vibrionics treatment and had become enough to handle herself without any external aid. emIf using the 108CC box give for /em#2em:/em CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing; #3: CC5.1 Ear infections + CC5.3 Meniere’s disease + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing
11_3638en_638enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishInfertility – erectile dysfunction, ovarian cystClick here8.Female Organs;14.Male Organs10980‘= young couple had been trying to have a baby for 3 years since their marriage in 2011. On 10 March 2014 the 26-year-old husband came to the ractitioner with his medical report which showed he suffered from erectile dysfunction. He had taken ayurvedic and later homeopathic treatment, at a huge expense, for 2 years but without any success. He was given the following:/ CC14.3 Male infertility…TDS / After 2 weeks the atient reported that his erection was 50% better than before. On 5 April 2014 he came with his wife, both looking happy as his erectile dysfunction had completely disappeared. He continued the remedy for another 2½ months at TDS and stopped it on 20 June 2014 of his own accord as he felt he did not need it any more./ Inspired by the husband’s quick improvement, the 23-year-old wife wanted to try vibrionics for her roblems too. She had irregular and delayed eriods for the ast one year, the time gap between her cycles being 2 to 3 months. An ultrasound scan done in December 2013 had revealed an ovarian cyst. She was given on 5 April 2014:/ CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular…TDS / Her next 3 cycles during May to July 2014 were regular and within a month of the revious one. To their great delight the wife conceived in August 2014. A routine scan done during her regnancy showed there was no cyst. Though she was advised to continue the remedy during regnancy, the couple only contacted the ractitioner to give her the good news that a healthy baby girl was born on 29 May 2015. She conceived again and gave birth to a baby boy in May 2018, both mother and child were healthy. Now the whole family takes only vibrionics remedies for any health issues. As of April 2020, the arents and the children are doing well./ Patient’s Testimonial dated 15 March 2019: I and my wife took vibro medicine in March 2014 for my erectile dysfunction and my wife’s ovarian cyst and irregular eriods. We didn’t have a child until 3 years after marriage due to above issues. After taking medicine for 3 months my wife conceived and we were blessed with a baby girl in May 2015. Recently in May 2018 we were blessed with a baby boy. From 2014 till date we haven’t taken any other medication for the above roblems, neither did they recur. We are grateful to vibrionics treatment and Sai Baba for helping us recover from these issues.
11_3639en_639enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishMenstrual ain, anaemia, acidity Click here3.Circulatory System;4.Digestive System;8.Female Organs11585‘= 38-year-old female from a remote village suffered from severe ain during every menstrual cycle for the ast 25 years, though the bleeding was normal. On her hysician’s advice, she took ainkillers only when the ain became unbearable. Two years ago she developed burning sensation in her stomach and took antacids to cope with it. In March 2017 she was found to be anaemic as her Hb count was 7, much below the normal range of 12 -16 g/dL. On 25 April 2017, she visited the ractitioner and complained of weakness and fatigue. She was given the following remedy:/ emFor Menstrual ain and anaemia:/em/ #1. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS She discontinued the ainkillers before starting #1 but continued with antacid./ During her follow-up visit on 19 May 2017 she was happy to report that she had emno ain/em during menstruation emfor the first time in the ast 25 years/em. She was asked to continue #1 and was also given:/ emFor Acidity:/em/ #2. CC4.10 Indigestion…TDS/ At this oint, she discontinued antacids too. After 8 weeks on 16 July, she informed the ractitioner that she was free of ain during the menstrual cycles of June and July and fully relieved from acidity. She no longer felt weak or fatigued and did not feel the need to go for another blood test. The dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to BD for two weeks, then to OD for the next two weeks, and gradually tapered down to OW before finally stopping on 30 September 2017. Inspired by the curative effect of vibrionics, her family members also started taking treatment from the ractitioner. As of April 2020, she confirmed she was healthy with no recurrence of any symptoms. /
11_3640en_640enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishConstipationClick here4.Digestive System11614‘= 61-year-old woman suffered from constipation for the ast five years in spite of her taking 2 litres of water er day and a balanced diet that included fruits and vegetables. She could not ass motion without straining herself unless she took laxatives every other day. Three months ago, her condition became so bad that she took laxatives every day. Even then she could ass motion only once in 3 days and that too with great difficulty. On 7 September 2019, she was given:/ CC4.1 Digestion tonic…TDS/ After a week the atient reported 30 to 40% improvement as she could now ass motion on alternate days and with less difficulty. After another week she got 100% relief and could ass stools every day with ease. On 4 October 2019, the atient confirmed that she stopped taking laxatives 3 days ago; the bowel movement was now normal and her 5-year ordeal was really over. The dosage was reduced to OD and slowly tapered down to OW on 23 October. She stopped taking the remedy by herself on 28 October 2019, as she did not feel the need for it. As of April 2020, there has been no recurrence./ /
11_3641en_641enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3IndiaenglishSpondylitis, skin itchClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ);21.Skin11614‘= 54-year-old male was suffering from multiple roblems when he visited the ractitioner. He had ersistent ain and stiffness in both his shoulder and neck for the ast six months and could not move his neck without discomfort. But he did not take any medicines. Additionally, three months ago he developed itching on his left hand and left shin, this was bothering him all the time. Application of ointment as rescribed by his hysician did not help, so he stopped it. Fifteen days ago, the neck and shoulder ain became unbearable and he also started having ain in his whole body every night. So he went for a check-up and it was diagnosed as spondylitis. The doctor rescribed hysiotherapy which he took for one week, this did not help much. So, it was supplemented with allopathic medicine during the second week. This gave him some relief but the ain still ersisted. Further, 3 days ago, he started to experience numbness in his left shoulder. Now he decided to stop allopathic treatment and take vibrionics instead. On 29 September 2019 the ractitioner gave him the following remedy:/ CC20.5 Spine + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS/ Within 5 days the atient became free from numbness, ain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder. Also itching improved by about 60-70%. By 17 October 2019, he was 100% free from all symptoms that were bothering him. He said, it was nothing short of a miracle for him to get relieved from all hysical discomforts within 18 days of vibrionics treatment. The dosage was first reduced to OD and then tapered down to OW over a eriod of 3 weeks and stopped on 7 November. On 19 December 2019 the atient confirmed that all was well. As of April 2020, there has been no recurrence./
11_3642en_642enenen_11_32020 May/Jun_11_3UAEenglishPapular UrticariaClick here21.Skin3552‘= 37-year-old regnant female had itching on her hands, feet, and abdomen. She was 6 months’ regnant and was diagnosed with apular urticaria 3 weeks ago. The doctor rescribed corticosteroid skin cream which the atient was reluctant to use. Hence she resorted to herbal treatments such as neem aste, aloe vera gel, and oat meal bath but with little effect. She saw the ractitioner on 18 July 2016 and was given:/ #1. CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS & and in water for external application…BD, in the morning after her bath and at night before going to bed/ #2. CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic…TDS/ Next day, itching on the hands and feet got aggravated but the atient continued taking the remedy TDS. After two days the aggravation subsided and within that week the itching on the hands and abdomen became 90% better and that on the feet got reduced by 50%./ By the end of the third week on 7 August 2016, the itching got resolved completely. The atient was happy when she noticed that the ain she used to have at the site of her revious caesarean section had also disappeared. Dosage of #1 was reduced to BD for a week and then OD for a month before stopping on 15 September. She was advised to continue #2 till her delivery. A healthy child was born in October 2016. When the atient last contacted the ractitioner in 2019 there was no recurrence of itching./
11_2623en_623enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2UKenglishDiarrhoea, breathing difficulty Click here4.Digestive System;19.Respiratory System3542‘= 22 August 2019, while on a holiday in Paris, the ractitioner was asked for help at midnight by the husband of a very sick 75-year-old lady staying in the same hotel. Since that morning she had stomach cramps, diarrhoea, headache, and breathing difficulty due to congestion in her chest, but was reluctant to visit a hospital. Immediately, the ractitioner gave the following combos from his emwellness kit/em. / emFor diarrhoea/em:/ #1. Eat Well + Emergency…every 10 minutes for one hour, repeated after an hour’s gap, followed by 6TD/ emFor breathing difficulty:/em/ #2. Breathe Well…same dosage as for #1/ The atient felt much better in the morning. She had no cramps, headache, or diarrhoea and her breathing had improved by 75%. As the atient had recovered fully, the dosage was reduced to TDS on 25 August, after 2 days to OD and stopped on 29 August. The atient remained healthy and cheerful during the next few days of their holiday. The grateful couple still keep in touch with the ractitioner./ #FF0000emIf using the 108CC box, give/em: CC4.6 Diarrhoea
11_2624en_624enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2UKenglishColitis with cysts in colon Click here4.Digestive System3542‘= 53-year-old female from Malaysia suffered for more than 2 years from stomach cramps and frequent stools, at least 6 times a day, after which it was diagnosed as colitis in July 2018; colonoscopy revealed cysts and inflammation in her colon. On the advice of her hysician she changed her diet, stopped taking oats and took robiotics. On 13 December 2018, when she met the ractitioner in Puttaparthi, she had constant dull ain in her abdomen and assed stools thrice a day. She was not taking any medication and was given the following combo as er Vibrionics 2018 book:/ NM1 Amoebic Dysentery + NM2 Blood + NM36 War + NM80 Gastro + NM113 Inflammation + OM6 Colon + SR221 Heart Chakra + SR223 Solar Plexus Chakra + SR285 China Off + SR340 Aloe Socotrina + SR415 Terebin + SR473 CN10:Vagus + SR481 Colon Total…TDS/ On 27 December 2018, the atient reported from Malaysia that for the ast one week she had no abdominal ain and she assed stools normally once or twice a day. She was advised to continue at the same dosage for a month after which it was gradually tapered down and stopped towards the end of February 2019. As of January 2020, the atient has confirmed no recurrence of any of her symptoms./ #FF0000emIf using the 108CC box, give/em: CC4.6 Diarrhoea /
11_2625en_625enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2IndiaenglishBlurred vision with dizziness Click here7.Eyes;18.Nervous System1001‘= 38-year-old woman experienced blurred vision several times a day with occasional dizziness for the ast 3 months. Stress at work would make her dizziness worse. Her hysician advised her to consult a neurologist which she chose not to; instead, she consulted the ractitioner on 5 December 2018./ The following remedy was given: NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + NM109 Vision + NM22 Liver + SM39 Tension…TDS orally and in distilled water as eye drops…BD / After one month, the atient reported 50% improvement in her symptoms. She could see better, blurring happened less frequently, and dizziness did not increase with stress. Six weeks later on 20 February 2019, there was 100% improvement. Eye drops were stopped and the oral dosage was reduced to OD which she opted to continue for 6 months. Thereafter it was reduced to 3TW. As of February 2020, there has been no recurrence and the atient is not inclined to reduce the dosage further./ #FF0000emIf using the 108CC box, give/em: CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic /
11_2626en_626enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2IndiaenglishPainful boil on leg Click here21.Skin1001‘= ractitioner’s 49-year-old husband had an inflamed boil on his leg, this had developed over a eriod of 15 days. It looked like a small ball filled with us./ On 2 February 2019 he was given: NM16 Drawing…6TD orally and in olive oil for external application BD only on the first day/ While taking the second dose the atient felt great relief and to his surprise the boil had virtually disappeared. Only a little hole was visible. He felt the us had discharged as a ortion of his ants touching the leg in that area was wet. The next day the skin looked fine, almost like nothing was there. The dosage was reduced to TDS for 3 days followed by OD for two days and stopped on 7 February 2019. There has been no recurrence as of February 2020./ #FF0000emIf using the 108CC box, give/em: CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions
11_2627en_627enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2USAenglishWinter rash Click here21.Skin2870‘= 63-year-old female suffered from red itchy rash on her back, throughout every winter for the ast 15 years. It spread from her back to the abdominal region below her chest and the skin felt rough like a grater. Typically the itching would start when the temperature dropped to single digit (in Fahrenheit); sometimes these symptoms would start in late autumn (September) or early winter. The itch as well as rash disappeared with rise in the temperature every June. When the atient visited the ractitioner on 3 September 2015 she was not taking any other medication./ She was given the following remedy: CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.10 Psoriasis…TDS/ 6 weeks later, on 20 October 2015, the atient reported she did not have rash anymore and her skin felt “smooth like glass”. So, the dosage was reduced to BD but ten days later, she again complained of itching on her back, so the dosage was reverted to TDS and the improvement started. / On 13 March 2016, the atient conveyed she had gone through the eak of 2015-16 winter with neither rash nor itching and had been 100% fine for the ast 4 months. The dosage was reduced to OD for a month. As there was no recurrence, it was tapered down to 3TW, 2TW, and finally OW over the next 3 months and then stopped. Seven months later, the atient confirmed in February 2017 that even during the winter of 2016-17 there was no recurrence. As the atient moved away from that area, the ractitioner lost contact with her./
11_2628en_628enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2IndiaenglishAbdominal ain Click here4.Digestive System11618‘= 47-year-old male was having dull intermittent ain on the right side of his abdomen for the ast 9 months. Owing to his busy work schedule, he had not consulted a hysician. When he visited the ractitioner on 4 August 2019 he had continuous ain for the last two days and it became intolerable upon bending. He had not taken any medicine to relieve his ain./ He was given: CC4.3 Appendicitis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies…6TD/ The very next day, the intensity of his ain became less by 20%. Exactly after a week, on 11 August, he reported 90% improvement as he now had only mild ain, that too during exercise. So, the dosage was reduced to TDS. When he reported 100% relief on 18 August, the dosage was reduced to OD. As the atient felt no ain, he stopped taking the remedy on 29 August 2019. As of February 2020, on enquiry by the ractitioner, the atient confirmed his ain had not recurred./
11_2629en_629enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2IndiaenglishAcidity, food allergy Click here4.Digestive System11618‘= 58-year-old woman suffered from stomach ain and acidity for the ast 8 years, especially when she consumed food items made with chick eas or spices. She got only temporary relief with allopathic medicines but as soon as she stopped them, her symptoms would return. She generally avoided spicy food and chickpeas. When she had an episode of gastric ain and bloating in August 2019, she did not take allopathic medicine but instead, after 3 full days, sought vibrionics treatment./ On 13 August 2019 she was given: CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD/ On the third day, there was 60% relief and after another week 80% relief from bloating and gastric ain. On 23 August the dosage was reduced to TDS. On 30 August 2019, when the atient reported 100% relief, the dosage was reduced to OD and then stopped on 10 September 2019. After starting vibrionics treatment, the atient gradually introduced chick eas and spices in her diet and she never had any roblem. As of January 2020, none of her symptoms has recurred./
11_2630en_630enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2South Africaenglish Insomnia Click here15.Mental and Emotional3582‘= 66-year-old housewife suffered from insomnia for the ast 17 years. She could sleep only for about 3 hours every night. This made her lethargic, irritable, and mentally and hysically exhausted. She had difficulty in doing even her routine household chores. She had not taken any medicine for insomnia./ On 19 September 2019, she visited the ractitioner who gave her the following: CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…half-an-hour before bedtime and another at bedtime. An additional dose was to be taken if she woke up during the night./ Her sleep attern began to change and after a week she reported 50% improvement. She was now enjoying five hours of sound sleep. After another week, she was 80% better. She was cheerful and energetic and said she could easily carry out her household duties. At the end of third week on 10 October 2019, she reported 100% improvement. She said she was now sleeping “like a baby” and getting up feeling refreshed. As she was having eight to nine hours of regular sleep, dosage was reduced to 3TW on 8 Dec; after a week to 2TW and then to OW and stopped on 28 Dec 2019. As of 25 February 2020 there has been no recurrence./
11_2631en_631enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2IndiaenglishRemoval of entity Click here15.Mental and Emotional11601‘= 11-year-old girl had intolerable ain in her legs, especially thighs, and middle of her abdomen due to which she missed her school for the ast three weeks. Presuming that her symptoms may be due to onset of uberty, her arents had consulted a doctor who also suspected the same. As medicine did not help her, the arents brought her to the ractitioner on 3 August 2018. / During consultation, due to the loving attitude of the ractitioner, the girl opened up to share that 3 weeks back she had a dream in which a lady wearing a white sari hit her hard on the face and head and disappeared. From the next morning, she got this excruciating ain making her cry and she was so scared that she wanted her mother to sleep with her at night. Her arents were surprised as they had no knowledge about this dream. During discussion, it came to light that two houses away one lady had committed suicide recently./ Recognising the cause of her roblem to be an entity, the ractitioner gave: CC3.7 Circulation + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue …every 10 minutes for one hour followed by 6TD/ Her arents stopped giving her allopathic medicine. After three days, on 6 August, as there was 50% improvement in all her symptoms, she started going to school. The dosage was reduced to TDS. A week later, on 13 August, the girl had a ullout in the form of rash on her hands and face, but was advised to continue the remedy as before. On 20 August, the girl herself informed the ractitioner there was no more ain in her legs and abdomen and the rash had almost gone./ On 27 August 2018 her father informed the ractitioner that his daughter was completely cured of all her symptoms; also she was going to school regularly and studying for her exams. When the vial of ills finished, the arents did not feel the need to visit the ractitioner again. As of 15 February 2020, the girl is completely normal and healthy as confirmed by her father when he contacted the ractitioner to thank her for his daughter’s cure./ Editor’s note: We appreciate that the ractitioner did not want to take a chance and treated the symptoms as well as the cause. Having identified the cause, cure could have been brought even with the combo of CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders
11_2632en_632enenen_11_22020 Mar/Apr_11_2IndiaenglishSkin infection Click here21.Skin11563‘= 27-year-old female had a rash on her feet and arms especially left elbow for the ast six months (see ic)./ Itching was so intense that she could barely sleep for 2-3 hours. She did not consult a doctor but tried several home remedies without success. So she contacted the ractitioner on 15 April 2018 who gave: #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…6TD #2. CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC21.10 Psoriasis + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…QDS in extra virgin olive oil for external application/ After 12 days the atient reported improvement of 50% with the rash and 75% with the itching and she was able to sleep well. The dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to TDS. Three months later on 4 August, she was 90% cured of her symptoms (see ic) and the dosage for both was reduced to BD for 2 weeks followed by OD./ During this visit, the atient also reported that she was earlier diagnosed to have fibroids and PCOD and now she was suffering from heavy bleeding with abdominal ain./ So, additionally she was given: #3. CC8.7 Menses frequent + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic…one dose every hour on the first day followed by 6TD for 3 days and then TDS./ Her menstrual bleeding had stopped by the time of her next visit on 9 October 2018, but monthly eriods had also stopped. Her skin condition had improved further. Now, #3 was replaced by: #4. CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS/ On 2 November 2018, her skin condition was normal but now she developed heavy menstrual bleeding together with ain in her back and abdomen. So #4 was replaced by: #5. CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.5 Spine + #3…one dose every hour on the first day followed by 6TD for 3 daysand then TDS./ On 14 November 2018, as the bleeding had not stopped, she opted for allopathic injections./ During the follow-up on 28 November 2018, she complained of boils on her feet. #1 and #2 were replaced by: #6. CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis…TDS in extra virgin olive oil for external application #7. CC12.1 Adult tonic + #6…TDS/ On 9 December, she developed swelling with ain in her feet. So #6 and #7 were enhanced to: #8. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions + #6…TDS in extra virgin olive oil for external application #9. CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions + #7…TDS/ Seeing no improvement, the ractitioner reviewed the case afresh on 27 December 2018 and replaced #8 and #9 by: #10. CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.6 Eczema + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…BD in extra virgin olive oil & vibhuti for external application #11. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.1 Adult Tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.6 Eczema…every hour that day followed by 6TD for 2 days and then TDS from 30 December/ There was steady improvement in her skin condition and by 21 January 2019 the boils and swelling had completely gone, only scars remained. The dosage of both #10 and #11 was reduced to OD for 2 months. As she felt her skin had totally healed, she stopped taking the remedy on 15 March 2019. As of January 2020 there has been no recurrence of itchy rash or boils./ img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/522/content_11563_6_1.jpg height:385px; width:800px // img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/523/content_11563_case_6_2.jpg height:455px; width:579px // img alt= src=/ckeditor_assets/ictures/521/content_11563_case_6_3.jpg height:381px; width:471px //
11_4648en_648enenen_11_42020 Jul/Aug_11_4IndiaenglishInfertilityClick here8.Female Organs;14.Male Organs11975‘= 17 May 2018, a 32-year-old female and her 35-year-old husband visited the ractitioner in a distressed state as they could not have a child in the ast 8 years of their marriage. At the age of 20, the wife started having irregular menstrual cycles, only once in 2-3 months which gradually decreased to once a year. Four years ago, they decided to consult a doctor. The wife was diagnosed with PCOD and the husband had low sperm count. Both took rescribed medicines for nearly 4 years without any result. A year back in 2017, the husband felt lethargic all the time, so got himself checked and was diagnosed with hypothyroid (TSH 12 mlU/L, normal range being 0.4 to 4.0). He did not take any medicine but looked for an alternative system of treatment. When he came to know of vibrionics a year later, his TSH was still 12. They were given the following remedies:/ For wife: #1. CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD/ For husband: #2. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC14.3 Male infertility + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD/ Within 3 days the wife got her menses (after a gap of 1 year), which was regular for the next 2 months. Feeling she might be regnant, the couple visited the ractitioner on 20 July for a remedy to ensure safe regnancy. So, #1 was replaced by:/ #3. CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…QDS/ As the husband‘s thyroid level had become normal (TSH 3 mlU/L) within a month of taking the remedy and he felt more energetic, dosage for #2 was reduced to QDS./ The regnancy was confirmed in August 2018 and a healthy baby girl was born on 15 April 2019. #3 was stopped after 2 months. As the husband’s TSH still remained normal, dosage of #2 was gradually tapered down and stopped on 20 June 2019. As of June 2020, the wife continues to be in touch with the ractitioner and is currently taking a remedy for hair fall./
11_4649en_649enenen_11_42020 Jul/Aug_11_4IndiaenglishMouth Cancer Click here2.Cancers and Tumours;11.Head11975‘= 40-year-old male diagnosed with mouth cancer (stage 3) in February 2013, underwent chemotherapy followed by surgery on 24 April 2013. As his cancer had advanced to its final stage, he was told he may not survive beyond 6 months. Not willing to yield to the disease, as he had three children to take care of with his meagre economic resources, he visited the ractitioner on 23 August 2013. He was her first cancer atient, 6 months after she qualified as an AVP. She could feel he was in great ain, he was having sleepless nights, uss was oozing out of his mouth, and he was unable to speak with clarity. She was further moved by his condition when he shared he had lost one leg in an accident 4 years back and was managing with an artificial limb. She reassured him and gave the following remedies with a heartfelt rayer:/ #1. CC2.1 Cancers-all + CC2.2 Cancer ain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…6TD/ #2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.6 Sleep disorders…OD at night before going to sleep/ He stopped all allopathic medicines and started vibrionics. Within the next 48 hours, his wife called up to say the uss had stopped, ain was tolerable, and he was able to sleep. Three weeks later, he was free of ain and spoke with clarity to convey that his dwindling faith in God was restored. As he slept well, #2 was stopped on 23 October 2013 and the atient wanted to continue #1 at 6TD. Six months later on 30 April 2014, the dosage was reduced to QDS and after another year on 8 July 2015 to TDS when his annual test ronounced him cancer free. On 20 December 2018, after the remission eriod was over, the atient confirmed with great relief his cancer had not recurred; so, the dosage was reduced to OD before stopping in April 2019. When contacted on 24 June 2020, he confirmed there had been no recurrence, he was keeping in good health and was holding regular bhajans at home in gratitude to Sai. On the advice of the ractitioner, he agreed to take #1 at OW as a reventive. / /
11_4650en_650enenen_11_42020 Jul/Aug_11_4FranceenglishBilateral calcified tendonitis, acne rosacea, facial burn Click here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ);21.Skin3508‘= 47-year-old woman was suffering from intense ain in both her arms, radiating from her neck to her wrists; this was diagnosed as bilateral tendonitis in 2011. She was rescribed aracetamol and tramadol. In December 2014, she also developed ain in both her knees, this could be due to long hours of standing at work. By February 2015, her condition worsened, she could neither sleep on her side nor lift her arms; this made her work life extremely challenging. So the doctor also gave her ibuprofen 400 mg BD and cortisone 10 mg OD, and started hysiotherapy. She finished 40 sessions of ultrasound therapy without any significant improvement./ In addition, she developed on her face, itchy red bumps with eeling and burning skin, diagnosed as acne rosacea in 2012. Occasionally these became inflamed. She was using cortisone cream and taking curacne10 mg OD. Despite three years of allopathic treatment, there was hardly any improvement./ The atient had an underlying chronic stress arising from all walks of her life including family issues, job, and shock from her mother’s demise twenty-five years ago. As her stress was never addressed, she looked depressed and desperate for help when, on 29 September 2015, she visited the ractitioner who gave:/ For stress and acne:/ #1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…TDS/ For ainful tendonitis:/ #2. CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…QDS/ She continued to take all her rescribed allopathic medicines along with vibrionics./ On 30 October 2015, she reported 50% reduction in stress, feeling better from within. All ains were alleviated by 30%. She felt 40% relief in symptoms of acne. / On 26 November 2015, she underwent radio and echography tests that revealed calcification of joints, not reviously known. Four days later on 30 November, she reported no further improvement except that only her acne was slightly better. Additionally, she felt exhausted and complained of having neck ain since the beginning of November./ To take care of her tiredness and exhaustion, #1 was enhanced to: #3. CC3.1 Heart tonic + #1…TDS/ To ease her joints ain, #2 was enhanced to: #4. CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.5 Spine + #2…QDS; also in almond oil…BD for external application to neck, shoulders, and arms./ On 5 February 2016, she reported complete recovery from neck ain, 60% improvement in acne-related symptoms, 70% improvement in ain in her arms and knees, and also in her mental state. She could lift her arms but not fully; so she started hysiotherapy sessions also./ On 5 April 2016, the atient, who worked as a surface technician cleaning the operating block in a hospital, got accidentally exposed to aggressive vapours of Sanicler, a disinfectant that resulted in first-degree burns of her facial skin which turned red. She neither saw a doctor nor used any allopathic medicines./ On 8 April 2016, #3 was stopped and she was given:/ For skin:/ #5. CC3.7 Circulation + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.4 Stings & Bites…TDS and in almond oil…BD for external application. She stopped using corticoid cream for acne as it aggravated the burning sensation./ For mental state and hysical strength:/ #6. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS/ For tendonitis and joints mobility, #4 was enhanced:/ #7. CC20.7 Fractures + #4…TDS/ Within a month, there was 90% improvement in all her ains and she could easily lift both her arms all the way up. Her hysiotherapist was astonished at the results and discontinued her therapy. He also encouraged her to continue the vibro! She could sleep on her side without any trouble. There was 80% improvement in her facial burn and acne, as well as in stress and depression./ All three remedies #5, #6 and #7 were continued at TDS for another three months. On 30 July 2016, she reported 100% improvement in all her symptoms and felt completely healed. During dosage reduction, #5, #6, #7 were stopped and selected remedies from these were used to create a new combo #8./ #8. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…BD for 3 months followed by OD for 2 months./ In the meantime, all her allopathic medicines were stopped by her hysician in September 2016, except for cortisone 10 mg which was tapered down to zero only in January 2017. At this juncture, the dosage of #8 was reduced to OW./ At a review in May 2019, all her joints were and she could lift heavy objects with ease. Her face was radiant and her facial skin well-toned. She felt very well in her body and mind, having integrated vibrionics in her daily health routine. In March 2020, the atient confirmed that she had no recurrence of any symptoms but continues to take #8…OW./ Patient’s testimonial: Four years ago, I told my colleague about my tendonitis roblems. It was very difficult for me to raise my arms. Now thanks to the combos, I use my arms as if I never had these ains. I was very impulsive and the mental combo soothed me. I feel really better. The combo repaired my facial skin, which was very embarrassing for me. Thanks to you who are atient and attentive, who know how to advise. I feel fulfilled, calm and happy to be able to use my arms again. Thank you for everything.
11_4651en_651enenen_11_42020 Jul/Aug_11_4FranceenglishKnee cartilage lesion, quadriceps injuryClick here20.Skeletal, Muscles and Joints (SMJ)3508‘= 2012, a 25-year-old male athlete developed mild ain in his left knee. Being a footballer, he had been using his knees heavily from the age of seven. An MRI scan showed a lesion in his cartilage. By November 2015, he was limping since the ain had aggravated. His hysician rescribed aracetamol 1g TDS and tramadol 50 mg BD. These ainkillers gave temporary relief only. He underwent hysiotherapy for two months and took three sessions of osteopathy without any improvement. So he had to stop laying football. On 15 May 2016 when he visited the ractitioner, he was limping and had severe intermittent ain./ He was given: #1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…QDS for one week, then TDS/ #2. CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ ain + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.7 Fractures…BD in almond oil for massage/ He continued his ainkillers with vibro. After a month, he felt 50% improvement in both ain and limping and 100% in another month. So on 20 July, the dosage of #1 was reduced to BD, same as that of #2. Both ainkillers were reduced to OD and he resumed football ractice, though initially he felt some stiffness in the knee joint. Eventually, by 31 August, he stopped taking the ainkillers. In September, the football season began and he enjoyed his sports ractice without any ain. On 30 September, dosage of #1 & #2 was reduced to OD./ Due to an accident on the football itch in November, he had muscular breakdown of his left quadriceps; thigh was swollen with sharp acute ain. The wound was cooled and bandaged on the spot by his coach and he was advised complete rest. On 11 November, the dosage of #1 was increased to 6TD for 3 days, followed by QDS for 3 days and then TDS whereas dosage of #2 was increased to BD. He did not take any other treatment. After a month, swelling disappeared and there was 80% improvement in ain and mobility. So, on 15 December 2016, dosage of #1 was reduced to BD./ On 17 January 2017, as the ain had completely gone, dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to OD and after a month, #2 was stopped. On 17 March, tapering down of #1 was started before discontinuing it on 10 May 2017./ As of December 2019, he has not had any relapse of his conditions. He runs daily for an hour and continues to lay football with assion./
11_4652en_652enenen_11_42020 Jul/Aug_11_4SloveniaenglishCovid-19 Click here9.Fevers and Infections;19.Respiratory System512‘= to shortage of nurses, this 45-year-old emdental/em nurse was deputed to a retirement home to cater for emgeneral/em nursing duties. Within two days, there were six COVID-19 infected atients. On 14 April 2020, after doing 13 hour shifts for four continuous days followed by one day of rest, she was very tired and by the afternoon she had no strength, her back was hurting and she felt cold, but even then it never occurred to her that she was sick. In the evening her temperature was 37.6C (99.68*F)./ On 15 April, she tested ositive for COVID-19, so she was scared and afraid of the stigma this infection carried. She was isolated in the hotel near the retirement home where nurses were staying. In the evening her co-worker, who had been taking vibrionics reventive remedy from the beginning of the outbreak, suggested the same to her. But being in a state of anic, she refused. She had become suicidal and was treated by a sychologist who rescribed Lexaruin, an allopathic medicine for anxiety and anic attack./ The next 6 days were a nightmare, daily she had fever of up to 38C (104*F). She spent most of her time in bed. She had headache and severe muscle aches, and was choking with the feeling that someone was sitting on her chest. She had lost her sense of smell and taste. On 23 April she still had fever and was choking and coughing, though her blood ressure and oxygen saturation levels were normal./ For an additional 11 days, she had high fever, joint ains, difficult breathing, sore throat, coughing, loss of appetite and loss of voice. Another test done on 4 May also came out ositive. Now she anicked even more and decided to consult the vibrionics ractitioner./ On connecting to Swami through her endulum, the ractitioner detected a very high viral load and on 5 May 2020, gave: NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM76 Dyspnoea + NM90 Nutrition + NM113 Inflammation + NM116 Malaria Extra Strength + OM15 Kidneys + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + BR4 Fear + BR14 Lung + SM6 Stress + SM13 Cancer + SM14 Chemical Poison + SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM30 Life (AIDS) + SM31 Lung & Chest + SM40 Throat + SM41 Uplift + SR264 Silicea + SR270 Apis Mel + SR301 Mercurius + SR302 Nux Vomica + SR306 Phosphorus + SR385 Eupatorium Perf + SR406 Sabadilla + SR424 Chicory + SR477 Capillary + SR505 Lung + SR507 Lymphatic Organ + SR535 Thymus Gland…6TD for 4 days followed by OD sup*/sup/ Next day she was completely calm. The day after on 7 May, she was in a very good mood and even had the energy to go twice for a walk. Another test was done and to her great surprise, she tested negative. She was tested yet again the following day and by the evening the result confirmed that she was negative. To the great delight of her family she returned home the same evening!/ Patient’s testimonial: I would thank you for spending the time on me and calling me every day, enquiring about my condition. If it wasn’t for you, I think I would have landed in the hospital on tubes at the time and could have even died. My family and I once again thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help. Editor’s comment:/ The ractitioner, having treated many cases, is convinced that Covid-19 cases heal really fast usually in just two days. * Those with 108CC box, lease use the Covid-19 remedy already ublished earlier.
11_4653en_653enenen_11_42020 Jul/Aug_11_4Gabon englishCovid-19 during regnancy Click here8.Female Organs;9.Fevers and Infections;19.Respiratory System3572‘= a 33-year-old, 4-months regnant female came to the ractitioner, she looked ale and completely exhausted. She exhibited symptoms for COVID-19 – shortness of breath and tiredness. She couldn’t walk 10 meters without losing her breath. On the revious day, her mother was tested ositive and hospitalized. So she was worried as she lives with her mother and shares the same bedroom. She had also gone to the hospital but due to shortage of facilities, she was sent back home, so felt helpless./ On 24 May 2020, the ractitioner gave her the following remedy: #1. CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC9.4 Children’s diseases + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic…one dose every hour for 6 hours, followed by 6TD and then TDS on improvement. / As it is not known how this virus affects regnancy, as a recaution, the ractitioner made her a combo to help her through regnancy: #2. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC8.9 Morning